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kan...they have gone through a lot. wish them happiness.....
lagi seronok masa umum x pasti/tahu...bebas je dak dua ketul ni keluar atau makan2 atau apa2pun....skrg ni nak post sesuatu kat ig masing2 pun boleh jadi hal yg bukan2...
bertabahlah lofa dan fattah.....semoga Allah permudahkan urusan uols berdua......
haha...I suka # @aciklorong ni
dah2...happy and good night aciks
Morning aciksss.. rise & shine.. |
Elehh lofa.. bile dgn nabil siap tanya ingat sweet ke nak matching2.. yg awak tu matching sokmo dgn abdul fattah tu dh kenape??? X kira jauh dekat, almost everyday nak matching2.. Nasib baik mmg sweet..
washere2 replied at 4-4-2017 11:59 PM
haha...I suka # @aciklorong ni
Acik lorong tu sesuatu sgt acik airport ke? |
TheSendu88 replied at 5-4-2017 07:52 AM
Acik lorong tu sesuatu sgt acik airport ke?
Baik mengaku sapa punya ig |
PembacaSenyap replied at 5-4-2017 07:38 AM
Elehh lofa.. bile dgn nabil siap tanya ingat sweet ke nak matching2.. yg awak tu matching sokmo dg ...
Tu la. Dia ckp diri sndiri kot. Sweet kekdahnya. Tp nabil tu utk coverina |
eyrA622 replied at 5-4-2017 07:53 AM
Baik mengaku sapa punya ig
Tu laa bek ngaku siapakah empunya acc aciklorong. |
washere2 replied at 4-4-2017 11:42 PM
Kalau tgk mood & emot in her post2 after meletop mlm ni ok, happy je Tp riak muka bergambar nampak ...
Walaupun lopa kata dia tk terkesan
Tp iols tahu dia nangis sorg2 dlm bilik baca komen ..kan hari tu dia kata tak der sapa tau dia menangis sorg2 dlm bilik ..hancur hati dia baca komen
Skrg lak silap lopa sikit kena kecam hanya sbb status hajah..jd kena lah behave..haters sokmo sibuk mencari bahan |
TheSendu88 replied at 5-4-2017 07:53 AM
Tu la. Dia ckp diri sndiri kot. Sweet kekdahnya. Tp nabil tu utk coverina
Nabil kan mmg selalu jd mangsa coverina lopa |
Mekap lopa meletop mlm td cantik sgttt |
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Good morning warga epot.....dan pagi ni acik nak seru @ShiLiu sebab dah lama tak cuci epot bersama....dia dah ada business lain, dah tak jadi pencuci epot sementara acik epot dah balik kebun tanam kelapa ikut nenek ejas!
Sementara itu....
@PembacaSenyap Hehehe. Betul gak tu.
Have u all ever wondered if Lofa ever peeps in at the epot?
Or if she even knows of its existence?
I think she would benefit from the positivity that is in abundance here.
There is no worshipping and hating here.
We just enjoy the good and share the love.
All within healthy limits.
Of course, there is some ridiculous banter especially when nenek ejas wants to appear..
Sometimes there are attack episodes from haterz which annoys us all
but the outcome is it always strengthen the friendships of the wargas.
Lofa and Fattah are connected to the IGs
as those are the sources for them to get direct input of the fans' views.
But since we have so many silent readers here,
Is it possible that Lofa and Fattah are amongst them?
Note from Nenek Ejas :
Kalau Lofa and Fattah ni silent readers, nenek nak cakap sikit.
Ko mari le ke epot dan ke kebun aje kalau ko nak tengok2 Forum Cari ni.
Takyah nak ke tempat2 lain ya cu.
Nanti sakit hati dan jiwa raga aje.
Sekurang2 nya kat epot ni ko boleh relax macam masa ko mula2berjumpa di epot dulu.
Setidak2nya ko boleh gak masuk kebun nenek dan tolong panjat pokok kelapa ke, kukur kelapa ke, perah santan ke.... |
Edited by washere2 at 5-4-2017 08:41 AM
Morning aciks,
Dah berpeluang tgk klip time aizat ditanya pasal WT
Yg org ckp nampak sedih tu. Actually Lof cuba control, audien bersorak dlm 2-3 kali, dia terlepas senyum tapi kawal supaya tak nampak/or org kata dia perasan. Tp apa yg menyentuh perasaan dia I think (Lof tunduk mcm kawal perasaan) juga ialah cara Aizat sungguh2 cerita tu, Lof segan juga kat aizat seolah2 beria2 aizat cerita perasaan fattah yg dia tahu pasal lagu tu. Nabil pun 2-3 kali reaksi mengusik. She tried her best to behave. Masa Nabil tanya "eh..ni fattah dah bincang dgn kau ke malam ni pasal semua ni?"...aizat ckp "mmg kitaorg selalu lepak bla, bla"....it seems aizat tahu sbb now ni pun fattah selalu jumpa dia...bila benda tu announced by aizat sebegitu...audien kat studio pun mcm 'silence' gitu in between sorak....lofa tunduk dan diam
bila hubungan tu serius (tapi nak cover) & dugaan banyak tak macam mula2 dulu, we can understand how she feel, boleh nampak the true reaction la, bukan manis tersengih memanjang byk yg pahit yg she has to face
Yg ni mmg seolah2 Lof perli diri diorg sendiri, sbb mana pernah isu Nabil sedondon dgn dia keluar sebelum ni (obvious la kalau ye pun sbb sesama hos, mcm rosyam di MLM jg), Both tahu reaksi berdua shippers nampak
masa ni Lof senyum tapi kawal
bungaungu replied at 3-4-2017 08:20 PM
terus g cek bila uols ckp..hihii..knowing fc dia mmg x sukakan fattah..sori klu ter ot tp curious ...
Now I think they are Ok with fatah sbb president dh tukar lelaki. |
mmg sah bab meniru colour baju tu ckp kat diri sendiri
chami replied at 3-4-2017 09:39 PM
sian....tak terurus dah tunang @ShiLiu ni..mana @ShiLiu menyepi?tapi shirt dan seluar....meletop U
@chami I dh redha tunang I mcm tu.tp I akn make sure rambut tu ditebas. Ko tggu Fattah #sambilsinsinglenganbaju |
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