Greta (Cohan), a young American woman looking to escape a troubled past, takes a job in a small England village as a nanny for a wealthy couple's 8-year-old son while they take a long vacation.
She arrives at the remote manor to discover that things are not quite right. The surprisingly elderly Mr. & Mrs. Heelshire have a list of strict rules for her to follow in caring for their son Brahms, and they mysteriously warn Greta that not following them precisely could result in something terrible. But, the most disturbing realization of all is that Brahms is not an actual 8-year-old boy....he's a life-sized porcelain doll, whom the doting parents care for and deeply love, just like a real boy. "If you love him," Greta is sternly instructed, "he will love you back."
Isolated and alone, Greta notices that every time she breaks a rule, something strange happens in the house, and the doll reappears in different places and positions than where she put him. Compelled to uncover the mystery behind Brahms, Greta enlists the help of the local grocery delivery man, the only human being she sees for weeks, who shares horrifying details about the Heelshire family's disturbing past, leading Greta to realize that she wasn't just hired – she was chosen.
Overall ... quite satisfactory ... element element yang skeri ... menakutkan ... mmg very effective. Mmg feeling creepy sesangat biler unsur-unsur scary mula keluar ... tapi is there any thing really new?? No... nothing new. Anak patung beralih tempat .. bunyi bebudak ketawa .. berjalan dan berlari ... telefon berdering dan ada sore 'sumthing' bercakap dalam telefon. Tapi lakonan mantap dari Lauren ... cara pengambaran ... music yang berkesan... telah berjaya membuat para penonton untuk menutup mata biler bab bab suspen mula keluar.
Overall .. okie ler ... iols bagi 7.5/10 ... menghiburkan ... dan ada certains scene yang tol tol membuat iols terjerit kecil dan terperanjat ...
p/s ada 3 minah yang dok sebelah iols .. gedik ya amat .... sikit sikit menjerit ... lepas tu gelak gedik gedik .. choiiiiii
bintang yg diberi 1.5/5 je...
muvi ni pandai bg org terkejut tu je
unsur saspen ada tp xsampai part yg meyeramkan.
plot ceta xcukup kuat..
latar blakang psl patung tu xcukup kuat sdgkan latar blakang greta tu lbh kuat lg..
ending yg twist sampai tertanya awat yg tiba2 jd camtu..
Post time 29-1-2016 10:18 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Scene yg si Greta ni berkemban pakai tuala tu..tuala cap apa dia pakai eh..
Elok no tak terburai..
Kalau aku, baru setapak nak panjat tangga tu kompom tuala tu dah terburai terbogel..harus la si brahm yg sembunyi balik dinding tak beragak mai menerekam
Hmm.. haku layan siang hari Jumaat tue.. dengan harapan takder rasa seram la khennn.. dah kata the Boy.. fefeeling citer antu la..haha..
Ok.. Mula2 tue.. memang syiok la jugak.. biasala..aksi tejut2 boboi tue.. Yang paling tkleh blah scene pusing kepala patung tue.. aduhh! Kus semangat kau jah! terjerit haku!
Rasa mcm kelam kabut nak habis ke cemana ntah haku tatau la.. Bila dh reveal sapa si polan berbulu lebat itu (haku ngan kak opismate haku mcm blur2 sket) Oooooo.. gitu kaa... Mehhhhhh... dah jadi mcm down sketla.. ingat citer hantu.. Tapi lebih pada thriller seram gitu genre dia.. And.. Last skali... rasa krik..krik jap.. Gitu je ka... Kesimpulannya.. akan ada The Boy II.. mungkin masa tue si polan berbulu lebat tue akan cukur abeh bulu2 beliau dan menjejaki minah yg jaga dia tue...
Rasanya tk perlu dipasangkan ngan Annabelle tue.. tk ckup angker pun si The Boy neh.. haha.. lain la kalo memang next time ada edisi pemujaan masukkan roh ke dalam bdan dia.. kot2 memang kiok si polan berbulu lebat tue...