Originally posted by MzDemeanor at 8-2-2009 06:37 PM ![](http://mforum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
k laa. sedih plak aku baca penjelasan kau ni. abis tu kau nak kawin nanti camana? bole ke pakai surat beranak cam nak bukak bank acc?
yup...dah dua2 ibu jari aku tak da print lagi..
dorg soh aku bawa surat beranak... |
Reply #199 MzDemeanor's post
hello.. ntah la.. aku rasemacam.. plan ko ni macam tak masuk akal.. this is the first ever la aku dengar in my life..
ko tau tak macam
pompuan desperate nak carik bf tau.... takuttt.. aku bajet ko cantik sebab ko kene gossip ngan orang kan.. so aku rase baik lupe kan je hasrat ko tu...sebab carik la bf .... tak pun gf...or bff takkan tak de yang boleh di percayaai |
Originally posted by makcikmengamok at 8-2-2009 06:36 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
aku just senyum cam biasa..
aku ni jenis chubby...and klu aku senyum..cam bebudak gedik..muka aku pun cam gedik2..
tak gakla...muka aku cam gedik2..klu aku senyum cam org gedik..
tapi kl ...
2 expression je ya? gedik & stim ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Originally posted by MzDemeanor at 8-2-2009 06:24 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
gedik educated, cam elle woods, legally blonde.
bukan gedik rempit paris hilton.
elle woods huh...i knw her..die gedix btempat & tk taco org..but i think u r more like shelley hse of bunny..she's cute, gedix but still..ntah la dear..
u still nk teruskn idea ni?hurm.... |
Originally posted by MzDemeanor at 8-2-2009 06:39 PM ![](http://eforum9.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
kalu pakat ngan kawan, besar kemungkinan terpecah rahsia. membe2 aku sume mulut takde insurance.
cari kawan2 yg xde kaitan langsung dgn kawan2 1 pejabat |
Originally posted by sayang_mulut at 8-2-2009 06:41 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
hello.. ntah la.. aku rasemacam.. plan ko ni macam tak masuk akal.. this is the first ever la aku dengar in my life..
ko tau tak macam
pompuan desperate nak carik bf tau.... takuttt.. aku b ...
bukan tak nak cari boyfriend. tapi belum jumpa yg memenuhi syarat. yg mampu buat aku terkesima mungkin sbb syarat aku tu tinggi sangat kot. |
Originally posted by MzDemeanor at 8-2-2009 06:42 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
aku pun mmg malas layan sms. so bila 'staff' aku hantar sms nanti, aku baca la & berlakon sket2. tak payah balas pun. lagipun staff aku ni pompuan -> makcikmengamuk.
pastu yu nk bg die bace sms tu ker? |
Originally posted by sayang_mulut at 8-2-2009 06:41 PM ![](http://mforum4.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
hello.. ntah la.. aku rasemacam.. plan ko ni macam tak masuk akal.. this is the first ever la aku dengar in my life..
ko tau tak macam
pompuan desperate nak carik bf tau.... takuttt.. aku b ...
aku tengok dier nyer pemikiran cam Lynette Scavo..kat desperate housewife..
dier guna intelligence the info that she acquired utk dier manipulate environment dier... |
Originally posted by MsQuerida at 8-2-2009 06:43 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
elle woods huh...i knw her..die gedix btempat & tk taco org..but i think u r more like shelley hse of bunny..she's cute, gedix but still..ntah la dear..
u still nk teruskn idea ni?hurm....
shelly house of bunny. wut? bimbo? heheee. |
Originally posted by greyrose at 8-2-2009 06:46 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
cari kawan2 yg xde kaitan langsung dgn kawan2 1 pejabat
kawan2 sekolah & kawan2 keje semua ter'connected' melalui facebook saya. damn. menyesal plak add diorang semua pakai satu acc jer. |
Originally posted by MsQuerida at 8-2-2009 06:47 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
pastu yu nk bg die bace sms tu ker?
buat ape lak i nak terhegeh2 tunjuk kat diorang. |
Originally posted by makcikmengamok at 8-2-2009 06:47 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
aku tengok dier nyer pemikiran cam Lynette Scavo..kat desperate housewife..
dier guna intelligence the info that she acquired utk dier manipulate environment dier...
more like, manipulate the situation with half true information. |
Originally posted by MzDemeanor at 8-2-2009 06:48 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
shelly house of bunny. wut? bimbo? heheee.
i like her bein bimbo...cute jer..i'm jst sayin elle woods n shelley both gedix pn tk susahkn org & abve all ...diorg ni telus...ikhlas..
honestly, u tk yah jd cam bebudak opis yu tu..klau diorg nk judgin other gurl on their appearance..u tkyah turn urself into them... |
Reply #210 makcikmengamok's post
u know what.. that idea is not that good... in fact she might wanna think other plans ok....lynette way better than her.. all her ideas memang gembapk... tapi ****ngok.. segempak mane idea die pun ade fail |
Reply #215 MzDemeanor's post
ko pakai maxis ke celcom?![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif) |
Reply #213 MzDemeanor's post
kalau macam tu kena tunggu ko dapat kawan baru ler![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
| |
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