where got i take people's things....u don't make me shame shame one....i only borrow ma....cannot ka....if u don't want people to borrow ur things don't put anyhow la....put inside ur cupboard l ...
delima Post at 26-1-2010 14:31
ic..in other word you are helping them kemasing their house is it?
aiyo what to do acik.. {:1_126:}
my stomach is getting bigger coz everyday foruming in front of screen
this is all becoz of apiz fault lah..!
slnippongirl Post at 26-1-2010 14:34
hahhhh??? it sounds scary la ponggel..... foruming makes ur stomach getting bigger?? OMG!! dont play2 la ponggel.. im not married yet la... ayoyoyooo...
aiyo what to do acik.. {:1_126:}
my stomach is getting bigger coz everyday foruming in front of screen
this is all becoz of apiz fault lah..!
slnippongirl Post at 26-1-2010 14:34
how come u say my eyes so big like that
my eyes same size with hafiz's eyes u know
very the beautiful n my eye hair long oso like him
ameeza2000 Post at 26-1-2010 14:35
reallyyy???? so beautiful la ur eye hair if it as beautiful as cikgu harun.... so curls2 and long long one...
hey ppl.....wah! how come u all r speaking london today? me come come very frighten la.....i tot i miss place my house?
Along_XX Post at 26-1-2010 14:38
welcome in along
how was yr lunch..did u taking lot of food?
if i'm not mistaken yesterday u said that u are on diet..
hahhhh??? it sounds scary la ponggel..... foruming makes ur stomach getting bigger?? OMG!! dont play2 la ponggel.. im not married yet la... ayoyoyooo...
MakCu_Bunga Post at 26-1-2010 14:38
why not stomach get bigger..
everyday sit only eyes stuck at the computer never go exercise or poco2
but short hand is good.....good for people like acik...
am i right dear?..
delima Post at 26-1-2010 14:40
true delima
but now my short hand already rusty
long time i didn't take dictation...
my boss is so good that he draft his own paperwork
i make simple letter n simple report only...
hey ppl.....wah! how come u all r speaking london today? me come come very frighten la.....i tot i miss place my house?
Along_XX Post at 26-1-2010 14:38
no you not enter wrong house
now have to speaking london if not we become LM
welcome in along
how was yr lunch..did u taking lot of food?
if i'm not mistaken yesterday u said that u are on diet..
ameeza2000 Post at 26-1-2010 14:43
i no take food in morning.....only take at lunch ma....eat dinner before 7pm.....