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Author: Fujiwara

[KAJI SELIDIK FORUM] Anda SOKONG siapa dalam PRU ke 13?

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Post time 8-9-2011 08:55 AM | Show all posts
elok jugak kalo pengundi PR semata2 atas dasar marahkan BN..

cina n india tepuk tangan la... paling untung cina...ape dah jadi kat penang tu...

skrg ni BN perintah pun cina mintak mcm2 terutama tentang pendidikan....

esok dapat naik.. tak kan cina taknak bukak qauta kat semua U... abis tu anak melayu

nak gi mane? swasta? tak de duit.... awam? qauta melayu dah cukup... mane nak pegi?

ekonomi cina dah pegang.. medikal cina pegang... pendidikan? wat sementara ni dapat

lagi la melayu pegang... esok lusa... ape kalo PR naik boleh jamin ke qauta budak melayu

kat U boleh dikekalkan... PR n PAS tu tak ubah lembu kene tindik idong.. berani nak cakap

tak boleh? hahahahaha pikir sendiri la ye... mmg tu la motif cina nak

suruh melayu mengundi dng perasaan marah... ade korang pikir pasal ni? melayu bodoh

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Post time 8-9-2011 10:36 AM | Show all posts
tak tahu nak sokong siapa....

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Post time 8-9-2011 11:49 AM | Show all posts
Dalam proses pendaftaran untuk berjuta pengundi adalah sukar untuk mendapat kesempurnaan 1 ...
rashiman Post at 8-9-2011 03:09

database besauuu tuhhh

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Post time 8-9-2011 11:50 AM | Show all posts

naifnye org melayu....

kesian... dia tak paham hal sebenar...

pemimpin dia cakap a maka a la... kalo b maka b la...

sempit... tgk je la muka dia tu... kesian aku tgk

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Post time 8-9-2011 06:12 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 11-9-2011 02:21 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 12-9-2011 10:59 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Fujiwara at 12-9-2011 11:14

What is Standard & Poor’s (S&P) Credit Ratings

Currently, there are three (3) major credit rating agencies in the world. They are Fitch Ratings, Moody’s & Standard & Poor’s.  Fitch Ratings & Standard & Poor’s are using the same scale from AAA to D which first introduced in 1924.

S&P credit ratings are the agency’s forward-looking opinions about credit risk. It measures about the ability and willingness of an issuer, such as government, to meet its financial obligations in full and on time.

The ratings are based on analysis on economic and financial condition and as well as financial history of borrowing and repayment

Credit ratings are important for countries as they seek international funding for development and any downgrade would mean higher borrowing costs. For the investors, credit ratings is used in making investment decisions.

The table below is the S&P credit rating scale and it’ s definitions.

The table below is the S&P credit rating scale and it’ s definitions.

Credit RatingsDefinitions
AAAExtremely strong capacity to meet financial commitments. Highest Rating.
AAVery strong capacity to meet financial commitments.
AStrong capacity to meet financial commitments, but some what susceptible to adverse economic conditions and changes in circumstances.
BBBAdequate capacity to meet financial commitments, but more subject to  adverse economic conditions.
BBB-Considered lowest investment grade by market participants.
BB+Considered highest speculative grade by market participants.
BBLess vulnerable in the near-term but faces major ongoing uncertainties to adverse business, financial and economic conditions.
BMore vulnerable to adverse business, financial and economic conditions but currently has the capacity to meet financial commitments.
CCCCurrently vulnerable and dependent on favorable business, financial and    economic conditions to meet financial commitments.
CCCurrently highly vulnerable.
CCurrently highly vulnerable obligations and other defined circumstances.
DPayment default on financial commitments.

Ratings from ‘AA’ to ‘CCC’ may be modified by the addition of a plus (+) or minus (-) sign to show relative standing within the major rating categories.

At the time of writing, there are 18 countries having the highest AAA rating as specified in the table below. Malaysia is having A- rating while Greece is having the lowest S&P credit rating, CC due to their financial difficulties.

CountryCredit RatingsOutlook
Hong KongAAAStable
Isle of ManAAAStable
United KingdomAAAStable

Malaysia currency rating cut by S&P

Malaysia’s local-currency credit rating was lowered one step by Standard & Poor’s after the company revised its methodology for grading sovereign debt.

The long-term local-currency rating was cut to A from A+, with a stable outlook, the company said in a statement today. That is the fifth-lowest investment grade. The foreign-currency rating was affirmed at A-, one step below the local debt.

“In accordance with our updated sovereign criteria, the local-currency rating on Malaysia is one notch above the foreign-currency rating,” S&P said. “We base this on our assessment of the flexibility of Malaysia’s monetary policy, the depth of its local-currency capital markets, and the lack of potential rating constraints from fiscal or political issues.”

S&P said the gap between the local and foreign-currency ratings on most sovereigns it rates worldwide is narrowing under the revised methodology. Governments are likely to have fewer incentives to differentiate between their local and foreign- currency debt in the event of restructuring, it said.

Malaysia’s credit rating is constrained by a “moderately weak fiscal and debt profile” for its category, S&P said. The country’s increasing subsidies have led to a “slow pace of fiscal consolidation” and the government’s plans to change the system and introduce a goods and service tax may be gradual given the political implications, S&P said.

“The sovereign credit rating may be raised if stronger growth and the government’s effort to lower spending result in lower-than-expected deficits,” S&P said. “With lower deficits, a significant reduction in government debt is possible.”
-- Bloomberg ... 03/Singapore-to.htm

Singapore to retain its AAA credit rating: S&P

SINGAPORE--Singapore has maintained its position as a member of the exclusive — and shrinking — club of economies with top credit ratings.

Standard & Poor's (S&P) Ratings Services on Friday, Aug. 26, affirmed its AAA credit on Singapore's long-term government debt and an A-1+ rating on its short-term debt.

Simply put, these ratings mean that if an investor buys Singapore government bonds, S&P believes it is highly likely the investor will be repaid.

“We affirmed the ratings on Singapore to reflect the (country's) extensive fiscal and external strengths, and its solid record of prudent macroeconomic management,” S&P said in a statement.

S&P credit analyst Yee Farn Phua added: “We estimate Singapore's general government surplus — consistently among the highest in the world — to have averaged 6.7 percent of GDP (gross domestic product) between 2006 and 2010.

“This level of surplus provides high fiscal flexibility against potential economic and fiscal shocks.”

There are only 18 economies whose long-term sovereign debts have an AAA rating. In Asia-Pacific, only Australia and Hong Kong have the accolade alongside Singapore.

But S&P noted that Singapore is vulnerable to external shocks, given its small and open economy.

The global trade downturn in 2009 caused its economy to contract 0.8 percent.

“Nonetheless, the nature of Singapore's economy also suggests that it could ride an upswing in global demand faster than most other countries; Singapore's 2010 GDP growth rebounded by a remarkable 14.5 percent,” the statement added.

This affirmation of Singapore's top credit ratings comes as developed nations struggle to handle their budget deficits.

Three weeks ago, S&P cut the United States' credit rating from AAA to AA+, saying it was pessimistic about the US government's ability to stabilize its debt soon.

France, which is rated AAA, has announced an 11-billion-euro (US$16 billion) austerity package designed to restrain its budget deficit and maintain its top credit rating.

Another rating agency, Moody's, downgraded Japan's credit rating by a notch on Wednesday, citing the nation's large budget deficits and the build-up in government debt since the 2009 global recession.

Barclays Capital economist Leong Wai Ho said Singapore's ability to recover quickly from crises and stave off any systemic failure of its banking system is probably the main factor behind its AAA rating.

“Singapore has been tested time and again and it was not just our weathering of the 2008 financial crisis that led the agency to affirm our rating but the way we've handled crises in the past,” he said.

“Singapore has always been able to put on a multi-faceted response to restore confidence quickly whenever sudden shocks occur.”

BN lose AGAIN!

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 Author| Post time 16-9-2011 12:11 AM | Show all posts


Nazi Germany KILLED more than 1 million JEWISH during second world war.
UMNO Malaysia MARGINISED NON-BUMIPUTRA for over 5 decades.

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Post time 16-9-2011 12:01 PM | Show all posts
aku tak nak sokong pemimpin yg tak tutup aurat dan bebas salam dgn lelaki prempuan. umno lah.  perintah tuhan yg basic tu pun dah fail, apa lagi perintah larangan rasuah, arak, tak solat dll yg tak kita nampak. adakah puak yg mcm ini akan kita serah nasib negara beserta wang negara ke tangan mereka.  

sudah tentu aku akan sokong kumpulan yg jelas ikut perintah tuhan bila dilihat secara luaran. pas lah. wlaupun media perdana yg jelas media fasik mengatakan berbagai2 keburukan kpd golongan  yg baik ini

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Post time 17-9-2011 03:52 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by ahmad_dhani91 at 17-9-2011 03:54

iols ade member sorang tu ahli pkr lagi tapi agama tolak ke tepi gak.... dia kata duit lakonan tu berkat, cukur bulu kaki untuk lelaki haram itu pun x tau..... lagi satu sanggup tu cakap sanggup mati demi pkr padahal heols hidup kat dunia ni sebab tuhan.... x de pulak iols dengar dia sanggup mati demi agama.... kadang2 iols pelik gak pemikiran cetek orang yang taksub sangat dengan politik ni......

undilah yang uols semua rasa boleh bagi kehidupan dekat masa depan cucu cicit uols semua

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 Author| Post time 18-9-2011 12:56 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 22-9-2011 07:24 PM | Show all posts
stupid fujiwara!

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Post time 23-9-2011 11:25 AM | Show all posts
semakin lama bod 'politik tempatan' nih...
semakin nampak jurang perbezaan antara tahap

minda BN
minda PR

bila kita tengok tred2 dari PR lebih kepada isu2 negara spt
- Adakah parti perkauman (rasis) diperlukan di Malaysia?
- Isu Pemansuhan ISA: Relevan atau Tidak ?
- Siapa Kata Malaysia tak ada Duit

tapi bila kita tengok tred2 dari BN tak lari dari serangan peribadi spt;
- Rakaman perbualan seks didakwa suara Mat Sabu - Normah tersebar diYoutube
- Video Lucah Didakwa Anwar Ibrahim
- Untuk apa Azizan Razak beli Mercedes Benz mewah?

dari tajuk2 tred je kita dah bleh jangka setakat mana minda BN berbanding PR pada hari nih.

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Post time 23-9-2011 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rashiman at 23-9-2011 14:24
semakin lama bod 'politik tempatan' nih...
semakin nampak jurang perbezaan antara tahap

minda BN
minda PR

bila kita tengok tred2 dari PR lebih kepada isu2 negara spt
- Adakah parti perkauman (rasis) diperlukan di Malaysia?
- Isu Pemansuhan ISA: Relevan atau Tidak ?
- Siapa Kata Malaysia tak ada Duit

tapi bila kita tengok tred2 dari BN tak lari dari serangan peribadi spt;
- Rakaman perbualan seks didakwa suara Mat Sabu - Normah tersebar diYoutube
- Video Lucah Didakwa Anwar Ibrahim
- Untuk apa Azizan Razak beli Mercedes Benz mewah?

dari tajuk2 tred je kita dah bleh jangka setakat mana minda BN berbanding PR pada hari nih.
bangcak Post at 23-9-2011 11:25

BN hanya layan aje isu-isu yang dimainkan oleh PR.
PR mainkan isu negara, BN jelaskan isu negara.
PR buat serangan peribadi, BN pun balas dgn serangan peribadi.

Nak banyak komen isu negara, PR pun tak ada pengalaman mentadbir negara.

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Post time 23-9-2011 05:13 PM | Show all posts
Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku.....
kalau pemerintahan BN baik untuk rakyat Engkau kekalkan lah....

andai kata PR lebih baik untukl rakyat Engkau ubah lah kerajaan yg ada sekarang....
TeRasKiLo Post at 22-3-2011 09:10

    aku setuju 110%!! aminn....

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 Author| Post time 24-9-2011 11:26 PM | Show all posts
stupid fujiwara!
mayajasmin Post at 22-9-2011 19:24


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 Author| Post time 28-9-2011 09:43 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 28-9-2011 11:15 AM | Show all posts
undi PAS=DAP=kapir...
undi UMNO=melayu.

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Post time 28-9-2011 12:40 PM | Show all posts
BN forever...Blah lah lu fujiwara...sendiri percaya pd fitnah...kata org fitnah


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Post time 28-9-2011 01:46 PM | Show all posts
umno parti utk indon jerk hahahaha

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