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Author: Cari-Saiful

"Intan Liana Tak Faham Bahasa,"-Ude Wahid Mengamuk, Tegur Di IG

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Post time 25-9-2018 08:24 AM | Show all posts
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 24-9-2018 12:44 PM
btw Intan pernah tak buka ruang utk ibu2 tunggal yg terpaksa cari rezeki lebih utk sara anak2? Intan ...

With all due respect, I hormat yr opinion as it is yr own and Im sure you only have Intan's interest at heart. But I rasa kita semua harus bagi ruang pada dia utk bangunkan hidup dan diri dia dulu sbg ibu tunggal.  Satu tahun tu is too soon for you to expect everything from her. Anak2 dia masih kecil, that is where she should focus her energy and thoughts first selain dari menjana cara utk mencari pendapatan sendiri untuk hidup. By now, we all know she has never talked abt her ex in bad light waima ttg nafkah sekalipun. Yg cakap that she shld stop potraying him in a good way came from others in this forum but definately not from her. And I think  she has done well lately dah tak nampak dia tunjukkan emosi sgt, just focusing on her life dan kerjaya. And personally for me the ones who should initiate utk berbaik2 seharusnya datang dari yg satu pihak lagi, especially her ex, seorang pemimpin lelaki yg harus ambil tgjawab ini utk menyatu padu kan semuanya. Keputusan utk berpisah datang dari pihak sana atas sbb2 mereka sendiri and definately bukan dari Intan. So bukan dia yg inginkan perceraian dan memecah belah kan hidup mereka sbg sebuah keluarga.

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Post time 25-9-2018 08:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hypothetically replied at 25-9-2018 08:24 AM
With all due respect, I hormat yr opinion as it is yr own and Im sure you only have Intan's intere ...

Ya Allah.. setuju sgt2 dgn u. yes, pihak ude yg patut ambil langkah berbaik2 dgn intan, sebab diorang yg cetuskan semua ni. intan dah dicurangi pun masih sanggup bertahan dan sanggup bermadu, tapi apa yg pihak sana buat? dengan kejamnya menceraikan intan dgn alasan dah takde perasaan. memang mereka kejam, mereka yg patut minta maaf dan berbaik dgn intan. kalau diorg sanggup datang minta maaf dan berbaik, aku rasa intan ok je, intan ni nampak baik orangnya..

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Post time 25-9-2018 08:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
family kude ni jenis rapat dan berkasih-sayang. tengok la hubungan sesama ipar dan biras pun mesra, sebelum intan cerai, dia selalu post gambar dgn biras2 dia hangout. so bila cerai dgn kude, intan bukan sahaja sedih sbb hilang suami, tapi juga sedikit sebanyak jadi jarak antara dia dan ipar biras, mesti la tambah2 sedih.

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Post time 25-9-2018 09:16 AM | Show all posts
Hypothetically replied at 25-9-2018 08:24 AM
With all due respect, I hormat yr opinion as it is yr own and Im sure you only have Intan's intere ...

We, as a whole lot of netizen, can only speculate on what IF, what HAD, and what IS to come. We have no clue whatsoever on the ongoings, save for what Intan let on, and again for me after more than a year, it has to stop. Early days Shin dah ckp, tak guna dia pun baling batu sembunyi tangan. If dia berani sgt nak insinuate how bad the other party is post penceraian, then come forth with evidence eg screen captures of the conversation that alluded to the other party shaming her or speaking ill. Kita jadi manusia yg bkn dari kalangan drg tu, should be more adil dlm penilaian kita.

What if I tell you that Intan is a good manipulator too. You agree to disagree with me? .. Setakat non stop kesian dgn status dia sebagai ibu tunggal dgn 2 anak tu tak cukup lar sis for me to go the extra mile to cheer her on. She choose what she share on her IG and she choose her own battle. Cuma shin boleh kesian bab bila promote tentang kerja, replies yg dia dpt boleh kira dgn jari. Padahal tu fokus utama dia, kalo kita tak tegur keadaan gigi anak dia sampai ke sudah she tak take note, larut melayan lagu2 lembik dia di mlm hari. KB dtg amik anak dia merintih rindu, KB tak dtg amik pun dia merintih. Pelik.

Pihak KB dah ok lar tu sis, dia amik anak, dia bawak jln, bermalam, and dia bagi nafkah. You nak suruh si senget yg jobless tu mintak maaf kat Intan ke camna? Kan dia pernah buat - "Intan, saya mintak maaf kalo saya blablabla,kita jaga suami kita dgn baik2 dari harini." She did it on tv sis. Mmg shin rasa senget tu jahat, sampai ig bawang londeh habis pasal dia mak esah and gugurkan anak etc, KB tetap dgn dia, walopun dia jobless.

Faham ker?

btw both Intan and senget and their whole clan are reading on. Takda hal pun nak kutuk or nasihat sesapa.

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Post time 25-9-2018 09:46 AM | Show all posts
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 25-9-2018 09:16 AM
We, as a whole lot of netizen, can only speculate on what IF, what HAD, and what IS to come. We ha ...

Sori, I tak mampu nak menghakimi lebih jauh dari itu, I cuma bagi pendapat apa yg I nampak dari pandangan u ttg 1) dia patut bukak ruang utk single mothers yg lain utk menjana pendapatan (which I think it is too soon for her to start thinking of others)  2) ttg nafkah dari ex (which takde kenyataan apa2 pun dari Intan sehingga hari ini tentang apa2 kejengkelan antara dia dan ex ttg isu ini) 3)  ttg emosi dia skg 4) ttg berbaik2 (I pun takde masukkan isu dgn ex new wife). Like I said pandangan peribadi I and I takkan pegi jauh dari sini.

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Post time 25-9-2018 09:56 AM | Show all posts
Hypothetically replied at 25-9-2018 09:46 AM
Sori, I tak mampu nak menghakimi lebih jauh dari itu, I cuma bagi pendapat apa yg I nampak dari pa ...

can you give a timeframe on what is too soon? She should concentrate on herself? you make her sound like OKU, she is not, she has full support of her family and friends. Dia bkn terkapai2 pun jaga anak2 dia, most of the time she can't even control their tantrums.Menghakimi? Oh, I do that to her? Ye lar sama mcm dia buat.. sampai orang fikir yg bukan2 tentang si senget sihir dia.. ada tu kat IG dia . Sebab to most sapa lagi nak pedajal dia kalo bkn senget, since she is singing praise for the man yg hancurkan kehidupan anak2 dia.

kan lebih baik now that she still has remnants of simpati netizen for her to help out others? That question dear is not for you, but Intan will think from now on.

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Post time 25-9-2018 10:11 AM | Show all posts
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 25-9-2018 09:56 AM
can you give a timeframe on what is too soon? She should concentrate on herself? you make her soun ...

Ok if that is what you think, Im not here to argue, you have yr opinion and I have mine. My point is I taknak apa I tulis masukkan isu2 lain, sbb at this point, I pun dah penat nak ulang2 cerita2 lama. I said I taknak menghakimi sbb I taknak kupas pendirian I dlm hal ini, therefore it is representing diri I bukan you.

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Post time 25-9-2018 10:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Huhuhu, korang ni x abes2 lagi pasal intan vs ude vs jering kan....padahal intan sedap2 jer berkarok dgn family dia, si ude dgn jering sedap2 jer berfoya2 kat umah....

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Post time 25-9-2018 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Hypothetically replied at 25-9-2018 10:11 AM
Ok if that is what you think, Im not here to argue, you have yr opinion and I have mine. My point  ...

neither am i sis. well noted on your stand.

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Post time 25-9-2018 10:30 AM | Show all posts
OsHiN_hOnEy replied at 25-9-2018 10:22 AM
neither am i sis. well noted on your stand.

It's okay, biasalah even the best of friends sometimes pun tak semestinya punya pendapat yg sama. And I accept you being you. Tks.

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Post time 25-9-2018 11:39 AM | Show all posts
Hypothetically replied at 25-9-2018 08:24 AM
With all due respect, I hormat yr opinion as it is yr own and Im sure you only have Intan's intere ...


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Post time 26-9-2018 10:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Mak kude ke yg komen kat IG intan!

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Post time 26-9-2018 11:13 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hypothetically replied at 25-9-2018 08:24 AM
With all due respect, I hormat yr opinion as it is yr own and Im sure you only have Intan's intere ...

Setuju sangat pendapat you.
Intan I think has done well in her situation.
Sekali sekala keluh kesah biasa le...terutama bila letih dgn kerenah anak anak, mesti terfikir kalau tak bercerai berai tak ada lah terpaksa melalui semua tu.
Bab kude dan jering tu sekarang ni mesti  nak tunjuk bahagia dan bagus sebab nak buktikan intan tu memang layak diceraikan.
Mereka nak cover yg mereka buat tak senonoh dan menipu intan dulu.
Sekarang macam mereka pulak victims...
Agaknya kalau intan ni tak ada rupa, dah lama jadi mcm kain buruk. Duduk kampong ikut bapaknya di Felda.
Nasib baik Intan dapat highlight...takut lah sikit si kude dan jering nak kutuk kutuk Intan ( awal awal tu kan mereka berdua menyindir2 si intan mcm2).

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Post time 27-9-2018 04:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
misslinkpk85 replied at 26-8-2018 07:48 PM
Kann..meols mmg puji sara. Tegas dan punya hati perut. Yg sorang lg ni alahaii...cari cara lain la ...

Suka baca misslink85 tulis. Sokong

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Post time 30-9-2018 12:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
vokay replied at 23-9-2018 02:47 PM
Intan nampak lebih bahagia sebab family in law sudah mesra semula. Intan dah anggap mereka keluarg ...

sori nak tnya, bkn kah dgn brbaik dgn bekas fmily in law akan mbuatkan kita tringtkan bekas pasangan kita..sdikit sbnyk mcm ssh nk move ke?


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Post time 30-9-2018 03:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Korang ni..itu salah ini salah..kene btg idung sendiri laki curang and kawin lain aku nak tgk apa reaksi uols.aku rase intan dah habis tenang dengan dugaan Allah ni.tak habis berdebag lagi ke..aku rase korg yg tak move on

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Post time 30-9-2018 03:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ndaii replied at 27-9-2018 04:49 PM
Suka baca misslink85 tulis. Sokong

Nampak gigih sgt nk pertahan kedudukan selamat di mata family belah somi smpai snggup tulis ayat karangan panjan lebar.  Tgk sara, relax je

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Post time 2-10-2018 10:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ntahnya menyampah yg dok tuduh bukan2 kat intan as manipulator. Klau dia manipulate pun slepas dia diceraikan..itu pun tebal muka dia pertahankn marriage dia. Smpai org kecam dia x move on terhegeh2.. bila dia dh move on.. org nk bukti plak apa yg bekas2 suami n madu pernah buat kat dia. Dia diam org ckap dia sajer nk perbesarkan isu.. kang klau dia tnjuk bukti nnti dikatakan x abis lg ker nk buruk2kan bekas2 dia tu.
Skurg2 nya dia buat yg terbaik utk isteri yg ditpu senyap2 selama 2 tahun. Perasaan tu x sma dgn suami yg terang2 berskandal.
I hope sgt intan dpat jumpa laki yg boleh jga dia n anak2 dgn baik. Bergnda2 baik dri suami yg dia anggap baaik sbelum ni..

Gigih jering up gmbar kat ig.. gmbar photoshoot jer ker.. mana gmbar tetamu?
Xnk doa apa2 kat jering kude.. cuma moga kekal la perkhwinan korg berdua tu.

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Post time 15-10-2018 01:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hanasensei replied at 2-10-2018 10:16 PM
Ntahnya menyampah yg dok tuduh bukan2 kat intan as manipulator. Klau dia manipulate pun slepas dia d ...

Setuju sangat, tak patut kata intan manipulator. Dia dapat survive tanpa depression pun Alhamdulillah....dulu orang tuduh dia lembik, tak tau melawan. Ex husband pun tuduh dia gunakan anak2 utk tagih simpati...dukung anak sana sini. Ingat senang ke nak tinggalkan anak2 yg kecik n breastfeed kat orang lain , walaupun adik beradik sendiri. Bila meluah kata mohon simpati...padahal normal lah perasaan orang yang di sakiti.
Sekarang anak2 pun bertambah besar, dah boleh ditinggalkan dgn orang lain...senang sikit intan nak buat jobs. Dengan family mertua pun dah mesra kembali. Intan dan suami bercerai, tapi dgn mertua tetap mertua. Rasanya orang baik budi bahasa spr intan memang suka berbaik baik dgn orang.
Manusia ada emosi, ada masa happy, sedih, kuat dan lemah. In her sitution, I rasa she has done well

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Post time 16-10-2018 05:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
misslinkpk85 replied at 18-9-2018 11:57 PM
Brapa umo mak mntua depa nih eh. Nmpk muda.  Eh, yela. Aku pon x nampk si lolalolaq tu. Slalu ada je ...

Dulu lola laloq baik dengan intan, kenapa lepas birthday dia celebrate sm2 si jering kat rumah mil ms raya haji, dia poyo & rajin si jering komen kat post lolalaloq? Ada something jd ke ? Pelik je laloq tu

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