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Author: mysr01

[THE BRF] Istana Bawang 13: Megxit and Other Stories

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Post time 24-1-2020 03:13 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

xo xo

P.Louis dan Nanny Maria melawat muzium


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Post time 24-1-2020 04:31 AM | Show all posts
On the second day of her visit to Sierra Leone, the Countess of Wessex visited Russell Technical Secondary School in Sierra Leone

The Countess of Wessex visited Tombo Health Clinic in Freetown to see how Department for International Development (DFID) is helping to improve access to family planning services and reproductive health education in Sierra Leone, where over 20% of girls aged 15-19 are pregnant or have had a child.


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Post time 24-1-2020 07:13 AM | Show all posts
fizamn replied at 23-1-2020 10:40 PM
Sugar ramai malaysian sbb perasan skin kaler sama...kenkonon org org brown.. blueekkkk..

Aah sama je tp bila kita mengata meggot kena cop racist

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Post time 24-1-2020 08:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 23-1-2020 10:13 PM
ramai sgt.. esp journalists hahahahaaa. esok klau smeg terpaksa jilat boot dorg pun, they wi ...

i admire your effort keeping the truth about smeg ni in here. Dah berpages2. Even tak impact mana pun kita  bukan rakyat UK lol

Tapi penting to educate people about jgn memuja orang membuta tuli especially bila terlalu byk bukti. Bila puja, kita generate income utk golongan mcm tu, apa faedahnya. Baik generate income utk kalangan yg betul2 tulen bukan fakers

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Post time 24-1-2020 08:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I punya teori, QE mmg saje lepaskan hanat sbb..
1. BRF dah nasihatkan hanat, tp hanat degil kata bini dia still baik. So, biarkan hanat tau sendiri perangai meggot yg sebenar dan terluka, then hanat akan balik kpd BRF utk lebih setia.

2. QE mmg sengaja nak biarkan media yg bogelkan meggot, the real meggot to the world. Sbb BRF takmo kotorkan tangan dengan benda remeh & jijix spt meggot. BRF tak rugi apa pon.. diorang akan tepuk tangan sambil makan popcorn mcm kita..  

At the end.. QE akan berkata kpd hanat.. "welcome to mommohhh.."

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Post time 24-1-2020 08:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hi salties... bru bkesempatan mengadap...

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Post time 24-1-2020 09:10 AM | Show all posts

spt dijangka sugars tuduh Canadians raaayciist. kalau Mega tuh pure kokesen mesti dia org sanggup tanggung security the suseks katanya. ai rasa pemenat2 Mega memang dah sewel. kulit putih ka, hitam ka, pepel ka... siapa yg nak bg duit tax hasil titik peluh gitu2 jah dgn dua bekas royal penganggur.
kemudian, dia org kata Canadians takda pilihan sbb QE2 adalah pemerintah monarki negara dia org dan semestinya nek Betty tak nak biarkan "cucu kesayangannya" hidup terkontang kanting di Kanada. Lerr... ari tu kata QE2 and BRF toxic dan controlling, dgn segala mcm kata2 makian. Sekarang guna card "cucu kesayangan QE2" utk terus hidup spt royal di sana. again, sugars' mental gymnastics.

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Post time 24-1-2020 09:13 AM | Show all posts
eva replied at 23-1-2020 08:51 AM

hahahahahhahas... khabarnya dia nak sue the Splash... kena dahhh

kalao tak silap nazi dan mega nak saman media UK bukan Splash. sbb media negara tu jah yg tak dibenarkan siarkan gambar2 the suseks. gila kan? gila ke nak saman agensi peberet mega, habislah terburai rahsia

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Post time 24-1-2020 09:17 AM | Show all posts
mizzmimi replied at 23-1-2020 10:50 AM
woww.. kudos to canadian salties.. buat petition teruih..

cemana rasanya duduk kat negara yg org dah mula rengsa dgn ko? omg toxic environment all over again. baik the suseks pindah ke Gibraltar atau Falkland spt yg diwarwarkan dari mula lg

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Post time 24-1-2020 09:18 AM | Show all posts
cikyahvogue replied at 23-1-2020 12:30 PM
yg i pelik tu dia tak boleh ke pergi toilet and betulkan perut dia yg jatuh tu? yg masa pakai kot  ...

agaknya "baby" dia melurut bila dah sampai ke pintu keluar. dah terlambat utk berpatah balik dan betolkan perut hahaha

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Post time 24-1-2020 09:32 AM | Show all posts
234126 replied at 23-1-2020 12:52 PM
Sakit hati tengok still tak buka2 mata tu. Unless sugars pun sama sepesen perangai meghan so its a ...

hai sis nombor, long time no see

sugars tuh gone case. nothing can be done. sekurang2 thread nih bole membuka mata set2 atas pagar dan rasional. bukannya gusip2 kosong semata2 tp siap receipt - gambar, artikel etc.

Mega tuh biracial, dah lama enjoy privileges belah kulit putih. tengok warna kulit kawan2 dan lelaki2 dlm hidup dia. skang bodohkan semua org dgn 50% kulit hitam dia pulak.

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Post time 24-1-2020 09:40 AM | Show all posts
primadonia replied at 23-1-2020 02:33 PM
Dr fb mmtcd

Staff kt AH (australian house) diminta oleh MOS jd saksi diorang.

khabarnya, staff kat situ disuruh sign NDA oleh BRF. mungkin ada staff/saksi yg dipanggil adalah yg terlepas drpd NDA, sbb terlalu ramai utk BRF ambik kira

tak kira siapa menang atau kalah, di hujung trial nanti semua org akan tahu psl rahsia hitam dan info2 panas.


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Post time 24-1-2020 09:46 AM | Show all posts
Victoria Beckham tertekan sbb dipitnah oleh Mega ... ng-stories-to-press

ai tak tahulah auntie Elton sekarang terpaksa pilih antara dua pihak, memandangkan VB dan somi adalah BFF heshe manakala sorg lagi anak mendiang kawan yg kematian di capitalized oleh auntie Elton.

satu lg ai syak VB mula bersuara sbb takmo dikaitkan lg dgn the suseks, bekas royal. the Beckhams tgh gigeh ambik hati BRF supaya David dpt anugerah knighthood yg membawa title "sir"

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Post time 24-1-2020 09:50 AM | Show all posts
Charlie Purvey, photog yg bekerja dgn Splash

Copyright is Splash News (Meghan’s own agency)


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Post time 24-1-2020 10:02 AM | Show all posts
some interesting comment kat porem acik lsa. terpulang nak percaya atau tidak.
‘Why’ she would use a doll? Ok, here’s my take...
Archie is very much real. I 100% believe they used a surrogate with their dna. No, I cannot prove it but the belly shift shaping and squatting with knees together the last few months and never losing balance or Harry even trying to help in those situations, no hospital records, dr signings, etc ... that and much more-to me- surrogate.
The doll... We have seen some crazy conspiracies. Mine is simple. Archie isn’t with her. I don’t believe she has him full time. I believe the palace does. I have a friend who is in that circle. I can’t say anything more than that. You can absolutely choose to not believe me. She was told this by a mutual friend. She always has receipts but does not on this one. I believe her. You don’t have to. Simple lol
Regardless, a doll? Who would question that? It makes her look maternal. She knows people have been posting about no Archie. She’s got eyes everywhere. The arm is cut into. There is NO weight from HIS weight that is pulling on the straps. Archie appears to be weightless. She got the image she wanted- Happy mom. Anyone suggesting she’s carrying a doll are the crazy ones, see? Those of us who have experienced the worst of Narcs know exactly what I mean.
ETA- I’m waiting on the skeptical faces lol and I probably should not have added that cause I’m not fixing to get my friend in trouble. She’s a journalist also. If I get doxxed- they still won’t figure it out though - fingers crossed. He’s said to be with nannies full time. This is second hand- almost 3rd though so I could absolutely be wrong.



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Post time 24-1-2020 10:05 AM | Show all posts
discount barbie lagiii


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Post time 24-1-2020 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Shinan Govani, journalist utk Toronto Star. mcm kenal rapat dan tahu true color Mega.
dia reply tweet nih

baca dari bwh ke atas


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Post time 24-1-2020 10:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Macikkantin at 24-1-2020 10:33 AM
snazzydaisy replied at 22-1-2020 12:01 AM
super-duper weird... again Smeg, details! Pay attention to little details!

Dedek kwaci ni hidup tak? Seramnya la oi dangling camtu muka sembam kat dada camtu.. Bernafas x tu?

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Post time 24-1-2020 10:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 24-1-2020 09:10 AM
spt dijangka sugars tuduh Canadians raaayciist. kalau Mega tuh pure kokesen mesti dia org sanggup  ...

Since sugars sayang sangat kat 2 ekor tu, baik diorang buat gofundme utk slutsexs ni.  Untuk bantu queen diorang gak kan, hopefully ramai sugars yg sanggup keluarkan duit dr poket sendiri demi kesejahteraan queen diorang

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Post time 24-1-2020 10:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hai salties... Baru khatam istana 12...finally jenguk istana 13

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