Originally posted by skgerl at 18-9-2008 04:20 PM
Ratu, samalah mcm I... dulu 2-3 yrs back I tak pandai spend barang2 mahal ni semua..paling mahal I beli pon tshirt Mango during sale tat cost $16
Masa tu zaman kental lah... Tapi smenjak kej ...
Errrr.....so kalau tak pakai barang mahal kental ke? Ok perrrrr......it's really how u wear them. U can be clad in designer wear from head to toe and still look fugly....
Originally posted by skgerl at 12-9-2008 10:00 AM
I beli pon sebab nak my muka "crystal clear" lah kononnya, mcm si SammiCheng tu advertise kat TV. Tak clear2 plak, but mungkin sebab dalamsebulan, I cuma gunakan 3-4 times.. And I beli in small bottles somemore(size of a starter kit). I find tat once after applying thetreatment essence, muka berminyak...plus bau tempeh kuat plak tu
You beli pat mana SK? Chic pernah pakai the treatment essence, but takde bau cam tempeh pun....bukan apa, takut kalau u beli pat kedai2 kecik, barang dah expire....
hehe.. this statement is so true..
just to tambah sikit aje.. pokoknyer kita must know how to carry ourself tak kisahlah kalo benda yg kita pakai murah..
[ Last edited by SweetCandy at 19-9-2008 11:12 PM ]
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 19-9-2008 11:10 PM
hehe.. this statement is so true..
just to tambah sikit aje.. pokoknyer kita must know how to carry ourself tak kisahlah kalo benda yg kita pakai murah..
i pon setuju....ada orang pakai semahal or sebranded mana pon orang tak tanya sebab just dont bring out anything or kata kasar tak lawa ler...or tak kena.....
even if i wear baju $5 org tak caya..... eh tak i ada satu blouse beli kat US US$S2.50 nobody still tak caya... and sampai skarang masih pakai hehhehehe
Originally posted by Ratu_Lybeau at 19-9-2008 07:00 AM
SK .... u still young... im GOLD.... so when u reach my stage i think you can buy anything ....hehehehhe ....
but just dont be like me ... SUCKER....for Brand....
eRRR rATU...I think I alredi become one...sucker for Brand...dah kena marah pon...from all
Originally posted by chicsee at 19-9-2008 01:30 PM
Errrr.....so kalau tak pakai barang mahal kental ke? Ok perrrrr......it's really how u wear them. U can be clad in designer wear from head to toe and still look fugly....
Bukan mcm tu...cuma masa zaman dulu my taste also kental and the Mango tshirt (if u ask me now) is reli ugly..campor dgn my appearance tat time makin ugly lah..tu sebab i kata kental
Originally posted by chicsee at 19-9-2008 01:52 PM
You beli pat mana SK? Chic pernah pakai the treatment essence, but takde bau cam tempeh pun....bukan apa, takut kalau u beli pat kedai2 kecik, barang dah expire....
I beli kat Sasa.. Tak expiry date pulak? I dun think expired lah Chics...juz tat bau SK-II ada tis distinctive fermentation smell..I read the ingredients ada "ferment filtrate". i believe tat is where the smell came from... Bau fermenting smell ala2 tempeh/fungus gitu
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 20-9-2008 05:18 AM
thanks ratu..
Ratu.. agaknyer dorang takut tengok kasut boots.. kasut butal..hehe.
I think its how u wear it also... kalau boots dengan banyak silver chain accesories and baju colour hitam, dah jadi Rockers.
Kalau pakai dgn baju natural tone, pakai vest AND cowboy hat, dah jadi mcm Line dancer. Atau Cowboy?
Its how u piece your outfit..coz I think your boots quite versatile