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Mencari POSITIF bagi sesuatu yang NEGATIF
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[size=85%]Sesungguhnya kita patut BERSYUKUR...
1. utk suami/isteri yg tidur berdengkur di waktu malam,
[size=130%]krn beliau tidur
[size=130%]disisi kita bukan dengan orang lain.
2. utk anak/adik perempuan kita yg mengomel apabila mencuci pinggan,
[size=130%]krn itu
[size=130%]bermakna dia berada di rumah, bukan di jalanan berpeleseran.
3. utk cukai pendapatan yg kita kena bayar,
[size=130%]krn itu bermakna kita masih
[size=130%]mempunyai pekerjaan.
4. utk pakaian kita yang dah tak muat,
[size=130%]krn itu bermakna kita cukup makan.
5. utk lantai yg perlu dimop, tingkap yg perlu dilap dan rumah yg perlu
[size=85%]dikemas ,
[size=130%]krn itu bermakna kita mempunyai tempat tinggal.
6. utk bunyi bising jiran虏,
[size=130%]krn itu bermakna kita masih lagi boleh mendengar.
7. utk timbunan pakaian yg perlu dicuci/digosok
[size=130%]krn itu bermakna kita ada
[size=130%]pakaian untuk dipakai.
8. utk keletihan/kesakitan otot selepas seharian bekerja,
[size=130%]krn itu bermakna
[size=130%]kita masih berupaya utk kerja kuat.
9. utk tempat letak kereta yg jauh drpd lif,
[size=130%]krn itu bermakna kita masih
[size=130%]berupaya utk berjalan.
10.utk jam loceng yg berdering pd waktu pagi,
[size=130%]krn itu bermakna kita masih
[size=130%]hidup untuk meneruskan hari tersebut...
AND FINALL Y ........ for received this personal and meaningful forwarded e-mails
[size=130%]it means you have friends who are thinking of you.
"Jika tak dapat apa yang kita suka, belajarlah menyukai apa yang kita
[size=130%]dapat...dan bersyukurlah dengan apa yang kita ada" |
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how's that related to the saying that U need to improve urself? running away from the comfort zone?
n sebab kalau lelaki itu berdengkur he's either needs medical attention or manage his weight. Ni bukan main main soal dengkur ni, secondly , gemuk cukup mkn? heheh. tapi i know i salah makan need to do something about it that is exercise tapi mals ler . hujan kan kl sekarang. heh...
[ Last edited by mbhcsf at 16-1-2008 05:07 PM ] |
ini menrik sebab...
the way you perceive something or dealing with certain issue is prretty much related to our ego, kan? lantas ade lah jugak self defense mechanism.
adakah saya betul dengan berkata bahawa jika kita ada ada pemikiran di atas maka kita guna rationality untuk "defend some inadequaciesin us"??
sapa psyc major boleh jawab?or clinical psychologist ker? |
It's better for us to think positive about the things or conditions that we can never change since to worry about them will only lead to unhappiness and low self esteem.
It's ok for us to worry about the things or conditions that we can improve or change since to think positive about them will cause us to abandon the efforts that we need to make in order to improve or change them for the better . |
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Reply #4 blastoff's post
But most people over-worry... |
truth has many layers..
reposition/shift the very way you perceive things.. u'll be able to view reality at a different perspective..
mebbe then u'll be able to see the positive side of any negativity..![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Reply #6 ninoZ's post
Unlayering the truth...
How do you do this? |
Reply #7 Agul's post
n each layer has many facades ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif)
unlayering truth nih, analoginya bukan mcm kita kopek kuih lapis selapis demi selapis cik/encik Agul
depends laa..
setinggi mana ilmu yang ada..
sedalam mana akal sanggup berfikir..
sejauh mana emosi berada dalam kawalan..
orang yg emosinya sdg membuak-buak marah, walaupun tinggi ilmunya dan bijak buah fikirannya, definitely melihat aspek positif berbeza dari org yg berada dalam keadaan yang sebaliknya..
lebih kurang camtu laaa yg dimaksudkan..
[ Last edited by ninoZ at 17-1-2008 01:58 AM ] |
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Reply #1 leogal_1428's post
merujuk pada artikel ni, xdinafikan - menyedarkan kita supaya bersyukur & menghargai
TAPI bila artikel ni dibaca balik berulang kali.. rasanya macam ada sumthing wrong
nampak macam ada sumthing wrong..
read between da lines.. again and again and again..
penulisnya macam MERUNGUT & MENGUNGKIT (rujuk : ayat yg bermula dgn 'utk'),
tapi kemudian, dia bagaikan INGIN MEMUJUK HATI (rujuk : ayat yg bermula dgn 'krn')
nampak mcm ada percanggahan - ada sesuatu yg masih mengganggu fikiran & perasaan dia
& persoalan yg paling besar - REDHA & BAHAGIAKAH DIA?
benar : "manusia akan rasa bahagia, bila dia tahu bersyukur" (pesan arwah tok - Al Fatihah)
TAPI utk benar2 bahagia, hati kita perlu bersih suci & ikhlas..
"utk suami/isteri yg tidur berdengkur di waktu malam"
bahagiakah kita - tanpa ada sekelumit pun rasa terganggu sbb terjaga oleh dengkuran tu?
"utk anak/adik perempuan kita yg mengomel apabila mencuci pinggan"
bahagiakah kita - bila anak/adik kita merungut2? apalagi bila kerja tu adalah permintaan kita?
"utk cukai pendapatan yg kita kena bayar"
ikhlas & redhakah kita bila membayarnya? adakah kerana tanggungjawab? @pun terpaksa?
"utk lantai yg perlu dimop, tingkap yg perlu dilap dan rumah yg perlu dikemas"
& "utk timbunan pakaian yg perlu dicuci/digosok"
ikhlaskah kita - sedangkan itu adalah tanggungjawab yg xperlu diungkit atau disebut2?
"utk bunyi bising jiran |
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Originally posted by Agul at 16-1-2008 09:27 PM ![](
But most people over-worry...
yeah , and they also worry unnecessarily . Have you ever come across a situation when you think you need a change or an improvement , and you put all of your efforts towards that , and when you finally achieved that, it turn out to be something that you are not happy with or it is not as necessary as you first thought it would be , and you start to regret making all of the changes lah plak , I used to face such predicament before but now I've learned my lesson well , its better to be grateful and to spend less time worrying unnecessarily .... in my opinion, if we are comfortable with the way we are , then we should spend less time making changes or improvements to our lifestyle or belongings , instead we need to spend more time improving ourselves spiritually and mentally by seeking knowledge , doing ibadah , giving charities etc. to show our gratitude to Allah who has bestowed all of the blessings since life on earth is very short and we don't know when we will face the inevitable of death .
[ Last edited by blastoff at 17-1-2008 01:01 PM ] |
Originally posted by ninoZ at 16-1-2008 10:51 PM ![](
truth has many layers..
reposition/shift the very way you perceive things.. u'll be able to view reality at a different perspective..
mebbe then u'll be able to see the positive side of any negativity..![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
Actually when one's soul is cleansed from sins , the hijab or veil in one's mind will cease to exist and this will result in the mind becoming fully aware and acutely sensitive to the existence of the so many spectrums of knowledge , and when that happen its like the mind is given a special torchlight so that the mind will be able to see everything in the light of the truth , indeed the door of the truth is wide open to reveal its secrets and wonders to such mind. ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
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Originally posted by naden at 17-1-2008 03:26 AM ![](
merujuk pada artikel ni, xdinafikan - menyedarkan kita supaya bersyukur & menghargai
TAPI bila artikel ni dibaca balik berulang kali.. rasanya macam ada sumthing wrong
nampak macam ada sumthing ...
pandangan yang bagus dari naden. membuat kita berfikir lebih jauh. however, bukan senang tau nak jadi seorang yang berfikiran +ve ni. hanya orang yang bersih hati dan lapang minda je yang mampu nak melihat alam dengan lebih positif. erm..pasal ada yang tuan tanah macam tak puas hati spt cth yang diberi tu, sy suka melihat ia sebagai sesuatu yang positif...
penggunaan 'untuk' dan 'kerana' dalam ayat gambaran tu memang menunjukkan penulis seperti tak puas hati dan cuba memujuk diri sendiri.. disitulah positifnya. maksud sy, penulis boleh memilih untuk berfikir +ve atau -ve. tapi dia memilih untuk +ve. cthnya:
[size=85%]1. utk suami/isteri yg tidur berdengkur di waktu malam,
[size=130%]+ve - krn beliau tidur [size=130%]disisi kita bukan dengan orang lain. sedangkan dia boleh pilih utk kata:
-ve - "apasal la aku kawin dengan org tido berdengkur camni...kan main kuat dengkurnya..macam ba** je" ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
2. utk anak/adik perempuan kita yg mengomel apabila mencuci pinggan,
[size=130%]+ve - krn itu [size=130%]bermakna dia berada di rumah, bukan di jalanan berpeleseran.
-ve - "derhaka betul. dasar tak boleh disuruh. pemalas, tau makan je" ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
3. utk cukai pendapatan yg kita kena bayar,
[size=130%]+ve - krn itu bermakna kita masih [size=130%]mempunyai pekerjaan.
-ve - "macam zaman feudal. keje utk mengayakan org lain."
cuma bukan semua perkara kita boleh pk positif atau berbaik sangka. cthnya:
- ada uda dan dara berpeluk-peluk kat tempat gelap kat taman bunga dan kita ternampak. kita pun dengan positifnya pk : "dia patut bersyukur kerana ada org sayang kat die.."![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) kalau dah nyata benda tu mendatangkan FITNAH dan mencurigakan, camana nak berbaik sangka?? [size=85%]
so, kesimpulannya, bukan semua benda negatif tu kita boleh tukar cara 'melihatnya' kepada positif. apa pun, positif atau tidak bergantung kepada dari sudut mana dan cara mana kita melihatnya...![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif)
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Reply #11 blastoff's post
anad membuat saya terkesima such a perfect lacing of words that turn into nice woven syntax. |
Reply #12 pesona1's post
clever. i like it yg kat bawh tu yg u tulis tu yg saying that this frame of thought is not applicable to all situations. Tak semua keadaan had to viewed in that particular way.
pada saya , semua frasa yg bertujuan untuk "memujuk hati tu" ialah untuk leave a postive effect psychothen logically only for a shirt trem but then we as human should not be too complacent or act like what we called it "learned helplessness" ni seakan - akan macam tak per lah aku macam ni...nak buat cam ner...gitu.
[ Last edited by mbhcsf at 17-1-2008 06:53 PM ] |
Reply #14 mbhcsf's post
tqvm...![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
Reply #14 mbhcsf's post
of course it is a given - not every thing can be viewed positively because we oughta look at the situation...
especially when the situation as the example - looking at the young couple romancing in the park.. with hands all over the bodies etc etc.. how positive can that be...
therefore - the example itself isn't valid to be discussed based on the common sense..
however, there're lots of situation that we can give a benefit of the doubt..for instance.. the fact that our colleague get the raise 400 bucks and we only get 200 bucks.. and to look at the positive way .. probably the lower raise will motivate us to work smarter, learn from our leader... read more self improving books etc etc..
regarding to 'console out heart' each person has his own way i gather... and some perhaps just totally ignore the situation.. some perhaps.. will take it easy and knows that life is like a wheel, some days you're on the top... and some days you're on the bottom... so, just live for the present and make the best of it..
you have a choice - either you want to be sad and b韙ching (mind my word but that's the most suitable I can find) and digging all the negative past or you want to live and take whatever negative events that happened as part of your life experience and live your life the fullest .. |
Reply #16 amazed's post
Yes. Everyone have their own way.
Since I'm not naturally a person who view the glassess as half full...
I found ways for me to be a more positive person.
It's good. |
Originally posted by pesona1 at 17-1-2008 03:24 PM ![](
pandangan yang bagus dari naden. membuat kita berfikir lebih jauh. however, bukan senang tau nak jadi seorang yang berfikiran +ve ni. hanya orang yang bersih hati dan lapang minda je yang mam ...
dunno y awak selalu quote saya & end up talking about sumthing else,
assumed that u understand what i wrote & tryin' 2 elaborate usin' ur own words huh?
tapi rasanya.. mmg xde kaitan langsung.. so i really dun see - why..
berbalik kpd penulis tu - adakah BENAR dia berfikir positif spt yg awak dakwa?
think again..
utk suami/isteri yg tidur berdengkur di waktu malam,
krn beliau tidur disisi kita bukan dengan orang lain..
(positif ke? kalau pasangan tu boleh terfikir tentang "tidur dgn orang lain"??)
utk anak/adik perempuan kita yg mengomel apabila mencuci pinggan,
krn itu bermakna dia berada di rumah, bukan di jalanan berpeleseran..
(positif ke? kalau kita sendiri sanggup terfikirkan tentang "berpeleseran"??)
itu maksud saya - ayat yg 1st macam mengungkit & merungut
tapi ayat 2nd - mcm memujuk hati.. tapi dalam masa yg sama,
penulis tu BERWASANGKA.. memikirkan & membandingkan dgn sumthing yg 'teruk'..
yeah whatever - still - pasangan dia masih tido kat sebelah dia, kan?
& adik/anak perempuan dia masih mencuci pinggan kat dapur, kan?
so itz not a big deal - bagi penulis tu la.. yg penting dia masih ada apa yg dia
ada & pernah ada.. so gud 4 him/her la kan..
so abaikan aje.. abaikan aje la apa yg terselindung disebalik ayat2 penulis
apa rasa yg terkandung dalam ayat2 penulis.. abaikan aje la..
amek benda yg mudah2 je & bersyukur.. habis cerita..
Reply #17 Agul's post
Since I'm not naturally a person who view the glassess as half full...
I found ways for me to be a more positive person.
It's good.
That's awesome and what should it be.... and may more people can find some ways for them to be more positive too...!! |
would u say that to label something is positive and negative is basically a subjective matter ,kan? |
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