Episod Xmas tahun lepas lagi menarik |
i prefer eps christmas yg tahun lepas  |
naya dah rekod lagu ngan ricky martin...
tak sabar nak tengok!!
minah ni dulu bukan ke kata dia rekod album? tak release lagik ker? |
Hhmm...turn out the new plan is...all seniors will be graduating as planned, but will STILL be on the show next year
http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsid ... ay-on-the-show.html
p/s: ryan was planning on doing spin-off for lea and chris characters...thank goodness...' Tell me he is not serious' |
Hhmm...turn out the new plan is...all seniors will be graduating as planned, but will STILL be on the show next year
http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsid ... ay-on-the-show.html
p/s: ryan was planning on doing spin-off for lea and chris characters...thank goodness...' Tell me he is not serious' |
Hhmm...turn out the new plan is...all seniors will be graduating as planned, but will STILL be on th ...
hike80 Post at 9-1-2012 06:42 
kira dah bukan main character la diorang ni?
tak sabar nak tunggu the hot jalapenos in Glee-->Ricky and Gloria!! |
Reply 222# kucinghutan
aku tak sure la mcm mana..probably mungkin diorang buat citer within break after school graduation and before college...aku assume la kan |
Reply kucinghutan
aku tak sure la mcm mana..probably mungkin diorang buat citer within bre ...
hike80 Post at 12-1-2012 21:49 
apa apa pun, Santana rawks!!
Reply 224# kucinghutan
hhmm...tapi the writers / creators still owe me male mercedes!!
p/s: mcm diorg pedulik je penonton sorang dr negara mana tah ni...wakakaka |
Reply kucinghutan
hhmm...tapi the writers / creators still owe me male mercedes!!
p/s: ...
hike80 Post at 13-1-2012 21:43 
banyak gak mender diorang propa ek? dulu konon Sam tu jadik bf Kurt, alih alih Blaine pulak..*Blaine Anderson, I LOVE YOUR VOICE!!!* |
Reply 226# kucinghutan
esok episode baru....malas nak re-run skrg ni |
lusa leh donlod! |
dah siap donlod///
slushee is back!! |
Terjatuh chenta ngan without you la.
Mantap betul rachel naynyi.
aku sorang je ka yg tengok minggu ni punya episod YEs/No ni? |
Reply 233# adie82
Nampak sangat ko ni excited sangat!
Anyway, episode ni best sgt! Happy sgt sebab langsung x da gay issues, thank God!
Glee is getting better, tapi tak tahu la sampai bila dia boleh bertahan.... |
stuju... memang best!!!
lagu pun best! |
sweetnyer episode "Yes/No" neh..and NeNe from Real Housewives ader, ya Rabbi bising giler dia neh  |
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