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Post time 21-6-2007 10:07 AM | Show all posts |Read mode

Okeh ni pertandingan secara rasmi pertama yg MF anjurkan.sebabkan korang sumer teruja nak masuk pertandingan anjuran CMAC,nih MF wat pertandingan baru.

Iaitu mencipta@menulis fanfics korang sendiri.fiction korang bleh berdasarkan anime sebenar,spinoff anime, atau korang leh buat cerita sendiri. Disebabkan ni cume pengumuman,belum ada tarikh rasmi bile benda nih akan start,tapi korang leh mula fanfics korang sekarang.nanti MF akan bagitau info lebih lanjut lenkali

[ Last edited by  MetalFire at 8-7-2007 04:12 PM ]

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Post time 21-6-2007 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MetalFire at 21-6-2007 10:07 AM

Okeh ni pertandingan secara rasmi pertama yg MF anjurkan.sebabkan korang sumer teruja nak masuk pertandingan anjuran CMAC,nih MF wat pertandingan baru.

Iaitu  ...

ni pertandingan cipta komik ke?

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2007 10:19 AM | Show all posts

jap nanti MF amek contoh

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Post time 21-6-2007 10:25 AM | Show all posts
cam menarik sangat.. mne contohnyer .. cepat!! x sabo nie..

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2007 10:30 AM | Show all posts


thanks to

This is just me, and a little ficcy to get back in the swing of writing about our favorite couple.

Pssst..... to anyone who owns pok閙on, would you like to share?!?!

I would strongly recomend that you download the song "Don't Say You Love Me," By M2M. It's on the Pok閙on the First Movie Soundtrack or M2M's Album "Shades Of Purple" Since I don't own that either, I just have the CD, dibs goes to them.... not me.

And, as far as ages go, Ash and Misty are 17, Max is 10, May is 15 Brock is 19, and Tracey is 18. Everyone else doesnt really matter...


Misty twirled around in front of a mirror. It was almost time. Ash had just won the Pok閙on Championship at the Indigo Plateau, for the first time, and there was a party to celebrate in Pallet. She, like her sisters had been invited, and were about to leave Professor Oak's house, where they were getting ready, to go out into the huge field, which had been decorated, with everything, including a dance floor.

"Wow honey, you look amazing!" Came a voice from behind her. Misty turned, her eyes focusing on the giver of the compliment.

"Thanks Mom, but I don't think that I look that spectacular. I look pretty good though." Delia Ketchum smiled at her honorary daughter, and hopefully, future daughter in law. Misty had definetly grown up, but then again, so had her son, the closest thing to a Pok閙on Master that had been seen in Pallet. He had a lot more to go to be the best, but he was getting there. "Do you think that he'll be mad that I didn't get to see him battle in the stadium?"

"Who, Ash? No, honey, he knows that you're busy with your sisters and the gym. Someone's got to make sure that not too many trainers carry the Cascade Badge." Misty turned her attention back to the mirror, attempting to put on her necklace. Her hands shook too much, and Delia grabbed her hands and clasped the back. "I know he misses you though."

Misty sighed," Yeah, I think we're both in the same boat. I'm jelous of May, you know? She doesn't know what it's like. Ash saved the world so many times, and now its like he's taking care of her and her brother. She can't always hold her own." Her eyes dropped to the necklace dangling at the base of her neck. The tear shaped charm was filled with the purest water of Cerulean Lake, and it glittered in the light. Technically, it was a mystic water charm, given to the gym leaders of Cerulean City.

"Still, she has kept Ash in check, she's nice, and she's given him a taste of responsibility." Misty nodded. "Still, I know what you mean. I miss having you go with him. You two were definetly the dream team. You brought out his potential."

Delia put her hand on Misty's shoulder. "You know, he hasn't seen me in over two years now. He's conquered the battle frontier, and just about taken Kanto by storm. And all I've done-"

"Is become a remarkable strong gym leader................ and a beautiful young woman." Daisy said, coming into view. Misty embraced her."Now, all you have to do is, like, get your man!" The three of them laughed. Daisy took a step back, giving her a once over. "I think you're dressed to impress." Misty laughed gently. She wore a pair of jeans, her belt with all her Pok閙on attached, and a shirt that ended above her belly button; black with short sleeves and "Cerulean City" in cursive in a blue similar to the color of her necklace. Her hair fell down in waves, just past her shoulders. Daisy was dressed the same, with the exception of her shirt. It said Cerulean City in red. Each sister was the same.

"Is it time for our, like, amazing entrance to the party yet?" Lily asked, entering the room with Violet. "Like, nice outfit Misty."

"We're wearing just about the same thing, you nitwit." Misty said. Delia laughed nervously. Misty looked at her like she was insane. "Mom, I was just kidding. We're not arguing or anything, see?" The four sisters laughed. Over the years, the four of them had come together and become quite the force to be reconed with. Delia sighed. Ash and Misty had really surprised her. He had become more than anyone had thought, and Misty had grown from what Ash called a "runt" to a woman, with curves to prove it.

"Hey, Misty, did you forget about me?" Misty ran out the room to the stairs.


"Hey honey!" They hugged each other. Melody had become Misty's best girl friend. "Well, you look like you're looking for some action. Mr. Pok閙on Master is outside already." Misty nodded. "Tonight would be the perfect time, if you could gather up your courage."

"I don't want to ruin anything we have."

"You won't." Tracey said from the bottom of the stairs. "Everything you said in the Orange Islands should've been a big huge sign pointing to you. And it's not like I know his point of view. He tells me and Brock everything! You're just the less stubborn of the two of you. Even his mom is rooting for this to happen!"

Misty laughed. "We'll see." She paused and waited for the room to clear out. "I think it's time for a sensational entrance!" The rest of the group ran down the stairs and turned out all the lights in the house, leaving the five of them in the darkness. The party was illuminated on the front lawn of the Oak Residence.


"Hey Brock, what's going on?" Ash said, nervously. "This is my party and if Team Rocket-"

"That isn't Team Rocket. Do you know who is in there?"

"My mom, and if anything happens to her I swear I'll-"

"Honey, we're fine. It's just a little surprise that we had planned." Delia Ketchum looked at Brock. "It's time Brock." Brock looked at her and ran up to the DJ, who immediately blared loud dance music. Melody opened the double doors to the Oak Residence, and a pathway formed. Ash immediately moved to the front of the group from his position at the center.

"I'd like to introduce some of our guests who you may or may not recognize. Give it up for Kanto's hottest sisterhood, the Sensational Sisters!" The DJ cranked up the music, but Ash gulped so loudly he swore that everyone could hear it. That was probably the cue that Misty wasn't coming. She was never considered a sensational sister. The fact that her sisters were here meant that she probably wasn't. He hated himself at that moment, for giving her that bike back, and for letting her go. He could've stopped her. May and Max ran over to Ash.

"The Sensational Sisters?" May questioned. "They're the best dancers in Kanto! I can't believe that they'd be here at your party, Ash."

"I know them." Ash said, waiting for them to emerge.

"Well, any person with half a brain would know that Misty's sisters are the Sensational Sisters, duh," Max said.

Pikachu watched the event from her master's shoulder. "Pi Pika Pi. Pika Pika." It jumped down and ran inside the house. Ash didn't bother calling it back. Pikachu would come back all glum, and together the two of them would drown out their long history in sorrow and moping the next day, putting on a huge fake smile tonight.

Ash and Brock waited along with the rest of the party for the emergance of the sisters. The group heard a small "Chaa," and a giggle, held back from the house. The DJ cranked up the music louder, causing the older members of the party to wince. Finally, Daisy, Lily, and Violet exited the house area and walked into the party.

"Wh-where's Pikachu?" Max asked Daisy, stumbling slightly over his nervousness.

"You must be Max," Daisy said. "Pikachu's inside with Misty. One of the baby Pok閙on, like, woke up so they were going to quiet it down." She paused. "I hear that you're, like, quite the kid. That's what Misty says."

"I-uh-umm..." Max blushed like a tomato, his hand behind his head.

Before he could stumble upon actual words, the lights went down and a slower song came onto the speakers. M2M's "Don't Say You Love Me", started up, with the flare of acoustic guitar and fresh poppy voices.

"Like,come on Max," Daisy said, "I don't see anyone else here to dance with, so you're, like, it." Max was blushing even more, when he held hands with Daisy Williams. Brock would be so jelous.


Meanwhile, Misty, who was slightly annoyed her entrance wasn't what it was supposed to be, placed the baby squirtle back onto it's little matress. Pikachu was sitting on her shoulder, and it was nearly sparking with excitement. Misty smiled and rubbed it's head, turning towards the door. Then she looked over to the table next to the door. Both Pikachu and Misty couldn't help but burst with happiness. There was a note next to the object, which Misty picked up carefully.

Use it well.


"Well, what do you think Pikachu?" Misty said, putting the hat on her head. "Think we should start some trouble?"

"Pi pikachu!" The mouse said, jumping up and down in excitement.

"I agree. Let's go." Misty took the note and put in her pocket. Luck had better be on her side.


"Hey, Mrs. Ketchum, I thought Misty was coming?" Brock said. He sat next to her watching Max, of all people, dancing with one of his many love interests. "It would be a perfect day if that happened. I'm sure she could make Ash a little more..... erm.... excited."

"Hi guys," Ash said, sitting down inbetween Melody and Brock. "What's u--MY HAT!" Ash knocked over his chair and stared at a head in the crowd, which had his hat, and Pikachu next to it. He looked at his mother. "Please tell me no one broke into the house and stole it! Or- you didn't give it to someone, did you Mom?"

"I-- oh nevermind," Mrs. Ketchum said, watching Ash take off. He wouldn't believe the story even if someone told him. She looked at Brock, and also Tracey who sat across from her. "There's your answer." Melody laughed. Together, the three younger kids jumped up and ran, following Ash to the center of the dance floor.

"GIMMIE BACK MY HAT!" Ash yelled from the center of the floor. People looked at him strangely, but then shrugged it off. After all, it was Ash they were talking about. The person in violation of Ash's property turned.

"Well, well, well, Mr. Pok閙on Master. It's been awhile."


"The one and only!" They nearly knocked each other over with the power of their hug. May looked on slightly interested and Brock, Tracey, and Melody stood on the edge of where the floor had opened up a little for them to dance.

"May I have this dance, Madam?" Ash asked, bowing slightly.

Misty folded her arms and looked at him weirdly. "Not dressed like that." She paused as he looked stunned. "But, I suppose, this will have to do."She took his hat off his head and handed it to Pikachu, who jumped off of Misty and ran over to Brock. She put his worn out old hat on his head. "There, much better. Now, I'll dance."

Ash pulled her closer to him and whispered, "I missed you," into her ear. She smiled and returned the favor. The last chorus of the song started.

Don't say you love me

You don't even know me

If you really want me

Then give me some time

Don't go there baby

Not before I'm ready

Don't say your heart's in a hurry


"ASH AND MISTY ARE GONNA GET MARRIED!" Miscelleneous members of the party yelled, causing both of them to blush.

May turned around and walked away from the party, mumbling something about hats and irate party goers.

Still dancing rather closely, Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder. The song had just ended. Both looked at the small mouse and whispered something with a smirk on their faces.

"Pikachu, thunderbolt."

Sparks definetly flew that night. And that was just the beginning.

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2007 10:32 AM | Show all posts
no need panjang2 macam kat atas tu.just agak2 je sudey.nak panjang pun bleh gak.i'm sure korang mesti penah tengok karya macam kat atas tu kan

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Post time 21-6-2007 10:43 AM | Show all posts
huhu aku tak mahir write english....

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Post time 21-6-2007 02:18 PM | Show all posts
WAAAhhhh!!! panjangnya.... ....mcm tu ke kena buat....nampak susah le..... tapi tgk le sy try...okkk... biler nk start....

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Post time 21-6-2007 02:49 PM | Show all posts
Bahasa Melayu leh? Ore ader satu fanfic yg ore tulis waktu sekolah menengah dulu. Fanfic Detective Conan. Tak pernah publish mana2 lagi...

Dulu ore pun ader tulis fanfic Doraemon. Dah hilang ke mana entah...

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Post time 21-6-2007 04:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #9 meitantei's post

meitantei nih byk  jer..ehehe

tp can susuh jer nak tulis..ehehe
idea  byk  mls sket nak menulis..camner  tuh

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Post time 21-6-2007 04:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #9 meitantei's post

meitantei nih byk  jer..ehehe

tp can susuh jer nak tulis..ehehe
idea  byk  mls sket nak menulis..camner  tuh

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Post time 21-6-2007 09:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by meitantei at 21-6-2007 02:49 PM
Bahasa Melayu leh? Ore ader satu fanfic yg ore tulis waktu sekolah menengah dulu. Fanfic Detective Conan. Tak pernah publish mana2 lagi...

Dulu ore pun ader tulis fanfic Doraemon. Dah hilang k ...

Senang citer, dalam English atau Bahasa Melayu laa. Kalau Bahasa Cina ker, Tamil ker, nihongo ker takut orang lain tak paham la pulak. Kalau English atau BM tu takper sebab aku assume sumer owang bleh paham.

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Post time 21-6-2007 09:32 PM | Show all posts
Ooo... Bagusla...

Korang nantikan lah karya aku - Kes Pembunuhan Pengetua Sekolah Tinggi Teitan!

Tapi bahasa dier keanak-anakan sikit... Haha!

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Post time 22-6-2007 08:50 AM | Show all posts
hehe... berbakatnya korang.. postlah kat sini bleh amek wat koleksi kui kui kui

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 Author| Post time 22-6-2007 09:23 AM | Show all posts
kire btol la kata squall tu.BM or Bi pun bleh.and tak yah panjang2 macam lam contoh tu. its a fanfic korang.tak kisah la pendek ke panjang ke.sebab nanti still akan gunakan bile ore nak undi pon cam malas je nak baca panjang panjang

-Karya mesti original
-mesti lebih dari 700 patah perkataan(nak kene kire ke nih)

pertandingan ni secara officialnye aku akan start minggu depan.hujung bulan kot.and maybe makan masa sebulan seblom tarikh tutup( buat cerita ni mesti lama punya and plus nak meramaikan penyertaan). korang dah bleh start fanfics.and tak kesah la cite ape.base pada anime ke,game ke,manga ke,school life korang ke,life korang long ianya cerita korang

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 Author| Post time 22-6-2007 09:29 AM | Show all posts

contoh2 fanfics lain

Hermione's Mistake (Harry Potter) Rated - R


It all started on a typical day at Hogwarts Academy. Harry, Ron and Hermione were on their way to their least favorite class, Potions. When they arrived, they cringed when they saw their assignment on the board. They were to each make a memory-erasing potion and drink a swig of it in front of the entire class.

揟his sucks

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 Author| Post time 24-6-2007 01:41 PM | Show all posts
so ade sesape nak join ker

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Post time 24-6-2007 03:58 PM | Show all posts
Ore nak join la...

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Post time 24-6-2007 04:02 PM | Show all posts
nk gaks........mesti best kan

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Post time 25-6-2007 09:41 AM | Show all posts
nenantilah join.. tak sempat lah.. hehe cerita dah ada dlm kepala nih

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