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Author: budingyun

~Bunker Borak CMAC III~

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Post time 1-5-2010 07:57 PM | Show all posts
dancing building tu macam bangunan tabung aji
marumaru Post at 1-5-2010 19:34

    desou ne.. tapi aku tgk cam hiasan jer... tak de penggunaan pon... tabung haji tu at least guna setiap ruang ape..

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Post time 1-5-2010 08:03 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2460# Kia_picanto

    bukan garang...
  ganas sikit...
  sikit jer...

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Post time 1-5-2010 08:07 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2461# Kia_picanto

    hiasan je ka...

  btw, mahal tak barang2 kat prague?
  makanan senang cari tak?

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Post time 1-5-2010 08:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply  Kia_picanto

    bukan garang...
  ganas sikit...
  sikit jer...
marumaru Post at 1-5-2010 20:03

i'll try to become more girly after this

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Post time 1-5-2010 08:17 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2463# marumaru

sebab dia tepek kat tepi bangunan jer..
tabung haji tu menara kan?

makanan kalau pandai cari dapat la jupe halal..
lagi dekat ngan bandar lagi mahal.. nasib baik hostel kami tu tepi bandar.. so ade satu kedai halal kat situ murah jer..
first day sampai carik terus nasik

barang2 kat prague ade murah ade mahal.. tapi kalau bukan buatan prague mmg mahal..
kat sini org suka beli bohemian crystal.. ada tu swarovski diamonds content.. mahal gak.. tapi tak la mahal sgt banding tempat lain..

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Post time 1-5-2010 08:25 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2465# Kia_picanto

    kena masak sendiri la ek?hostel tu sekali ngan dapur ke?

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Post time 1-5-2010 08:27 PM | Show all posts
Ossu....... Minna genki da yo?

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Post time 1-5-2010 08:28 PM | Show all posts
Nice photos Kia. Tsubarashi na.... Kirei.

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Post time 1-5-2010 08:38 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2467# cmf_cluesan

    otsukare, clue-chan...
    okagesamade, genki dayo...

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Post time 1-5-2010 08:41 PM | Show all posts
clue-chan wa genki kai?

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Post time 1-5-2010 08:47 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2470# marumaru


Kia-swan suddenly ilang.

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Post time 1-5-2010 08:59 PM | Show all posts
kia-chan tengah makan agaknye...

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Post time 1-5-2010 09:02 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2472# marumaru

Kia kena minum susu bnyk2.

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Post time 1-5-2010 09:05 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2466# marumaru

mula2 ingat mmg dapat hostel.. tapi kami dpt apartment.. ade la siap dapur ngan pan sekali.. tapi kami tak masak la..

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Post time 1-5-2010 09:07 PM | Show all posts
Ossu.......  Minna genki da yo?
cmf_cluesan Post at 1-5-2010 20:27

genki da yo.. clue-san..

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Post time 1-5-2010 09:08 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2468# cmf_cluesan

arigato ne clue-san.. enjoy the picture kay?

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Post time 1-5-2010 09:10 PM | Show all posts
kia-chan tengah makan agaknye...
marumaru Post at 1-5-2010 20:59

tadi mandi jap.. sakit kepala.. ni tgh makan.. lepas ni aku nak telan panadol.. biar ilang sket migrain nih

tapi clue.. aku dah 3 hari tak minum susu.. susu kotak sebelum pegi prague dah basi
nanti nak gi beli..

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Post time 1-5-2010 09:10 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2475# Kia_picanto

Yokatta. Takmo tanya aku genki ke tak?

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Post time 1-5-2010 09:10 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2474# Kia_picanto

    abih tu makan nasi kat restoran ke?
    adak gak ek restoran jual nasik kat situ...

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Post time 1-5-2010 09:11 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2476# Kia_picanto

yup, enjoyed it so much. Prague wa utsukushii na...

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