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Author: isabel

Talk All About The Hospital (Bae Se Ju Ta) ~ Jerry Yan ~

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Post time 8-8-2006 06:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by welds at 8-8-2006 05:17 PM

belom kuar pun dah berpages...apalagi kalo dah kuar...:lol .....aku tunggu ost jer :lol

eerrkkkk.... :lol tau2  jerk ko yerk.....ok lah tuh...sentiasa di update

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Post time 8-8-2006 06:41 PM | Show all posts
Rumors had wrapped Jerry' life since he was 10

Source: Liberty Times
August 8, 2006

Scanned news clipping
(Strictly phohibited to transfer in non-Jerry Yan sites
and Please upload in your own photoalbum)
Scan credits to mamy of Jerry's Harbor

In the shooting of "The Hospital", Jerry's
skills has advanced by leaps and bounds

When Lin Zhi Ling was mentioned, Jerry smiled and covered his mouth to act deaf. Conversely, Leon Dai hooked his hands to Jerry to make a Brokeback act!

In Yesterday's The Hospital Press Conference, Jerry said that shooting the drama caused him real pains, and after the shootings ended, he knew that it also seemed he had excerted too much since he was 10, and he didnt wish that these topics be the focus.

When asked about the rumors on girlfriend Lin Zhi Ling, Jerry just smiled and threw the subject to his manager Jiang Yi Peng who stressed that they will not answer any first model LZL-related questions again "for a lifetime."

Fear of blood and injections since childhood,
He is strongly supported in the drama

Jerry is afraid of injections since childhood. He is afraid to see blood. Against all expectations, he played "Dr. Su Yi Hua" in The Hospital, and everyday, he had access to syringes and seeing the bright red blood, with rival cast Leon Dai, Wu Meng Da and so on, all along the line of hard-core artists, so Jerry started to endure in this one big pressure. But, compared to his feelings, he likes to go on, to let himself learn more. When one-third of the shooting was already done, Director Cai Yue Xun then found out of what Jerry finally went through. and his acting skills also advanced by leaps and bounds.

Follows to go for a Japan promo,
His travel schedule is all filled up

Scenes in The Hospital spent almost 2 years in the making. Jerry and Director Cai Yue Xun both shouted out of not shooting again in Hou Wen Yong's drama. The shootings gave them real pressures, and Jerry also said that he wished there was at least a scene which was a little gentle. But as he came down, he would have to travel to Japan and shoot for a photobook. Still he cant rest.

Translated by JerrysKingdom. Thank you for the credits.

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Post time 9-8-2006 12:31 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 9-8-2006 12:37 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 9-8-2006 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Newspaper scans

thanks to mamy of

***dasyat tul lah paparazzi2 nie.... agak2 nyer kalo boleh jerry ke toilet pun diorang nak follow kot....

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Post time 9-8-2006 11:28 AM | Show all posts
Scared of the OR and Scared of Handsome actors,
Recalled that his feelings changed in The Hospital
Bao Long has aged 10 years

Source: China Times
August 8, 2006

Scanned China Times news clipping:
(Strictly prohibited to transfer in non-jerry sites
and Please upload in your own host)
Scan credits to mamy of Jerry's Harbor

Yesterday, Jerry was in his entirely handsome get up when he appeared at The Hospital launching promo. He frankly told the media that during the filming of The Hospital, with 10 of the most talented TV artists, he almost cried and collapsed in the set. In the drama he had to face Leon Dai and Fei Xiang which he felt was more handsome actors than him, for which he frankly spoke, are "really very terrible." Jerry said, "After shooting, I felt I had aged 10 years"

With Super huge pressures he overlooked danger and collapsed

Yesterday, when media asked him about LZL, we was hesitant to speak and went to say things about The Hospital, and just smiled. In the drama, Jerry and Janine played lovers. But outside the set, they are not close unlike with with Leon Dai. This pair of "sweethearts" were very playful, and as Jerry sat on the sofa, he forked his arms and waist and Leon hooked his arms to him, letting everybody jump in laughter for this brokeback act.

In the drama, Jerry and Leon are rivals but in real life, they had become good friends. Jerry said, "We always make MEN'S TALK. Leon also often ask me to come over to his small tree house. Sometimes, we also do some boy stuffs, like scaring some co-workers." On Leon's movie king title, Jerry said, " He has this kind of charm in him, especially when I meet women who praise his acting in the drama. It's really very terrible. But I learned a lot from him. " Jerry in real life is afraid of blood and injections, yet in the drama there are a lot of surgery scenes. He said, " When I was a sick child, Father often helped me in taking injections. I thought father might punish me so from then on, I had always been scraed of injections. When I was shooting, I was watching in the OR. I was often so scared that I cant speak.

Punched the wall before but this time it changed

When Jerry was shooting "Meteor Garden," he strived to be remembered, and he didnt stop practicing until he punched the wall when he felt bad. Jerry said," I didnt understand it then." Now, Jerry's pressures are equally big, but he could only handle them using his own strength.

Jerry said, "Before, I also experienced my own girlfriend leaving. The scenes in the drama are just like what I had been through, so i felt not so well. My role has sunny innocence, and also has cold life instances, so then I felt I had aged a lot. "

Leon passionately played iextramarital affairs

Leo's role in the drama is the antagonist, with very deep portrayal causing the viewers to praise him. He and Yang Jin Hua had extramarital affair and their passionate love scenes in the office table, driveway movie, sofa and on the floor was so good that anybody would think that Yang Jin Hua really loved him. Yesterday, Jerry then said," This is precisely the reason why Dai Bao Ge got this scene assignment, he would gain something." Leon laughed and said that in the drama, Jerry talked about pure love. He is responsible for forbidden and dangerous love.

Gentle Bao Long, Fierce Janine

Leading lady Janine Zhang also had huge pressures in the shootings that she used to cry it out in the toilet. On her kissing scene with Jerry, Janine praised him that Jerry was gentle on her. As Jerry listened beside her, he frankly asked her, " Really?" Jerry's mood was pretty well, and also joking that during the shooting, when the male actors saw Fei Xiang, they said, " His face is so handsome that my face is just his butt. " Afterwards, many people immediately started calling the actors "butt" . After the shooting finally ended, Jerry wishes to change and shoot comedy. Changing his mood, he then said that next month he would go to Japan for a fan gathering, and also plans to shoot the second photobook.

Translated by Jerry's Kingdom. Thank you for the credits.

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Post time 9-8-2006 11:54 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 9-8-2006 11:58 AM | Show all posts

Reply #207 nyampuk's post

aik apasl Jerry naik teksi lak ni...tanpa ada org escot dia...:hmm:

naik teksi seorg2 lak tu tapi biarpun mcm tu dia still wave kat fans yg curi2 ambik gambar dia ye...x lak dia sombong ke apa..cuma senyum aje memanjang...:love:

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Post time 9-8-2006 12:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by isabel at 9-8-2006 11:58 AM
aik apasl Jerry naik teksi lak ni...tanpa ada org escot dia...:hmm:

naik teksi seorg2 lak tu tapi biarpun mcm tu dia still wave kat fans yg curi2 ambik gambar dia ye...x lak dia sombong ke apa.. ...

ahaha kan dia model tak rasmi iklan gigi keh keh keh........ bagosss layan peminat baik2... :love:

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Post time 9-8-2006 12:22 PM | Show all posts
isabel...jerry kan dgn assit. nyer tuh fenny (asst. jerry nih memang menguruskan semua acara2 jerry...kat mana2 pun dia mesti ada)
jerry memang sering naik taxi...kalo dia nak kemana2 (kalo tak der apa2 event khas lah)...dia jarang drive sendiri....pastu...dia tak pernah pun tunjuk kereta dia sendiri....senang cakap...jerry nih memang berahsia giler lah....coz dia tau...mana2 dia pegi pun mesti ada org yg boleh kesan dia...walaupun dia pegi bercuti / gym / main basket/ beli buku kat kedai buku pun leh tau / beli comic pun diorang leh tau...jerry ni beli comic apa....mcm2 lg lah.....dasyat tul lah diorang nih :lol

a'aaa betul...sebenarnya jerry memang x sombong ...especially ngan fans dia sendiri..tak kira lah...kanak2 ker....yg remaja ...dewasa dan org2 tua....ko tgk jer lah sendiri byk event dia....atau fans dia yg datang..semua peringkat umur ada....senang cakap jerry nih betul2 menghargai fans dia dan selalu merendah diri...tu yg aku suka :love:

[ Last edited by  nyampuk at 9-8-2006 01:47 PM ]

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Post time 9-8-2006 01:54 PM | Show all posts
These paparazzi pix are taken from

Jerry Yan's EQ levels up, wears a smile while being followed

Two nights ago, after the Presscon of The Hospital, Jerry Yan and his assistant rode a taxi to meet Director Cai and his wife at Yong He Residential, but because he's being followed by the paparazzis, he asked the cab driver to reroute for almost half an hour. The cab driver was a little bit scared because of the cars trying to get near his cab. Jerry said not to panic and do not beat the red light, just drive with care. In his panic, he suddenly parked his cab on the street and took a leak. This surprised Jerry and his assistant being left behind by the driver. Then, some 4 cars began honking because the cab wasn't parked properly. Due to this, Fenny had to drive away the cab so the other cars can pass through. In this situation, Jerry left a sour-smiling face as fenny drove the cab. AFter that he was able to reach his destination, still being followed, he ended his exciting cab experience with a big smile and hi to the paparazzis as the elevator door closes.

In another article, it was mentioned that Jerry told Director Cai that some cab driver pulled off while in the middle of the chase with the paparazzi and took a leak first before driving him to his destination. This also made a commotion within the neighboorhood of Yong He Residential, a few police and o-ba-sang (old ladies) were nosing around.

The cab driver was interviewed also and he said he was given 1000NT but the meter only had 400NT. Then he said not to take shots of him because he was just asked what to do and he doesn't have anything to do with his customer.

That's all!!!

here are the pix!!!

Jerry's cab

Jerry stayed calm as the paparazzis took pictures of him

Fenny took the liberty of driving the cab as the driver took a leak, while Jerry can't stop smiling at the back.

The end of the chase, Jerry bids goodbye to the paparazzis as the elevator door closes. ... 9/EN02/EN02_004.jpg
Director Cai and wife arrive at the condo to meet jerry.

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Post time 9-8-2006 04:39 PM | Show all posts
A bo abandoned his taxi and escaped for a leak
Baolong got scared as his assistant took the driver's seat

Source: Liberty Times
August 9, 2006

Scanned news clipping (Front page)
(Strictly prohibited to transfer in non-jerry sites
And please upload in your own server)
Scan credits to mamy of

"Bao Long" Jerry Yan had always remained low-profile, and also knows really well how to avoid reporters and photograpers. But the other day, he didnt get cautious enough, all because the Uncle who carried his taxi escaped to take a leak. As he and his assistant stayed inside, the two were scarely horrified like a tree chicken, but Jerry became even more scared when his female assistant immediately went down and desperately played as the driver, that allowed many groups of reporters fighting their way to get pictures be shocked at this "mavelous sight.". But, under these circumstances, Jerry was totally alarmed and also had to cover himself with a bitter smile!

Driver got off the car in the street
Bao long sat laughing miserably

The day befor yesterday (7th) Jerry was at the Regent Hotel and attended "The Hospital" Press Conference. After the event, Jerry and his assistant took a taxi later in order to avoid the reporters and photographers from following them. Then, Uncle driver continously circled around in the nearby alley, intended to throw off the numerous media following behind them. The driver even made a right turn while the light was still left, and his coordination with Jerry was rather high.

Jerry and the media car chase went for about 30 minutes and suddenly, Uncle driver slowed down towards the side to a nearby toilet, with Jerry and his assitant as the only ones who remained in taxi. This time, all the media reporters who had been following them all along , got off from their vehicles and hurriedly went towards Jerry's taxi and took pictures. His assiatnt felt worried and took hold of the driver's seat to drive away, letting on-lookers see Jery in a funny scene like this. Also, their original plan to completely cover off had become a big readily exposed glittering white teeth smile.

With continous flashing of lights in the building
Police were alarmed

After Uncle driver returned, the two directed the driver to go to a residential building in Yong He. With the original $400 taxi fare, the female assistant paid him $1000 and told the driver to keep the change. Then, they immediately got off the taxi and Jerry proceeded to the building. Finally, as the elevator opened, Jeery waved his hands to the reporters showing his wishes, and to just finish off these disturbance scenes. Soon after, Director Cai Yue Xun arrived for the meeting, and had not thought of the many flashing lights that led neighbors to come and take a look. Even the police also rushed to came in, thinking it was trouble, as whispers spread, believing a homicide occured.

As Uncle driver was chased by reporters
He got scared and felt taking a leak

Jerry's manager and consultant Jing Yi Peng said that Jerry and his assistant Fenny beside him already tried to calm down the driver but Mr. driver has evidently had not encountered this kind of battle, so he somewhat panicked along the way and failed to take action. Fenny then added, " You are driving well, just dont get nervous. As long as we had not violated anything, then we're okay. "

But the driver was still scared, and in the middle of a wide road, he abandoned his car to escape and take a leak. Jerry and his asstistant were shocked when they realized it. The assistant had to take the driver's seat to move the taxi to the side. Although Jerry was very scared, he just laughed out everything, and thought that the scene was pretty amusing.

Assistant illegally started the taxi
and illegally stepped to drive it

With regards to Bao Long's assistant, she only had an ordirary driver's license. But in driving a taxi, the Taipei Traffic Group said that if they will check and found out, it is a violation of the Trafiic Regulations No.22 "Steeping in to drive", which will be fined with $1800 but not more than $3600. Moreover, because she only have an ordinary driver's license, it would be impossible for her to show a business permit, and is bound again to violate section No. 36 " No Police Business Registration" and will again be fined from $1500 but not more than $3500 in penalty fees.

Translated by JerrysKingdom

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Post time 10-8-2006 08:53 AM | Show all posts
[8/8]Protect The Hospital From Piracy
The Disc Is Guarded During Transfer

source: Lian He Bao
translated by kkla of

An Asianwide Premiere Press Conference for The Hospital will be held on the 13th (next Sunday) and it has attracted fans all over Asia to TW. In order to protect from piracy, the discs with the teasers and the first few episods are carefully guarded, so they won't be transferred without permission in any ways. This is the first time a drama in TW has this level of protection from piracy.

Yesterday, The Hospital's main actors, such as Dai Li Ren, Yan Cheng Xu, Zhang Jun Ning, Director Cai Yue Xun, and the author Hou Wen Yong attended the media preview press conference. Cai Yue Xun indicates, "The Hospital won't allow any opportunities for piracy. From recording to editing, it was done by our own people. Even a stranger wants to take it away, he can't. For the discs with the first few episodes, they won't be reached CTV at all." He further stated that the disc with the essential clip which will be shown in the Premiere Press Conference has only one copy in the whole world, and it will be personally delivered with guard to the press conference location by his wife, Yu Xiao Wei, and himself.

Handsome guy Yan Cheng Xu's charm is amazing. A Japanese fan has even stayed in TW for three months learning Chinese just to communicate with him. However, he met his rivalry in The Hospital. Yan Cheng Xu admitted plainly that Dai Li Ren and Fei Xiang were both borned with natural charm. Some staff even joked,"When compared with Fei Xiang's face which is as pretty as a sculpture, my face just looks like the bottom."

Although there was rumor that Yan Cheng Xu didn't get along with Fei Xiang, his interaction with Dai Li Ren is wonderful. They don't just gather and chat, Yan Cheng Xu always visits Dai Li Ren's home located at Shen Keng. Yesterday, they pretended hooking their arms and acting out the "Brokeback Love", and this led to a lot of screaming. Yan Cheng Xu smilingly said that it was scary to work with Dai Li Ren. He said, "He is full of charms. All the ladies he has met give him compliment. However, I quite like the feeling of relatively not being as good as him."

In the drama, he played Su Yi Hua, from being naive to going through vicissitudes, that he was even betrayed by his girlfriend. Yan Cheng Xu indicates, "It was not easy when filming. A lot of things had happened in between. As I acted, I could see a lot of my pains in the character of Su Yi Hua.

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Post time 10-8-2006 08:58 AM | Show all posts
Advisory: "The Hospital" TV Feed Could Be Blocked To Viewers Outside Taiwan..!!!

by Ed Ching

In connection with the post below me on the tight guarding of the materials in the upcoming CTV 8PM drama "The Hospital", there is a big possibility that the satellite feed of the said domestic television station from Taiwan could be blocked to viewers outside of Taiwan.

Regional viewers got a first taste of censorship in pop idol dramas of a magnitude like "The Hospital" only last year, when Taiwan's cable programmer San Lih Television (SET), blocked feeds of the first run of its pop idol dramas "Mr. Fighting" featuring 5566's Tony Sun and Zax Wang, and "The Frog Prince" featuring 183 Club and Ming Dao, with Joe Chen carried by TTV, and in turn by regional satellite TV provider C-Skynet.

Both "Mr. Fighting" and "The Frog Prince" registered above 6.00% average TV ratings that time, which prompted the satellite provider that carries to block the signals of the two shows for copyright reasons. After the two shows though, it did not censor anymore its subsequent programs like "Green Forest, My Home (Leon Williams and Esther Liu of Sweety)" and the recent Sunday night blockbuster "The Magicians of Love (Ming Dao, Sam Wang of 5566 and Joanne Zhen of Sweety)".

Several countries, including the Philippines (via ABS-CBN), have already bought rights to "The Hospital" way in advance, and this has increased the possibility of a signal block for the show's first run in Taiwan to viewers outside of Taiwan. If ever this will materialize, local Jerry fans need not have to be surprised at all by the move. If the producers of Taiwan's pop idol shows have done this to SET dramas before, it can do so with the others.

We do not mean to disappoint Jerry fans here in Manila, but this is one of the possibilities that might arise from the intense talk in Taiwan and elsewhere in Asia about "The Hospital" even before its August 15 TV premiere in Taiwan.

credit to edching908 of

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Post time 10-8-2006 09:02 AM | Show all posts
<Action-4-Jerry> News Clips

** Please feel free to transfer this post in full, including all the pics. and words - it's a basic courtesy. Kindly credit Action 4 Jerry (do not add any website nor club names). **

================================================== ===========

1. Driver left the taxi to leak, Bao Long got scared

2. A Japanese lady will live in Taiwan to chase Jerry

3. Jerry had Leon Dai, didn&#161;&#166;t speak on LZL

View On-Line:

================================================== ===========
Action 4 Jerry, not associated with any fan clubs.
Self-made clip guaranteed.
Please feel free to post the above download link elsewhere
Do let the Jerry-addicted virus spread via the Internet.

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Post time 10-8-2006 09:06 AM | Show all posts
Jerry In Japan

Jerry TOKYO Fan Meeting Application

Date: 2006/09/09 (Sat) 2 shows
Time: Show1> Open at 12:00 / Start at 13:00&#161;&#171;
Show2> Open at 16:00 / Start at 17:00&#161;&#171;
Venue: Tokyo International Forum, Hall A
Fee: US$70
*There will be a ticket lottery if application exceeds limit.
*This application is for CN, EN and TW members only.
*Applicant is not allowed to choose which show.

DEADLINE : 2006/08/11 17:00

APPLY One application e-mail per member
Please e-mail the following information to
Title: "Jerry Tokyo Fan Meeting: YOUR NAME"
Name of Applicant (Same as Passport):
Membership Number:
Contact Number:
For further payment information, F4ever will contact the winners by e-mail.


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Post time 10-8-2006 10:52 AM | Show all posts
<Friends 4ever> Vlog News Clips

Source: Cti TV Taiwan
thanks to amy of TW Love Jerry's Fanily
Translated by Jerrry's Kingdom

1. Japanese rich lady will live in Taiwan for Jerry

Watch on-Line

2. Female President (PGMA) is also a Jerry Fan

Watch on line:

3. Director Cai talks about The Hospital and Jerry

Watch on line:

4. Every Southeast Asian young women are crazy on Taiwanese handsome men

Watch On line:

5. 2000 professional women will come for him
+ Taiwanese Version of The Hospital

Watch on line:

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Post time 10-8-2006 11:05 AM | Show all posts

Reply #217 nyampuk's post

wow sume pacai jerry...

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 Author| Post time 10-8-2006 11:06 AM | Show all posts
mmg promo besar2an ler citer ni...
The Hospital all over the news...

kekdg bel mcm terasa lak presure yg byk semua kat atas Jerry...takut dia x tertanggung aje presure2 yg dtg ni...:hmm:

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Post time 10-8-2006 11:12 AM | Show all posts
canggih gak kat taiwan ngan paparazi...

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