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Press Conference DAP : Polis Tumbuk Pemandu Cina, Berkata-kata Racist (Video Ins

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Post time 15-4-2012 11:40 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by Magika at 16-4-2012 18:50

Dari FreeMalaysiaToday

1. Kereta Persendirian, but use as company car, bring electrical equipment. His shirt got d company name. So 1 wrong here, i heard d police say u cant use Kereta persendirian as company vehicle.

2. At 2:14 he tried to bribe the police. But the police didnt accept the bribe.

3. At 2:49 he start raised his voice.

4. At 3:15 Police officer ask for his licence, he rudely reply and slam his licence on d wind shield.

5. At 3:32 open d door and shout "Rasuah Punya malaysia" eventhou d police rejected his bribe earlier. lol

6. At 3:43 police punched him on d shoulder.

Point to ponder
a. He and his fren ready with video camera. hehe suspicious, sengaja nak perangkap d police?
b. Try to bribe d police officer, niceee. its on video somemore, i believe he can go in jail for this action.
c. Provoke the police, why la? bcoz found guilty and police didnt accept the bribe?

d. Yup, d police sure punch him on d shoulder, but i believe, with his evidence, he is in more big trouble than the police. haha


KUALA LUMPUR: A wireman claimed that he was assaulted by a traffic policeman on Thursday at a roadblock in Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam, and managed to record the scuffle on his digital video camera.

Speaking at a press conference yesterday, Aw Yuen Wei, 30, said his van was stopped at the roadblock near Jalan Kota Kemuning, and he gave his driver’s licence for inspection.

“One of the policemen told me that it was illegal to load commercial items in my Perodua Rusa. I told him the items were my personal stuff and not for commercial use,” Aw said.

He said the items in his car were electrical wires.

But Aw claimed the policeman was angry at his explanation and started hurling vulgarities at him, even calling him “Cina babi” ( Chinese pig).

Hearing the racist slur, Aw said he lost his temper and started scolding the officer, accusing him of trying to find fault with him to get bribe.

He then re-entered his van when the policeman punched his right shoulder.

Unknown to the officer, Aw’s video recorder was switched on and the entire melee was recorded.

Four-minute clip

Aw claimed that he pushed the officer away and when the latter tried to hurl another blow, Aw took out his camera and told the officer that he got everything recorded.

“The officer immediately backed off,” said Aw, who failed to get the name of the errant cop.

He also claimed that none of the other policemen tried to stop the scuffle.

“One officer came later and told me to settle the matter. However, I refused and ended up with a summons,” he said.

The officer summoned Aw for “salah guna lori dengan membawa barang-barang pendawaian elektrik dan mangga” (misusing his lorry by loading electrical wires and padlocks).

Aw managed to take a picture of his assailant.

When FMT viewed the recording later, the video showed some minor differences.

The four-minute clip showed the traffic officer telling Aw that he should not use a van registered as a private vehicle for commercial purposes.

‘Take disciplinary action’

Aw is seen telling the officer that even the Road Transport Department did not reprimand him for it, but the officer told Aw that does not make an offence legal.

Aw was then seen getting down his van at 1.09 minute and returned at 2.06 minutes, telling the officer not to “make a living like this”. The officer was seen hurling abuses at Aw.

An irate Aw then banged the van’s windscreen, entered his vehicle and shouted “barua punya polis”.

He later opened the van door and shouted “Rasuah punya Malaysia” before slamming it shut again. That was when the officer returned and punched Aw on the right shoulder, asking, “Apa you cakap sama saya?” ( What you said to me).

Aw was then seen pushing away the officer and showed him the video camera indicating that he had the melee recorded.

The wireman lodged a report on the matter yesterday at the Pandan Indah police station.

On a related matter, Aw’s lawyer Keppy Wong said that he would write to the Inspector-General of Police Ismail Omar and the Attorney-General Abdul Gani Patail on the matter.

Wong, who is also the Kampung Cheras Baru branch DAP chairman, said that the authorities must take disciplinary action against the officer.
“The officer must also be investigated not only under the Penal Code for assault but also under the Sedition Act for hurling racist insults,” Wong said.

He added that it was unbecoming of public officials to hurl racist insults against fellow citizens and the matter must be dealt sternly.

“Previously we had racist teachers and principals but now we have racist policemen,” he said.

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Post time 16-4-2012 12:22 AM | Show all posts
Selain menuduh anggota itu racist(di mn tk dgr pun yg dia ucap babi..walau pun ya, babi tk dikhaskan utk cina sahj )

Motif utama rekod video semata2 berniat jahat nk rasuah polis tp dia gagal, dgn provokasi yg dia bg mmg kurg ajar mmg patut polis tu marah...

Dlm kes ni mmg aku setuju kalu aku kata mmg cina ni b@bi sebb saiz bdan dia kalu mlm hari boleh disalah anggap...tgh mlm aku nmpk sure aku langgar...

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Post time 16-4-2012 12:27 AM | Show all posts
nak panggil semua org melayu berkumpul ke....?

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Post time 16-4-2012 12:38 AM | Show all posts
Bangsat ni kurang hajar, cuba rasuah polis, polis tu siap bagi muka lagi cakap elok2.

Si babi ni lagi nak tinggi suara, panggil orang barua. Civil liberty kepala dongga habah dia.

Sengaja buat pasal sgtkan?
Wak kasi menggesa semua agensi kerajaan menjalankan siasatan menyeluruh ke atas si barua ni, dan loyar dia keppy wong.

Polis sila siasat semua saman tertunggak.
JPJ amek tindakan ikut peruntukan undang2 utk gantung lesen, rampas kenderaan.
Income tax siasat setiap sen bank account, hartanah, income tax filing kedua2 mereka.

That would be a good start.

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Post time 16-4-2012 12:40 AM | Show all posts
Bodoh betul la apek ni.. kalau tak provoke memang tak sah..

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Post time 16-4-2012 12:44 AM | Show all posts
Cina bukit jenis macam ni dah makin ramai sekarang ni.

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Post time 16-4-2012 12:47 AM | Show all posts
Kaum ni memang benci polis.. kalu nampak polis terus mengelupur..

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Post time 16-4-2012 12:47 AM | Show all posts
sendiri carik pasal pegi provoke+bribe polis pas tu nak salahkan polis pulak..

Semoga si polis mendapat pembelaan.. jangan dilayan puak2 macam ni... sengaja cari pasal, lepas tu play the race card buat kontroversi..

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Post time 16-4-2012 12:51 AM | Show all posts
Cina sekarang ni dah makin melampau.

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Post time 16-4-2012 12:58 AM | Show all posts
isu2 mcm ni la, wat wa lagi tawar hati dgn puok2 DAP n the gang.....

walopun puok2 BN tak semegah mana

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Post time 16-4-2012 12:59 AM | Show all posts
dah tau keja polis wat inpsektion, lagi provoke pasal pa..amik ko obat...hrp2 si pangadu ( cina ni ) ni kena tindakan yg sewajar nye....

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Post time 16-4-2012 01:04 AM | Show all posts
isu2 mcm ni la, wat wa lagi tawar hati dgn puok2 DAP n the gang.....

walopun puok2 BN tak semega ...

salimrock Post at 16-4-2012 12:58 AM

Tula pasal. Aku benci DAP sebab sana ramai cina2 jenis macam ni la.

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Post time 16-4-2012 01:07 AM | Show all posts
ternyata dia yang sengaja provoke kemarahan polis tu sambil rakam video untuk dijadikan 'bukti'... xde pun dlm video tu polis tu cakap b@bi, so ape buktinye?.. pastu lagi nak tuduh polis tu amek rasuah, padahal dia yang cuba nak bg rasuah kat polis tu.. mmg patut pun kena tumbuk...dah kena tahan, dia nak putar pulak salah dia tu pada abg polis...sian abg polis

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Post time 16-4-2012 01:33 AM | Show all posts
bodoh punya orang...bikin malu kaum cina jek...

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Post time 16-4-2012 01:34 AM | Show all posts
tujuan dia rakam video tu dari awal lagi dah tau niat asal mereka.. nak cari kesalahan polis.. apa lagi provoke la..

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Post time 16-4-2012 01:48 AM | Show all posts
polis yg kedua muncul tu cakap "cb" dulu...bukan ke?

**dan dlm perbualan, nampaknya ialah speed trap, tapi dikatakan tiada photo dll bukti, jadi pemandu tak puas hati dgn tuduhan polis....

polis boleh tuduh seberangan ke? atau saya tersalah dengar apa dlm video tu?

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Post time 16-4-2012 02:13 AM | Show all posts
Inilah dalilnya mengapa kita kena hapuskan DAP... buat conference kunun nak bela manusia macam ni...

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Post time 16-4-2012 02:26 AM | Show all posts
polis yg kedua muncul tu cakap "cb" dulu...bukan ke?

**dan dlm perbualan, nampaknya ialah speed t ...
cmf_herrhughie Post at 16-4-2012 01:48

rasanya dia ditahan atas sebab kenderaan persendirian yg digunakan sebagai kenderaan perdagangan..
yg aku paham dia sebut speed trap tu selepas dia suruh polis tu amik gambar plet number tu dan antar saman tu kat bos dia...
mungkin maksud dia kalau saman speed trap boleh amik gambar je, kenapa saman mcm tu tk boleh amik gambar pulak...
polis tu pun mula2 dah cakap baik2...yg dia sibuk provoke buat apa..

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Post time 16-4-2012 02:34 AM | Show all posts
rasanya dia ditahan atas sebab kenderaan persendirian yg digunakan sebagai kenderaan per ...
apex Post at 16-4-2012 02:26

   hmm....kalau pasal "kenderaan persendirian yg digunakan sebagai kenderaan perdagangan", then nothing to argue la...

saman dia.

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Post time 16-4-2012 02:45 AM | Show all posts
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