In conjunction with Hafiz's 20th birthday next month, we at Hafiz blog has come up with this idea of making a compilation of short stories about your experience with Hafiz thruout the several months he's been in our lives. This compilation will be made into a special book or journal to be given to him on the special day.
I know there are fans who went to great lengths to chase the superboy. Thanks to these die-hard fans..who comes from all over Malaysia...... Hafiz is at he is now.
And I'm sure he will be thrilled to receive this special gift from the loving fans.
So please submit your stories and pictures to [email protected] before 4th February 2010.
salam cm.....x kisah la x cantik ke hapa.....janji ada gambar terkini apiz....hehehe.....tengkiu so much!!
Along_XX Post at 18-1-2010 11:09
welkam was worth it...coz aku rasa nilah pelung aku...ko migraine eh...sian ko..dh mkn ubat ke....
ko minum kopi ke?...try to avoid sis.....
ok la cm gambor ko ni.. kalo aku pakai enpon kompom besor semut je muka adek...
santai gile dorg ni kat sini.. citer ah sket.. adek nyanyi lagu ape.. ape dorg tgk wat time tu..
orait conana....thanx....aku memang tak buat apa2 lagi kat gegambors tu...
tak sempat lagi...ko buatlah mana yg patut...the intention ambik gambors tu pun
nak share ngan korang kat sini.....sumer ...
CHINESEMALAY Post at 18-1-2010 11:07
thanx a lot CM for ur effort n all the pix. ...ko mesti tak kan bole lupa saat2 ko jumpa apiz tu kan...aku tumpang happy skali....
welkam was worth it...coz aku rasa nilah pelung aku...ko migraine eh...sian ko..dh mkn ubat ke....
ko minum kopi ke?...try to avoid sis.....
CHINESEMALAY Post at 18-1-2010 11:14
erkkk.....mmg aku suka minum nescafe sejak akhir2 ni.....tapi aku rasa start migraine ni pasal kene tempias ujan ari sabtu aritu.....ahad mmg the whole day aku sakit pala.....arini peak dia kot....harap2 esok reda dah......
that's what we thought.. sekali dah ptg lom balik lagi daa...
cmf_conan Post at 18-1-2010 11:16
yup..... tu la... hari tu mmg ingat dia balik pagi... coz a little bird said so...
but then ptg tu dpt info..rupanya dia blum balik lagi....
n mungkin singgah S'pore la pulak!!
kesmpulannya...dorang ni leh tukar plan last2 minute......
n we have to be alert....
but syukur la CM dpt gak jumpa apis on saturday... ok la tu kan....
insyaallah nanti jumpa apiz lagi next time......