falsetto itu adelah suara dalam. Cube dengar lagu halo-beyonce second verse " hit me like a ray of sun". Die guna falsetto. begitu juga dalam lagu persoalan cinta nyanyian farawahida mase verse permulaan. Bukan setakat lelaki jer. perempuan juga boleh buat falsetto. pegi tanya guru vokal atau search kat internet.
falsetto tak bermakna suara dalam...suara dalam tu hape?
dan masalahnya di sini...baca balik ...
idolfan Post at 30-4-2010 17:36
Nak tau suara dalam tu hape, dengarlah dua lagu tu. then u got the idea of it. bile u gune falsetto, u actually can stretch ur vocal range. dengar lagu seandainya masih ade cinta versi accoustic.
The issue of the female falsetto voice has been met with some controversy, especially among vocal pedagogists. Many books on the art of singing completely ignore this issue, simply gloss over it, or insist that women do not have falsetto. This controversy, however, does not exist within the speech pathology community and arguments against the existence of female falsetto do not align with current physiological evidence. Motion picture and video studies of laryngeal action reveal that women can and do produce falsetto, and electromyographic studies by several leading speech pathologists and vocal pedagogists provide further confirmation.[4]
One possible explanation for this failure to recognize the female falsetto is the fact that the difference in timbre and dynamic level between the modal and falsetto registers often is not as pronounced in female voices as it is in male voices. This is due in part to the difference in the length and mass of the vocal folds and to the difference in frequency ranges.[5] It is an established fact that women have a falsetto register and that many young female singers substitute falsetto for the upper portion of the modal voice.[1] Some vocal pedagogists believe that this failure to recognize the female falsetto voice has led to the misidentification of young contraltos and mezzo-sopranos as sopranos, as it is easier for these lower voice types to sing in the soprano tessitura using their falsetto register.[1]
persoalan setrusnya- BEZA WHISPERS & FALSETTO ape ek???
joroDan Post at 1-5-2010 02:01
Falsetto, whispers ni semua kite panggil phonation. Dalam phonation, die ade voiceless dan juga voiced. Voiceless contohnya ialah whispers manakala voiced contohnya harsh, creak, breathy and Falsetto.