One of the features characteristic of all the known history of the world of dictators, is a luxurious and extravagant lifestyle, while the common people are suffering from hunger and poverty.
Offer to see what drinks preferred most famous dictators of the world at the height of his fame.
1. Kim Jong Il (Kim Jong-il)
Former leader of North Korea was characterized by various quirks and whims. As for drinks, he preferred cognac Hennesy, which the Latvian measures spent 596 thousand lats per year.
2. Saddam Hussein (Saddam Hussein)
The former Iraqi leader was not only cruel and ruthless, but also contrary to Islam, took alcohol. His favorite drink was red wine Mateus Rosé.
3. Muammar Gaddafi (Muammar Gaddafi)
Gaddafi was the leader of Libya from 1969 until 2011, when, during the Civil War, he was overthrown from office. His home and in the workplace has been found whiskey Johnnie Walker Black Label.
4. Nicolae Ceauşescu (Nicolae Ceauşescu)
Former Romanian dictator, who led the government until 1989, flesh, resting after a hard day, enjoying champagne Chivas Regal.
5. Pol Pot (Pol Pot)
In 1975, Pol Pot became leader of Cambodia. During his reign were killed nearly three million people. In his youth Pot lived for some time in Paris, where he fell in love with the red wine. Of the drink he refused for life.
6. Mao Zedong (Mao Zedong)
The founder of the Chinese Socialist Party, Mao Zedong is still considered one of the most significant figures in modern history. As a true patriot, he preferred Chinese liquor Maotai.
7. Fidel Castro (Fidel Castro)
Former Cuban leader likes not only cigars. He was happy to drink mojitos and Cuba Libre. Unofficially, it is known that Castro would not mind drinking good Scotch whiskey.
8. Robert Mugabe (Robert Mugabe)
Zimbabwe's president since 1987 and to this day is gradually drives the country into a deep crisis - agricultural production virtually stopped, and the rate of inflation through the roof. In this case, the state did not have enough food and fuel. However, this does not prevent the president enjoy champagne. It is known that in its 85 years of Mugabe ordered 2,000 bottles of expensive champagne (Bollinger and Moët & Chandon), as well as 500 bottles of Johnnie Walker.
9. Joseph Stalin
Stalin has always offered its guests a vodka, but he abstained from alcohol to a sober mind to achieve the desired result. However, it was not an absolute teetotaler and was able to drink vodka. But his favorite drink was sweet Georgian wine Khvanchkara.
10. Benito Mussolini (Benito Mussolini)
It is known that the former leader of Italy's Benito Mussolini was seen a few strange tendencies. Perhaps one of them can be called his addiction to strawberry frappe, which was made of strawberry liqueur and sorbet, Chianti and Angostura.
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