cmne nk guna timer eh??
baru bli tp x reti nk set up time...
thunderbirds88 Post at 15-12-2011 18:53 
satu slice tu taksilap 15 minit. timer yg mcm mane? takde instruction ke kat packaging dia tu. |
Reply 2219# fansofaqua
bli cap econsave je... heheh... rm12.90...  |
Reply fansofaqua
bli cap econsave je... heheh... rm12.90...
thunderbirds88 Post at 15-12-2011 18:57 
klau kt ecinsave ad..boleh la ak beli econsve kt ipoh ni..hahaha...ko nk tlg beli kn ape?? cnister?? haha |
Reply 2221# msukri78
instruction dia sgt la ringkas... aku ni dh la noob...
1) plug in socket and connect this facility with the home appliances
2) push down the joint slices according to the working duration of home appliances as expected (15 min. for one slice, adjustable for 24hrs)
3) turn the disc following the arrow's direction till the mark pointing to the current time.
ni arahan dia. aku ingt nk ltk kt plug lampu. nk set dia on jam 7 pagi, off jam 3ptg. so, nk point arrow dia ktne eh?  |
Reply msukri78
instruction dia sgt la ringkas... aku ni dh la noob...
1) plug in socket an ...
thunderbirds88 Post at 15-12-2011 19:03 
point la kt 7 am then end point kt 3 pm.. |

test |

test. |
ape pon xblh...
cm ne ni nk upload gmborr !!!
dpt free credit je eden...
hahaa |
tank co2 4kg bersamaan dgn brape liter and lbs??????????? |
just nak info ..sesiapa yg nak remove algae kat batu...bleh guna excel @ growth..just spray direct m ...
abanglong Post at 15-12-2011 13:27 
abglong power...huhuhuhu |
ni kalo nak upload gamba step by step dia....
1. upload gamba ke server....flickr ke imageshack ke picasa web ke....
2. view gamba yg dah diupload guna browser.....
3. dah ok, right click gambar > properties > copy url gamba (jgn copy url kat browser)
4. gi kat post reply anda, tambah tag img.... [i m g]right click sini Paste[/ i m g] (make sure takde space.....)
5. then post.....kalo tak jadi....tekan edit instead of reply....
harap2 ini dpt membantu....rasa cam tak best lak kan kalo kita spam the forum
kt Ipoh ni xd..
adoi cm ne ni..nk beli..hahaha !!
fansofaqua Post at 15-12-2011 14:13 
minta tolong member2 forum poskan brg ke ipoh... |
Reply 2223# fansofaqua
haah... canister filter tu la... hehehe....
akhirnya dpt tau gak set timer tu... x susah pun sebenanye... aku je yg noob... {:3_84:} |
Post Last Edit by ue_smsc at 17-12-2011 15:21

test... |
Reply fansofaqua
haah... canister filter tu la... hehehe....
akhirnya dpt tau gak set ti ...
thunderbirds88 Post at 16-12-2011 11:30 
klau ang tlg belikn cm ne ang nk bg kt aku..hehehe !! |
ni kalo nak upload gamba step by step dia....
1. upload gamba ke server....flickr ke ...
sisaiko Post at 16-12-2011 10:20 
xd pun propeties klau tekan right click.. |
[i m g]http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/7173/ducatii.jpg[/ i m g]
test |
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