Reply #2318 koci's post
koci, new findings.. EBM fresh boleh disimpan sampai 8 hari kalau simpan dalam peti ais bahagian bawah tu.. |
Reply #2318 koci's post
hehehe...kak koci gi kenduri kawin smlm x bwk balik ole2 ke??hhuhuhu.. tp mm BYK betul jemputan...kire saving ar...makan smpai 3tmpt.. |
Reply #2321 limau_nipis's post
ye ke????sebab kengkadang bile da letak kat situ tuk bg aqiel minum die xna la plak botol...na nenen aje...hummm n kengkadang terpaksela buang susu tu... |
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 4-6-2007 09:19 AM
koci, new findings.. EBM fresh boleh disimpan sampai 8 hari kalau simpan dalam peti ais bahagian bawah tu..
Yer ke limau...takpe koci kasi limau buat eksperimen hehehehe...cube limau letak susu EBM tu 24 jam je dalam fridge kat bawah then limau rasa...rasanya mcm santan masam/basi...baby taknak minum... |
Reply #2323 adekjeli's post
iyer adekjeli...
jap kita paste from dr sears website
These guidelines are for mothers who are expressing milk for a full-term healthy baby. Use clean containers, and wash your hands with soap and water before expressing. or pumping. When providing milk for a baby who is seriously ill and/or hospitalized, check with healthcare providers for instructions.
Where stored Storage temperature
(degrees Fahrenheit) Storage temperature
(degrees Centigrade) How long
At room temperature 60 degrees F 15 degrees C 24 hours
At room temperature 66-72 degrees F 19-22 degrees C 10 hours
At room temperature 79 degrees F 25 degrees C 4-6 hours
In a refrigerator 32-39 degrees F 0-4 degrees C 8 days
In a freezer compartment inside a refrigerator 2 weeks
In a self-contained freezer unit of a refrigerator 3-4 months
In a separate deep freeze with a constant temperature 0 degrees F -19 degrees C 6 months or longer
Type of Milk Save or Dump? Why
Milk remaining in the bottle that has been offered to baby - Use for next feeding, otherwise discard. Bacteria from the baby's mouth may have entered the milk during the feeding. This may lead to bacterial contamination if it sets too long (though as yet there is no research available).
Milk that has been thawed - Save in the refrigerator for 24 hours after thawing, then discard. Do not refreeze. Milk that has been frozen has lost some of the immune properties that inhibit bacterial growth in fresh refrigerated milk.
Milk that has been kept in the refrigerator for eight days - Transfer to storage in the freezer, or discard. Bacterial growth is not a problem, but milk sometimes picks up odors or flavors from the refrigerator or the container. |
Reply #2324 koci's post
koci, anak kita ok jer..
Q: I have been nursing my four-month-old daughter and plan to continue when I return to work in two weeks. However, I don't think that I will be able to pump enough every day for the next day, so I'll need to keep a reserve in the freezer. Though she will take refrigerated or fresh expressed breastmilk from a bottle, she does not like milk that has been frozen and thawed, even though I thaw it in warm water and shake it to get an even consistency. What can I do?
A: Since your baby seems unhappy with frozen breastmilk, I would recommend using fresh, saving your frozen milk for an "emergency." The newest recommendations state that breastmilk can be kept refrigerated, between 32 and 39 degrees F for up to eight days (Pardou, 1994), so it should not be too difficult to feed your baby primarily fresh, refrigerated breastmilk.
Sometimes breastmilk does change in smell and taste after being frozen, seeming to smell sour, soapy or rancid. If care has been taken to properly collect and store your milk, it does not mean your milk is spoiled. The rancid taste and smell can be due to the breakdown of fats. The soapy smell may be the result of the freeze-defrost cycle in self-defrosting freezers. Scalding freshly expressed milk, without bringing it to a boil, then cooling it rapidly and freezing, stops the process of fat digestion. Though scalding the milk will not improve the smell or taste, it may be more readily accepted by your baby.
[ Last edited by limau_nipis at 4-6-2007 05:17 PM ] |
Senyap je heh semua orang...sakit mata ngadap komputer, tadi pump dapat 6 oz. Bekas dadih koci dah habis dah kene beli stok baru...freezer pun dah penuh. |
Hari Sabtu tu Iskandar buat perangai tak nak minum BM. Panik Babah dia start motor pergi rumah MIL ambil susu moo-moo.
Petang semalam baru nak BM balik. Shin menangis telefon mak mengadu Iskandar tak nak BM. Sedih tau. Dah la period dah datang balik. |
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 4-6-2007 08:10 AM
ceri, nanti bagi review spectra3 ok?
hari ni baru masuk kerja, aduh.. sedihnya mengenangkan anakku yang baru dihantar ke nurseri
Limau mcm mana hari ni first day kerja dapat pump tak? |
stuck lagi ke? |
Originally posted by koci at 4/6/07 03:12 PM
Limau mcm mana hari ni first day kerja dapat pump tak?
koci, alhamdulillah.. dpt pump 3 kali.. update tenusu hari ini: 9.5 oz lepas 3 kali pump.. |
Reply #2329 Oshin's post
shin sabor shin.. jgn stress, effect gak kat susu |
Originally posted by limau_nipis at 4-6-2007 05:16 PM
koci, alhamdulillah.. dpt pump 3 kali.. update tenusu hari ini: 9.5 oz lepas 3 kali pump..
Haaaaa kan banyak tu ...koci petang ni dapat skit plak hmmm 3 oz aje...
Kenapa iskandar taknak EBM oshin? Kesian iskandar, ada masa buat ragam la tu... |
Reply #2334 koci's post
koci, cuak japs masa pump kul 4, sebab dapat 2.25 oz jerrr.. pagi dapat banyak pulak.. biasa ke macam ni? |
nape ibuk2 sekalian ni pump je SURE dpt byk..uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sedih betul arrr |
Koci selalu mcm tu la limau, pagi dapat banyak then menurun menurun selalu pagi 6oz, then tengahari 5oz then petang 4 oz...pagi selalu hormone tinggi sebab tu banyak kot...tapi hari ni skit plak pagi 6oz, tengahari 4.5oz then petang lak dapat 3oz aje...
Koci nyer susu takde la banyak sangat adek...skrang ni mcm ngam2 aje untuk danish..jgn berkurang sudah, so far bleh supply lagi...advance 11 hari. |
malam kat umah pump jg ker???
best nye...ade advance 11 hari. |
Originally posted by apricot at 4-6-2007 06:26 PM
malam kat umah pump jg ker???
best nye...ade advance 11 hari.
Ap tak balik lagi ke? Malam kadang2 je pump, selalu pump pagi2 sebab nak kasi danish susu fresh + stock beku EBM. Selalu pagi mesti pump sebab ada lebih susu danish minum tak habis kalau tak breast bengkak... |
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