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NEW LCU 1200 DWT - ADRI L for Army (TNI AD)
oleh PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Batam
bisa digunakan mengangkut TANK LEOPARD.
Adapun spesifikasi kapal LCU 1200 DWT memiliki panjang 79,50 meter, lebar kapal 14.00 meter, tinggi geladak utama 7,80 meter, tinggi sarat air 2,90, mesin penggerak 2×1500 horse power, kecepatan maksimum 12 knot, total beban 2.400 ton, dengan kapasitas 43 awak kapal, tangki bahan bakar 250.000 liter, dan jarak jelajah 2.880 NM.
UDT 2016: Indonesian Navy get Hugin
Two oceanographic and hydrographic survey vessels delivered to the Indonesian Navy recently will utilise new AUVs. The ships will be equipped with Kongsberg’s Hugin AUV to help gain a better understanding of the waters and seabed around the archipelagic nation.
The first of the 60m vessels, built by French shipbuilder OCEA, were handed over in June 2015 and is currently on active service. The second underwent a commissioning ceremony in Jakarta in March.
Constructed out of aluminium, a process that OCEA specialise in, the vessels produce less cavitation from water moving across the hull when surveying at speed.
OCEA's director of sales, Fabrice Epaud, this enables Kongsberg Maritime's hydroacoustic systems to operate optimally and deliver accurate data at speeds up to 15kt, close to almost twice that of standard survey operations.
‘Aluminium is smooth in the water, hence creating less bubbles, which will enable the Indonesian navy to get the best results possible from the Kongsberg subsea equipment. It's our job to make the best of the survey equipment we are installing for the customer, so we place a lot of emphasis on the integration when constructing a survey or multi-purpose vessel,’ he said.
Equipment supplied by Kongsberg for the KRI 934 Spica and KRI 933 Rigel includes a Hugin AUV per vessel, EM 2040 and EM 302 multibeam echo sounders, EA 600 single beam echo sounder and side scan sonar, in addition to HiPAP hydroacoustic positioning systems.
Both vessels have their own 8m survey launches also equipped with Kongsberg Maritime subsea technology including the EM 2040 multibeam and EA 400 single beam echo sounder. The KRI 933 Rigel also makes use of an advanced Kongsberg Maritime Dynamic Positioning system.
‘This was an extensive “Full Picture” subsea delivery for two very advanced vessels designed and built by one of the leading shipyards in Europe," said Helge Uhlen, VP subsea sales, Kongsberg Maritime.
‘We have worked closely with OCEA to ensure the vessel owner can get the most out of the technology we have supplied, helping them to operate effectively and generate precise results even when surveying at high speed.’
Kongsberg will be present at UDT 2016 in Oslo, from 1-3 June.
Indonesia has a new weapon against illegal fishing: nano-satellites
Smaller than a microwave. (Reuters/Beck Diefenbach)
Indonesia already makes good use of one weapon against the foreign boats that routinely fish illegally in its vast waters: explosives. To discourage the activity—which costs it billions of dollars in lost revenue annually—the archipelago nation has been on a boat-blasting binge in recent years.
A crude weapon.(Reuters/Jessica Helena)
But explosions only go so far. Now Indonesia is adding a new weapon to its arsenal: nano-satellites. Recently the government signed a memorandum of understanding with San Francisco-based startup Spire Global—a “satellite-powered data company”—to pinpoint the location of illegal fishing vessels trawling its waters.
Spire’s low-cost nano-satellites—they’re about the size of a shoebox and weigh 11 pounds (5 kilograms)—are designed for listening rather than looking (paywall). By analyzing radio waves they can collect data that’s useful in certain areas, including shipping, global trade, and illegal fishing. And because the satellites are networked together and positioned around the globe, they can provide constantly updated data from remote or ocean-covered parts of the planet.
In the case of illegal fishing, the satellites can pick up data from the Automatic Identification System (AIS) transponders that ships are required by international law to use. They can also detect when a ship has turned off the transponder, which could signal it’s planning to enter waters illegally. That would help Indonesia, which has 17,000 islands, know where to best deploy its patrol ships.
One of Spire’s tiny satellites.(Reuters/Beck Diefenbach)
Combating illegal fishing has been a top priority for Indonesian president Joko Widodo since he came to power in 2014. At the time he noted that (paywall) 90% of the approximately 5,400 fishing vessels operating in the nation’s waters on any given day were illegal.
Many illegal fishing boats come from nearby nations, but China’s aggressive tactics in the South China Sea have Indonesia worried. Beijing claims nearly all of the sea as its own, along with all its vast natural resources, including fish stock. It bases the claim partly on a nine-dash line it drew on a map after World War 2. That line comes close to Indonesia’s remote Natuna islands, northwest of Borneo.
China has acknowledged the islands belong to Indonesia, but Beijing also encourages its distant-water fishing fleet to operate in the exclusive economic zones of other nations, even ones as far away as Argentina. Last month an Indonesia patrol vessel seized a 300-ton Chinese trawler (paywall) and arrested the crew for illegally fishing within its 200-mile exclusive economic zone of the Natunas. As it tried to bring the trawler to base, Chinese coastguard vessels entered the scene. One rammed the trawler free (paywall). Chinese sailors then boarded the trawler and took it back out of Indonesian waters.
Beijing is already known to aggressively back the Chinese fishing fleet through subsidies, logistical support, and diplomatic intervention. With China militarizing and island-building in the South China Sea, that fishing fleet will likely have stronger support in the future—meaning those tiny satellites could prove increasingly useful for Indonesia.
Program Satelit Nasional LAPAN
Indonesia-Turki Kembangkan Tank Medium Senilai USD30 Juta
Bona Ventura
Kamis, 5 Mei 2016 − 22:05 WIB
JAKARTA - PT Pindad (Persero) menggandeng perusahaan asal Turki FNSS Savunma Sistemleri (Defense System), untuk mengembangkan tank medium guna memperkuat pertahanan militer kedua negara.
Direktur Utama Pindad, Silmy Karim mengatakan latar belakang kerja sama tank jenis ini karena banyak dipakai di beberapa negara. Dan menjadi potensi bagi kedua perusahaan.
Pengarang buku Membangun Kemandirian Industri Pertahanan Indonesia ini, menerangkan kerja sama ini memakan investasi USD30 juta. Pada tahap awal, kedua negara sepakat menyelesaikan prototipe yang berlangsung sekitar tiga tahun. Tahun ini sudah memasuki tahun kedua setelah proyek dimulai akhir 2015 kemarin.
“Investasinya untuk research and development sebesar USD30 juta untuk dua unit prototipe tank,” katanya kepada Sindonews, Kamis (5/5/2016).
Meski tank prototipe ini belum diberi nama, namun kata pria kelahiran Tegal, Jawa Tengah, ini kemampuan tank kolaborasi Pindad dan FNSS mumpuni seperti produksi negara maju lainnya.
Bobot tank tidak lebih dari 30 ton dan dipasang kemampuan teknologi mutakhir terkini. Sehingga bobotnya yang ringan membuatnya akselerasinya sempurna dan lincah.
“Bahkan kami ingin memperingan menjadi 25 ton. Hingga kini, tank-tank medium memiliki berat di atas 30 ton,” katanya.
Selain bobotnya yang lincah, kelebihan lainnya adalah pada kemampuan tembak tank ini yang kaliber pelurunya bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan pemesanan. Bahkan kaliber yang digunakan juga cukup besar, mulai meriam 105 mm hingga bisa ditingkatkan menggunakan meriam 120 mm. Proyek kedua negara ini ditargetkan selesai untuk dikenalkan kepada publik pada 2017 mendatang.
Ceremony ekspor SSV ke filipina buatan PT.PAL
JK Lepas Ekspor Perdana Kapal Perang SSV ke Filipina
Rois Jajeli - detikfinance
Minggu, 08/05/2016 14:29 WIB
Surabaya -Wakil Presiden RI Jusuf Kalla (JK) melepas perdana ekspor kapal perang Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) produksi PT PAL Indonesia ke Filipina.
Kapal 'BRP TARLAC (LD-601)' tersebut pesanan dari The Departement of National Defence Armed Forces of The Philippines.
Pelepasan ekspor perdana kapal perang SSV ini dipimpin langsung JK di dok perkapalan PT PAL Indonesia, Tanjung Perak, Surabaya, Minggu (8/5/2016).
Pelepasan kapal perang itu juga disaksikan pejabat dari Filipina, Kepala Staf TNI AL, Menpan, Menperin, PT PAL, beberapa anggota Komisi VI DPR RI, Gubernur Jatim Soekarwo, dan Wakil Wali Kota Surabaya.
Dirut PT PAL Indonesia M Firmansyah Arifin dalam sambutannya menerangkan, kapal SSV pesanan dari Filipina ini dikerjakan sesuai target yakni 2 tahun mulai dari 13 Mei 2014.
Rencananya, kapal pengangkut jenis Landing Platform Dock (LPD) dengan desain panjang 123 meter, lebar 21,8 meter dengan kecepatan maksimal 16 knot dan ketahanan berlayar selama 30 hari ini, sampai di Manila pada 13 Mei 2016.
"Desain dan rekayasa engineering sepenuhnya dilakukan putra-putri PT PAL Indonesia. Kami menyerahkan kapal perang SSV ini tepat waktu," ujarnya.
Sementara itu, JK yang melakukan pelepasan secara simbolis kapal perang pesanan Filipina ini mengaku bangga dengan prestasi anak bangsa yang berhasil mengekspor perdana kapal perang SSV.
"Selamat kepada PT PAL Indonesia yang pada hari ini telah menyelesaikan pembuatan kapal perang SSV ke pemerintah Filipina," ujar JK saat memberikan sambutan.
"Ini menjadi kebanggaan bahwa kita dapat mengekspor kapal perang yang lebih baik dan canggih," jelasnya.
Menhan: Pembelian Sukhoi SU-35 Masih di Tahap Tawar-menawar
Jakarta - Menteri Pertahanan Ryamizard Ryacudu menyatakan proses pembelian pesawat tempur baru Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker E masih tahap tawar-menawar.
"Saat ini baru proses tawar-menawar. Segera mungkin (diputuskan) ya," kata Ryamizard sebelum mengikuti sidang Kabinet Paripurna di Istana Negara Jakarta, Selasa (10/5).
Dia mengatakan keputusan untuk memilih pesawat tempur buatan Rusia ini sudah mencapai 90 persen. "Kalau 100 persen belum lah, tapi sudah 90 persen," ungkapnya.
Pembelian pesawat tempur buatan Rusia, Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker E, sebagai 'calon kuat' pengganti F-5E/F Tiger II dari Skuadron Udara 14 TNI AU yang selama ini berpangkalan di Pangkalan Udara Utama TNI AU Iswahyudi, Madiun, Jawa Timur.
Selain Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker E, terdapat beberapa nama yang mengajukan diri sebagai alternatif, yaitu JAS39 Gripen A/B atau malah JAS39 Gripen NG dari Saab, Swedia, dan F-16 Blok 60 Viper dari Lockheed Martin, Amerika Serikat.
Di ASEAN, Angkatan Udara Kerajaan Thailand mengoperasikan JAS39 Gripen A/B, sementara Singapura mengandalkan kekuatan udara pada trio F-15 SG Strike Eagle, F-16 Block 50+ dan 52+ Fighting Falcon, dan F-18 Hornet.
Pasti lamanya di TOT ... tapi katanya mau deal di ASEAN-Russian Summit dengan JOKOWI...
Arab, European Customers Interested In Buying Indonesian Warships
Our Bureau 11:39 AM, May 11, 2016
European and Middle East countries have expressed interest in Indonesian warships after the first successful export of Strategic Sealift Vessel (SSV) to the Philippines, an official of PT PAL Indonesia said.
PT PAL President Director Firmansyah Arifin said that the first warship export attracted the attention of representatives of a number of countries, including the Middle East countries.
"A number of representatives from European and Middle East countries are interested to place orders of the SSV type ship. We hope this would lift the image of Indonesia in the world," Arifin told ANTARA NEWS.
The BRP TARLAC (LD-601) warship of the LD-601 Strategic Sealift Vessel type was the first of its kind ordered by the Philippine defense ministry. The Philippines has ordered two strategic sealift vessels and it is one of them that was delivered last week.
After sailing to Manila for several days, the ship is scheduled to be transferred to the Philippine ministry of defense on Friday, May 13, 2016.
PT PAL Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla said that the export marked the success of PT PAL in mastering technology.
"I highly appreciate it because with the ability to build ships the country’s sea areas can be transformed into bridges to unite the nation. But for this, sea transportation means should be good and the maritime areas become the object of development," the vice president said.
He asked PT PAL to continue developing its technology by entering the world markets.
"I hope that PT PAL would be able to win the economy in the shipping world.
This should be won because we cannot only beg it," the vice president said.
The SSV is a sophisticated ship of a Lloyd Register class made by the nation and will be the first warship exported by the country. The ship is capable of carrying two helicopters and a landing craft utility as well as a number of tanks and military trucks, Arifin said.
The ship, measuring 123 meters in length, 21.8 meters in width, with a speed of 16 knots, is capable of sailing for 30 days on the high seas. It was first launched by Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Rizal Ramli and defense minister Ryamizard Ryacudu in January this year.
The second ship is expected to be delivered in September this year.
"We will roll out the second SSV ordered by the Philippines in September 2016," Arifin added.
Indonesia To Buy Airbus A400M Military Transport, Eight Su-35 Fighter Aircraft
Our Bureau02:41 PM, May 11, 2016
Indonesia plans to purchase some Airbus A400M military transport aircraft and eight Su-35 fighter jets.
"I have a plan to buy A400s from Europe ... but just a small number. There is no need to buy many," Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu was quoted as saying by Reuters on Wednesday.
Airbus' A400M has been marred by development delays and cost overruns. One of the planes crashed in Spain a year ago killing four crew members and leading some countries to ground the troop and cargo carrier.
Ryacudu also said the government agreed to buy eight Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets this year, but added the price was still being negotiated.
Indonesia had initially planned to buy around a dozen of the Russian jets to replace its ageing Northrop F-5 fighters, and supplement a fleet of 16 Sukhoi Su-27 and Su-30 fighters that form the backbone of its air force.
SS2 V7 Subsonic
Pindad Luncurkan Senjata Khusus Operasi Rahasia
By Ilyas Istianur Praditya on 11 Mei 2016 at 15:49 WIB
Liputan6.com, Malang - PT Pindad (Persero) meluncurkan senjata baru pada Rabu (11/5/2016). Senapan yang diberi nama Senapan Serbu (SS) 2 Subsonic tersebut diluncurkan di Lapangan Tembak 1000, Turen, Malang, Jawa Timur.
Peluncuran senapan tersebut langsung dilakukan oleh Direktur Utama PT Pindad (Persero) Silmy Karim. Dikatakan Silmy, senjata ini dirancang untuk misi khusus yang membutuhkan kemampuan pergerakan senyap.
"Ini spesial kami design untuk operasi khusus, jadi saat menembak itu tidak ada suaranya. Seperti model penyergapan, penyerbuan senyap, dan lainnya," kata Silmy diTuren, Malang, Rabu (11/5/2016).
Silmy menegaskan SS 2 Subsonoc ini merupakan modifikasi dari SS 2 yang merupakan produk senapan andalan Pindad. SS 2 menjadi senapan terlaris yang diproduksi oleh Pindad. Hal ini yang menjadikan perseroan memiliki keinginan untuk melakukan modifikasi.
SS 2 Subsonic ini diklaim Silmy menjadi senjata paling senyap saat digunakan. Produk pesaingnya MP 7 diakui Silmy suaranya masih lebih kencang dibandingnkan Subsonic produksi Pidnad ini.
"Saya waktu mencobanya saja kaget, saya pernah mencoba MP7, tapi ternyata suaranya lebih senyap, ini luar biasa," tegas Silmy.
Untuk mengasilkan senapan seperti ini, Silmy mengaku peluru yang digunakan juga harus khusus. Inilah yang menjadi keunggulan SS 2 Subsonic. "Pelurunya ini khusus, kalibernya juga lebih besar dari MP 7," ungkap Silmya.
Dengan dilakukannya uji coba ini, Pindad siap untuk memproduksi masal. Hanya saja untuk memulai produksi, Pindad masih menunggu hasil pemesanan. Saat ini TNI dan Polri menjadi konsumen utama Pindad.
Edited by yantostar at 13-5-2016 05:53 PM
Tank Boat Buatan Pindad Akan Dipamerkan Akhir Tahun
Hafidz Mukti Ahmad, CNN Indonesia Kamis, 12/05/2016 14:44 WIB
Malang, CNN Indonesia -- Produsen senjata Indonesia, PT Pindad (Persero), akan meluncurkan tank boat dengan turet berkaliber 105 milimeter atau sekelas tank darat.
“Bisa mengarungi laut level empat (dengan kedalaman lebih dari 2.000 meter). Dengan kecepatan 40 knot, ini cepat,” kata Direktur Utama PT Pindad, Silmy Karim, di markas Divisi Munisi PT Pindad, Turen, Malang, Jawa Timur.
Tank boat produksi Pindad bakal dipamerkan di Indo Defence Expo 2016, Jakarta, 2-5 November. Untuk memajang tank boat itu, Pindad akan mengambil lahan seluas 200 meter di Indo Defence Expo.
“Kami ingin meyakinkan jika produk dalam negeri ini berkualitas. Saya tidak mau bilang produksi dalam negeri itu lebih murah, tapi jelas membeli produk dalam negeri membuat pabrik-pabrik kita bergerak, dan uang tidak lari ke luar,” ujar Silmy.
Ia mengatakan, Pindad telah mengembangkan tank boat sejak awal 2015 dengan pembiayaan Kementerian Pertahanan. Saat ini tank boat Pindad tengah diuji model di Pulau Tasmania, Australia.
“Pengembangan dari awal 2015, disetujui Menhan akhir 2015 atau awal 2016 jika tidak salah,” ujar Silmy.
Meski belum resmi meluncurkan tank boat, Pindad mengatakan telah menerima surat dari beberapa negara yang meminati produk itu.
“Banyak negara yang minat, tapi tidak bisa saya sebut. Banyak yang sudah tanda tangan kontrak pun tidak mau diumumkan. Sebab ini jual senjata, bukan mi instan,” kata Silmy.
berbelanja sakan indon..gud for msia..![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Russia, Indonesia sign deal on cooperation in defence sector
REUTERS, 18/05 19:46 CET
SOCHI, Russia (Reuters) – The presidents of Russia and Indonesia signed an agreement on cooperation in the defence sector at a meeting in the Russian Black Sea resort of Sochi on Wednesday, as Moscow seeks to cement its ties with Asian powerhouses amid Western sanctions.
Full details of the deal, signed by Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Indonesia’s Joko Widodo, were not immediately available.
“We have agreed to widen contacts between defence ministries and security agencies,” Putin said at joint briefing with Widodo.
Indonesia’s president said Russia and Indonesia also agreed on exchanges of intelligence information.
Earlier on Wednesday, the head of Russia’s arms export agency Alexander Fomin said that Russia would like to produce military munitions in Indonesia, including shells.
He added that Indonesia was interested in Russian submarines and jets, “however, Russia has rivals, such as United States and China”.
On Tuesday, Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov said Russia would sign deals with Indonesia to supply unspecified arms and for ammunition to be manufactured under licence.
Russia, the world’s second-largest arms exporter after the United States, plans to sell arms worth $14 billion this year.
Russia’s total portfolio of arms orders currently stands at more than $50 billion.
(Reporting by Denis Dyomkin; Writing by Vladimir Soldatkin; Editing by Hugh Lawson)
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