Emma : Sound a lot like the monster that attacked me in New York..
Hook : The monster you were gonna marry??
David : You were gonna marry someone?!
Hook : Did you just miss the part where i said MONSTER??
Muka David ketat!
Last edited by nurulshidah on 17-3-2014 02:57 PM
first of all...can't believe it when Snow said this..."Oz, that place is real?" If only Emma ada, harus reply balik, "Snow White? That character is real, and is my mother?" It just sounded ridicoulous.
The direction so far is good, but chances are the wicked witch character won't be that long. Basically tinggal lagi 9 episodes je pun if this season is going to be another 22 episodes season.
annehuda posted on 18-3-2014 02:23 PM
mungkinkah zelena tu anak cora n Rumpelstiltskin? yelah kan dlm OUAT ni suma mesti ade hubungkait se ...
bel rasa mungkin juga tu anak cora n rumple sbb dia ckp cora dpt dia dulu n tinggalkan dia untuk join raja2 tu kan?
tp kan..cemana plak rumple bleh powerless this time?
tak puas hati lah tgk!!!!
@bettyboo sedih betul masa bel tgk regina plan nak kenakn sleeping curse pd diri sendiri tu. It shows how hurt she feel...hows the pain is takin on her. You know what...itu jugalah yg bel duk fikir selama ni...too sleep forever....kalau betul ada sleeping curse tu tolong sampaikan pada bel ye ... |
bettyboo posted on 20-3-2014 02:28 PM
heheheh kalau betty jadik Rumple boleh kot nak kasik Sleeping Draught kat Bel..tapi tu lah, kita n ...
yes indeed...
we just need a purpose to keep living
si greenie tu kakak dia betty...cora dapat dia dulu b4 kawin dgn raja
bettyboo posted on 21-3-2014 09:14 AM
betul tu bel..I am sure there are a lot of people who needs you and looks up to you, so be strong ...
ye ada rumple...but how come he's powerless?????
bettyboo posted on 21-3-2014 09:58 AM
mungkin Rumple pun terkena Zelena nyer magic spell yg buat diorang semua hilang memori setahun dlm ...
harap2 begitulah hendaknya
stress wo tgk rumple gituh!!!!
huh Zelena is having Rumple's magic dagger....kesian Rumple |
beldandy posted on 21-3-2014 10:04 AM
harap2 begitulah hendaknya
stress wo tgk rumple gituh!!!!
nampak helpless jer dia dlm kurungan tu
Author |
Post time 24-3-2014 11:14 PM
From the mobile phone
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bettyboo posted on 24-3-2014 11:04 AM
huh Zelena is having Rumple's magic dagger....kesian Rumple
Uwaaaaa camne nihhhh |
beldandy posted on 24-3-2014 11:14 PM
Uwaaaaa camne nihhhh
episode kali ni mcm confusing sikit...Charming rescued Rapunzel and had to fight himself?? mcm pelik lak..
and Zelena tu gigih pegi selongkar Rumple nyer kedai amik some sort of potion pun tatau untuk apa...
Rumple dpt escape dari kurungan tapi tak tahu sapa yg lepaskan dia atau dia yg lepaskan diri sendiri
da ader season baru kaa?? |
teky posted on 27-3-2014 11:38 AM
da ader season baru kaa??
latest season 3 la teky...
ko baru bgn tido ke nih?
beldandy posted on 27-3-2014 11:58 AM
latest season 3 la teky...
ko baru bgn tido ke nih?
bukan ke da abes.. bile regina cast spell tu.. si emma henry da balik ke dunia asal..
tpi si peter pan yg menyamar jadik henry.. si henry teperangkap kat pulau peter pan |
teky posted on 27-3-2014 12:00 PM
bukan ke da abes.. bile regina cast spell tu.. si emma henry da balik ke dunia asal..
tpi si pe ...
haiyohhh pacittt!!!!
tu stop kejap for long hiatus...bulan 3 depa sambung semula
so dah few eps ko miss dah ni...
cepat2 gi donlod n tgk dgn hati yg geram
beldandy posted on 27-3-2014 12:02 PM
haiyohhh pacittt!!!!
tu stop kejap for long hiatus...bulan 3 depa sambung semula
so dah few eps ...
Haiyoh..pacit da ketinggalan ni...
Ermmm..xpo..xpo pacit keno sabo dolo... |
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