Originally posted by Neraka Bulan at 6-4-2008 02:35 AM
All of us(Muslim)!!!
who a beginner?? |
Reply #199 anak_pejuang's post
Saya tak tahu..mungkin..
h) Sekadar agama atas nama. Mereka berjuang atas nama nationalisme, sekularisme, kommunisme, dll |
Reply #201 anak_pejuang's post
Let me repeat my stance on human nature...diriku dulu, keluargaku dulu, jiranku dulu, kawan-kawan ku dulu, kampung ku dulu, daerahku dulu, negeriku dulu, negaraku dulu, sesama kulitku dulu, sesama agama ku dulu, planetku dulu..abt that lah.. |
Originally posted by DarkBaron at 6-4-2008 02:43 AM
Let me repeat my stance on human nature...diriku dulu, keluargaku dulu, jiranku dulu, kawan-kawan ku dulu, kampung ku dulu, daerahku dulu, negeriku dulu, negaraku dulu, sesama kulitku dulu, sesam ...
dahulu haku dan manusia ku kenal pernah ditindas dan dizalimi... hari ini kita sama-sama mencari keadilan untuk membela nasib... |
Reply #189 naj13's post
Haruslah aku senyap skarang. |
dulu zaman mahathir bukan ada ura-ura nak bina Gereja Terbesar di Asia Tenggara?? tu tup sleeping budha terbesar muncul kat serambi Mekah. itulah tolak ansur agama katanya.....so betul ka ada double standard mengikut cermin mata cap apa yg kita guna?? |
Nape tak mintak buat masjid kat Vatican City??? ke dah ada???
Islam tak halang nk org lain nk beragama.. tapi jgnlah smpai tergadai agama sendrik..
nk buat church buatlah.. tapi jgn la buat kat Mekah dan Madinah...
itu pun susah ke..?? |
Setahu aku Royal Family or Saudi Arabia ni sama jek la cam sultan dan raja kt Malaysia ni.. sekadar 'nama' ketua agama...
selain drp itu.. susah nk cakap laa
kalau rakyat dia memberontak.. abih cerita.. satu family boleh hilang di muka bumi.. kekejaman diorg ni sama la cam Saddam Hussein tuh...
I got a friend from Bahrain...
dia kata ada org arab ni takde kerakyatan ( spt golongan pembankang atau reformasi..) raja depa ni dok tangkap nk bunuh sedara mara lelaki.. dan depa tak de pasport pun..
tak de negara arab lain akan terima diorg pun...
sebb tuh laa orang Arab ni memang dah sepakat utk tidak sepakat.. sbb tuh Palestine tak settle2 lagi....
so for me... diorg ni kalau ada benda yg menguntung kan diorg... maybe Kaabah pun diorg leh jual...hehehehehe
kat dalam Arab Saudi pakai sket nyer tutup.. kalau depa kat US... lebih mat Saleh drp Mat Saleh.. |
Originally posted by csham at 6-4-2008 07:13 AM
Setahu aku Royal Family or Saudi Arabia ni sama jek la cam sultan dan raja kt Malaysia ni.. sekadar 'nama' ketua agama...
selain drp itu.. susah nk cakap laa
kalau rakyat dia memberontak.. ...
setau aku tarap raja di arab dgn di malaysia lain.
di sana raja pemerintah mutlak.. |
mak aiiii, biar betoi ni gereja :@
apa kejadahnya nak buat gereja sebesar alam ni dekat sangat dengan masjidil haram? :@
dah takder tempat lain ker nak buat? :@
bangangnya kerajaan Arab Saudi :@
ingatkan hotel, rupa2nya gereja |
Reply #213 DTECCONAN's post
Go look at my previous posts...this is not a gereja..this is a convention centre, cum hotels cum lavish private apartments for the well heeled muslims... |
Reply #214 DarkBaron's post
habis tu yg mana gerejanya? |
cit, pembuka thread ni apsal letak gambo bangunan tinggi tu plak :@
ingatkan tu church yg kata nak bina dekat mekah :@ |
Reply #215 DTECCONAN's post
Gereja dia belum buat lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...dorang baru ada meeting or signing of agreements aje.. |
Reply #216 DTECCONAN's post
Inilah namanye disinformation.. |
Reply #218 DarkBaron's post
sengaja jer nak bg sensasi pegi kaitkan dengan bangunan besar tu |
Reply #219 DTECCONAN's post
From the website that the threadstarter posted above as referral takda gambar..pon of this bangunan...
From the article..
Negotiations are underway to build the first Catholic church in Saudi Arabia with King Abdullah lending his support for its construction.
Vatican Radio reports the Vatican and the Saudi government are currently in talks to allow the church despite the kingdoms ban on allowing the construction of any non-Muslim place of worship.
No religion other than Islam is allowed to schedule public services, and even the possession of bibles, rosaries, and crucifixes is forbidden.
Saudi Arabia is the only country on the Arabian Peninsula without a Catholic church despite the 800,000 Catholics - virtually all of who are foreign workers.
While Saudi Arabia does not have formal diplomatic relations with the Holy See, King Abdullah became the first reigning Saudi monarch ever to visit the Vatican last November.
Commenting after his meeting with the Pope Vatican officials confirmed the Pontiff pressed for permission to open a Catholic church in the kingdom.
Holy See spokesman Fr Federico Lombardi said that opening a Catholic parish in the Islamic land would be "a historic achievement" for religious freedom and a major step forward for inter-religious dialogue.
The apostolic nuncio to Kuwait, Qatar, Yemen, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, Archbishop Paul-Mounged El-Hachem, is reportedly the lead Vatican negotiator in talks with Saudi officials.
Negotiations belum habis takkan design and planning dah siap kot...
[ Last edited by DarkBaron at 6-4-2008 11:46 AM ] |
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