Reply 180# lwyl
after few trials and thats the result! |
Reply 181# choclatemousse
Making macarons is a challenge, right? Once you see the feet appearing you'll jump with joy. |
Post Last Edit by Calimero at 14-10-2011 21:21
Chocolate & Pistachio Macaron

Salted Caramel Macaron
kak kod, rima ade jual acuan nipis tu..tapi cepat sold out...nak order leh la kontek dia.. ...
nazadiyah Post at 31-5-2011 14:20 
saya ada beli 2 macarons silicone sheets mastrad ni.. nak let go satu.. sapa nak PM i yer... |
Reply 183# lwyl
u ada fb tak? |
Reply 186# kodoklawa
I have but it's only for family and close friends . |
Reply 187# lwyl
dear..u create laa satu blog .. |
Reply 188# kodoklawa
Don't know how and too lazy to create one . |
boleh bagitahu kenapa macarons tak naik kakinya?punca? |
penah wat tapi tak jadi....huhu..
tak tau nape dia jadi berkedut2...
macam mangecut jek..
pastu manis gile...pdhal dh kurgkn gula dr sukatan sbnr..
haishhh..leh kene kencing manis mcm ni |
Reply 192# apple_honey
Please read post #191. All about macaron troubleshooting. |
smlm try wat macaroon
dulang pertama - 2 biji jer crack
dulang k2 - dari 30 bj macaroon hampir separuh yg crack
kenapa yer, adakah terover beat... |
Reply 195# ayanganje
adunan sama ke?...kalau camtu mungkin tak cukup kering sebelum dibakar, 'peram' lama sikit atas dulang tu baru tak crak & dapat kaki yg cantik |
Reply 195# ayanganje
oven terlalu panas pun boleh jadi crack jugak |

Making macarons is so addicting but sadly it doesn't always turn out perfect  |
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i pergi amik macaron class blajar wat italian method ngan french method..
dah try siap bawak balik almost 30++ macarons.. bg kawan2 rasa sbb org rumah x makan manis.. hehe seriously mmg manis sgt..sedap kalau makan dengan minum kopi sebenarnya
french method lagi senang.... so after class i xtau bila nak start buat ni..tangan da gatal2..
tp memikirkan hujan yang kerap turun sejak2 ni... takut x naik pulak kaki dia nnt lambat kering.. mungkin after november kot i nak try.. sbb dec ni besday my special bff.. |
hm...last month pi kelas macaron.my cousin blanje the fee.group ayu buat stoberi mac n other group buat choc macaron.so dpt la bwk blk mac sorg 10 ketul gitu.
the taste? hm...ayu prefer choc lg sbb less sweet.maybe sbb ada serbuk koko,tu yg buat dia lg kurang manis.
stoberi pun ok gak...takde la manis sgt mcm mac yg ayu beli seblm2 ni.mkn shellnya je pun dah ok dah...xyah nak boh filling.tp klu takde filling kang xnama nama macaron lak.hjg bln ni ingat nak try buat s'diri.klu tak rugi la ilmu yg dipelajari xdigunapakai kan... |
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