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Author: brown_pupil

Collagen mentah / Ibu collagen.. ada sesiapa pernah cuba?

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Post time 23-10-2012 05:52 PM | Show all posts
cyra posted on 23-10-2012 03:28 PM
takpe ina... nih i tolong jawabkan bagi pihak Santeira... kalau dia masih believe in the products  ...

Takut sebab ramai claim boob naik sebab makan rumpai neh..nanti tak laku plak product puerera mirifica tuh...yang dikilangkan dan ada banyak bahan awet tu..product tu rasanya tak lepas KKM kan?


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Post time 23-10-2012 05:55 PM | Show all posts
julia5094 posted on 23-10-2012 05:39 PM
ka..ka..ka..tulun gelak skali..

kihkihkih.... penat kitorang gelak kat sini...sampai ..lenguh pipi ...ngn rahang nih...!!!

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Post time 23-10-2012 05:59 PM | Show all posts
ok la aku nak out dl...dah puas gelak nie...skt rahang...slogan bt ms skrg"belilah barangan m'sia"

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Post time 23-10-2012 06:13 PM | Show all posts
ina_na posted on 23-10-2012 05:23 PM
tak tau la pr ke bn ke...coz dua2 pun ngok ngek jer aku tgk...tak tau nak pangkah mn...srh anak aku  ...
  1. tak tau la pr ke bn ke...coz dua2 pun ngok ngek jer aku tgk...tak tau nak pangkah mn...srh anak aku umur 3thn jer la yg pangkahkan...
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Post time 23-10-2012 06:14 PM | Show all posts
bungalisa posted on 23-10-2012 05:55 PM
kihkihkih.... penat kitorang gelak kat sini...sampai ..lenguh pipi ...ngn rahang nih...!! ...

samalah....pas makan acai berry baru nak kalut

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Post time 23-10-2012 06:38 PM | Show all posts
hahaha~tin kosong dah datang lihat binatang ~
u ingat i x perlu kerja datang sini tulis banyak banyak .

malu dah cukup ,jangan sampai buat malu sampai x nak pergi

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Post time 23-10-2012 07:34 PM | Show all posts
nature0326 posted on 23-10-2012 06:38 PM
hahaha~tin kosong dah datang lihat binatang ~
u ingat i x perlu kerja datang sini tulis banyak ba ...

hahhaha sudah kantoi tak boleh jawab.........pas tu kata link yg ko bagi tu saintifik research..

oopps lupa binatang  mana tahu baca n beza tak pergi sekolah punya olang, tak tahu saintifik research.....

Last edited by go_go on 23-10-2012 07:35 PM



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Post time 23-10-2012 08:44 PM | Show all posts
julia5094 posted on 23-10-2012 05:52 PM
Takut sebab ramai claim boob naik sebab makan rumpai neh..nanti tak laku plak product puerera miri ...

produk ainterol tu ada kelulusan badan kesihatan thailand dan EU Food Safety Agency. kalau dikeluarkan di malaysia patutlah ada kelulusan KKM. dan saya tidak jual pun produk itu, tak ada apa yang nak ditakutkan. sekarang concernnya ialah claim yang ia ada collagen, phosphorus, iron tu semua. saya tak pulak tau ada org boobs naik makan rumpai laut tu. hebat kesannya kerana setahu saya hanya phytoestrogen dan collagen yang boleh buat begitu, sedangkan bahan itu langsung takda dalam seaweed ni.

maybe you should, you know. learn reading comprehension 101 supaya you tau apa questions that i raised before making accusations and assumptions that truly make you look like an idiot. Last edited by Santeira on 23-10-2012 08:59 PM


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Post time 23-10-2012 08:47 PM | Show all posts
bungalisa posted on 23-10-2012 05:55 PM
kihkihkih.... penat kitorang gelak kat sini...sampai ..lenguh pipi ...ngn rahang nih...!! ...

beginner ni dah belajar adab ke belum? takkan tahu gelak je, bukti yang seaweed ni ada semua tu ada tak? tak ada kan?

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Post time 23-10-2012 08:51 PM | Show all posts
cyra posted on 23-10-2012 04:38 PM
San dear... u nak i tepek erti kata jual dari kamus dewan bahasa dan pustaka pulak ke?
jual tak  ...

adakah kamu fikir saya tidak perlu charge untuk masa, tenaga, bil internet dan elektrik yang saya gunakan? kalau saya jual, dah tentu kalau benda tu RM 5/kg jadi RM 80/kg kan? Ini perkara tahun 2008, saya mmg aktif di bod ini pada masa itu dan upah itu dicadangkan oleh mereka yang minta saya tolong belikan untuk mereka. obviously lepas fitnah orang tak pandai2 nak minta maaf nak salahkan orang lagi. lain kali, make full reserach before you accuse orang itu dan ini. saya aktif memberi testimonial dan pendapat di bod ini terutamanya untuk produk berasaskan collagen sejak tahun 2007. and next time, you carilah jawapan pada persoalan yang diajukan, bukan dengan cari point untuk personal attack peribadi orang lain, sbb nampak mcm you tak ada modal je. i suggest you turunkan ego sikit.
Last edited by Santeira on 23-10-2012 08:53 PM


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Post time 23-10-2012 09:20 PM | Show all posts
beldandy posted on 23-10-2012 04:37 PM
kalau bagus kenapa berhenti?

sbb saya tidak mahu kesan yang lain selain dari hormonal regulation untuk hilangkan senggugut, sebetulnya saya juga tidak percaya pada claim ia boleh besarkan boobs dan itu bukan tujuan saya beli herba itu. ia adalah kerana ia mendakwa boleh menghilangkan masalah senggugut, dan ia memang menghilangkan masalah itu tapi breasts mmg mula membesar, and i do not want that. so saya berhenti dan stick pada evening primrose oil.

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Post time 23-10-2012 09:24 PM | Show all posts
FyeCmeya posted on 23-10-2012 04:44 PM
pada pendapat i, i mungkin boleh setuju memang yang ia tak ada colagen... i dah cakap daripda post ...

bukan apa, mungkin ada yang kisah. maybe bila diiklan sebagai produk yang 100% collagen ada yang mahu beli kerana dakwaan tersebut dan dia pun berhenti consume supplement collagen yang berikan kesan yang dia mahukan. but at least you're not being defensive. kalau ada research tu letakla, but for now i think memang confirm tak ada collagen dalam benda ni and it should stop being marketed as containing such. thanks for the input.


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Post time 24-10-2012 04:55 AM | Show all posts
sarcastic nye go_go neh?
pe masalah ko eyh? ko jual product ape?
if ko nak jd testi n bgtaw kat seisi forum bende neh x bagus ckp jer la terus!
ni dok putar alam tny soklan itu ini.. adoiyai...
klu x pernah pkai n saje2 nak hentam kromo x payah la eyh.. SEMAK!

sakit ati plak aku bace.. bkn bole block ko pon.. klu x senang skit bole skip!

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Post time 24-10-2012 08:39 AM | Show all posts
makadek posted on 23-10-2012 09:56 PM
Lor dah sama laju ngan tread menantu tershohor.....huhuh.aku ari2 masuk tgk debat perdana korang.heh ...

debat yg merapu maraban kan.... hihihihi.....  

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Post time 24-10-2012 09:02 AM | Show all posts
Back to the topic... Smlm tlh selamat aku rebus ibu collagen.. Blh la tekak aku terima bende alah ni...
Ingat nk bl lg.. Kalo ade yg jual PM sy ye.. ;)

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Post time 24-10-2012 10:06 AM | Show all posts
semlm bt tuk mak punya lagi tuk bwk blk ry aji nie...coz ari ahad ari tu dia tipon srh bwk blk yg dah msk aku bt lar...aku buh gula batu + sunquit jer...lps tu bl rs dia mcm biase jer...tak de la bau2 mcm yg violet tu...lps tu bg cik suami rs sikt...cik suami kt rs mcm mkn agar2 biase jer...cik suami kt dia lbh prefer mkn yg violet coz ada bau...mencbr skt ktnye ms nak menelannye...aku pun rs lbh sk kat violet nye...tah tekak kami dah jd gada2 kot...

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Post time 24-10-2012 10:08 AM | Show all posts
a few day dh skip makan seaweed ni......terlupa, termalas smua ada....

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Post time 24-10-2012 10:09 AM | Show all posts
tapi mak dh pesan suh bwk balik lg tuk stok dia....wahhh, mak sntiasa taat dgn seaweed ni......

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Post time 24-10-2012 10:23 AM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 23-10-2012 04:13 PM
ya ke, setakat ni yang start tuduh orang meroyan ialah geng2 kamu juga, tak habis nak halau orang, ...

i really like ur posts dear. maybe we can be friend . u stand for what u think is right, which ramai yang xberani nak buat. good job!

anyway, i found this article. ai bagi sedikit quote dari article ni:

Seaweed, and in particular Phytessence Wakame, a particular type of seaweed found around the coast of Japan, has been eaten by the Japanese for centuries. And it is no coincidence that Japanese women have some of the best looking skin in the world as they age. And the Japanese have known about the seaweed skin care link for a long time.Phytessence Wakame has always been prized for its properties in promoting better skin health.Modern science has now discovered seaweed and anti aging go together and the result is a wide range of seaweed skin care products. The reasons Wakame is so good for your skin have to do with the actions of a particular enzyme. It’s called hyaluronidase and it gradually breaks down the collagen and elastin in your skin.And collagen and elastin are 2 proteins which are extremely important in maintaining skin elasticity. Skin elasticity is what keeps your skin strong yet supple and which is responsible for keeping wrinkles and skin sagging away. So if hyaluronidase is breaking down your collagen and elastin, you do not want that.Modern science has now discovered that there are very important components of Phytessence Wakame that help reduce the actions of hyaluronidase, thereby helping maintain the levels of collagen and elastin in your skin and helping to maintain skin elasticity leading to less wrinkles.

so dari apa yang ai faham, seaweed ni berfungsi untuk menghalang tindakan hyaluronidase (proses yang mempercepatkan penuaan, kerana proses ni mengurangkan kolagen dan elastin pada kulit). jadi sebab tu seaweed banyak digunakan sebagai bahan untuk skincare product di jepun. full article kat sini:

yang ni plak i petik dari
Are there vegetarian sources of collagen?
    1. Most collagen protein supplements are made from animal tissue. However, some products that use agar (seaweed) as a source of collagen would be suitable for vegetarians.
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    but dari pembacaan ai, i found a rather interesting facts. there are a lot of source boleh check kat internet :
    Agar is the product of several species of seaweed. It is also known as agar-agar. In Japan, it is referred to as kanten. Hundreds of years ago, the Japanese and Chinese learned how to freeze-dry and dehydrate the fern-like fronds of this seaweed and form them into kanten bars. These bars were used as gelatin ( )
    A short and simplified description of the extraction of agar from seaweeds is that the seaweed is washed to remove foreign matter and then heated with water for several hours. The agar dissolves in the water and the mixture is filtered to remove the residual seaweed. The hot filtrate is cooled and forms a gel (jelly) which contains about 1 percent agar. The gel is broken into pieces, and sometimes washed to remove soluble salts, and, if necessary, it can be treated with bleach to reduce the colour. Then the water is removed from the gel, either by a freeze-thaw process or by squeezing it out using pressure. After this treatment, the remaining water is removed by drying in a hot-air oven. The product is then milled to a suitable and uniform particle size.

jadi kesimpulannya seaweed dan agar2 ialah benda yang sama. cuma penamaan je lain, agar ialah nama selepas seaweed tu dah jadi jelly, dan seaweed ialah dia punya origin. dan harga agar2 jauh lebih rendah

Last edited by hani85 on 24-10-2012 10:27 AM


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Post time 24-10-2012 10:24 AM | Show all posts
kalo mcm tu nanti 220796 mak lak yg lagi meletup dr anaknye...mcm mak sy 2weeks dah mintak bwkkan ms nak blk ry nanti...

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