Originally posted by sfhzuraz at 14-6-2007 05:25 PM
entahlah moi..tak tau lagi..kena tanya setiausha terhormat gath kita...cik genchi@ naruto....
setiausaha sulit tu dah 2 hari amoi tak nmpk lorrr....
mana dia?????? nak cadangkan taim raya nnt leh buar gath sekali lagik
the day passed and week passed
sense of love is always growing like seasons from year to year,
also the tomorrow wait for us to love and to be loved
that is sense of human being. especially the following senses in the pix:
Originally posted by kselamat81 at 14-6-2007 05:27 PM
CARI ler FS amat dulu....
leh tanya bro zuraz....
the day passed and week passed
sense of love is always growing like seasons from year to year,
also the tomorrow wait for us to love and to be loved
that is sense of human being. especially the following senses in the pix: