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Post time 2-11-2008 08:26 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Who are the Malays? And how to unite them

Itis time to define who the "malays" really are and to correctly define them. To begin with, let us look at the subject of "Race".  Since Hitler's Days of propagating the "Superiority" of the Aryan Race, many have scorned from the very mention of the very word "race" itself. However, certain Malaysian Political Parties still seems to relish inits' very notion of separation. Strangely, they go all out to "Divide and Rule". Uniting one race in particular, but not the rest of the country. And they spend lots of time, money and effort to this redundant and lost cause.

Anthropology defines only 5 Races inthe World  (use your favorite search engine). The Caucasoids, Negroids, Mongoloids, The Dravidic, and the Austronesians. Any other species is merely a combination of the above 5 main groupings.  Geographically, Malaysia falls within the Austronesian Category.

Brown skinned people, residing in countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Brunei, Polynesian Islands, Tahiti, Hawaii and so forth. In fact, it is next to impossible to differentiate the Austronesian People, regardless of the country they come from. However, if there is a certain distinctive physical facial feature, which identifies anyone from any locality, it is usually a case of the gene pool not coming from a wide enough resource. Put bluntly, Incest, or Inbreeding (as Mahathir so aptly putit, in the greater sense of the definition, in his book, "The Malay Dilemma").  Inter-marrying from within the community. However, some still believe that it is essential that cousins should marry each other to protect the "Blue-Blood", and/ or to prevent family property from ever leaving the clan. This unfortunately is in stark contrast to the Mongoloid practice where two people with even the same family names are prohibited from marrying.

In fact, once you remove the nationalities from the Austronesians, you will find a vast interesting and diverse group of people. From the many ornate costumes, to the vastnumber of religions and cultural practices. The very essence of the Austronesian Culture is bound to intoxicate every observer. One other category, which seems to confuse the issue is the existence of whom locals call the "Orang Asli". Technically known as "Australo Melanesians", they are the direct descendants of the East Africans who migrated out of Laetoli, Africa circa 60,000 years ago. You will alsofind it impossible to distinguish between an Australian Aborigine, The Malaysian Negrito, or the Philippine Aeta with the Papuan Tribes.

So you now have two distinct groups. The first to arrive here are the Australo Melanesians, circa 60,000 years ago, and then you have the Austronesians (from Yunan), who arrived in Malaysia circa 3,000 years ago. Cross-Breeding between the two results in a "new" category called the Polynesians. "Poly" meaning "many", thus accurately describing the many "...sians" which have inter-bred. Caucasians with Austronesians, Australo-Melanesians with Austronesians and so on so forth. For anaccurate understudy of Anthropology, country borders are irrelevant, and only serve to create severe delusions of the facts.

As the Austronesian Clusters are so diverse, many individual traits start toform in a localized manner. For the sake of individual Nationalism Spirit, many have mutated from its original form. Others, such ascostumes and such have taken on slightly different materials depending on what was locally available to them, and was duly influenced by the spice tradesmen of the West who brought new materials. However, they all have their roots in animism, which is still seen in all of greater Polynesia.

As such, their religions are equally as diverse. Trueto form, most Austronesian Cultures have still retained many traits during their animistic days. Hinduism also has played an extremely large role in defining rituals, and is most obvious in local Austronesian Wedding Customs. The concept of Sultan and Maharaja (Rajain short) is also of Hindu origins. The Sultan is equivalent to the "Son of Heaven" concept of China. Therefore, "Duli Yang Maha Mulia" (Hewho is of Supreme Nobility). So is the double-handed praying-gesturewhen addressing someone of importance, or when addressing the King/Sultan. The local bomoh will attest to a combination of animistic, and pagan practices with Islam. Frowned by authorities, but still permittedto practice; with or without a license. Exorcisms, prediction oflottery numbers, healing the sick are among the many many functions andduties of the local Bomoh. He is also often seen to grace importantvenues, holding back the rain, or invited to special occasions andfunctions; sometimes, by the very people who scorn his pagan "superior powers".

While it is true that a large number of Asutronesians are of the Muslim faith (but not in the greater Polynesia), it is also important to note, that (in South East Asia) the majority of them converted en-masse during the late 19th Century just prior to the Krakatau Volcanic explosion. Impending "Doomsday" brought about amassive conversion from the previous 1,500 years of Hinduism. Why the Balinese, the North "Sulawesians", the Kalimantans, the people from Flores, the Papuans and the central Javanese never converted, we will never know. Perhaps they never heard of the impending explosion of this volcano, or that they were simply too far away to care.

Read 'Krakatoa': The Wrath of the Earth and how it turned Indonesia Muslim by Richard Ellis.

Travelling by air from Jakarta to Bali will present you with an unprecedented view of many active volcanoes along central Java. (a possible "peek" into the past of the pre-Krakatau days).

"... Kejawen is the actualand true religion of most of the Javanese people, but they have been forced ever since 1947 to identify themselves as Muslims, thus swelling the number of declared Muslims into the majority ..." -John Valentine

For those wanting to read more on Kejawen can turn to:

Again, use your favourite search engine to research/ your "Kejawen" materials. Spending the past 3 months in Indonesia has allowed me to make many ground-level observations firsthand. For those keen, make your own observations, and studies.

[ Last edited by  mamathir at 2-11-2008 08:59 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 2-11-2008 08:27 PM | Show all posts


Aceh, in North Sumatra ofIndonesia is actually an acronym few are made aware of. A=Arab,C=Chinese, E=Europe and H=Hindi (India). The diagram below offers amuch known migrational origins of the various Austronesians ( onlyknown as "malay" in Malaysia).

To further confuse the issue, Indonesia, defines a "malay" simply if you come from 2 regions. The Riau (formerly known as riuh, meaning "noisy") and its neighboring  islands, as well as to the Brunei inhabitants (who probably came fromthe same Riau region).

But regardless, circa 75% of West Malaysian Austronesians are migrants from the Island of Java,thus should be called Javanese instead of "malay". Even better would be the preferred, and correct name of Orang Ambon. For the record, in Austronesian language, "Orang ..." simply implies the place of origin. As such, "Orang Aceh", does not mean the "Acehnese Race", but people from Aceh. Similarly, "Orang Jawa" simply means "People who come from Java.  Nowhere has the word "Orang" (in its original sense) meant "race". "Bangsa" transalates as "Race", while "Warganegara" transalatesas "Nationality".  Hence, no one ever talks about the "Singaporean Race", even though one might refer to them, as "Orang Singapura", or "Warganegara Singapura". Now, using the same definition, "Orang Melayu" means people from Kampong Melayu, Jambi, Sumatera. Some where along theway, some bright spark decided to "upgrade" Melayu, from Kaum (tribe)to Bangsa (Race). Noble, but wrong.

For reasons best known onlyto the Individual Local Governments, the very insistence of a  "malay race", as well as the concept of "Ketuanan Melayu" (Lordship of malays) continues to elude the Academia. Who exactly are they referring to, when they mention the word "malay", and who exactly do these "malays" have Lordship over? Is this concept of Lordship then, just as ficticious as the "malay-race" definition itself?

In closing,the above picture is an "In-Your-Face" challenge, to see if anyone canaccurately identify, which tribes these Austronesians are from, or nextbest, which country they each originated from individually. (FYI. Theflower garlands could be props from dancing in front of hotels, oractual ceremonial costumes) Wherever they come from, I'm very sure thatonce the Austronesian Race is correctly identified that the UMNO'sdemented definition of the word "malay" would cease to be significant.Just like the very existence of UMNO itself. By the same definition,Mahathir resumes being an Indian, Badawi is once again part-Hainanese,part Pakistani, his former wife, part Japanese, and his present wife,Portuguese. And so, looking back, Malaysia never had a "malay" PrimeMinister since independence. ...... t-o-u-g-h.

For now, we areall looking forward to the unification of all Malaysians, and not anyindividual "race" from any particular Political Party. And no mattermany kilos of C4 are used, one can never take away the Beauty, theCharm, and the Mystique of the Greater Exotic Austronesian Race.

Butfor the record, Malaysia cannot unite, unless, you first correctlyidentify the "malays". Do some soul-searching. Ask your relatives, mostwill gladly tell you where you came from. The only people who obviouslycannot possibly remember, are the Orang Asli's. They have been heresince 60,000 years ago. Far too long for any mortal to remember. Andthey, and they alone, my friends, are the True and Only Bumiputra ofthis land.

Michael Chick

[ Last edited by  mamathir at 2-11-2008 08:58 PM ]

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Post time 2-11-2008 09:04 PM | Show all posts
malas nk komen

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Post time 2-11-2008 09:09 PM | Show all posts
motif ??...

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Post time 2-11-2008 09:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mamathir at 2/11/2008 19:26
Who are the Malays? And how to unite them

Itis time to define who the "malays" really are and to correctly define them. To begin with, let us look at the subject of "Race".  Since Hitler's Day ...

Kami di Indonesia dapat menerima definisi tersebut ...

Hanya di Malaysia, definisi "Melayu" ditambahkan unsur "politik" sehingga timbul istilah Bangsa Melayu, Ketuanan Melayu, Dunia Melayu dsb ...

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Post time 2-11-2008 09:35 PM | Show all posts
satu lagi langkah untuk menafikan hak orang Melayu.

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Post time 2-11-2008 09:37 PM | Show all posts
mamak india tuh melayu tak....

ko tahu tak camna seorang mamak india bleh jadik melayu secra automatik...

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Post time 2-11-2008 11:32 PM | Show all posts

Reply #7 totokreturn's post

Sape tu????

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Post time 3-11-2008 01:13 AM | Show all posts

Reply #7 totokreturn's post

mamak india di msi ni ada kecelaruan identiti. dlm perlembagaan mendefinisikan melayu sbg
1. beragama islam
2. mengamalkan adat resam melayu
3. bertutur dlm bahasa melayu
maka mamk ni pun pakai baju melayu, masak lemang, pasang pelita 7 likur, gaul dodol, bolehlah dianggap sbg melayu. dlm perlembagaan tak pula ditunjukkan rupa fizikal org melayu mcmana. jadi mamak india muslim senang2 boleh claim mereka tu melayu

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Post time 3-11-2008 09:11 AM | Show all posts
bapak aku pernah cakap kami keturunan lanun dari pilipina

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Post time 3-11-2008 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Aceh, in North Sumatra ofIndonesia is actually an acronym few are made aware of. A=Arab,C=Chinese, E=Europe and H=Hindi (India). The diagram below offers amuch known migrational origins of the various Austronesians ( onlyknown as "malay" in Malaysia).
<br />

huih, akademiknya.. since when orang aceh zaman dulu guna latin alphabet untuk menamakan negeri mereka A.C.E.H ?. Malay race kat malaysia mmg didefinisi secara politik tapi kalau politic ditolak ketepi, Melayu itu sendiri merangkumi seluruh etnik nusantara.

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Post time 3-11-2008 09:51 AM | Show all posts
But regardless, circa 75% of West Malaysian Austronesians are migrants from the Island of Java,thus should be called Javanese instead of "malay". Even better would be the preferred, and correct name of Orang Ambon. For the record, in Austronesian language, "Orang ..." simply implies the place of origin. As such, "Orang Aceh", does not mean the "Acehnese Race", but people from Aceh. Similarly, "Orang Jawa" simply means "People who come from Java.  Nowhere has the word "Orang" (in its original sense) meant "race". "Bangsa" transalates as "Race", while "Warganegara" transalatesas "Nationality".  Hence, no one ever talks about the "Singaporean Race", even though one might refer to them, as "Orang Singapura", or "Warganegara Singapura". Now, using the same definition, "Orang Melayu" means people from Kampong Melayu, Jambi, Sumatera. Some where along theway, some bright spark decided to "upgrade" Melayu, from Kaum (tribe)to Bangsa (Race). Noble, but wrong.

orang tinggi asal dari negeri tinggi, orang rendah asal dari negeri rendah. orang bisu asal dari negeri bisu

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Post time 3-11-2008 10:21 AM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by sekngucing at 3-11-2008 01:13 AM
mamak india di msi ni ada kecelaruan identiti. dlm perlembagaan mendefinisikan melayu sbg
1. beragama islam
2. mengamalkan adat resam melayu
3. bertutur dlm bahasa melayu
maka mamk ni pun pakai baju melayu, masak lemang, pasang pelita 7 likur, gaul dodol, bolehlah dianggap sbg melayu. dlm perlembagaan tak pula ditunjukkan rupa fizikal org melayu mcmana. jadi mamak india muslim senang2 boleh claim mereka tu melayu [\quote]

mamak dah semestinya indian tempat asal usulnya....
1- agama islam - yes atau lebih dikenali sebagai kelllling....iaitu india muslim
2- amal adat resam melayu - hmmmm ramai makcik2 pakai sari dan tudung kain sari lagik
3 - bertutur bahasa melayu - kelentong, ramai yg masih speaking tamil lagik
4 - mamak makan wadel dan skit2 kuih melayu....

dorang tetap mamak TETAPI secara automatik menjadik melayu dan layak belajar di UITM bila mendaftarkan diri sebagai ahli humno..../

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Post time 3-11-2008 10:25 AM | Show all posts

Balas #5 jf_pratama\ catat

Kamu mungkin biasa dengan definisi Jawa, Madura, Mendailing, Acheh, Bawean dan sebagainya.

Di Malaysia, kesemua ini dikira sebagai melayu. Di Indonesia, melayu hanyalah salah satu suku bangsa yang terkecil dalam kelompok Bangsa Indonesia.

Negara ini tidak mahu 'melayu' dipecahkan menjadi rumpun yang kecil. Jesteru itu, melayu digunakan sebagai mewakili rumpun bangsa yang ada di Nusantara ini.

Bahasa Indonesia hari ini adalah asalnya Bahasa Melayu - Ingat Sumpah Pemuda 1929??

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Post time 3-11-2008 10:26 AM | Show all posts

Reply #15 SangSaka's post

dia dah tau pasal tu and itu la yang di tak puas hati sangat tuh

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Post time 3-11-2008 11:36 AM | Show all posts

Balas #16 dCrook\ catat

Dia tak puas hati kerana melayu adalah suku bangsa terkecil, hanya satu kampung di Sumatera.

Disebabkan dia mungkin bangsa Jawa yang kelihatan dominan (mungkin sahaja), dia mahukan pentakrifan itu jelas. Bagi aku, apa yang berlaku di Indonesia, tidak boleh dibawa di sini.

Orang melayu di Malaysia sudah selesa dikenali sebagai melayu, waima dia itu Jawa, Bugis, Rawa, Bawean, Mendailing, Minang dan sebagainya. Perpecahan suku bangsa ini akan menguntungkan bangsa pendatang terutama bangsa yang datang untuk mellombong dulu.

Begitu juga dengan bangsa Cina. Waima mereka itu Kantonis, Hakka, Hailam atau Hokkien pon, mereka akan tetap dikenali sebagai bangsa Cina.

India juga begitu. Ada 12 suku kaum dalam India. Tetapi India lebih diterima sebagai mewakili bangsa yang datang dari sana.

Dia tak puas hati itu tak de kena mengena dengan Malaysia.

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Post time 3-11-2008 11:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #17 SangSaka's post

hehe, tapi aku paham gak perasaan dia kalau dia orang jawa lah.. bayangkan, kat pulau jawa ada 100 juta lebih jiwa , tapi anthropologist cap sebagai  malayo-polynesian .. aka stock melayu  sedangkan jumlah orang melayu (etnik) tak sampai 100 juta pon ( sumatera + semanjung+borneo) ..  Tapi hal "bangsa melayu" ni bukannya baru ,aku ada baca buku orang inggeris tahun 1820an. dalam buku tu dia boleh bezakan bangsa and etnik.. contohnya seorang kelasi dlm kapal dia melayu tapi asal batak. and dia ade tulis jugak , "in the other malayan nation of Java".. nampak, jawa pon dia kelaskan as malayan.. ini menunjukkan dari dulu lagi satu dunia kelaskan orang-orang sebelah sini as Melayu.

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Post time 3-11-2008 03:53 PM | Show all posts

Balas #18 dCrook\ catat

Di Malaysia, asimilasi bangsa itu dikira berjaya apabila 'menggabungkan' seluruh suku bangsa nusantara di bawah payung 'melayu' - waima melayu itu sebenarnya bangsa terkecil di Sumatera. Semua rakyat di Malaysia boleh menerima melayu sebagai satu wadah politik atau survival perjuangan bangsa di Malaysia.

Lantaran itu, tidak berlaku pembunuhan sesama suku kaum sepertimana yang berlaku di Indonesia akibat perbezaan 'bangsa'. Dan melayu juga, ditakrif sebagai beragama Islam - dalam konteks di Malaysia sahaja. Singapura tidak kena mengena bahkan tidak juga kena mengena dengan Indonesia. Jika orang Indonesia tidak mahu mengakui 'bangsa melayu' itu, itu cerita lain. Itu boleh dibahaskan di negara mereka. Bukan di Malaysia. Bukan di Singapura.

Dan seluruh warga nusantara warganegara Malaysia setidak-tidaknya memiliki jati diri bangsa melayu itu sendiri dari terpecah kepada 1001 macam marga yang lain.

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Post time 4-11-2008 09:27 PM | Show all posts
Hahahaha ... lucu-lucu komentarnya ....

Perlu anda ketahui (lihat berita), memperlakukan dan membeda-bedakan warga negara berdasarkan asal-usul suku (etnik) dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat di Indonesia dapat dikategorikan sebagai "kejahatan serius" ...

Jadi semua suku etnik (termasuk keturunan Cina) dianggap sama dan setara di Indonesia ....... Nggak ada suku yang di istimewakan ....... Hahahaha

Bagaimana di Malaysia?

Bill against racial discrimination passed

The House of Representatives has unanimously passed a bill that terms ethnic and racial discrimination as serious crimes.

DeputySpeaker Muhaimin Iskandar, who presided over the House's plenarysession to approve the draft law, said Indonesia no longer had any roomfor any form of racial or ethnic discrimination.

Chairman of theHouse's special committee deliberating the bill, Murdaya Poo, said theendorsement of the bill should put an end to the long-standingdichotomy between indigenous and non-indigenous people in the country.

"Aman cannot choose to be born as part of a certain race or ethnic group,and therefore discrimination must cease to exist," said Murdaya, who isIndonesian-Chinese.

He said the House proposed the bill as partof its effort to ratify the International Convention on the Eliminationof All Forms of Discrimination, which has been enacted since 1999.

Underthe new law, leaders of public institutions found guilty of adoptingdiscriminatory policies would face jail terms one-third more severethan those stipulated in the Criminal Code.

Citing anexample, Murdaya said the governor or government of Aceh could not bana gathering held by Javanese ethnics in the province.

He saidthe deliberation process had been delayed by a disagreement on whetherimprisonment should be made the minimum punishment.

Jail as aminimum sentence is typically sought for serious crimes, such ascorruption, terrorism, money laundering or drug abuse.

"Wedecided to set prison as the minimum sentence to deter people fromcommitting racial or ethnic discrimination," said Murdaya, a member ofthe Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P).

The billwas passed on the same day Indonesia celebrated the 100th anniversaryof Youth Pledge, which Murdaya said should encourage Indonesians touphold the diverse nature of the nation. -- JP

[ Last edited by  jf_pratama at 4-11-2008 08:31 PM ]

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Post time 4-11-2008 10:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by jf_pratama at 4-11-2008 09:27 PM
Hahahaha ... lucu-lucu komentarnya ....

Perlu anda ketahui (lihat berita), memperlakukan dan membeda-bedakan warga negara berdasarkan asal-usul suku (etnik) dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat di In ...

Mas, di Indonesia cewek Tionghua nya bisa bertutur bahasa Indonesia, matanya cantik bulat, mukanya seperti Bunga Citra Lestari dan Agnes Monica. Cini di malaysia ini Cina TOTOK. Nggak biasa cakap bahasa melayu sikkk



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