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Author: ib-instaforex

Hanez Suraya Sah Bergelar Isteri Kepada Romie Update:Majlis Sambut Menantu PG17

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Post time 16-3-2015 11:39 AM | Show all posts

mcm baju pinjam .. something is not right dgn cutting dkt lengan tu

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Post time 16-3-2015 12:02 PM | Show all posts
lvsg8 replied at 16-3-2015 10:24 AM
tak payah cakap milik ALLAH la kalau amanah yg ALLAH suruh jaga pun tak boleh nak jaga..kalau bini ...

hak si pencaras lagi hagung kekdahnya dari hak seorang isteri yg sah

mmg dah nak kiamat bumi yg semakin uzur ni bila mana memecah belahkan keluarga dianggap tidak mengapa asalkan hujung2 hubungan di bangkok di halalkan

kalau mcm tu buat apa law baru utk mendakwa pihak ketiga
tak perlu lar kita yg dah berkahwin ni gigih nak pertahankan institusi perkahwinan kalau akhirnya orang lain layak mengenyam dgn laki kita, laki pun tak perlu lar beria2 nak setia if at the end of the day dia bebas mcm burung nak menabur benih sana sini

dorang ni semua Islam ker? kat Barat process penceraian lagi mahal dari nak berkahwin to teach the curang partner to value the marriage institution.

kita kat sini pula mcm takda hal orang nak bercerai berai.


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Post time 16-3-2015 12:19 PM | Show all posts
Apapun yg telah berlaku.. kita doakan kebahagiaan mereka. Tahniah...

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Post time 16-3-2015 12:24 PM | Show all posts
Edited by ira_229 at 16-3-2015 12:26 PM
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 16-3-2015 12:02 PM
hak si pencaras lagi hagung kekdahnya dari hak seorang isteri yg sah

mmg dah nak kiamat bumi ...

betul komen you...i setuju
kat negeri ai klu nak bercerai dua2 husband n wife kena attend course mcm mana nak jaga anak2 lepas bercerai selain konselling....jadi process cerai bukan cepat ..
klu si jantan mengelat bayar nafkah  terus kena masuk penjara...duit nafkah akan terus accumulate....tu 1 hal...klu dah terlampau banyak nanti nama dimasukkan dalam list senarai hitam....last2 boleh sampai kena declare bankrupt...part nak declare bankrupt ramai yg tak sanggup terus cepat2 bayar...


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Post time 16-3-2015 12:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aiyohh.pls la do not send the wrong signal to the young ones it's ok to mencaras, Ur kebahagiaan is more important above others etc. Why so selfish women?.. Did somebody teach you that? At least klu gilakn laki worang pon,tgula dia settlekn hal umh tgga dia yg mnnti belah (klu ad) dlu n bru msuk lap kaki.. dunno wat happen to this society anymore,yg pmpn muda/tua gigih caras mencaras..rosak habis institusi kluarga. If muslim marriage are like that, why get married at the first place? Another wrong signal.. pls somebody do not publicsize their wedding n family laki pmpn ni ptutny kawin sorok2 ttup malu tp ni buat grand mcm nk mnunjuk2 ank xbersalah. Something wrongla with this family; moral&ethics. No wonder pmpn pencaras zmn berzmn sb keturunn dok support menda mcm nih..selagi xkna kt btg hidung sendrik,ank banak smipi bebila pon xpa.xde slhny.. adoi..

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Post time 16-3-2015 12:50 PM | Show all posts
kalau dah tertulis itu jodoh dia nak wat mcm mane..saya setuju dgn tulisan sorang tu..x berani nak ckp lebih sbb kite nie ada yg memilik anak pompuan..
mana lah tahu sok2 anak kite yg kena x pun anak jantan kite yg wat perangai mcm nie..

so berdiam diri ajelah...doakan yg terbaek itu dah pasti..

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Post time 16-3-2015 01:26 PM | Show all posts
hzln replied at 16-3-2015 08:33 AM
saya nak buat maksiat dgn laki akak bulih? sesambil kikis2 reta dia sampai gondol
nanti nak ajak  ...

you dont know what i 've been through & you have no idea what you're talking about..tapi good luck la..
sebab aku yakin & percaya janji Allah..
jadi aku x ksiah kalau ada orang berniat jahat atau nak berbuat jahat, aku yakin Allah ada..

ps: semua cerca HS pun sebab aib dia terbuka.. dugaan dia lagi hebat drp kamu2 yg aib tersimpan rapi, sebab kamu xkan pernah pun rasa macam mana HS rasa.. & mana2 agama pun tak ajar untuk terus melaknat orang yang jahat, konon kamu kata kamu takkan maafkan orang macam ni sebab kamu bukan nabi, & yet kamu seolah tak sedar diri nak ambil hak Allah dalam menghakimi silap orang lain. Who do you think you are?

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Post time 16-3-2015 01:28 PM | Show all posts
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 16-3-2015 09:32 AM
hujung2 makcik2 pprt akan kata, dah qada and qadar kita terima ketentuan Illahi

akhirat juga yg ...

i could pray the same thing to you too fro having such vibe but i have nothing to prove by doing so, maka sy doakan yg baik2 saja utk awak ya..

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Post time 16-3-2015 01:39 PM | Show all posts
rosevelvet replied at 16-3-2015 09:45 AM
aku pun heran bila org ckp 'suami dirampas"
mana pernah tertulis dlm kitab yang suami ini milik m ...

yup.. aku x pernah cakap HS innocent.. tapi aku rasa dengan semua cercaan & aib yg dia dpt drp kesilapan dia tu dah cukup utk bagi dia pengajaran kot kat dunia ni.. sebab nanti kat akhirat akan dihitung lagi satu persatu..
yg pakat duk condemn dia semua macam perfect je hidup tak ada flaw tak pernah buat salah & stuff..
bagus lah kalau betul macam tu..

but still you are not entitled to judge anyone but yourself..

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Post time 16-3-2015 01:40 PM | Show all posts
ecahaha replied at 16-3-2015 01:28 PM
i could pray the same thing to you too fro having such vibe but i have nothing to prove by doing s ...

touchy aren't we for championing what we believe in

where goes all the positive vibes

or so you try to make us buy it all hook line and sinker

you can save your sorry tales to yourself, else you want to share that you are a celebrity that deserves some airtime here in the forum?

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Post time 16-3-2015 01:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tahniah... at least dorang kawin gak.. wlpn permulaannye dorang ni memgundang caci maki tp bile dah bina masjid ni.. kite doakan yg baik2 jela...

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Post time 16-3-2015 01:49 PM | Show all posts
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 16-3-2015 01:40 PM
touchy aren't we for championing what we believe in

where goes all the positive vibes

i have an unshaken belief, the vibe is still here & i am just a humble human being.. fret not, i have nothing to sell..

not even sorry tales, as i never feel sorry for myself,
because you can never be happy all the time anyway, so enjoy the tears~~
nothing lasts forever....


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Post time 16-3-2015 02:02 PM | Show all posts
ecahaha replied at 16-3-2015 01:49 PM
i have an unshaken belief, the vibe is still here & i am just a humble human being.. fret not, i h ...


the tone down vibe that am getting

you can stay as what you are, a survivor from a fail marriage,(?) so you're a saint for harbouring zero ill feeling towards those that had hurt you

back to earth you do not represent the majority of those that have the will power of a don't try to wipe it all under a carpet and force feed us your holier than thou attitude down our throat.

that is the very least that a big hearted and all positive person can hold on to.basic courtesy


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Post time 16-3-2015 02:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
i never said i was hurt, or never did i said anything like representing saint thing that you're saying..
how can you know my vibe hi low positive negative just by reading what i wrote?  
trust me my dear you've mistakenly interpreted my comment..
and i dont have big heart, i usually ignore the outside element that has nothing to do in my life; for instance, YOU..

eee tak hingin nak bajet syumul kang kena sound ummah sunni sundal ng changa..

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Post time 16-3-2015 02:57 PM | Show all posts
dah sah pun..doakan yg baik2 jela..
mintak dijauhkan perangai2 gini dalam keturunan kita..hatta yg lelaki ataupun pompuan..mereka mmg sepadan..

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Post time 16-3-2015 03:10 PM | Show all posts
ecahaha replied at 16-3-2015 01:49 PM
i have an unshaken belief, the vibe is still here & i am just a humble human being.. fret not, i h ...

Dude. Please stop talking. Public are angry with this girl and that guy.  let the public be. No need to champion a man who left his wife for another girl.

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Post time 16-3-2015 03:16 PM | Show all posts
nuryakmal replied at 16-3-2015 03:10 PM
Dude. Please stop talking. Public are angry with this girl and that guy.  let the public be. No ne ...

seriously, you're telling me this??
hahaha baiklah, some things are better left unsaid anyway~~
keep your anger going Public!!


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Post time 16-3-2015 03:30 PM | Show all posts
nuryakmal replied at 16-3-2015 03:10 PM
Dude. Please stop talking. Public are angry with this girl and that guy.  let the public be. No ne ...


i just can't tolerate home-wrecker like HS, FS, FE and so on...
as for some who are in the same boat (read:pencaras/perampas), they should just shut the f.up and stay low...


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Post time 16-3-2015 03:42 PM | Show all posts
hzln replied at 16-3-2015 08:33 AM
saya nak buat maksiat dgn laki akak bulih? sesambil kikis2 reta dia sampai gondol
nanti nak ajak  ...

Ko ni dah kenapa? Niat nak buat maksiat pulak. Mengucap dik mengucap. Mati seksok kena seksa. Aku ingatkan je. Sesama muslim haruslah saling mengingati. Tak gtu?


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Post time 16-3-2015 04:20 PM | Show all posts
miabebe replied at 14-3-2015 01:28 PM
Apepon xbaik runtuh kn masjid org lain...berdosa...xngaji agama ke? Vodoh Sgt..

sitot rampas laki orang elok jer korang puja2.

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