Originally posted by aliza0805 at 9-5-2006 10:37 AM
Minta pendapat skit, anak me umur dah nak masuk 2 tahun, tapi tak pandai cakap g. risau gak, anak member setahun lebih dah boleh cakap dah. tapi dia ni lambat skit. ada idea tak nak buat camna? man ...
he he...just like my first child...mmg risau sgt tp nak wat cam mana coz it runs in the blood....ada antara my family/relatives yg lmbat ckp tp bila dah dpt cakap susah nak berenti...in fact he's talktive.... |
dari kajian... bagi bayi/infant... percakapan adalah directly related dengan intelligence atau perkembangan otak... selalu nya .. kanak2 yg perkembangan otaknya lebih meluas akan mula bercakap lebih awal..
contohnya kebanyakan genius bercakap lebih awal.. dan ada kes2 dimana bayi mula bercakap lengkap seawal 6 bulan... tapi ada juga genius autistic savant yg special cases..
so.. kalau lebih awal bercakap.. mungkin bayi lebih pandai.. higher IQ
normally bayi akan mula bercakap pada usia 12 bulan ke atas.... IQ adalah directly related to keturunan dan baka.. dan juga stimulasi ketika mengandung.. dan juga stimulasi ketika membesar.. jadi ibubapa lah.. yg akan menjadi pemangkin utk perkembangan otak kanak2...
jika kanak2 selalu ditinggalkan dengan maid.. maka kurang la interaksi utk perkembangan otak.... kanak2 juga membesar dgn meniru tingkah laku sekeliling.. samada baik atau buruk... tidak lupa juga dengan keadaan keluarga jika terlalu byk stress or masaalah mungkin menggangu pembesaran social kanak2..
walaubagaimana pun.. parents jgn terlalu risau dgn membandingkan anak2 sendiri dgn org lain.. setiap org membesar dgn cara sendiri.. sebab tu tak semua org akan jadi kaya...
yang paling penting ialah perhubungan anak dgn ibubapa mestilah menitikberatkan hubungan kasih sayang yang berpanjangan... bukan hanya utk perbandingan pencapaian yg tidak akan habis (e.g peperiksaan, kerjaya, kekayaan etc)
Cool Mum.. Super Dad! |
Anak julies yang sulung memang jenis petah cakap. Umo 2 tahun tu kira dah boleh berborak le ngan kita. Sekarang ni dah 7 tahun berborak mcm orang tua. Tapi si adiknya skrang dah 3 thn tpi ckap pelat lagi. Kalu dia tanya soklan2 ringkas bleh la kita faham tp kalu yang pjg ataupun dia nak bercerita kena amik masa nak paham dulu apa yang dia cakap. Kalu tak layan mula di ngamuk ataupun merajuk. |
Anak jiran mak... beza awal seminggu dari anak saya... dia anak ketiga.. ader 2 kakak yang sekolah rendah dan tadika.. tapi kakak dia ni petah bercakap... cakap mcm org besar dgn kiter... ayah diaorg ni peguan dan mak dia lecturer IPTA... masa hari tu.. budak ni datang rumah.. dia cakap lagi petah dari anak saya... lagi banyak cakap... terkejut gak saya... mula ada rasa mcm kenapa anak aku tak petah mcm ni... tapi pikir balik kat nursary dia ada lagi budak baya dia yang tak okay lagi berkata2... so kire anak aku average lah... umur anak aku 1thun 8 bulan... anak aku kire suka juga ajuk aper org cakap... kire dia nak belajar bercakap lah.. walaupun pelat... alhamdulillah...
Saya rasa... keinginan anak kiter untuk belajar pun.. faktor juga untuk dia mudah bercakap... selain dari pengaruh keluarga dan persekitaran... |
Originally posted by spidernfly at 5-8-2006 09:45 AM
what if kids talk with a slang? how do you deal with that?
its bad enuff my sons dont understand malay.... but they talk with an australian slang. bila balik m'sia.. i get the feeling like some ...
sedara mara yg tak suka tu jeles sebenornye
kah kah kah kah |
anak mami umur memang lambat bercakap...umur 3 tahun baru nak bercakap..tapi itupun pelat giler.......sebelum tu langsung tak bercakap...panggil mami pun emmm ajer...pa boleh la sebut....memang jenis berat mulut....banyak guna bahasa isyarat...even nak minta aikrim pun dia guna bahasa isyarat.....dia jilat penumbuk dia....
umur 3 tahun baru nak bercakap...skrang dah 4 tahun 8 bulan pun masih pelat lagi........tak boleh sebut L..L jadi T.....G pun jadi T.......dah puas ajar dia sebut betul.......kalau lalat dia sebut tatat...
yang sedihnya..awal tahun hantar dia ke nursery tapi tahan 2 minggu ajer sebab budak2 lain dok ejek dia pelat.....sian dia.... |
Originally posted by danielly at 16-2-2006 01:44 PM
my daughter umo 19 months ..."mummy, i see flowers there" hehehehe
My daughter yg 2nd tuh pun camnih... 18 months dah boleh complete simple sentence.. tp in BM la.. hehe...
Yg 1st dulu... 2 years baru complete simple sentence.. but still ok la..
I guess... anak2 perempuan lebih cepat bercakap.. satu lg.. I mmg suka bercakap dgn dieorang semenjak diaorang baru lahir... sbb babies suka tgk mulut kita yg gerak2 tuh...
My 3rd baby pun I buat cara yg sama.. but with extra afford... I'm trying to introduce her alphabets by 5 mths (patutnye lagi awalkan...)... |
Originally posted by mami at 8-11-2006 10:46 AM
anak mami umur memang lambat bercakap...umur 3 tahun baru nak bercakap..tapi itupun pelat giler.......sebelum tu langsung tak bercakap...panggil mami pun emmm ajer...pa boleh la sebut....memang jen ...
mami, dia boleh cakap ayat penuh tak sekarang...walaupun pelat? |
anak den,semuanya jenis lambat bercakap ....kiranya tak baper nak lancarlah...still pelat2 lagi...
yang sulung 5 tahun dah masuk tadika pun ada lagi pelat sikit....aiskrim,dia sebut ai em..hehe
tak kisahlah...janji dia boleh cakap... |
kittylover This user has been deleted
My daughter Nadhirah Sophiah will turn 2 next month, dan tak boleh buat ayat lagi. cuma 2 or 3 words sentence: " Daddy's car", " Mommy eye (or nose, teeth)" , "bad cat" , "go outside" "want susu",etc, tapi bila kitaorang buat list of words yang dia tahu, adalah about 100 words macam tu. My ped. cakap anak I lambat cakap sebab I am bilingual (my hsuband is a caucasion so tak tahu melayu sangat). Tapi ada setengah anak bilingual cepat jugaks cakap,kan.
Anyway, my friend punya anak dah 3 thn. 3 bulan dan masih tak bercakap (tapi excellent at imittating words/actions), dia orang suspect budak nie ada "autism" sebab dia lagi satu lack of social skills, tak pandai berkawan, bila orang paggil dia dia tak peduli langsung, dan banyak lagi, read this articles kalau nak tahu about AUTISM :
I cuma nak berkongsi knowledge jer bukan nya nak buat you all ladies TAKUT..the best thing, jangan malu rujuk your pedetrician kalau rasa sth. tak kena dengan anak kita!
[ Last edited by kittylover at 13-11-2006 09:21 AM ] |
Hi semua
aku baru terbaca thread ni. Actually, mmg dah lama tak aktif kat forum pun.
OK, gini aku nak citer pasal our 2nd doter. She is 3 (in Oct), kalau nak dibandingkan dgn her peers, memang dia nampak kurang matang. Her speech milestone is also not to what we expect from 3yr old kid. In other words, most of the time aku tak paham apa dia cakap. Memanjang cakap 'german'.
Ada gak yang bagitau aku,don't worry too much coz Einstein was a late talker. Tak kurang ler yg ngata aku suka ckp pelat dgn dia or aku kurang bg perhatian kat dia. Tak pernah aku buat! Then, best fren aku suggest buat hearing test since my doter can talk (English + 'german' ) cuma lack of vocabs & full sentences. FYI, aku & DH train anak2 bilingual. Our 1st doter pun memang lambat mula bercakap tapi lepas her 2nd birthday terus petah berkata2 and skrg at 4 dah pandai berlawak jenaka dgn kitorang. OK back to the hearing test. dari test tu nanti boleh determine what is the real problem and solution.
Kira step dia gini laa lebih kurang:
1) hearing test by ENT to check wether the kid can actually hear or not etc sbb hearing & speech adalah berhubungkait. Pastu
2)the doc will determine either speech therapy or further test by orthodontologist (sorry kalau spelling error)
Anyway, aku & DH dah buat step 1 i.e. buat hearing test. AT first ENT takleh buat test tu sbb something was in her ear, Now it had been removed and hearing test is done but the doc tak puashati and asked us to go for another hearing test dgn sorang audiologist yg ada alat lg canggih. DH takmo teruskan coz he wanted to go for a 2nd opinion (from a Paed with ENT specialty), insyaallah dalam masa terdekat. Alasan: 1st ENT tu bawah panel, tau ajelah mcm2 citer dengar psl panel hospitals/medical centres. So DH takmo put her doter at that kind of risk. Dia nak bawak pi jumpa specialist (cum his friend) kat govt hospital plak.
BTW, aku ada gak buat some surfings psl speech delay and what not. Ni nak share some links:
Delayed Speech or Language Development
Going to a Speech Therapist
The late talker - when silence isn't golden. Not all children with delayed speech are "little Einsteins" or garden variety "late bloomers"
Sesiapa yang ada anak/cerita pasal speech delay ni, please share your stories. |
NST 10/12
Ada yang dah beli buku ni? Nak gi cari kat bookstore nanti.
A matter of speech
Not sure if your child has a speech problem? Don't worry. You can now check it out in a book written specially for multilingual Malaysians, writes RACHAEL PHILIP.
JENNIFER Eileen Peters (picture) is a speech-language pathologist, or an SLP, for short. Her job involves bringing a person's speech or language skills up to the level of their peers.
She sees only children - normal as well as special kids - and helps them to better vocalise and communicate with others. More importantly, she helps parents to help their children.
"Parents are the best people to help their kids," she says ushering me into her small and cosy home office. It's a child's dream playroom, with a large basket filled with soft furry toys on one side. Across the room, games, toys and books dominate a low blue writing table. And when the door shuts, a picture collage of her many young clients light up the area.
It is here that she assesses the children and their speech and language skills, all done through play as children respond best this way.
"It is important that parents sit in. These weekly sessions don't add up to much if parents do not continue doing what was done here, at home," she says.
Sometimes parents believe that their child understands simple commands. But through observation, Peters reveals that what the child has picked up is actually the visual cues accompanying the verbal instructions.
"This is important because parents can pitch themselves correctly when communicating with their kids," she explains.
Peters graduated from the University of Reading, UK, 14 years ago. Her four-year course is a mixture of linguistics, psychology and medical science. Undergraduates go for two-year clinical placements in which their ability to practise is assessed.
Sitting in with her is also a tutorial for the parents who learn why their child reacts in a certain way and how they (parents) should respond to this.
She treats her clients in English and Bahasa Malaysia. With Mandarin-speaking clients, she uses an interpreter. But, she explains, "it's not ideal and it's rare for me to do it."
Some four years back, Peters felt the need to write a book to reach out to more people.
"The book was borne out of frustration actually. A client of mine was misdiagnosed. For seven years, the parents had paid for seeing a therapist but there were no results. They were not even allowed to be in the room with their child," she recounts.
"The child was already 13 or 14 when they came to me. They finally decided to migrate because of better intervention and continuing programmes abroad.
"Lots of parents don't go out of the way but here are those who do. It made me realise that people need more information. They need to know where to go, what to do, what could go wrong and what to expect. The book is not an answer to all problems but it's a start."
More importantly, the book encourages parents to ask why and to always question the therapist or doctor.
Making Chatter Matter - Understanding Language Impairment Within a Multilingual Environment was launched yesterday in Kuala Lumpur. "It's your right to ask. Use the professional help available to you as guides. They are not God," she says.
Her book may be a little too heavy on theories but she strongly believes that parents want in-depth answers rather than just be told what do.
It also has a comprehensive list of websites and resource centres that parents can visit as well as simple activities they can carry out with their young ones.
Making Chatter Matter also addresses an important issue - our multilingual society. "A Malaysian child is equipped with at least two or three languages," she says.
Peters has other projects in the pipeline. She plans to write a book, for parents with autistic children and a children's storybook for the language-impaired.
Making Chatter Matter - Understanding Language Impairment within a Multilingual Environment is available in all major bookstores. |
periperi syukur sgt sbb anak periperi dah start ckp mcm2 words. dulu risau gak sbb doktor kata anak periperi ada masalah pendengaran sbb tak byk words dia boleh ckp. tp skrg...tak terlayan periperi. tgk iklan cicak man dia pun ckp cicak..cicak... tgk lori sampah dia mesti ckp ampah.... apa org ckp seboleh-boleh dia nak ikut. alhamdulillah. |
Originally posted by periperi at 12-12-2006 10:21 AM
periperi syukur sgt sbb anak periperi dah start ckp mcm2 words. dulu risau gak sbb doktor kata anak periperi ada masalah pendengaran sbb tak byk words dia boleh ckp. tp skrg...tak terlayan peripe ...
berapa umur dia skrang peri-peri? sorry mungkin akak miss posting terdahulu... |
Anak aku masuk 3 tahun bulan depan. Tengah sedih gak tengok budak sebaya dia dah boleh buat ayat tapi dia hanya sebut dua patah jer contoh nak air, nak acik, nak donald (mcd), nak main, nak aikin (aiskrim)
tup apu (tutup lampu), kat apu (buka lampu). |
i nak citer my doter..
yg 1st tu.. memang lancar bercakap..
3 thn dah laju..memang terlebih pemarah..
yg 2nd tu la.. slow skit
skang dah 3 thn.. tapi pelat..
tak leh sebut huruf K..
abang dia asyik ckp.. adik ni pelat la..
semua word yg ada hurut K dia convert ke T
cth.. kakak> tatak.. buka>uta..buku>utu..
dia pun perasan tak leh sebut K..
klu kite suruh sebut word yg ada K.. dia senyap je..
"tak tau.."
Nak share an assessment questionnaire yang akak jumpa dalam internet untuk tentukan sama ada anak yang lambat cakap ni ada PDD (pervasive developmental delay which includes autism) atau tak.
Questionnaire tu ada dalam.
Who should be evaluated for autism or PDD?
In every child who has any type of speech delay, the question of autism or PDD NOS must arise. Recent recommendations by the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) specify some general early guidelines in that regard. These include:
* No babbling by 12 months
* No pointing or waving bye-bye by 1 year
* No single words by 16 months
* No spontaneous 2-word sentences (for communication, not repetition) by 2 years
* Any loss of acquired speech or communication skills at any age
Several speech developmental screening and rating scales are suggested by the AAN but the above guidelines cover the vast majority of children that require a more specific evaluation. |
:setuju: anak I pun lambat cakap...umur 1.5 thn baru blh sebut mommy...2 yrs baru blh sebut a few words...I mmg risau sgt coz anak org lain dah cakap lancar ..next yr dah nak sek and still pelat.. ....nak buat cam mana, sometimes it lies in the blood..sb I ingat my nephew dulu pun had difficulties to utter "R" ,"L" and a few other alphabets but now he speaks very well....same goes to my cousisn, lambat bercakap masa kecik tp bila besar siap jadi pemidato kat sekolah lagi....my own brorther lagi la...bukan main susah dia nak bercakap tp sekarang bila dah bercakap susah nak berenti and now dia pulak yg jadi cikgu..he he..bila teringat kisah my brother nbi mmg kelakar sangat.
.Originally posted by lmokhtar at 22-7-2006 01:27 AM
My daughter umur 2 tahun barulah pandai sebut mummy. Dia jln pun umur 15 bulan. Masa umur dia sebelas bulan her first word was cicak. :lol Tapi now at 3, tetiba jek pandai cakap. Lorat pulak tu...; ... |
no 1 girl, pandai bercakap since umur 1 thn, by 1thn 6 bulan dah full sentence, dia dok nursery, maybe kat situ dia blajar cakap. Skrg dah darjah 2, dlm kelas pendiam pulak...
no 2 boy, umur 2thn baru boleh ba ba ba... lambat sgt, tapi skrg dah umur 4thn cakap nya ngalah org tua.. mcm2 peribahasa boleh.. eiii tak boleh lawan mulut banyak dia.. semua dia je yg betul!...
no 3 boy, umur 3thn plus (jarak dia dgn abg dia setahun je), tapi tak blh cakap betul, lately ni, sejak kak long tak de kat rumah (balik kg cuti umah nenek), baru lah vocab dia penuh... sebab asyik borak ngan abg dia aje.. Skrg cakap tak berhenti2.. duduk diam2 pun suara bercakap juga ... tapi masih tak leh lawan abg.
no 4 girl, baru umur 1 thn, dah boleh sebut sikit2, nak, mak, miau, kasih, basuh, cing, yak... cucu, semua yg basic persekitaran dia... ni potential nak ikut kak long. |
Anak sulung saya masa umo 15 bulan baru bleh berjalan. Setahun setengha baru pandai cakap. Sekarang dah 2 tahun, memang cakap ngan nyanyi tak berenti la. Cakap pun tak pelat.
Adik dia sekarang umo 10 bulan, tak bleh jalan lagi. Baru nak merangkak, tapi duduk ngan memanjat pandai plak. Start cakap masa umo 9 bulan, panggil abah, mak (pengasuh), ummi, ngan ayah. Pastu bila nak nyusu pun dah pandai sebut nenen, nak makan sebut nak mamam, pandai babai dan suka ajuk orang cakap. Lepas tu dah pandai pok amai-amai, salam dan tadah tangan baca doa. Makcik pun terkejut gak sebab cepat sanagt. Abang dia dulu dalam 11 bulan lebih baru pandai buat semua tu... |
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