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Nominate ur favourite Halal Seafood place in JB
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Hi kengkawan, lets start a new thread for recommendations of seafood places in or near JB, be it warongs, kedai kopi, restaurants, kelongs etc. Please provide landmarks or driving destinations for easy access and price ranges too thanks.
PS : Please give rip off warnings etc if theres a need to and oh dont forget pics if u can!!
[ Last edited by DarkBaron at 24-4-2008 03:00 PM ] |
1. Mandella, Penerok, Pontian (Banyak Giler pada harga yg standard)
2. Sayam, Stulang Laut (Sedap dan Standard)
3. Mi Udang Helmy, Tiram Duku, Gelang Patah (Murah pada Kuantiti Yang standard) |
Reply #2 QAX's post
Waa..Qax, lu pun ade pnh gi Mandela jgk ke..???
Sama dgn aku. Pontian tu mmg kg aku. Klu gi sana dgn family je la. Ramai mkn situ.
Tempat dia mmg agk jauh...tapi mmg berbaloi.
Erm....may i add another two:-
-Restoran2 yg kt Kukup, Pontian
-Restoran My Friend n branches dia.
Oi Dark, lu pindah je la kt Johor nih....asyik2 nk survey je... |
Reply #3 edmundo's post
Ooo yang kukup memang sometimes pergi, dulu sekolah menengah pon banyak kali pegi sana for school trips pergi kelong visit, makan sana etc. Alah nak pindah tu belum masanya huhu...tak sanggup nak bangun pagi pagi and balik lambat to beat the jam.. |
Reply #3 edmundo's post
kg aku pon pontian gak.... hehe... sekampung la kite... ada 2-3 kali gak la pegi... zaman2 blaja dlu la... ni dah keja nih dah lama tak pegi...
aku mmg tak tahan dapat mkn udang sambal die... byk gilo.... |
Grand Straits View bleh masuk tak??
Aku dari zaman dia terapung atas air...sampai la ni... memang situlah favret spot aku ngn family...
Lemon Chicken, Black Pepper Crab, Udang...Ikan Stim... perghh menjilat jari... tapi yang aku x pnah lupa order kalau makan kat sini, air kelapa thailand tu...sodapnya!!!
Dulu2...ada Dapur Rumbia, dia punya KETAM BELADO...umangaaiiii...sodap bobonar... tp skang dah takde!!
Pastu ada satu lagi, restauran tu...dekat belakang Perling (skang aku mmg tak ingat nama dia, mendap!) pun boleh tahan gak. |
Reply #6 nazurah's post
oooo aku ingat tu dapur rumbia, macam nature reserve zoo gitu decorations dia masa tu pegi kecik kecik lagi 10 -14 year old that time. ada ghazal lagik. nak jalan gi makro yang dah bungkus tu tak salah. |
Kalau seafood..., fav spot wa kat Senibong... |
Reply #9 Blues_guy's post
Woah place looks classy, how wide and deep a crater in the wallet are we looking at here? |
Reply #10 DarkBaron's post
Lu belum tido lagi ke bro? heheheh...
Tak mahal sangat lah. About the same as Senibong I guess. Meal for 4 that contained fish, prawns, soup, drinks etc. cost us around RM130.
Personally, the food at Senibong tastes better but since I've been to Damai only once, I don't think it's fair to compare yet.
Cuma dekor kat Damai ni lebih cantik la.... In the words of my wife, makan kat Senibong tu takleh gi siang hari, tak tahu lah apa yg kita nampak terapung bawah kedai tu... |
Originally posted by DarkBaron at 24-4-2008 07:53 PM 
oooo aku ingat tu dapur rumbia, macam nature reserve zoo gitu decorations dia masa tu pegi kecik kecik lagi 10 -14 year old that time. ada ghazal lagik. nak jalan gi makro yang dah bungkus tu tak ...
bukanlah wehh... tu JOHOR RIMBA
dapur rumbia ni kat kampung mad amin....dekat2 dgn skola EC... |
Reply #9 Blues_guy's post
haaa... mekasih...
damai sefaood... idok ler mahal sangat, ok jek harga dia...
butter prawn kat sini SUPERB! |
Reply #12 nazurah's post
Oh ah a lah....tapi dapur rumbia pon i think ive been before thats why can recall the name. |
Reply #13 nazurah's post
berapa agak butter prawn for 2 kat damai ek? ishh dah meliur dah ni... |
Reply #2 QAX's post
dah lama tak makan kat mandella... |
Reply #15 QAX's post
tp medium size for 6 pax dalam $35.00+
black pepper crab...3 ekor ketam bangkang tu dalam $65 |
Reply #17 nazurah's post
mak aih byknye... nak makan 2 orang jek... reromantik le katakan...  |
Reply #16 sweetLove's post
tu le... nasib baik jauh je... kalo tak mau sebulan sekali pegi... |
Reply #18 QAX's post
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