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Author: AeriSha


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Post time 17-1-2021 11:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 17-1-2021 07:18 AM
Uols..dah2 lah tu menambah Jdorama dlm iols punya "must watch list" yg dah bertimbun tuh..Dahlah S ...

Awww..kenji hensem kan..crush jgk suka fukuyama masaharu jgk..suara dia . phewwww~ tgk galileo.. tp dia bkn jenis body gym mcm kenji..dia jenis slim tggi..suara dia mmg macho..hahahaah~

Suka ishihara. Pandai bwk watak dia,xkesah laa watak apa pun..y dlm AOT tu mmg menjadi laa dia bwk watak hange ke ape ntah nama..lama da tggl AOT..kekeke~

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Post time 17-1-2021 11:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 17-1-2021 06:19 AM
Owh ye lah kot pasal kahwin tu,tapi heols baru kahwin ke?
Website gosip mana tu uols?
Dulu  ...

Lama dah jgk .anak dua ke 3org daa..kawin bkn indo denpasar..hahah.. bini dia golongn elit jgk laa..

Xde..setakat ni ai xde tgk plak dia jadi kamen rider..bahahahaha

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Post time 17-1-2021 11:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 17-1-2021 08:54 AM
Anyway cakap pasal live action adaptation dr manga/anime ni kalau yg Jepun buat ok lagi paling2 teru ...

Hollywood amek alih nti epic failed mcm DBZ laa.. hahaahahah..

Yu yu hakusho kaa?wahhhhhh..dlu igt lg baca komik dia psl satu watak y ada multiple personality tuh..3org dlm bdn dia..smpai skrg ai igt y tu je..y lain xigt da..hahahaha

Ai byk hilang ingatan laa skrg..maybe terlebih tgk citer kot..y lama2 dia delete drpd otak..kekeke~

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Post time 17-1-2021 03:01 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ramai nya minat dean fujioka ni

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Post time 17-1-2021 03:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
oh baideway, tokyo ghoul S tengah tayang kat BOO minggu ni.. tapi x sure bila pulak ulangan dia..haa yg mana suka MatsuSho tadi, sila la tengok

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Post time 18-1-2021 01:51 AM | Show all posts
Edited by one_aiman at 18-1-2021 02:11 AM

20) Kiwadoi Futari: K2 – Yamada Ryosuke, Tanaka Kei(TBS 2020)

"Risky Two People" revolves around two detectives as they investigate and solve together brutal crimes that take place in Ikebukuro.
Ryuichi Kanzaki is a detective. He is guided by strong morals and he wants to believe in the good aspects of people. He is assigned to work in the criminal investigation division at the Ikebukuro Police Station. During his first day of work there, he is unable to find his assigned partner, veteran detective Kenji Kuroki (Kei Tanaka). His partner, Kenji Kuroki (Kei Tanaka), actually took leave from the station without giving them notice.The chief of the criminal investigation division orders Ryuichi Kanzaki to find Kenji Kuroki.
There is also secret between Ryuichi Kanzaki and Kenji Kuroki. They are actually step brothers.

Review : ala Bitter Blood tapi versi adik beradik tiri yg terpisah. Gandingan Ryo-chan & Kei-Nii yg kelakar gaduh2 bagai air dicincang takkan putus tapi bersama berganding bahu selesaikan kes.

19) ST MPD Scientific Investigation Squad – Fujiwara Tatsuya, Okada Masaki (NTV 2014)

With Samon (Tatsuya Fujiwara) as the leader of the ST team and young Inspector Tomohisa (Masaki Okada) tasked with managing the team, the ST (Scientific TaskForce) attempt to solve the most difficult of cases. The members of the team consist of elite researchers from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s crime lab.

Review : essentric criminologist yg suka lawan cakap bos untuk selesaikan kes. pening si bos nak kawal budak2 nakal tak dengar cakap dalam team dia.

18) Q10 – Sato Takeru, Maeda Atsuko (NTV 2010)

Heita Fukai (Takeru Satoh) is an ordinary, but timid, high school student who has no interest in love. This all changes when a new transferee student (Atsuko Maeda) arrives at his school. Heita discovers that the girl is actually a robot named Q10. The duo starts to cause trouble in school, while Heita starts to fall in love with the robot. This is how their story begins ...
Review : Bayangkan terjumpa awek cun dalam lab sekolah tapi rupa-rupanya itu robot. pastu terjatuh hati kat robot tu..

17) Kyo kara Ore wa!! – Kaku Kento, Ito Kentaro (NTV2018)

Takashi Mitsuhashi (Kento Kaku) is a high school student with blond hair. In order to win fights, he doesn't hesitate to fight dirty. He is friends with Shinji Ito and they cause troubles.
Review : Antara drama terbaik 2018. latar masa zaman yankee berleluasa, kerjanya asyik bergaduh je. Si watak Kaku Kento ni baru tukar sekolah dah acah2 gengster dengan rambut blonde nya, cuba nak jadi ketua yankee dalam sekolah tu. pastu gaduh2 dengan yankee lain tapi dengan cara kelakar. asyik gelak je tengok cerita ni.

16) Gibo to Musume no Blues – Ayase Haruka, Takenouchi Yutaka, Sato Takeru (TBS 2018)

Akiko Iwaki (Haruka Ayase) is a career woman who works very hard at her job. She gets married to Ryoichi Miyamoto (Yutaka Takenouchi) who has a daughter. Akiko Iwaki must now deal with housework and raising her stepdaughter.

Review : seorang career woman yg jarang senyum, muka semedang serius, tetiba setuju nak kahwin ngan duda anak satu. dari seorang yg hidupnya hanya untuk kerja, dia berubah jadi family woman.


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Post time 18-1-2021 02:50 AM | Show all posts
Edited by one_aiman at 18-1-2021 06:54 AM

15) Rich Man Poor Woman – Oguri Shun, Ishihara Satomi (FujiTV 2012)

29-year-old Toru Hyuga (Shun Oguri) is a wealthy man. He first started to run an internet website from his small room and his hobby began to make Toru Hyuga a lot of money. He dropped out of highschool and formed software company Next Innovation with his friend Kosuke Asahina (Arata Iura). The company became very successful. Today, Next Innovation is the top tech company where young people want to work the most. However, Toru has trouble recognizing thefaces of people and he is looking for Chihiro Sawaki, who is his mother. His mother left Toru Hyuga when he was very young. One day, Toru finds a woman named Chihiro Sawaki.

Review : Kisah ala2 Mark Zukernbegtak reti nak eja, seorang lelaki muda yg awalnya miskin bukak syarikat IT pastu jadi kaya raya. Tapi ini versi tak friendly ngan semua orang. Suka tengok ofis dorang, macam ofis Google santai je. datang si awek (Ishihara Satomi), slow2 dia berubah jadi orang yg boleh dengar pendapat, then jatuh cinta.

14) Hanasaki Mai ga Damatte Inai – Watanabe Anne, KamikawaTakaya (NTV 2014)

Every day, bank branches encounter various problems likemissing money, information leaks, loan problems & breach of duties. Mai Hanasaki's (Anne Watanabe) job is to go there and fix the problems. She is able to do so, even though she is just a bank clerk without higher level powers. Because of her character, Mai Hanasaki will not keep still when she sees a wrong. She's willing to stand up for the side ofthe weak, regardless of the relation between the top and bottom factions of the bank.
Review : Sejenis manusia yg tak boleh diamkandiri buat2 tak nampak kalau ada orang buat salah.

13) Chiisana Kyojin – Hasegawa Hiroki, Okada Masaki (TBS2017)

Shinichiro Kosaka (Hiroki Hasegawa) is a detectiveat the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. He has worked hard to become thechief of the first investigation division, but he makes a mistake. Due to hismistake, he is demoted to a police station. There, he meets detectives, who mayhave less skills, but are determined to solve cases.

Review : kerana fitnah, seorang detective kena turun pangkat. Tapi dia bangkit untuk bersihkan nama dia dengan bantuan ex-partner dan teammate baru. Caution alert : banyak plot twist dalam cerita ni.

12) Crisis – Oguri Shun, Nishijima Hidetoshi (Fuji TV 2017)

Akira Inami (Shun Oguri) is a former Self-Defense Force member. He was emotionally scarred by a special mission and subsequently discharged from the Self-Defense Force. Now, Akira Inami works for a secret Special Investigation Team at the National Police Agency. Meanwhile, Saburo Tamaru (Hidetoshi Nishijima) is kind and stoic. He used to go on special missions, but due to an incident was ordered to join the Special Investigation Team. With Akira Inami, Saburo Tamaru and other members, the Special Investigation Team tackles important political matters and dirty jobs for the government.

Review : Polis2 bermasalah dikumpulkan dalam satu team untuk handle special tasks macam selesaikan kes terrorist ke, jadi bodyguard untuk saksi utama kes, escort politician, dan macam2 lagi.

11) Legal V – Yonekura Ryoko, Mukai Osamu, Hayashi Kento (TVAsahi 2018)

Shoko Takanashi (Ryoko Yonekura) is a former lawyer. Due to an incident, she was disbarred from the law profession. Shoko Takanashi persuades a university professor, who is accredited as a lawyer, to open a law office. She hires a lawyer and a paralegal to work at the law office. The team goes after for legal victory. They go up against a large firm in a civil suit. While working on the suit, the team experiences difficult situations.
Review : masih ada vibe Doctor-X dalam cerita ni. Bukan versi "watashi shippai shinai no de", tapi versi "watashi bengoshi shikaku inai da". Kisah peguam handal yg digantung lesen guaman, bukak firma guaman sendiri pakai orang2 yg takde pengalaman macam peguam rookies, pensyarah undang2 dan ex-convict. Slow, dapat selesaikan kes siap lawan firma hebat bekas majikan si Takanashi ni.

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Post time 18-1-2021 11:24 AM | Show all posts
dauswq replied at 16-1-2021 09:06 PM
kimutaku ni tak delah minat pun kt dia.. cuma tgk drama dia sbb ratings drama dia kan byk yg tingg ...

adeh ngekek kaka gelak sbb punya byk cerita kimutaka ni daus tgk tp xde yg memorable

cerita my boss my hero tu antara favorite kaka juga
ms mula2 tgk cerita tu kaka nk maki aje pengarah yg buat Nagase kaka yg ensem jd cam dungu
dan yamapi plk satu2nya cerita dia yg kaka akan ulang tgk cuma Nobuta shj may be sbb watak dia dlm tu gila2 jd xdelah nmpk poyo semcm
nampaknya ada lglah geng yg suka tgk cerita nodame ni
cam kaka bg taw kat atas, kaka tgk cerita tu sbb chiaki klu hrpkan si nodame mati hidup semula mmg kaka x tgk, watak yg sgt annoying tahap gaban
and Gokusen kaka ulang tgk 2nd and 3rd season aje
yg 1st tu sbb ada matsujun mmg xdelah kaka tgk


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Post time 18-1-2021 11:26 AM | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 16-1-2021 10:08 PM
Yee kaka..dats why dia tu inspirasi aiolzs jgk utk age gracefully..and dia x malu taw,bila watak2  ...

jgn gelakkan kaka ek salmon
kaka x reti nk download video
semua anak buatkan
now cam dah pandai sikit kaka tgk kat dramacool
tp ada gak cerita yg kaka tgk kat blog atau anak download dr LJ
nyampahlah Netflix ni x byk pilihan Jdrama


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Post time 18-1-2021 11:31 AM | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 16-1-2021 10:11 PM
Yayyyyy..ada gengggg..hahahaha..even kawan ai pn taw dah,kalau dorama ada matsujun,dorg xkan rekem ...

Ya Allah walau kaka ni peminat die hard kame tp xdelah nk paksa dan suruh org dengar apa yg kita suka
taste memsg apa, mohteppp promote x sudah, x penat ke

klu lagu si jun tu sure lagu Arashi ler kan
hohoho lagu Arashi tu kaka mmg xleh in
walau ada jer member Arashi yg kaka suka tp lagu still kaka reject
dan VS Arashi tu klu tetamu jemputan bkn yg kaka suka mmg kaka x tgk

smp sorg kwn kata kaka over


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Post time 18-1-2021 11:34 AM | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 16-1-2021 10:15 PM
Y penting kena ada dean fujioka,mizushima hiro, kan,susah nak cri y ngam utk bwk watak blea ...

kaka x minat dean tu, entah mmg xleh nak in
drama dia yg kaka tgk cuma asa ga kita sbb tamaki ada dlm drama tu
then movie FMA itu pun sbb ada yamada ryosuke

but mizushima hiro atau ryo mmg kaka approved
kan ichigo tu susah nk cari yg sesuai dgn dia
walau kaka suka satoh takeru tp dia x cukup inci plk


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Post time 18-1-2021 11:39 AM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 17-1-2021 08:27 AM
Hehe tak taulah iols ni kategori remaja purba ke tak,tapi iols pun rasa rimas bila tengok cite c ...

klu xde yg pengaruh chuols okaylah
ni anak2 perempuan kaka yg dah kawen, sikit2 ibu tgk ni ibu tgk tu
bila kaka baca genre jns cliche mmg kaka bebel ler
cintan cintun lps tu revenge, agak dah xde benda lain nk buat cerita
bg kaka baik2 otak berkembang terus menguncup


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Post time 18-1-2021 11:39 AM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 17-1-2021 08:36 AM
Ah yes terima kasih kaka..
Nanti kita dating iols belanja kepci..hehe..

x hbs2 kepci dr thread GV lg

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Post time 18-1-2021 11:41 AM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 17-1-2021 08:39 AM
Laaa dorang takdek lappy sendiri ke kaka?

si adik tu yg xde lg lappy sbb br F3 kan
si abg dah ada lappy dan PC
dan lappy kaka tu selain utk buat kerja opis kaka guna gak utk sambung ke TV buat tgk Netflix
hah ms tuelah si bongsu menyibuk


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Post time 18-1-2021 11:41 AM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 17-1-2021 08:42 AM
Ehhh tu sudah semestinya..Gundik2 mesti kena lawo ahahhahahah

but it's true kan

si amami tu lg tua dr kaka tp maintain aje,jeles kaka taw


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Post time 18-1-2021 11:43 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
takayama replied at 18-1-2021 11:24 AM
adeh ngekek kaka gelak sbb punya byk cerita kimutaka ni daus tgk tp xde yg memorable

ceri ...

sebagai peminat tegar kimutaku, iols berazam untuk hasut kaka cuba tengok cite kimutaku yg baru ni..satu je kaka, tajuk dia Kyojo..

tak paksa tapi hasut hahahha

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Post time 18-1-2021 11:45 AM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 17-1-2021 08:46 AM
Tulah iols pun rasa teringin nak tau list pelakon Bleach versi sis @salmon-suki ..Mohon beliau t ...

klu anime mmg si Takeo tu besar gedabak
tp live action xde besar mana
gemuk pun x

dan bagi kaka Ryohei Suzuki bawa watak tu dgn baik
yg diaorg nk bg nampak sama adalah takeo kena ada side burn
dan yg bawa watak Rinko plk tu okay aje, sepatutnya klu ikut size Rinko kena kecik tp yg bawa ni x a normal person gitulah
yg pasti 2nd watak tu kayu lah but so popular


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Post time 18-1-2021 11:46 AM | Show all posts
one_aiman replied at 17-1-2021 03:01 PM
ramai nya minat dean fujioka ni

ramai ke
mls nk beklog, yg kaka perasan si salmon aje yg sebut


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Post time 18-1-2021 11:50 AM | Show all posts
one_aiman replied at 18-1-2021 11:43 AM
sebagai peminat tegar kimutaku, iols berazam untuk hasut kaka cuba tengok cite kimutaku yg baru ni ...

oooo x paksa tp mengapi2kan ek

nntlah klu smp seru
BG yg baru tu cukup buhsan walhal partner dia agak ensem juga


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Post time 18-1-2021 11:51 AM | Show all posts
amboi si aiman ni lajus giler dia bubuh cerita peberet dia
byk gak yg sama dgn cerita yg kaka ulang tayang
tp xperlah kaka ttp akan bubuh juga sbb tu utk list kaka

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