kalau kita teliti balik peperangan dunia, world war 1 and world war 2 ni di cetuskan oleh puak2 yahudi...end game mereka adalah utk dapatkan tanah yg kononnya dijanjikan tuhan...bila masa tuhan janjikan tanah kpd sesuatu bangsa?
Israel nie, bukan nasib baik dia setuju gencatan senjata, tapi nampak memang macam terpaksa buat gencatan senjata.
huru-hara ekonomi Israel akibat dibedil oleh roket Hamas. Lumpuh penerbangan di Israel. Sasaran Hamas lebih kepada Hab Ekonomi di Israel, melemahkan pengerakkan ekonomi di Israel.
dan sasaran Israel lebih kepada penduduk Awam di Gaza sebab itu ramai yg terkorban di Gaza tapi tidak melemahkan ekonomi dan semangat pejuangan Hamas.
Sebab itu rakyat Palestine merayakan kemenangan kerana Israel terpaksa membuat gencatan senjata. Nasib baiklah Hamas bersetuju dengan gencatan senjata.
Hamas bedil lapangan terbang kedua IsraelMei 13, 2021 @ 10:34pm
Penduduk Palestin membawa jenazah 13 pejuang Hamas yang terbunuh dalam serangan Israel ketika upacara pengebumian di Masjid al-Omari di Gaza. - Foto AFP
BANDAR GAZA: Hamas hari ini membedil roket ke Lapangan Terbang Ramon berhampiran Eilat, Israel, lokasi kemasukan pesawat yang dilencongkan selepas lapangan terbang utama di Tel Aviv diserang.
Jurucakap sayap senjata Hamas memaklumkan mengenai serangan roket seberat 250 kilogram (kg) dan menuntut semua syarikat penerbangan antarabangsa segera menghentikan penerbangan ke mana-mana lapangan terbang di Israel.
Hamas membedil lebih 1,600 roket ke arah Israel sejak Isnin lalu manakala tentera Israel memaklumkan menyerang sasaran Gaza lebih 600 kali.
Terdahulu, pihak berkuasa penerbangan awam Israel melencongkan semua penerbangan penumpang dari Lapangan Terbang Ben Gurion, Tel Aviv ke Lapangan Terbang Ramon, ketika amaran serangan udara sekali lagi dikeluarkan Hamas.
Sehubungan itu, kebanyakan syarikat penerbangan antarabangsa membatalkan penerbangan ke Israel.
Jurucakap United Airlines dan American Airlines memberitahu AFP, penerbangan dari AS ke Israel dibatalkan 'hingga 15 Mei ini'.
Di Gaza, 83 orang dilaporkan terbunuh termasuk 17 kanak-kanak dan lebih 480 orang lagi cedera selepas kawasan pantai dibom hebat termasuk meruntuhkan sebuah bangunan 12 tingkat.
Di dalam Israel pula, tujuh orang terbunuh sejak Isnin lalu termasuk seorang kanak-kanak berusia enam tahun, selepas sebuah roket terkena rumah keluarganya.
Terkini, Israel mengerahkan lebih ramai anggota tentera ke sempadan Gaza bagi menghadapi serangan Hamas manakala di dalam negara, pihak berkuasa Zionis berdepan rusuhan membabitkan penduduk Yahudi dan Arab.
Meriam dilihat mengebom wilayah Palestin manakala wartawan AFP melihat lebih banyak anggota tentera berkumpul di sempadan, di fahamkan bagi menyertai operasi tiga hari menentang Hamas. - AFP
Israeli police storm Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, fire tear gas: Live
Displaced Palestinian families start returning to destroyed homes in Gaza after ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.
Post time 21-5-2021 10:32 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
rashiman replied at 21-5-2021 09:32 PM
Israel nie, bukan nasib baik dia setuju gencatan senjata, tapi nampak memang macam terpaksa buat ...
Bagi aku penerimaan israel kepada gencatan ini bukan disebabkan mereka tunduk kepada serangan palastin disana kerana dalam sejarah moden , mereka hanya memerlukam 6 hari untuk mengelodak segala aset dan kepentingan arab . Gabungan tentera arab yg jelas tidak setanding teknologi yg ada pada .yahudi telah di malukan dan memberikan luka besar . Jadi jika dikatakan israel takut kerana roket iran , ianya cerita syok sendiri , tidak berpegang kepada fakta . Mungkin sekali yg terjadi adalah kerana israel telah dimalukan dengan sokongan dunia dari kalangan soladariti . Israel disedarkan tindakan mereka ini sebenarnya telah melukai hati masyarakat dunia .
i mean batuk skit ahem....ahem so sape2 yg pro apologetics israeli tu hmm ...
Home | Israel News
The Army Achieved Its Goal of the Gaza War. It Doesn't Look Like a Resounding Victory
Like in previous conflicts with Gaza, Israel hopes to achieve deterrence rather than a declared win ■ American pressure brought the cease-fire; their involvement may be echoed in a future conflict on Israel's northern front ■ Meanwhile, the ICC threat still looms
A senior officer in the reserves, one who played key roles in all the recent operations that Israel conducted in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, was asked this week about the somewhat strange experience, for him, of watching the unfolding events via television at home.
“I never understood the impact of the broadcasts on the Israeli viewer,” he admitted. “When we in the army were engaged in combat, we didn’t have the time or the attentiveness for the public’s reactions. We focused on our activity. But the viewers at home see countless images from the sites where rockets struck in Israel, and here and there a short segment about the dimensions of the destruction in Gaza. The picture they get is completely different.”
LISTEN: Israel’s goalless war on Gaza and what John Oliver got right
The problem of the Israel Defense Forces and the government is not confined to public diplomacy and will not be solved even if a new “national explainer,” of the likes of Chaim Herzog or Nachman Shai, is appointed in the next round. Once every few years, Israel initiates a new operation in the Gaza Strip or finds itself involved in one. The disparity between the limited goals that the army wants to achieve, and the crushing victory that the majority of the public wants to see, will remain large.
In visits this week to operations rooms of the General Staff, of Southern Command and of the Gaza Division, I met dozens of officers and soldiers in the regular army and the reserves who were absolutely committed to their mission. The IDF has greatly improved its defensive capability by means of the barrier against the tunnels and the Iron Dome intercept batteries, and it has honed the offensive machine of destruction it created, which rests on advanced technological and intelligence abilities.
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But in the current circumstances, all of these do not provide a victory or even a semblance of one. It’s not surprising that Israeli public opinion, which has had its fill of rounds of hostilities that are as expensive as they are pointless, is frustrated. The feeling of attrition comes on top of the weariness caused by a year of the coronavirus epidemic. This time Hamas succeeded in importing the routine of nighttime alarms into metropolitan Tel Aviv. The inhabitants of the center of the country got a small taste of what the residents of the south have endured for the past 20 years.
The personnel in the armored war rooms, above and below the ground, don’t hear the echoes of the battle and are barely aware of their consequences on the outside. The political context underlying the government’s guidelines is totally neutralized. The domestic criticism doesn’t trickle in through the layers of concrete. Similarly, the West’s growing unease over the air force bombing raids in the heart of Gaza’s civilian population is akin to the faint rumbling of distant thunder.
The IDF counts a hundred more terrorists killed than the official Palestinian figure (230 people killed as of midday Thursday, almost half of them civilians). The army is also aware that the campaign began in the form of a surprise to Israel and left it lagging behind from the outset. Hamas deviated from the previous forecasts of Military Intelligence by firing rockets at Jerusalem (the warning arrived on May 10 in the morning, around eight hours before the launch). Since then, what the IDF is doing is to pursue Hamas, whose leaders have already gone below ground.
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Once more, Israel waged a campaign of deterrence in Gaza, not one of decisive victory. The aim is to inflict severe damage on the Palestinian organizations and their military capabilities, such that they will refrain from firing at Israel again in the coming years. The head of the operations directorate in the General Staff, Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva, an incorrigible optimist, said this week that five years of quiet will be considered a success. But the success of a campaign of this sort will be measured only over time, not by raising the flag on an imagined Iwo Jima in the sands of the Gaza Strip. There will not be a clear, resounding victory here, no matter how many Moshe Klughaft-style PR folks will be mobilized to sell it.
The end of Operation Guardian of the Walls in the early hours of Friday leaves open the question of how to handle Hamas’ military aggrandizement. From one operation to the next, a constant line is visible of an improvement in range, numbers and abilities of the organization’s arsenal of rockets. Does that justify a comprehensive, Israeli-initiated move after which Gaza will be fully demilitarized? Interestin( >>>>>>>As predicted by the Assoc Prof Dr Michael Armstrong dalam articlenya in the conversation )
As for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at the moment he has a minimum of public credit to launch controversial moves. It’s hard to enter into a dangerous military incursion that will generate heavy casualties when half the population doesn’t believe a word you say and suspects, with some degree of justice, that you deliberately heated up the tension in Jerusalem for political and personal reasons.
Author|Post time 21-5-2021 10:55 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by laradelara at 21-5-2021 11:28 PM
dess402 replied at 21-5-2021 10:32 PM
Bagi aku penerimaan israel kepada gencatan ini bukan disebabkan mereka tunduk kepada serangan pala ...
Setuju dgn pandangan ini. Kalau dilihat, persepsi antarabangsa dlm konflik Palestin kali ini tidak memihak kpd Israel. Malah soladariti msykt dunia dlm isu Palestine ni pun jelas. Bagi mereka ini bkn isu agama tapi isu kemanusiaan. Sbb tu mereka stand together on this. Sng kata, buah percaturan Israel kali ini dianggap tidak berjaya kerana reputasi Israel tercalar
Hamas or zionis..aku stand untuk anti perang.. .
Aku kenal good muslims dan aku kenal good jewish....
Mungkin ko kenal lebih zionis tidak pernah kenal yahudi baik yang beriman kitab taurat..dan liberal jewish ..
Pegidahh macam la aku tak tahu apa itu Yahudi Zionis, baca balik posting aku.
Sebab ko bias kpd Yahudi Israel Zionis la, kononnya ko tak pilih side...piiirahh !!
Tentera mana yg bunuh ramai orang awam, wanita dan kanak2 ?
Siapa yg mulakan teroris attack memasuki masjid Al Aqsa menyerang membunuh orang2 Palestin semasa
akhir2 Ramadhan memukul,menghalau orang2 tengah solat ?.
Siapa yg mencuri menjajah Tanah Palestine.?
Semua ini menunjukkan Israel Terorist.
Kalo defending rights, Tentera mana yg menceroboh kawasan luar ?
Tentera Hamas atau Tentera Israel yg menceroboh masuk Palestine ?
Ko tak payah nak pusing cerita anti perangla, so siapa yg memulakan perang
kalo tak Israhell Yahudi zionis kaper lahanat.
Kalo dah berkerak hidong kemek penjilat Yahudi Zionis, masih nak pertahankan teroris.
Percayala cakap aku, Yisrahell zionis yahudi kaper laknat akan start balik serang Palestinians. Cakap2 Yahudi lahanat bangsat ni bukan boleh percaya...
Dengar video tu dan pahamkan situasi sebenar siapa yg teroris sebenarnya.