Post time 21-9-2019 12:14 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
qis13 replied at 20-9-2019 11:53 PM
marilah kita bersabar mendayung rakit ni
Yasss kite kena cool and steady je...jgn dikacau process dorg hahaha...jgn la ade yg kat twitter tu dok usik ben kaitkan ngan mira twitt tu...nanti dia taknak dah tweet hint2 bhahaha kompiden je iolss cam ben tweet hint...ntah random hahahah
Post time 21-9-2019 12:17 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Rahsia0493 replied at 21-9-2019 12:14 AM
Yasss kite kena cool and steady je...jgn dikacau process dorg hahaha...jgn la ade yg kat twitter t ...
Haha i pun rasa mcm tu. Kalau nk kacau2 'kebetulan' ni biar atas rakit ni je ye. Best pulak ada relatable quotes by our AMirah time kita dah ketandusan bahan bakar kan hahahaha
Baby, take my hand
I want you to be my husband
Cause you're my Iron Man
And I love you three thousand
Baby, take a chance
Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie
I see you standing there
In your Hulk outerwear
And all I can think
Is where is the ring
Cause I know you wanna ask
Scared the moment will pass
I can see it in your eyes
Just take me by surprise
And all my friends they tell me they see
You planing to get on one knee
But I want it to be out of the blue
So make sure I have no clue
When you ask
Baby, take my hand
I want you to be my husband
Cause you're my Iron Man
And I love you three thousand
Baby, take a chance
Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie
Now we're having dinner
And baby you're my winner
I see the way you smile
You're thinking about the aisle
You reach in your pocket
Emotion unlocking
And before you could ask
I answer too fast
And all my friends they tell me they see
You planing to get on one knee
So now I can't stop thinking about you
I figured out all the clues
So now I ask
Baby, take my hand
I want you to be my husband
Cause you're my Iron Man
And I love you three thousand
Baby, take a chance
Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie
Pa da da da da dam
No spoilers please
Pa da da da da dam
No spoilers please
Baby, take my hand
I want you to be my husband
Cause you're my Iron Man
And I love you three thousand
Baby, take a chance
Cause I want this to be something
Straight out of a Hollywood movie, baby
Pa da da da da dam
No spoilers please
Pa da da da da dam
No spoilers please
Pa da da da da dam
No spoiler please
Pa da da da da dam
And I love you three thousand
(walhal status tuiter tu, Ben recycle je status kat IGStory dia last year. Refer IG @boxtyme highlight IGStory. Ada gambo Ben shirtless dengan caption camni)
Boleh lah nak kata Ben ni sejenis suka recycle je bait-bait kata
Post time 21-9-2019 06:52 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
ubatnyamuk replied at 21-9-2019 06:41 AM
Tapi kakanyam nak delulu yang Ben saje up status tuiter tu (walaupun recycle) utk berb ...
Ohhh baru fahamm ape yg sis tulih hahaha...pagi2 ni blur sikit hahaha...baguih la dia sejenis kuat daya ingatan...quote pun bole igt hahaha...dia mesti ade feveret certain quote sbb tu dia suka recycle yg dia suka hahaha
Post time 21-9-2019 06:52 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
ubatnyamuk replied at 21-9-2019 06:41 AM
Tapi kakanyam nak delulu yang Ben saje up status tuiter tu (walaupun recycle) utk berb ...
I suka kakanyam punya delulu. Dalam banyak2 status yg boleh di recycle, status yg tu jugak dia pilih. Kita be patient je la dengan rakit kita ni. Hahaha