wa buat le nnt. tugas lu rempit je.
klu rentung, sapa2 tukangkan
yg lain wa uruskan
dah nk malam dah ni 
sikit je lagi ni.. pastu boleh la wa tolong
byk benda kena selesaikan nnt
wa tkut tk sempat je
lu selesaikan floria je dgn ann
kalau dah hang kata gitu..
wa try bagi jgk kat no 2
selesaikan benda ni sat
check PM
jangan marah wa.. 

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Post time 24-7-2015 01:29 PM
From the mobile phone
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baru2 sampai opis.. nk mula kan tugas
selamat bertugas...
semangat semangat kuda belang 
N, jom apply.. 
cc : @Elle_mujigae
WWF-Malaysia will be organizing a tiger campaign soon and we need helpers! Details below:
Date: 26 August to 20 September (26 days)
Time: 9.30am to 10.30pm
Venue: Mid Valley Megamall
Schedule slots: 2 shifts (morning and evening shifts will be rotated)
- Morning Shift: 9.30am - 3.30pm
- Evening Shift: 3.30pm - 10.30pm
(Includes 1 hour meal break)
Responsibilities: Assist with merchandise sales. You will be in-charge of stocks, cash flow and all merchandise booth related matters.
Requirements: Above 18 years old, must be able to fulfill all days.
Incentives: WWF-Malaysia t-shirt. Paid weekly with 1 day off per week.
Four positions are available and only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Please email your CV to Mr Aames Ng at [email protected] by 14 August 2015 to apply, and an interview session will be scheduled. Thank you.

WWF Malaysia
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Check out those claws! Sun bears have long curved claws, about 10cm in length, that help them tear tree trunks and climb trees in search of termites and honey. Even as the smallest bear species, sun bears can weigh anywhere between 27kg to 70kg and reach about 1 to 1.5 metres tall when standing upright, allowing them to move easily through the trees.

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ingat dh rentung 
belum.... tak tepon bomba lagi
on je le. sikit beno lagi
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