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Post time 22-4-2018 10:57 PM
From the mobile phone
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CardiGans85 replied at 19-4-2018 08:30 AM
Extremely severe depression? Im so sorry, well hello..u must have suicidal thoughts or planning to ...
Nope, honestly suicidal thought never came across me. Takde i pikir nak terjun bangunan or nak gantung diri.
Tp otak I selalu diasak dgn negative thinking such as “whats the point aku hidup, I dont feel alive at all”
And I pikir I dont deserve another breath, patut org lain yg know how to live deserve this.
I feel zero, I rasa useless, I feel alienated, I rasa mcm Im good for nothing, I have no place in this world, I hate everyone, I hate myself the most. So camne I nak feel alive apa lg make peace with myself huhu
Kdg2 I rasa mcm why la I jd myself, I wish I was someone else that i dont have to deal with my self and other issues in my life
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Post time 22-4-2018 10:59 PM
From the mobile phone
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supernaturalee replied at 18-4-2018 11:42 PM
Salam tt
Bc kisah u n other forummer
It's like baca my story plk
Masalahnya my brain ni mcm overactive,
Semua benda I kutip pikir.
I rasa masalah chronic I is, I hate myself so much. Every single thing of me. Sampai I rasa I wish I am someone else
Hmmm |
Aku rase kan mesti ade bende yg jd sblm ni yg trigger ko mcm ni. Aku ni da melekat kt tered ko ni so dgn aku sekali buat test tu, severe depression pulak result aku tp maleh aku nk layan. Aku rase sbb ko xkeje skg, duk umah so ko jd lg byk fikir. Bende ni ko layan jgn lame sgt tt. Kalau ko xksah cube ko share kt sini ape yg jd sbnrnye smpai ko benci diri ko sgt2 tu. Xkn sbb pakwe ko tu jd mcm ni |
anyclassything replied at 22-4-2018 10:59 PM
Masalahnya my brain ni mcm overactive,
Semua benda I kutip pikir.
Yg ni pun I pnh rs jgk
Benda ni semua
Akn dtg dan pergi
Mcm I sndiri at this moment Alhamdulillah
Klu sblm2 ni klu rs pelik ni dtg
Mmg sgt sukar ms tu
Selalu ambik el
2-3 berturut2 Kdg tu
Sometimes more
Bnyk igt tuhan
Pk Tgjwb kita
Pd parent mostly
Good thing u live with your parents
Maybe that's why rs nk commit suicide xde
Klu bujang mcm I yg menyewa ni
Mmg akn trigger to do so
Mmg takut sgt ms tu
Alhamdulillah I'm still around
Skrg u pk ms dpn
Tgjwb u jgk
To your parents mostly
Fight the stupid feeling
Rise up girl!!!
hehe TT kalau baca blog yg aku link tu, camtulah dia describe perasaan dia, bukan nak bunuh diri, tapi nak stop existing. Pastu benda ni berperingkat, memula rs xde perasaan, pastu rs benci dgn segala benda, pastu rs cm ah persetankan semuanya, pastu sedih etc
personal experience aku, ia akan berlalu, tp bila tgh lalui tu xnmpk pengakhirannya. Aku cuma kena pegang yg dulu i was in that slump, but then i was not. This too shall pass.
Kalau rasa xmampu nak handle, g klinik minta diagnosis maybe? |
anyclassything replied at 22-4-2018 10:57 PM
Nope, honestly suicidal thought never came across me. Takde i pikir nak terjun bangunan or nak gan ...
Pegi jumpa psychiatrist u even though u
dont have that thought. U need professional help., seriously. |
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Awak duk mana yea? Jom la kite g jogging kasi keluar peluh. Jom menyibukkan diri dgn eksais. Kite g tgk movie ke. Kite g camping mana2 beach ke hutan ke. Penuhi masa yg terluang tu. At least awak xde masa utk fikir yg bkn2. Hehehe.... |
anyclassything replied at 22-4-2018 10:57 PM
Nope, honestly suicidal thought never came across me. Takde i pikir nak terjun bangunan or nak gan ...
Kalau ko belom rasa suicidal, maknanya ko belom depressive enough. Sila setop sikap self pity itu. Tu benda first ko kena battle dulu. |
Assalammu'alaikum n selamat sejahtera.
Betul kata chazey tu. U ni sebenarnya tgh enjoy indulging in self-pity. Seronok self-pity ni. Bak kata omputeh... mcm duduk dlm warm blanket time winter... walhal sebelum tu, u sendiri insisted nk berbogel kt luar.
Wake up! As a Muslim, kita ada matlamat. Kita tahu destinasi kita lepas ni. Kerja halal itu pun satu ibadah. U know what to do. Act on it. Now. |
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