ikut analisa saye......kite maybe akn mengalami next wave of global financial crisis...since euro crisis dah menular +debt ceiling +recently US downgrade.....first downgrade in history.........ini akn menambahkan "risk aversion" dlm market yng buatkan saham merudum......so......sape yng main saham tu hati2 ye....hahahaha
2008 dah jadi...skrg 2012... dgr citer krisis nih 4 tahun sekali..... kompeni saya dah merasa skrg...langkah awal sudah bermula utk menghadapi krisis 2012
menambahkan "risk aversion" dlm market yng buatkan saham merudum......so......sape yng main saham tu hati2 ye....
boleh elaborate risk aversion tu in layman's term tak? i kurang pengetahuan la tentang ekonomi, finance etc.when u say hati2 main saham tu maknanyanya its not good to invest now ke?
i baru jer di approach unit trust consultant. i pun tak tahu whether nak invest ke x
2008 dah jadi...skrg 2012... dgr citer krisis nih 4 tahun sekali..... kompeni saya dah merasa skrg...langkah awal sudah bermula utk menghadapi krisis 2012
kerap gak berlaku krisis ek? i tot once dalam 1 dekad ...eg in 1985, 1997, 2008 .....krisis kali ni agak2 akan jadi sekejap ke lama?
bkn 4 tahun skali..ussually 10years...but...in recent 2 years after 2008 there are alot of market turmoil like euro crisis....crisis in middle east and just now crisis US debt.....++++ US downgraded...thats why investor x convince dgn market....then this will push stocks around the world down....that will make financial institution trouble....hence akn berlaku financial crisis
actually from my observation lps gawat akn berlaku recovery....tp dlm tempoh recovery lps 2008 bnyk bende yng kacau like euro crisis n US debt crisis....thats why yng da melewatkan mase untuk recovery...bak kate ahli2 economist...double dip recession...
hahaha....sbenanye saye ni still balaja civil engineering kat uitm...tp da minat dgn ekonomi nak buat cmne..haha
Risk Averse
A risk-averse investor dislikes risk, and therefore will stay away from adding high-risk stocks or investments to their portfolio and in turn will often lose out on higher rates of return. Investors looking for "safer" investments will generally stick to index funds and government bonds, which generally have lower returns.
maknenye....pelabur takut hence dieorang akn jual saham...then...bile jual saham deorang akn beli bond daripade duit yng interest rate rendah mcm YEN n CHF......then thats why bile stocks tumble....harge bond naik....
buat mase skng us treasury bond paling slamat kat dunie(sume anggap US xkn bankrap)...tp since S&P dah mule downgrade US...rasenye harpaan dieong kat US dah semakain kurang..
tu la pasal, aku pun perasan, orang2 di malaysia ni mcm takde perasaan ape2 la pasal krisis yg bakal melanda..tak tau la sbb mmg tk tau ape yg berlaku, tak faham akan yg sedang berlaku atau mmg buat2 tatau .
pendapat aku pun sama.. langkah yg paling simple. minimumkan debt/liability..maximumkan saving/asset.
ini tidak, ade duit lebih skit, upgrade kete mahal, shopping barang2 yg tak perlu yg tiada return value. nak enjoy tu bole la, tp tengok pada keperluan & kewangan.
Aku punyer pendapat lak.......wat hutang (personal loan misal katakan) semaksima yang mungkin dan loan tersebut beli physical gold and silver. Gold (seeloknya kijang emas dan dinar kelantan) simpan di pajak gadai dapat pinjaman dan beli lagi gold.
bkn 4 tahun skali..ussually 10years...but...in recent 2 years after 2008 there are alot of market turmoil like euro crisis....crisis in middle east and just
you anticipate the crisis will be worse than 1998 ker? how bad will Malaysia be affected by this?
you ada mention in your 1st post sapa yang main saham kena hati2, so does that mean its time to switch your aggressive funds to money market or bond is it?
double dip recession means? the word is too jargon for me la, but i'm guessing that ....if its double dip... then it will take twice the time to recover from the recession? or the impact of the recession is twice the usual recession?