SK's Shopping sprees are here again...kalau dah orang tu punye rezeki, apa salahnya kan?
VS mesh tote tat I got for $45..(not sure if I posted tis b4..quite long)
Top from Yin & Yang..mahal dok, $50 but kain pekak arok..berbulu after one time wear..
Collagen water - $1 per bottle masa beli kat event Shape Run. Usual price at Watsons is $1.50. Airnya rasa payau
Benefit cosmetics. Primer, foundation-concealer and free mini-sized Benetint!
Shorts from JL on sale. Very comfy tau! And $15.90 only!
Kreta baru..heheh..tapi ni my tunang lah yg shopping..
PT Kit Army utk pakai kat oso tunang shopping 4me..shorts dia sooo ketat..chet!
and latest, Michael Kors sunnies! Baru beli sebab masa jalan2 kat Novena Sq semntara tunggu my appintment at dermatologist...Its towards Velocity, kedai specs kecik ni..and bcoz dia jual shades MK ni murah, I beli lah...$145 je tau! Not bad!
How the shades look like on me
Not forgetting ni velvet heels masa I go shoe sale tu..tis one so cheap, $10 per pair tapi til now aku blom sempat pakai.. Baru2 ni I read the back of the shoe, it says the leather material is made of PU Leather. Anyone knows wat tat is? Coz til now abit skeptical to wear, kot2 kulit babi....
Originally posted by fatz2 at 15-8-2008 02:03 AM
nasib baik pakai spek fancy....kalau tak..sebijik mcm bini p ramli yg pertama dlm citer madu tiga tu...
oh yg mcm catwoman nye specs eh? itu pun stylish gak kan...
SK.. here's some info on PU leather...
dont worry.. it's safe to wear...
Bicast leather
Bicast leather (also known as bycast leather or PU leather) is a synthetic upholstery product consisting of a thick polyurethane layer applied to a leather or reconstituted leather substrate. It is commonly found in inexpensive furniture.
Some manufacturers use the bycast treatment to process their leather, which provides a smooth, shiny finish as well as protection to the leather.
Because bicast leather is fundamentally a man-made product, some jurisdictions (such as New Zealand and the United Kingdom) have ruled that it cannot be marketed as leather.
jeng jeng jeng.... TERBELI semalam...secara tak sengaja
beli sebab love the color....very the unique..... sib baik mr F tak marah sebab dia kata unique...not mono selamat amin
sekarang baru i rasa peretnya mie..masa beli tak ingat semua...balik termenung tengok receipt....
mr f kalo tahu the actual price.... nampak gaya bungkus bag take the 1st flight out kot ke...takots....
sabo je la ngan perangai buruk haku ni.....dosa kan sis bohong suami...
mommy... suke ngan bag tu, color pon unique banget! good choice!...
ppssttt pepe tutup jek lah mata. takyah tngk resit tu lagik..
weols ni tak pernah insaf kan
Originally posted by Ratu_Lybeau at 15-8-2008 02:10 PM
sekarang baru i rasa peretnya mie..masa beli tak ingat semua...balik termenung tengok receipt....
mr f kalo tahu the actual price.... nampak gaya bungkus bag take the 1st flight out kot ke...tak ...
Ratu, bag you sukaaaa...tapi Prada kan harganya 4digit..can pengsan................ Tapi me suka ur bag!!