|V2.0 LOFALAND| President Hajjah Noor Neelofa fLyInG HìGheR ヽ(^。^)ノ
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owhhh No wonder FattZura selalu ignore kutukan org ramai.
it shows they are intelligent. Thanks for agreeing on that
haha like versa. hari2 dok tgk team peminat setia lofa yg asyik update IGS kutuk Fazura..fattzura.
heran betul, benci tapi nak jugak tgk. nak jugak ckp pasal fattzura
Edited by SepatUngu at 11-12-2017 02:47 PM
siap kata nk boikot AA hahahahhaa
ntah2 bila promo 0 fare AA dialah org pertama ngadap website 
Sama je macam lofa.yg tak move on karat diaorg je,maksud I kat forum ni.
Bab ig tu 2x5 je..cuma kat sini kita org mmg tak kuasa nak cerita pasal couple tu,dulu dulu yer skrg kami kat sini dah move on :
Syazzy replied at 11-12-2017 03:35 PM
haha like versa. hari2 dok tgk team peminat setia lofa yg asyik update IGS kutuk Fazura..fattzura. ...
Todiaahhh butthurt dah muncul. Hahaha
Dah ada modal menghasut org membenci ke belum hari ni?? Cer tgk ig lofa kot2 ada benjolan mana2 boleh mencuba menghasut. Hehehe |
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so nice. i think you are one of those brilliant people who understand and respect people's personal life, rather than holding to some fake past.
congrats hehe.. Good job. im sure Neelofa will get someone she deserve to be with.
ya actually everyone moved on except for those karats. crazy karats!
Macam aku ckp kalau kat ig tu 2x5 je ko kutuk aku aku kutuk ko sama je,cuma yg kita dok ckp ni pasal fan umah sebelah tak move on Dari lofa sampai ke dlm tread lofa dikejarnya.bagi aku nak nak mengutuk lofa pergi kat benang sendiri,sapa pun x larang,ni tidak org cerita pasal lofa pun dok tak puas hati bukanya mengutuk idolat korang pun.
Bahagia kita bersama gitewww  
Yes insyallah mudah mudahan 
Cicisweets replied at 11-12-2017 03:49 PM
Macam aku ckp kalau kat ig tu 2x5 je ko kutuk aku aku kutuk ko sama je,cuma yg kita dok ckp ni pas ...
Igs aku tgk 2x5 je sindir menyindir. Hehehe
Butthurt lettew.. tak boleh tgk org side lofa.. kalau boleh nak tgk semua kecam lofa baru puas hati.. so visi dan misi berjaya. Hehehehe |
I tak tepek pic #NHgaladinner lagi sebab focus kita NED airasia , kalau dah reda sket pasal NED , ada masa nanti I tepek pic hajjah gelek2 hokey   |
Yes she will Insyaa Allah sebab Neelofa ni positive org nya.
unlike some of her Karats yg jahat mulut and always think Negative on other people as if diri sendiri je betul, diri sendiri je positive, org lain negative padahal its the other way round.
other than that, im sure 2018 will be a very good year for Neelofa, and a lucky one too! More Tudung collections! and more beautiful baju perhaps!
dah ada yg bukak tred dahhh psl gelek2 tu 
apooo chuols lambat..hajah lambat bank in gaji ker? 
Haha..mcm aku senang je tak suka aku block je kat ig skrg aman je naik muka hajjah yg lawa tu kat explorer aku 
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