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Author: ct_subang

Japanese Dorama ~ **Update & Review**

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Post time 5-8-2007 06:35 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2436 Kittie's post

samo la sesaba nk tgk cite tu...wpon pd aku, fukakyo ngan takky tu tkdela hebat giler layan jela

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Post time 6-8-2007 01:16 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2440 lin_okinawa's post

dah tgk cm Kimi ga Kureta Natsu dlm 24 hour TV... alahai tgk cm pun dh sedih... tp sah2la... tgk jln citerpun tahu kisah sedih....

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Post time 6-8-2007 01:43 AM | Show all posts

Kimi ga Kureta Natsu ...24 Hour TV SP

download CM here...


streaming with crunchyroll... (need to log in first)


youtube streaming...

[ Last edited by  Kittie at 6-8-2007 03:43 AM ]

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Post time 6-8-2007 07:38 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2442 Kittie's post

tula..bace sinopsis pn dh tau cm sedey....cite ni ala2 kamisama, mou sukoshi dake kot....

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Post time 6-8-2007 07:39 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2443 Kittie's post


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Post time 6-8-2007 07:42 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2443 Kittie's post

waaaa baru prasan...yg jd budak tu, budak yg blakon dlm ima ai ni yukimasu....aisehhh suke gilerrr budak tu...comel je....blakon pn bleh yg buat aku tk saba lagik laigk tk saba ni

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Post time 6-8-2007 09:06 AM | Show all posts
cite takki yg baru nie ekk...rindu nya kat Takki nie tapi cite sedih lak

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Post time 6-8-2007 10:05 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2445 lin_okinawa's post

hehe... sesame...

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Post time 6-8-2007 10:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2446 lin_okinawa's post

bdk nih glamer gak kt jepun... die involve dlm 24hour TV nih, gi lawat2 sekitar jepun, ramai yg kenal n suker die...

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Post time 6-8-2007 10:09 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2447 PrincessFiona's post

tu la mmg rindu kt takki nih... asik blakon tv SP jer... rindu nk tgk die blakon drama siri... tp xpela, at least dpt drama SP... lgpun die bz nk commit drama yg byk episod...

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Post time 6-8-2007 10:37 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2438 lin_okinawa's post

nani?! ko pun dah suka capuru yui aragaki ngan shige ke?? 2lah.. kan aku dah ckp ngan ko, both of them r kawaii capuru!!

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Post time 6-8-2007 10:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #2440 lin_okinawa's post

nande?! pada aku, mini dress minah 2 sumernyer hein! especially yg time dia doks teropong sensei dia 2! dress polka-dot dia 2! demo ne, the rest mmg kawaii aahh.. aahh bestnyer dia ngan shota matsuda!! suit! :victory:

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Post time 6-8-2007 02:06 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dang_anum at 19-7-2007 08:53 AM
korang dah tgk citer takuya yg baru.....the grand tribe...
mlm td baru khatam.....
aku cari kat sini....tak nampak pun thread psl citer ni....
so unsangkarable.....nangis aku tgk citer ni....

Originally posted by si bulat at 24-7-2007 05:42 PM
mmg best tul citer tu...
  tak benti..
tu pasal lah bulat tgk ending dia mase hubby & anakanda tido..
kalu x, mesti kena gelak habis-habisan dgn diorg...

a'ah laa...memang best citer nih..................~~ huwaaaaaaaaaaaaa
sedih haku .................

hingat tak best sangat...skali mmg best ah ................... sedih nyer..sob..sob..sob

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Post time 7-8-2007 08:44 AM | Show all posts
this is quite off d topic... but after watching too much of jdoramas, the same old thing keep ticking on my head, especially when people is talking 'bout takuya. kebanyakan bdk2 jimusho slalu blakon dlm citer yg hero ske kt org yg lebih tua... hehe... mcm takuya dlm long vacation... takki dlm majo no jouken... jin dlm anego... kame dlm sapuri... jun dlm kimi wa petto... pi-chan dlm Sore wa, Totsuzen, Arashi no you ni... n d list is going on... hmmm... interesting...

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Post time 7-8-2007 02:09 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2454 Kittie's post

trend tu, apatah lagi kalau citer2 gitu mesti nak amik budak2 Johnny berlakon...

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Post time 7-8-2007 04:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Yuni at 2-8-2007 04:37 PM
demo ne, LIAR GAME ngan kurosagi mmg totally diff. aahh.. LIAR GAME laiks best & interesting!! mmg saikou aahh.. :victory: la liar game neh........aku baru layan ep.1 .........episode 2 nengah layan la neh...slow plak connection...
siot tul..........tima kaseh rekomen kan...hihihi

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Post time 7-8-2007 05:04 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2456 An.Shieru's post

hehe..  no problemo! layan jgn x layan! really2 worth watching!! saikou nyer dorama! :victory: :pompom:

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Post time 7-8-2007 08:12 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2449 Kittie's post

aisehhh....beshnyeee...kalo la aku duk kt jpn....haihh keje tgk tv jela aku jwbnyee

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Post time 7-8-2007 08:13 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2451 Yuni's post

mmmm aku pn tk sure kalo gakky ngan shige
tp yg pastinye aku suke cite tu

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Post time 7-8-2007 08:16 PM | Show all posts

Reply #2452 Yuni's post

mmmm hen ke??ok je pd comellll sesgttt....kalo nk compare ngan mat saleh or mlayu mmg tkde yg nk pakai tah la..aku suke tgk sumeeee pakaian die....yg waktu die tgh teropong cekgu die tu pn aku suke

tp aku mmg setuju part die ngan shota tu....mmg sesuaiii sesgt wakakakaakak
haihhhh ~

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