SNSD Yuri Abrades Her Leg During 'Invincible Youth' Filming!
[Newsen Reporter: Kim Hyungwoo]
SNSD's Yuri has recently wounded her leg.
During the filming of KBS 2TV 'Invincible Youth' on the 27th, Yuri abraded her leg. While recording a scene of Yuri running to fly her kite, she fell and wounded her leg. Fortunately, the abrasion of Yuri's leg was not too serious and will not conflict Yuri's regular schedule in participating SNSD's comeback performance on MBC 'Show! Music Core' on the 30th.
Through a phone conversation, an SM Entertainment representative commented, Yuri abraded her leg while filming for 'Invincible Youth'. After making a visit to the hospital, the results showed no serious damage on her bone and will not prevent her from performing on stage.
[Last paragraph omitted as it speaks about the new album being a huge success. However, they did mention that more than 250,000 copies of the album was sold in one day!]
KBS Invincible Youth recently revealed fanmade brain maps of G7 members that were posted online on the program’s official comment board.
A picture of SNSD Yuri’s brain showed a large chunkthat was dedicated sleep. However, there was also a small section ofher brain labeled “teddy bear,” referring to Kim Tae Woo, as well as another section titled “I lost a lot of men because of ‘teddy bear.’”
Additionally, fellow member Sunny’s brain consisted mostly of “too much cuteness that brings punches.” Once, Sunny caused anger among G7 members by showing off her aegyo specialty.
Most of “adult idol” Brown Eyed Girls member Narsha’s brain map was filled with material rated “19 years and over.” When Kim Tae Woo asked Narsha to act out the scene, “If I woke up together with my lover in the morning” with Kim Shin Young playing the role of boyfriend, Narsha showed her adult side by pretending to give Shin Young a deep kiss.
However, the worst of these brain pictures was Secret’s Sunhwa, in which she was depicted with an empty brain. Kim Tae Woo commented, “This either means your brain is a white canvas, or you’re not getting enough attention from netizens.” Sunhwa tried to put on a not hurt face and replied, “I guess they must have been very tired from making these pictures.”
It seems like these maps have been quite the trend lately, with JYP& theWonder Girls‘ brains recently mapped by netizens as well.
smalam nengok bebudak G7 ni kat roundtable plus sakit jiwa aku dibuatnya.. malam2 melekek aku cam kuntilanak.. sampai semput... tak tahan nengok..
hara dah bleh jadik 2nd seonhwa.. bengap multiplication gak.. adeh.. lawokk.. mak seonhwa siap pesan jangan main multiplication lagik sebab mak dia malu nak keluar jumpa orang... bapak seonhwa plak tak abis2 cakap seonhwa ni otak kosong.. siap penuh semangat seonhwa buat gaya bapak dia cakap.. dengan busan accent some more..
sang2 plus repeat ptg rabu nih...kol5pm kalo x salah
just_aku Post at 9-2-2010 02:58 PM
owhh besok petang ekk repeat.. aku nak balik awal ler.. nak nengok lagi.. bleh aku gelak guling2 lagi... part hyomin tiru g-dragon menari pun aku tak bleh blah nengok..
kelakar gila tgk dia orang dok mandikan anjing........yg kena angkat air yg paling penat.
tak penah lak aku tgk rumah anjing cam yg dia orang buat tu.....besar gedabak
rumah anjing dah siap ta ...
cmf_Kimmy Post at 9-2-2010 19:51
sian hyomin kena buli..x larat tgk dia melekat jer dgn sunny...dh cam kembar..pastu dpt plak nickname wallflower dgn folding screen
taewoo bear comey jer rasa bahagia dpt masuk dlm rumah anjeng tu dgn yuri..sempat plak tu buat aksi kissu2 dgn narsha..
seonhwa dh x blank sangat..dh improve dh bab2 mengira neh..
camne lah Team Shinyoung boleh menang, dah lah main tipu , Hara gi mintak ikan kat orang lain, byk lak tu. Lepas tu claim tu ikan yg dia orang tangkap. Kesian Team Taewoo, kena mkn ikan hidup2.
Dia orang buat acorn jelly nampak sedap je.......
yg buat biksut tu, slacknya satu je....dia orang letak soju