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Author: adila39


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 Author| Post time 28-8-2020 11:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
makton replied at 28-8-2020 10:08 AM
hehehe harap2 berbuah la durian blackthorn i ni.. menanti penuh sabar

nnt tepek tauuuu...

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 Author| Post time 28-8-2020 11:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 28-8-2020 10:30 AM
i is sedih pokok tomato kena langgar dgn kucing so patah.. huhu

sabarrr... pagi tadi i tanam kobis tapi bukan kat pasu i try kat tanah.. korek korek tadi tanah tu.... lady finger i dah gone kot... ada satu ni kecik2 apa lupa.. mcm sawi... i buang sebab kering.. i tanam cili merah je laaa

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 Author| Post time 28-8-2020 11:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hopefully kaka @Buritan is strong... kucing dia sakit... dia down tu. Doakan ya

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Post time 28-8-2020 11:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
seribulan replied at 27-8-2020 11:49 PM
Sambung sini @Kak-Leen kat Klang kan?

Ni di Melaka, sb.

Hospital Kem Terendak dan unit Para


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Post time 28-8-2020 12:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 28-8-2020 10:09 AM
hmmm... ni yg x best ni..

Tu la..baru dua tiga hari lepas husband dok ckp..melaka ok xde kes..sekali dtg, 3 terus

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
makton replied at 28-8-2020 10:10 AM
sedapnya bendi celur...

Mkn dgn sambal belacan..peh nasi panas tmbh2 nnt..hihihi

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 28-8-2020 10:10 AM
now dah improve tak leon?

Kita bunuh je mn yg jumpa tu..pastu hari2 kena belek tgk..nasib ulat tu kecik lg..belum beranak pinak kot

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 28-8-2020 10:10 AM
alaaa cari yg elok... my kittens ni kecik la lagi... dedua betina.. hehehe

Husband kata ada dh yg ngeko je dia kt opis tu..nnt nk bawa carrier..leon ni bulu kembang..blh la dikacukkn..hehehe

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
In action for lunch today. Masak lemak tumis ikan parang  & sup tauhu lembut saja.
Seronok masak tengok suami & anak2 makan. Hari ni kan Jumaat

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:06 PM | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 28-8-2020 11:45 AM
sabarrr... pagi tadi i tanam kobis tapi bukan kat pasu i try kat tanah.. korek korek tadi tanah tu ...

hehe tu la.. harap yg masih hidup ni keluar hasil la.. kalau byk2 mati takut i jadi fed up

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 28-8-2020 10:31 AM
ooyeke.. adui kesiannya.. masa tu dia umur brapa tahun?

Alhamdulillah pokok nmpk ok xde ulat b ...

Anak umur 4thn..tgh lasak kan.. kita la nangis2 masa Dr inform gegendang koyak..Dr siap inform treatment semua time tu...bdk2 mn la tau akibatnye..dh le time tu besday sendiri tgh sarat anak yg last ni..dpt bad news pulak..smp lupa nk renew lesen memandu selama 1wk..mujur nmpk jpj baru teringat..nasib dia buat road block kt lane lain..
Smp skrg masih lg appoinmt..dh darjah 1 next month ada appoinmt..hari tu covid hospital postponed

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
makton replied at 28-8-2020 10:55 AM
ada tanam pokok nenas 2 pasu. tu je yg baru tanam

Mcm mn nak tanam nenas?
Teringin nk tanam..hari tu potong yg kepala dia tu tnm x jadi..x tau nk panggil ape..hahaha

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
keypochino replied at 28-8-2020 11:16 AM
kat Klang pun ada sg udang kan.. kat perak pun ada kg sg udang kan.. melaka pun ada..

Oh ye ke..harap byk udang.. hahaha..
Tau yg kt mlk pn sbb dok mlk

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 28-8-2020 11:51 AM
Hopefully kaka @Buritan is strong... kucing dia sakit... dia down tu. Doakan ya

Moga kaka buritan kuat..
Kucing kecik mmg payah nak handle kalau sakit.. mcm bdk kecik jugak

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kak-Leen replied at 28-8-2020 12:06 PM
In action for lunch today. Masak lemak tumis ikan parang  & sup tauhu lembut saja.
Seronok masak t ...

Lama pulak x mkn tahu lembut..
Anak dara suka ikan parang masak asam pedas

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Leonclay replied at 28-8-2020 12:10 PM
Anak umur 4thn..tgh lasak kan.. kita la nangis2 masa Dr inform gegendang koyak..Dr siap inform tre ...

ooyeke.. alahai dugaan betul utk u time tu.. yela ank2 masa kecik main sauk je x masuk mulut, masuk hidung..

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:17 PM | Show all posts
Leonclay replied at 28-8-2020 12:13 PM
Oh ye ke..harap byk udang.. hahaha..
Tau yg kt mlk pn sbb dok mlk

melaka tu yg ada kem tentera tu la kan.. sg udang?

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Post time 28-8-2020 12:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adila39 replied at 28-8-2020 10:10 AM
now dah improve tak leon?

Eh pasal anak kita ke..kita jawab pasal ulat pulak..hahaha

hasil check sendiri, nmpk 50% dh tertutup..
Nk jd Dr medical x lepas sbb bio mmg suka check telinga org..hahaha..ent dlm umah sendiri
Doakan kita jd Dr in philosophy je la segera..amin kan hari jumaat

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 Author| Post time 28-8-2020 12:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Leonclay replied at 28-8-2020 12:19 PM
Eh pasal anak kita ke..kita jawab pasal ulat pulak..hahaha

hasil check sendiri, nmpk 50% dh ter ...

hehehe.. Ameen ya Rabb


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 Author| Post time 28-8-2020 12:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Leonclay replied at 28-8-2020 12:04 PM
Kita bunuh je mn yg jumpa tu..pastu hari2 kena belek tgk..nasib ulat tu kecik lg..belum beranak pi ...

haaaa??? hahahaha.. ooo laei topik ni.. duhhh

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