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Author: Hanni


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Post time 23-2-2010 12:20 PM | Show all posts
huhu bulan 3 pun panas camtu ke

nampaknya kena biasa2kan diri la berpanas2 kat malaysia ni, sebelum berangkat ke tanah suci...
al-asil Post at 23-2-2010 08:22

Salam, bulan 3 tu kira peralihan musim sejuk ke panas. Kira musim panas baru nak bermula..tapi panas kat sana tak macam panas kat malaysia..cuaca kat mekah panas kering..Bila panas mmg kita berpeluh tapi peluh cepat kering even baju kita pakai kalau basah dek peluh pun kalau dah kering tak berbau...SubhanaAllah....

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Post time 23-2-2010 08:58 PM | Show all posts
Salam semua...saja nak up threat dah jauh ke blkang...

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Post time 23-2-2010 09:17 PM | Show all posts
Salam semua...saja nak up threat dah jauh ke blkang...
jellybee Post at 23-2-2010 20:58
salam kak jellybee...sedih tret ke belakang..penghuni tret bz kot..

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Post time 23-2-2010 11:39 PM | Show all posts
kasi up sikit...

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Post time 24-2-2010 08:05 AM | Show all posts
Insyallah kalau tak bertukar tarikh pada 16 Mac - 27 Mac semuga dipermudahkan segala urusan dari sini juga di sana kelak. Mungkin boleh kita buat gathering kat sana he he
aily Post at 22-2-2010 20:25

Salam Aily...seronoknya bakal jadi tetamu Allah...semuga dipermudahkan segala urusan...

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Post time 24-2-2010 08:11 AM | Show all posts
salam,nasib baik kawan2 kat forum ni x bosa..kat sini,ramai yg dah bosan.xde topik lain ke depa kate.huhu.
freshoren Post at 22-2-2010 21:50

Salam freshoren...samalah kita...sebelum pergi topik tu, dah balik pun topik tu jugak...mungkin kawan2 saya pun dah bosan kot sebab kat sini topik2 umrah dan haji jarang dibincangkan....sebab tu saya masuk forum ni....macam2 cerita dan pengalaman...seronok...lepaslah jugak rindu kat sana.

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Post time 24-2-2010 08:17 AM | Show all posts
nak tanya cuaca di mekah dan madinah bulam 3,4,5 ni mcmmana ye?
alamaktuan Post at 22-2-2010 22:02

Salam alamaktuan....saya tak pernak pergi sana bulan 3,4,5 tapi dari apa yg saya tahu melalui weather forecast dan cerita kawan2...bulan 3 dan 4 cuaca macam kat malaysia dan bulan 5 agak panas jugak sebab dah masuk summer...wallahualam..

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Post time 24-2-2010 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Salam Aily...seronoknya bakal jadi tetamu Allah...semuga dipermudahkan segala urusan...
UmmuAisyah Post at 24-2-2010 08:05

Salam Ummu

Terima kasih. Itulah sebenarnya tak nak cerita kat sini dulu, nanti dah confirm dapat visa baru nak kasi tau kat sini tapi sebabkan tak sabar nak jadi tetamunya he he. Doakan semoga rombongan kami diberkati.

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Post time 24-2-2010 11:25 AM | Show all posts
Salam alamaktuan....saya tak pernak pergi sana bulan 3,4,5 tapi dari apa yg saya tahu melalui weather forecast dan cerita kawan2...bulan 3 dan 4 cuaca macam kat malaysia dan bulan 5 agak panas jug ...
UmmuAisyah Post at 24-2-2010 08:17

Akak dah rasa pergi awal April (cuaca sedang2 je tak sejuk sangat tak panas sangat), Pernah rasa pergi bulan May/June (panas terik rasanya lagi panas time ni), pergi bulan Julai/Ogos (panas kering berangin tapi tak peluh sgt), Pergi Haji Mid Nov - Awal Jan (cuaca sejuk terutama kat Madinah & Mina, time ni best)

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Post time 24-2-2010 11:48 AM | Show all posts
sesapa yang baru balik dr umrah, silalah tepek gambar kat sini, terutama gambar sekitar masjid kucing ke masjid jin..dengar dorg kata byk dah 'terang' kat sana...

gambar2 dr sana walau berapa byk sekalipun kita tengok takkan jemu2...disamping tu dpt gak kami yg dah lama2 pergi dulu mengembalikan nostalgia serta menggamit rindu utk pergi lagi...

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Post time 24-2-2010 11:48 AM | Show all posts
sesapa yang baru balik dr umrah, silalah tepek gambar kat sini, terutama gambar sekitar masjid kucing ke masjid jin..dengar dorg kata byk dah 'terang' kat sana...

gambar2 dr sana walau berapa byk sekalipun kita tengok takkan jemu2...disamping tu dpt gak kami yg dah lama2 pergi dulu mengembalikan nostalgia serta menggamit rindu utk pergi lagi...

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Post time 24-2-2010 04:52 PM | Show all posts

up kan tret yg dah ke page 2..

malam ni ada ceramah ttg umrah kat surau..InsyaAllah kalo xde halangan saya pergi n share ape je ilmu yg dapat nanti yer..

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Post time 24-2-2010 05:38 PM | Show all posts
kecian thread ni mendap

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Post time 24-2-2010 06:21 PM | Show all posts
...... silalah tepek gambar kat sini, terutama gambar sekitar masjid kucing ke masjid jin..dengar dorg kata byk dah 'terang' kat sana...
ctzaharah Post at 24-2-2010 11:48


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Post time 24-2-2010 10:12 PM | Show all posts
alhamdulillah, kami br je blk dr umrah nk blk ke malaysia, tiba2 hotel zam-zam black out pg tu. syukur sgt2 pekeje2 meka pantas betulkan apa yg patut..

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Post time 24-2-2010 10:19 PM | Show all posts
Adik zarif sorry can't make it kenduri tu sy nk blk sban jenguk org tua lately x brapa sihat kebetulan cuti pnjg.

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Post time 24-2-2010 10:34 PM | Show all posts
ada sesapa boleh  tepek gambar kat jln khaled al waled menuju sevilla hotel tu tak..
nak tgk perkembangan bukit yg di korek tu...saya duduk kat golden nadj tu baru2 ni (musim haji lepas) ..

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Post time 25-2-2010 01:10 AM | Show all posts
sape yg nak pi tu join lah group ni cepat dan daftar..ish mcm nak pi aja ni..tapi june tu nak ke abu dhabi...

Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Sahabat Interaktif Malaysia (SIM) akan menganjurkan Program Umrah Bersama Sahabat SIM pada penghujung Mei dan awal Jun 2010 akan datang. Program ini bertujuan menyediakan pakej khas kepada sahabat-sahabat SIM untuk menunaikan ibadah umrah secara berkumpulan dengan harga yang istimewa. Pakej tersebut bernilai RM3,900 sahaja dan terbuka hanya kepada sahabat-sahabat SIM yang email mereka terdapat didalam Yahoo Group Sahabat Interaktif Malaysia (SIM) .

Untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut mengenai program ini anda dijemput untuk hadir ke Taklimat Program Umrah Sahabat SIM seperti butir-butir dibawah ini :

TARIKH       :  6HB MAC 2010
JAM             : 9.00 PAGI
                      Yayasan Pembangunan Nur Hikmah
                      16-3, Jalan Mesra Niaga
                      Taman Mesra, 43000 Kajang, Selangor
                            Sila rujuk peta lokasi dilaman web

Untuk menghadiri taklimat ini anda perlu mendaftar dengan cara menghantar email kepada [email protected] dengan menyatakan butir-butir dibawah ini :

1. Nama Penuh :
2. Nombor Kad Pengenalan :
3. Alamat Tempat Tinggal :
4. Nombor Telefon Bimbit :

Pendaftaran untuk menyertai taklimat ini ialah pada 1hb Mac 2010 jam 3.00 petang. Hanya mereka yang telah mendaftar dibenarkan menghadiri taklimat.


Sekian terima kasih

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1.     Umrah untuk 12 hari 10 malam

2.     Penerbangan Gulf Air / Pakistan Airlines / Sri Lanka

3.     Penginapan untuk 4 atau 6 orang sebilik dengan bilik air

4.     Makan dan  minum 3 kali sehari, minum pagi, makan tengahari dan makan malam.

5.     Di Mekah jarak antara Hotel ke Kaabah hanya 120 meter

a.     Al Yarmouk

b.     Ufuk Al Fatih 1

c.      Ufuk Al Fatih 11

6.     Di Madinah jarak antara Hotel ke Masjid Nabawi hanya 100 meter

a.     Mawaddah

b.     Al Firdaous

c.      Fayrous

d.     Al Yussam

7.     Lawatan menarik ke Bukit Magnet di Mekah

8.     Lawatan menarik ke Muzdalifah di Madinah

9.     Bas persiaran berhawa dingin beserta pemandu pelancong disediakan

10.            Syarikat akan menguruskan proses permohonan visa

11.            Kursus Umrah

12.            Lindungan Insurans berjumlah RM10,000.00 pada  setiap peserta umrah

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Post time 25-2-2010 12:50 PM | Show all posts
Salam Semua

Tak ada orang ke?

Nak upkan thread ni. Untuk bahan bacaan semua

The Destruction of Holy Sites in Mecca & Medina - Destroying Islamic Heritage

The Asian Age:

The Arabian Peninsula, the cradle of Islam, is being demolished by hardliners. In countries such as Saudi Arabia almost all of the Islamic historical sites are gone, but this is not the first time they have been destroyed.

In 1802, and army led by the sons of Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab (the founder of Wahhabism) and Muhammad ibn Saud occupied Taif and began a bloody massacre. A year later, the forces occupied the holy city of Mecca. They executed a campaign of destruction in many sacred places and leveled all the existing domes, even those built over the well of Zamzam. However, after the army left, Sharif Ghalib breached the truce, inciting the Wahhabis to re-occupy Mecca in 1805.

In 1806, the Wahhabi army occupied Medina. They did not leave any religious building, including mosques, without demolishing it, whether inside or outside the Baqi’ (graveyard). They intended to demolish the grave of the Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him, many times, but would repeatedly change their minds. At this time, non-Wahhabi Muslims were prevented from performing the Hajj (pilgrimage). In 1805, Iraqi and Iranian Muslims were refused permission to perform Hajj, as were the Syrians in 1806 and Egyptians the following year. The Saudi leader at the time wanted the pilgrims to embrace his Wahhabi beliefs and accept his Wahhabi mission. If they refused, he denied them permission to perform the Hajj and considered them heretics and infidels—ignoring the word of God in Sura al-Baqara:

And who is more unjust than he who forbids that in places for the worship of God, His name should be celebrated? Whose zeal is (in fact) to ruin them? It was not fitting that such should themselves enter them except in fear. For them there is nothing but disgrace in this world, and the world to come, an exceeding torment. (Qur’an 2:114)

The Wahhabi army’s destruction campaign targeted the graves of the martyrs of Uhud, the mosque at the grave of Sayyid al-Shuhada’ Hamza bin Abdul Muttalib and the mosques outside the Baqi’: the Mosque of Fatima al-Zahra, the Mosque of al-Manaratain, and Qubbat’ al-Thanaya (the burial site of the Prophet’s incisor that was broken in the battle of Uhud). The structures in the Baqi’ were also leveled to the ground and not a single dome was left standing. This great place that was visited by millions of Muslims over many centuries became a garbage dump, such that it was not possible to recognise any grave or know whom it embraced.

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Post time 25-2-2010 12:51 PM | Show all posts
The occupation of the holy places by the army and their preventing Muslims from performing Hajj led thousands of people to flee Mecca and Medina to escape religious persecution. The Muslims started to complain and express their concerns, and public opinion put pressure on the Ottoman Caliph to liberate and rebuild the two holy places and once again permit the Muslims to perform the pilgrimage. Accordingly, an army led by Muhammad Ali Pasha, the Caliph’s viceroy in Egypt, was sent. When the forces arrived in the Hijaz, a number of tribes marched in support of the army, which regained control over Medina and then Mecca.

In 1818, the Wahhabis were defeated and they withdrew from the holy places. The Prophet’s Mosque, the Baqi’ and the monuments at Uhud were rebuilt during the reigns of the Ottoman sultans ‘Abd al-Majid I, ‘Abd al-Hamid II and Mahmud II. From 1848 to 1860, the buildings were renovated and the Ottomans built the domes and mosques in splendid aesthetic style. They also rebuilt the Baqi’ with a large dome over the graves of the Prophet’s daughter Fatima al-Zahra, Imam Zainul ‘Abidin (‘Ali bin al-Hussain), Imam Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Baqir and Imam Ja‘far al-Sadiq. The graves of others related to the Prophet found at the Baqi’ include those belonging to Ibrahim (son), ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan (Companion and son-in-law), Saffia bint Abdul Muttalib (aunt), Atika bint ‘Abd al-Muttalib (aunt), Al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib (uncle), Fatima bint Assad (Imam Ali’s mother), ‘Abd Allah ibn Ja‘far bin Abi T alib (cousin) and Aqil ibn Abi Talib (The Prophet’s cousin).

The grave of the Prophet’s father ‘Abd Allah was in Dar al-Nabigha of the Bani Najjar, the house of where the Prophet learned to swim. However, his father’s grave was exhumed 17 years ago and transferred to the Baqi’. The area of the house today lies under the marble covering the plaza surrounding the mosque.

A number of the Prophet’s wives (the Mothers of the Faithful) were buried in the Baqi’: ‘A’isha, Hafsa, Juwayriya, Saffia, Sawda, Zaynab bint Khuzaima, Zaynab bint Jahsh, Umm Habiba and Umm Salama. The tomb of Khadija, the Prophet’s first wife, is in Mecca because she died before the Hijra (migration of Muslims to Medina). Her grave is in the Hajun cemetery, known as Maqbarat’al-Ma’la. The tomb of Maimouna, another wife, is also in Mecca in an area known as Sarif, which lies on the side of the Hijra Road, nearly 13 miles (20 kilometers) outside Mecca.

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