Any1 here pernah naik airasia to seoul via manila? Please share your experience thanks. |
skrg dah xde free bagage ke?
below 15 kg free ke?
maaf btnya |
tripple_M posted on 22-3-2014 04:00 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
skrg dah xde free bagage ke?
yg free adelah 7kg hand luggage saje
for checked-in luggage, mmg takde free ...
utk domestic paling sikit kene beli 15kg = RM25
utk international, 20kg paling sikit ... harga depends on sector ( AA lain harga, AAX lain harga) |
tripple_M posted on 22-3-2014 04:00 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
skrg dah xde free bagage ke?
Memang dah lama dah takde free tuh. Boleh rujuk posting Azra or page 1 pasal harga2 untuk luggage. |
azradiza posted on 22-3-2014 04:28 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
yg free adelah 7kg hand luggage saje
for checked-in luggage, mmg takde free ...
utk domestic pal ...
sayam..if bwk infant ade baggage tak utk dia?
iols nak fly dgn baby 4mths old..
dorg ade tak bagi bwk beg susu ke..
ailoveusomuch posted on 19-3-2014 12:39 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
flight petang.. kalau uols nak naik erl + bus ni better check schedule erl tu. sbb kalau bukan pea ...
sayam..cane iols nak taw seat ape yg diberi oleh AA?
iols xde beli seat utk international flight..ke jakarta je pun..
idok le ke sydney busan bagai..
iols plan if seat yg AA bagi xmenarik baru la iols nak beli..
sbb b4 this xbeli seat jugak then slalu je dpt dok dekat2..
tu yg xmo buang duit beli seat..nak tgk dulu if dok jauh baru nak beli..
so cane iols nak tgk seat yg AA da allocate utk iols tu?
kena buat cek-in dulu kah? |
Nak tanya,
Bole x buat web check in awal seminggu dr tarikh penerbangan? |
lily_kama posted on 24-3-2014 05:24 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Nak tanya,
Bole x buat web check in awal seminggu dr tarikh penerbangan?
paling awal adelah 14 hari dari travel date
lily_kama posted on 24-3-2014 05:24 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Nak tanya,
Bole x buat web check in awal seminggu dr tarikh penerbangan?
Boleh. Paling awal 2 minggu sebelum penerbangan dah boleh web chek in.
schababe posted on 24-3-2014 01:02 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
sayam..cane iols nak taw seat ape yg diberi oleh AA?
iols xde beli seat utk international flight. ...
Bila at least 2 minggu sebelum you punya flight cuba web check in. Dia akan assign seat. Kalau dapat sebelah menyebelah you just retain seat tuh. Kalau jauh2, masa tuh you beli la seat yg sesuai.
owen81 posted on 24-3-2014 06:14 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Bila at least 2 minggu sebelum you punya flight cuba web check in. Dia akan assign seat. Kalau dap ...
tq dear..
utk infant ade baggage tak?mcm beg susu utk dia bole bwk tak..
owen81 posted on 24-3-2014 06:14 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Bila at least 2 minggu sebelum you punya flight cuba web check in. Dia akan assign seat. Kalau dap ...
nak tanya pasal insurance tu?
perlu ke ambik..
tgk kat web dia cover utk beg ilang dgn personal accident..
cane tu ek xbape paham la..
mohon pencerahan sayam..
schababe posted on 25-3-2014 10:41 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
tq dear..
utk infant ade baggage tak?mcm beg susu utk dia bole bwk tak..
soklan ni ade kat website AA
Is there a checked baggage allowance for infants?Infants are not allocated any free baggage allowance, since infants are not allocated seats as they travel on an adult's lap. However, we allow baby buggies/strollers/prams to be carried free of charge.
Can I take infant formula/food in my cabin baggage?Yes, however, you are only permitted to bring sufficient amount for the duration of the journey. Please take note of the restrictions imposed on liquids, gels and aerosols by the airport authorities.
Kindly be advised that AirAsia has no restrictions on handcarry of expressed breast milk, however different airports have different levels security screening and it will be solely up to the security officer to allow or restrict. it would be advisable to express breast milk inside the departure lounge.
schababe posted on 25-3-2014 10:43 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
nak tanya pasal insurance tu?
perlu ke ambik..
tgk kat web dia cover utk beg ilang dgn personal ...
utk insurance benefit, boleh bace kat sini ape yg cover , terms and condition semua ...
http://www.airasiainsure.com/tra ... benefits_oneway.php
for me, kalau pegi oversea, mmg amik insurance ..
for domestic, tak penah amik
owen81 posted on 24-3-2014 06:14 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
Bila at least 2 minggu sebelum you punya flight cuba web check in. Dia akan assign seat. Kalau dap ...
bole tak kita tukar seat sesama kita dlm group yg sama? (utk international flight) |
uols.. ke hcm utk 5pax... return rm1.2k.. agak2 dh berbaloi or mahal? u ols pernah jumpa lg tix yg murah ke sana? kira2 blk dlm rm240/250 per pax.. not includes baggage n meals n seat lg la.. |
dealova04 posted on 25-3-2014 04:55 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
uols.. ke hcm utk 5pax... return rm1.2k.. agak2 dh berbaloi or mahal? u ols pernah jumpa lg tix yg m ...
murahnya tix tu.. beli2.. hihihi.. tpi return ke one way?
Nizryn posted on 25-3-2014 05:30 PM
murahnya tix tu.. beli2.. hihihi.. tpi return ke one way?
Return sis...sy br blk dr gz smlm..tix ke gz utk 5pax return baru rm1.8k...tu yg duk fikir2 lg nk grab ke tdk... |
schababe posted on 25-3-2014 04:05 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
bole tak kita tukar seat sesama kita dlm group yg sama? (utk international flight)
Boleh. tak ada masalah. Even kalau you nak tukar dengan orang lain pun boleh asalkan dia ok nak tukar. |
schababe posted on 25-3-2014 10:43 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
nak tanya pasal insurance tu?
perlu ke ambik..
tgk kat web dia cover utk beg ilang dgn personal ...
Erm, selama I naik Air Asia nie tak pernah ambik insurance nie so sorry tak dapat nak tolong. Maybe orang lain yg baisa ambik can help you. |
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