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Author: 311gurl

Fazura - "Dewi Remaja?EWW" pG49. All abt Fazura(pg79)

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Post time 18-10-2013 11:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
melinda_kerr posted on 17-10-2013 12:43 PM
Sampai skrg aku xfaham konsep dia ade warrior, dielah princess. Boleh tak kau sedar umur tu dah 30 a ...

Well said ;)

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Post time 19-10-2013 12:04 AM | Show all posts
311gurl posted on 17-10-2013 09:36 PM
Duit alaun dia masa jadi gf/gundik/peneman diraja masih x berusik mungkin..
yelah kalo shopping o ...

officemate i a fan.of accountant .almost every week shops kat sana..baju2 dia cantik2 n stylo2 je i tgk...depends lah dgn taste masing2..if u rasa baju2 dia x cantik..maybe others beg to differ...harga die tu kire ok lah utk standard butik die.mesti x kisah nak spend that much utk support retis.kesayangan theyols...ada officemate i beli baju bundle jepun pun dah rm40.buruk plak dah die rasa cantik..die beli je.lah..

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 Author| Post time 19-10-2013 12:08 AM | Show all posts
lavenderrr1 posted on 19-10-2013 12:04 AM
officemate i a fan.of accountant .almost every week shops kat sana..baju2 dia cantik2 n st ...

i rasa baju kalau tgk depan2,,ok kot,,
sbb dlm nona,,missf pakai baju dia nmpk lawa,,
tpi kalau tgk kt fashionvalet n ig hod,,nmpk x cantik..
kesimpulannya,missf pls gayakan baju uols kt ig hod,,
ig hod pun adik laki dia yg handle,,laki ni mana la pandai bab styling kan baju supaya nmpk lawa


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 Author| Post time 19-10-2013 12:19 AM | Show all posts
Nur Fazura dabbles in a lot of things – she’s one of Malaysia finest actresses, she’s got her own clothing line and shop called ‘House of Doll’ and she’s also representing the chocolate flavor in Cadbury Dairy Milk's new ‘Pick Your Favourite’ campaign. Yep, she’s a busy, busy woman. But that didn’t stop the 30-year-old gorgeous star from meeting MSN for a short and sweet interview to talk about some of the most random things, like chocolate, her love for Pilates and why she should be the face of the Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign.

Let’s start by telling us how you got involved in the Cadbury “Pick Your Favourite” campaign?
Well, I’ve always been a fan of Cadbury, since I was a kid. It has always been my treat. If I did something right with my mum, dad or brothers, they would always treat me chocolate. And I’ve always been a fan of the flavor I am representing. How did I get involved? I don’t know, ask my mother [laughs]. She was the one that gave me my first Cadbury.

The flavor that you’re representing is Chocolate…
Yes! I love it. I usually have it for breakfast [laughs]. Fortunately, I’ve always been a fan of chocolate so being given the opportunity to represent the flavor that I like is amazing

A lot of people consider chocolate their vice. What’s yours?
It’s definitely chocolate, of course. It’s not just me. I think everyone’s vice is chocolate.

Is there anything else that you like that’s not necessarily good for you?
Well, I think for any woman there’s shopping. A lot of people say that when you’re stressed you eat chocolate but for me, when I’m stressed, happy or sad, chocolate has always been my best friend. Of course there’s shopping as well [laughs] I think you can relate that with me.

Oh, yes, yes. But enough about chocolate and shopping! What have you been up to?
I just completed my third movie for this year, which is ‘Tembus’. I did one with Bernard Chauly in April, and that was my second movie this year but it’s only supposed to be out next year. We shot the movie in Istanbul and that was fun. Yeah, other than that, I’ve been busy with my clothing store, House of Doll, and touring for brands. I’m really looking forward for the release of my movies next year

You act and you have your own clothing store. Is there anything else you’d like to venture into?
I do have so many things that I want to venture into. Now that I’m 30, the pressure is on, you know to make all my dreams come true and do the things that I’ve always wanted to do? [Laughs] I can’t really say what I have planned for now because I don’t really want to jinx it but in the meantime, we can all eat chocolate [laughs]

You pretty much excel in everything you do. Is there anything that you’re kind of bad at that your fans might be surprised to know?
Well, I’m good at cooking but I haven’t been practicing much lately. [Laughs] I would like to practice more so I can be a better cook but other than that, I’m not good at many things, like sports. A lot of people have asked me what’s your favourite sport and I can never give a straight answer. Even when I did futsal for Gol & Gincu, it was just a one month commitment. I never went to play futsal ever again [Laughs]

What do you like to do when you’re not busy filming or touring?

I love reading. I do love Pilates. I’m an avid fan and I’ve been doing it three times a week, and it’s been my favourite thing to do.

Well, you know, that’s kind of like a sport…
Kind of, right? See, so I’m kind of athletic, in that way! [Laughs] Let’s see, what else do I like to do? Shopping, shopping and shopping! [Laughs]

Oh, we love shopping too! Alright, last random question, have you ever tried Googling yourself?
No. Well, I would say that I did once but it’s been many years since I last Googled myself. I think that it’s a healthy way to live your life [Laughs]. Honestly, I think being a celebrity you don’t usually get good things written about you. But then again, on a positive side, I think that the bad things written about you sort of validate you. You need a few haters. But I don’t think that I’m obsessed with myself.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever read about yourself?
It has to be that I had surgery done on my breasts. That was like, ‘Oh really?’ Apparently I was hospitalized and all that. So many strange things have been said but that’s the one where I’m like, ‘Wow, out of all the things you can say about me, my boobs get the attention’. [Laughs] I probably should be one of the activists that fight for the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign.


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 Author| Post time 19-10-2013 12:22 AM | Show all posts


KUALA LUMPUR, 18 OKTOBER 2013: Walaupun musim mengundi untuk merebut gelaran Bintang Paling Popular Anugerah Berita Harian masih terlalu jauh lagi, namun pelakon jelita Nur Fazura kini sedang sibuk berkempen.
Dia berkempen untuk menumpaskan beberapa artis popular lain seperti Diana Danielle, Farid Kamil, Joe Flizzow, Carmen Soo dan Soo Winccibermula  14 Oktober lalu sehingga 28Oktober ini.Semuanya bagi memastikan perasa coklat kegemarannya menjadi coklat pilihan kebanyakan rakyat negara ini menerusi kempen terbaru jenama coklat kegemaran  ramai Cadbury DairyMilk.

Bercakap kepada portal baru-baru ini, NurFazura yang memilih perisa Chocolate berbanding enam perisa lain berkata, jenama coklat berkenaan telah menjadi kegemarannya sejak kecil dan sehingga hari ini.

“Untuk kempen ini, saya memilihi perasa Chocolate kerana saya sukakan coklat yang tidak mengandungi apa juga bahan tambahan atau inti lain untuk menjadikannya lebih sedap.

“Apatah lagi saya seorang wanita yang sering percaya dengan diri sendiri dan tidak memerlukan apa juga sokongan tambahan untuk terus maju ke hadapan, “ katanya dengan penuh berkeyakinan  dan berharap peminat akan menyokong usahanya ituelas Fazura,  peminat hanya perlu layari untuk mengundi dan dalam masa yang sama dia akan berkempen menerusi platform di laman sosial miliknya dari masa ke semasa.

Sebanyak tujuh perisa coklat Cadbury Dairy Milk diperkenalkan dalam kemasan terbaru yanglebih istimewa iaitu Chocolate, Fruit & Nut , Black Forest, Hazelnut , CashewNut, Roasted Almond dan Mixed Nuts

Selain Fazura, kempen itu turut menampilkan Diana Danielle, Farid Kamil, Carmen Soo,Soo Wincci, Gan Mei Yan, Jeff Chin, Joe Flizzow dan Kuah Jenhan yang berkongsi cerita gembira masing-masing tentang perisa kegemaran mereka.

Bercerita mengapa coklat menjadi kegemarannya sehingga hari ini, kata Nur Fazura manisan berkenaan mampu menenangkan fikirannya selepas sepanjang hari sibuk bekerja dan menjadi terapi paling mujarab untuk kekal ceria.

“Memangdari kecil lagi ibu saya telah memperkenalkan saya dengan coklat Cadbury ini.Sekarang kalau saya sedang stress, maka coklat adalah peneman setia saya,”katanya yang turut menjadikan coklat sebagai rahsia kecantikannya.

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 Author| Post time 19-10-2013 12:29 AM | Show all posts

jumpa kt ig,,baru lagi org ni upload,,

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Post time 19-10-2013 01:09 AM | Show all posts
311gurl posted on 19-10-2013 12:29 AM
jumpa kt ig,,baru lagi org ni upload,,

Fokus kat hidung..Fokus Fokus...

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 Author| Post time 19-10-2013 01:44 AM | Show all posts
aderaderker posted on 19-10-2013 01:09 AM
Fokus kat hidung..Fokus Fokus...

Gambar lama tu uols,,
tu sbb iols tulis throwback
Eh kt ig kwn fake,,ada vidio si missf,,nmpk mcm rmbut dia highlight kaler blonde

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Post time 19-10-2013 08:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
"why she should be the face of the Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign."

yaa... why? tak de lain org ke...

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Post time 19-10-2013 09:21 AM | Show all posts
sepatutnya kena org yg intelligent utk jadi duta breasts cancer awareness.

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Post time 19-10-2013 11:31 AM | Show all posts
The eye sees only what the mind can comprehend

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Post time 19-10-2013 11:53 AM | Show all posts
dan org duta tu mestilah tak merokok juga kalau nak jadi duta breasts cancer awareness, sbb rokok = cancer.

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Post time 19-10-2013 06:06 PM | Show all posts
311gurl posted on 19-10-2013 12:19 AM
Nur Fazura dabbles in a lot of things – she’s one of Malaysia finest actresses, she’s got her own ...


jawapan psl coklat cadbury sooooooooooooo cliche....jawapan standard nak pancing jd duta

Let’s see, what else do I like to do? Shopping, shopping and shopping - pajura

----> fake uolllsss jgn lupa....PARTY....PARTY...PARTYYYYYYY....tu pon uolllsss slalu buat jugak.....tahon ni brape kali gi party di kohphangan???? .......x masok di KK, sabah & singapore ........i love reading konon.....reading porem cari ekkk???


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 Author| Post time 19-10-2013 06:11 PM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 19-10-2013 11:53 AM
dan org duta tu mestilah tak merokok juga kalau nak jadi duta breasts cancer awareness, sbb rokok =  ...

jawapan standard bimbo


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 Author| Post time 19-10-2013 06:18 PM | Show all posts

jawapan mcm haromm cmne leh amik jadi duta nih "oh saya mmg dari kecik guna colgate,mandi guna lux,,pakai perfume avon,,mmg tiap2 hari mkn cokelat cadbury"

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Post time 19-10-2013 06:20 PM | Show all posts

Oh, we love shopping too! Alright, last random question, have you ever tried Googling yourself?

No. Well, I would say that I did once but it’s been many years since I last Googled myself. I think that it’s a healthy way to live your life [Laughs]. Honestly, I think being a celebrity you don’t usually get good things written about you. But then again, on a positive side, I think that the bad things written about you sort of validate you. You need a few haters. But I don’t think that I’m obsessed with myself.

OH MY FAKE......serius x penah google diri sendri??? jawapan sama mcm dulu jugak ......menipu je retis x google diri sendri....tipu dosa fake ......kalo tiap kali uolllsss google diri sendri.....tiap kali tu laaa maksudnye uolllss menipu


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Post time 19-10-2013 06:24 PM | Show all posts
murasaki posted on 19-10-2013 06:06 PM

jawapan psl coklat c ...

org sambut aidiladha pun sheols tetap partayyyyy.

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 Author| Post time 19-10-2013 06:25 PM | Show all posts
murasaki posted on 19-10-2013 06:20 PM
OH MY FAKE......serius x penah google diri sendri??? jawapan sama mcm dulu jugak  ..... ...

"i don't think i'm obsessed with myself though"

no fake,,but i think you are in love with yourself,,
hidup atas pujian2 gojes,,,dan bodekan warriors,,keluar nak bergeng2 cm budak sekolah,,ala2 uols ni queen B,,

NARCISSISM -------------------------------->>>>>>>>> murasaki,,uols cuba bca link iols bagi tuh,,iols rasa missF ada traits2 nya lah

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Post time 19-10-2013 06:29 PM | Show all posts
Kalo dapat jadi duta KitKat lak...saya dari kecik makan kitkat..
Padehal kecik2 dulu  mak tak bagi makan cekelat pun..
Takut ROSAK GIGI.....

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Post time 19-10-2013 06:29 PM | Show all posts
Santeira posted on 19-10-2013 11:53 AM
dan org duta tu mestilah tak merokok juga kalau nak jadi duta breasts cancer awareness, sbb rokok =  ...

kaaaaannnn.....nak jd duta bende yg berkaitan kesihatan....mesti laaa diri sendri mengamalkan bende2 yg menyihatkan.....contoh yg paling dekat NO SMOKING

and yg paling penting kene least tahu nak bercakap psl serious thing mcm kempen breast cancer.....kalo ckp ala2 promote produk....mandi dgn lux sampai kalo boleh nak minom lux , pakai nutox & colgate optic white, makan cadbury chocolate sesambil berkempen breast cancer awareness.....x payah cakap laaaa....acik extra dlm drama pon boleh jadi duta

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