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Slave Market/Slave Trade Zaman Dulu2
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Selain dari Eropah & Amerika yg byk golongan pak hitam bekas keturunan hamba, negara2 Arab pun ramai pak hitam bekas keturunan hamba. Hamba adalah produk perdagangan paling menguntungkan pd zaman dahulu baik di negara2 Eropah mahupun negara2 Arab.
Historians say the Arab slave trade began in the 7th century and lasted more than a millennium.[26][27] Arab traders brought Africans across the Indian Ocean from present-day Kenya, Tanzania, Sudan, western Ethiopia and elsewhere in East Africa to present-day Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Turkey and other parts of the Middle East [28] and South Asia (mainly Pakistan and India). Unlike the trans-Atlantic slave trade to the New World, Arabs supplied African slaves to the Muslim world, which at its peak stretched over three continents from the Atlantic (Morocco, Spain) to India and eastern China. Slavery was an important part of Ottoman society. In Istanbul, about 1/5 of the population consisted of slaves.[48] As late as 1908 women slaves were still sold in the Ottoman Empire.

Slave Market in Zanzibar was closed in 1873

Slavery in Zanzibar. 'An Arab master's punishment for a slight offence. The log weighed 32 pounds, and the boy could only move by carrying it on his head.' Unknown photographer, c. 1890.[17]
[ Last edited by amazed at 30-9-2008 12:14 PM ] |
Zanzibar History
The Slave Trade
In 1822, the Omani Arabs signed the Moresby treaty which amongst other things, made it illegal for them to sell slaves to Christian powers. So that this agreement could be monitored, the United States and Great Britain established diplomatic relations with Zanzibar, and sent Consuls to the islands. However, the slaving restrictions were largely ignored, and the trade continued to kill and imprison countless Africans. Caravans started out from Bagamoyo on the mainland coast, travelling as much as 1,000 miles on foot as far as Lake Tanganyika, buying slaves from local rulers on the way, or, more cheaply, simply capturing them. The slaves were chained together and used to carried ivory back to Bagamoyo. The name Bagamoyo means 'lay down your heart;' because it was here that slaves would abandon hope of freedom. Slaves who survived the long trek from the interior were crammed into dhows bound for Zanzibar, and paraded for sale like cattle in the Slave Market.
All of the main racial groups were involved in the slave trade in some way or other. Europeans used slaves in their plantations in the Indian Ocean islands, Arabs were the main traders, and African rulers sold prisoners taken in battle. Being sold into slavery was not a prisoner's worst fate - if a prolonged conflict led to a glut, the Doe tribe north of Bagamoyo had the rather gruesome habit of eating 'excess supplies'.
Sultan Barghash was forced in 1873, under the threat of a British naval bombardment, to sign an edict which made the sea-borne slave trade illegal, and the slave market in Zanzibar was closed, with the Cathedral Church of Christ erected on the site. But the trade continued, particularly on the mainland. Slaving was illegal, but it existed openly until Britain took over the mainland following their defeat of the Germans in the First World War. Many former slaves found that their conditions had hardly changed - they were now simply employed as labourers at very low wage rates in the spice plantations.
Majid became the Sultan of Zanzibar, while Thuwaini became the Sultan of Oman.[4] During his 14-year reign as sultan, Majid consolidated his power around the East African slave trade. His successor, Bargash ibn Sa'id, helped abolish the slave trade in Zanzibar and largely developed the country's infrastructure.[5] The third sultan, Khalifa ibn Sa'id, also furthered the country's progress toward abolishing slavery.[6]
Until 1886, the Sultan of Zanzibar controlled a substantial portion of the east African coast, known as Zanj, and trading routes extending much further |
Historically, most slaves were captured in wars or kidnapped in isolated raids, but some persons were sold into slavery by their parents, or by themselves, as a means of surviving extreme conditions. Most slaves were born into that status, to parents who were enslaved. Ancient Warfare often resulted in slavery for prisoners and their families, who were either killed, ransomed or sold as slaves. Captives were often considered the property of those who captured them and were looked upon as a prize of war. |
Reply #6 tobby's post
thanks soooooooooo much tobby -
saya tengah buat research pasal blood and profit: SLAVE TRADE
financed IR --- dan gambar2 ni memang help me out -
next week buat a bit presentation pasal ni -
and i am so glad you put up this pictures
and some articles about it --- |
agak kejam n x berperikemanusiaan.. org2 zaman dulu  |
Reply #12 lily_kama's post
tulah.. dorg anggap hamba tuh mcm binatang jerk erk?
takut aku tengok kesan kena pukul kat belakang salah sorg hamba tuh!! |
pernah baca buku psl slave trade america ni...para hamba ni diberi makan makanan yg busuk sampai semua ada cerit berit,oleh kerana dirantai jadi mereka semua terberak kat situ je,sampai busuk malah pernah baby mati sebab terjatuh kat dlm taik diaorang ni.bila nak jual para pedagang potong tali sikit lepas tu sumbat kat dubur para hamba ni supaya tak bocor masa auction nanti.....tak dapat nak bayangkan kesengsaraan mereka semua |
korang biasa tengok lori yg transport ayam hidup kat atas jln raya or highway kan? ayam2 nih on the way to destination berpuluh2 ekor akan mati. sama la mcm negro2 abdi yg diangkut dgn kapal laut oleh saudagar omputeh mahupun saudagar Arab sejauh beribu batu dari kg halaman mrk. on the way to destination byk yg mati terkena penyakit, mati kena pukul, mati dehidration, mati tak cukup zat dsbgnya. cara saudagar2 nih dispose mayat ialah dgn mencampakkannya ke laut tak berkubur. jd mknn jerong.
so dari dulu sampai sekarang kita boleh tengok cyclenya tetap sama: miskin jd makanan si kaya, golongan yg ada ilmu pengetahuan akan buli golongan yg bodoh/mundur, yg kuat akan seksa yg miskin.
saudagar2 Arab ni islam. tapi jgn salahkan islam di atas kezaliman mrk. business is business, they will do what ever for money & kekayaan. tengok pak Arab sekarang nih cukuplah. nama jer islam tinggal di Arab Saudi, tapi kerap keluar paper perihal mrk seksa amah & seksa pembantu rumah. itu hak yg keluar paper.
klu Westener apatah lagi. mrk lg zalim. sapa tengok citer Kunta Kinte? mrk seksa, rogol & bunuh hamba perkara biasa sbb hamba tak ada hak ke atas dirinya sendiri. hamba kat Amerika selalu gak kena bakar hidup2 klu buat salah.
Sebenarnya sistem perhambaan ni baru sangat jer dihapuskan. sbb gambar2 yg ditunjukkan adalah gambar photograph, meaning teknologi kamera dah ada dah masa tu. contohnya gambar ratusan hamba abdi kat atas kapal tu. meaning perdagangan hamba sangat rancak pd masa gambar tu di ambil.
apa perasaan negro2 di Amerika yg mengetahui mrk adalah keturunan hamba abdi & datuk nenek mrk diseksa mcm binatang pd masa yg lepas?
Kenapa negro kerap dipilih menjadi hamba? kenapa bukan orang melayu atau orang Asia? sebab negro ni tahan lasak utk buat kerja berat. tenaga negro mcm kerbau. kena seksa pun masih boleh tahan lagi. kalau melayu/Asian baru sebat sikit jer terus meninggal. buat kerja berat pun tak berapa tahan, sikit2 nak demam & mudah kena penyakit atau cepat mati berbanding negro. |
Reply #17 tobby's post
setuju sgt ngan pendapat ko!!! |
Reply #18 JUSTcircle's post
negro bukan saja berkaliber buat kerja berat, sekarang ni depa kongker sukan lumba lari & jarak jauh dll. nyanyi pun depa pandai. tapi aku tetap kasihan tengok manusia boleh jual manusia & seksa manusia lain tanpa ada perasaan, demi wang ringgit & kekayaan sementara di dunia. pd hal sama2 lahir dr keturunan nabi Adam. |
Reply #19 tobby's post
negro kalo asal usulnyer ko tengoklah duk kat mana?
kat afrika sana tuh!1
aku x leh luper masa lec aku tanya naper negro dilagirkan lubang hidung kembang?
sbb dah azali dorg tuh kalo nak cari makan kat gurun sana tuh kena kejar binatang..
so, bila dia lari2 laju2!! hidung dorg da[at ambilnafas lagik bagus dari kita2 yg x baper nak kembang mcm dorg!!
begitulah ciptaan tuhan yg ada sebabnya diciptakan-Nya begitu!!
lari laju (kejar binatang)
nyanyi sedap (Bilal Bin Rabah sorenyer amat sedap semasa melaungkan azan)
badan besar n tinggikuat (tengok jerlah peninju2 dunia org kulit aper..)
sbb dgn ketahanan badan dorg tuh, ditambah plak dgn ruper dorg yg x baper nak lawo dr mat salleh (artis2 negro tuh lain citer).. sbb tuh dorg (si tuan) kan main senang2 jerk nak seksa hamba tuh!!
ntah2 kalo hamba tu lupa nak bg makan kat anjing dorg pun, abis disiksanya hamba2 tuh.. binatang ngan manusia.. binatang yg dorg pilih tuh syg!! hakikatnya mmg dedua kena syg!!
tapi tengok gambo2 tuh? layanan yg dorg bg kat puak2 hamba nih!! aduss..
sdihnya.. kenapalah dorg tuh jahat sgt erk? |
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