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Author: isabel

Talk All About The Hospital (Bae Se Ju Ta) ~ Jerry Yan ~

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Post time 14-8-2006 12:53 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 14-8-2006 12:59 PM | Show all posts
posted by forever at

thanks mamy. Let the others bluff, fact will speak more than a thousand words. The Hospital will be a sure win. There is no need for top quality stuff to play down others to draw attention - this is the Hospital. Love the photos with Zhang MM, Zhang's eyesight is full of admiration. They really make a perfect match - charming, pure and innocent. Zhang mm I think is the best ever partner jerry has wish they have a lot more love scenes in the drama.

Just look at today newspaper. Which other artist can command so much media headlines - only Jerry Yan (This is what I see as real superstar!). This is Jerry's superb market power, once again proven by the market. Who else in today's show biz can create such a huge impact and bring over so many overseas fans group here - only Jerry. So no matter what Fulong or Angie Cai tried to bluff, the truth speaks for itself - Jerry's popularity is superb and unparallel.

I'm so proud of Jerry, Director Cai and the whole crew in creating such a top quality production - it set a new milestone and open a new page in TV history, not only in TAiwan, but whole of Asia. Good to see so many good compliments from the professional critics - this is a very good start for the Hospital, I'm sure this high quality produciton can draw a lot of audience who is fed up with the poor quality mass production back into the TV world. Thanks for the great team in re-igniting the stagnant TV industry and bring hopes to a sunset industry. The hard work of Jerry and Director Cai and the whole crew too is paid off. Good to see Jerry + Director Cai re-create another legend in TV histroy after 4 yrs. Zhang MM, too really makes a perfect match for Jerry - both so charming, sweet, and pure. Really looking foward to see a lot more of their romantic scenes in the Hospital. She is the best ever partner for Jerry.

Anyone who has watched the clips will be so impressed by the huge improvement of Jerry, the superb setting and shots, Jerry really makes Dr So a much more charming and attractive character than the book's, he play it so natural and he has a special unique charisma which brings audience well into the character, large and cry with him. This talent is something even very well-experience artist may not create such an impact. This is exactly what Dai Lap Yap said in one interview - his compliment for Jerry.

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Post time 14-8-2006 01:10 PM | Show all posts

argggggggggghhh maner lah leh ada doctor cam nih..... :love:

jerry memang hormat dgn org2 lain...tak pelik lah byk yg falling in love ngan dia
ni lg best...siap husband sendiri yg tlg ambik kan foto....sporting tu :bgrin:


thanks to yanyanpo of

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Post time 14-8-2006 02:25 PM | Show all posts
Report: Advertisement Buses for The Hospital

Posted by Sibala of Jerry's Harbor
Extracted and Summarized by Jerry's Kingdom

With The HK Jms, we used the money donations to buys ads in Taipei buses for the promotion of the Hospital. The amount brought 30 bus advertisements which started to run last August 11 and will run for one month.
Interested Taiwan JMs can take a ride and see it:

The promo period is one month so that more people will be attracted to see the advertisement. We selected a non-Jerry solo photo with the three leads group picture and we placed it as the main banner.

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Post time 14-8-2006 04:04 PM | Show all posts
posted by fatty2
of asian fanatics

The advert on the bus, that was planned by the chinese website but the adminstrators kept it as a
secret, as some newspaper reporters tend to visit there to get news. The Tw & Hk fans have been
very hard at work at various projects to ensure fans contribution to TH , such as arranging for the
advert on the bus, arranging the bouquet of flowers for various countries Jerry's fans,
coordinating various countries fans for pixs for medias, arranging tixs, transport, accomodation etc, etc.
These are all on voluntary basis, using whatever spare time they have as majority are working ladies
or students. I think a lot of them havent slept much for the last couple of weeks.

The main point all these hardworking fans want to prove is that Jerry can be successful based on his own merits & not
dependant on the backing of a powerful managemt co. like FL.

All the fans hardwork have have not been in vain, the ensuing publicity is majority properly focus on The Hospital &
Jerry's Asia wide popularity.

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Post time 14-8-2006 04:46 PM | Show all posts
The Hospital Charity Premier Advertisement Leaflet at 7-11 Taipei

posted by amy of
thanks also to Jerry's Kingdom

This was seen at the newspapers counter at 7-11 by an interested friend and immidiately grabbed it to scan and share it to everyone. It has the World Vision Organization logo at the back

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Post time 14-8-2006 05:05 PM | Show all posts
The Hospital Charity Premier (CTI News Aug 13) (1:45)

FORMAT: rmvb

Download Links:



Video credits to chh of Jerry's Harbor
thanks to naprat of and sienyan of Jerry's Harbor for uploading

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Post time 14-8-2006 05:10 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2006 08:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #268 nyampuk's post

mereka berdua ni bagai pinang dibelah pisau gitu...

huh..ajuma jepun ni bukan main gi happy sakan dia kena peluk gan kena cium tangan gan Jerry...:lol

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Post time 14-8-2006 11:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nyampuk at 14-8-2006 10:59 AM

The Japanese wife, at the side taking pix is the husband. What a fantastic husband.

Jerry's fans really, really has been fantastic in their suppo ...

summer sempat tgk berita pasal jerry ni kat channel astro 32..
sporting nye husband dia..
siap leh amikkan gamba..
dan paling best sebelum jerry kalungkan rantai tu kat wife dia,
jerry ckp 'sumi masen' kt husband tu.. ..heheheh..
baik nye!!!

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Post time 14-8-2006 11:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #258 nyampuk's post

summer pun bengong jap ..
hensem nye jerry ni..

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 Author| Post time 15-8-2006 12:26 AM | Show all posts

Reply #270 summer_snow's post

ya..tgk aje gambar2 yg nyampuk post tu..

huh...mmg beruntung tul pompuan tu dpt laki yg sporting and understanding mcm tu...

tapi bel rasa hubby bel pun sporting gak biarpun sedikit sbb benarkan bini dia ni abiskan duit utk beli vcd....wkakakaka....

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Post time 15-8-2006 08:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by summer_snow at 14-8-2006 11:07 PM
summer pun bengong jap ..
hensem nye jerry ni..

:bgrin: tu la pasal....aku pun jd bengong...he3....

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Post time 15-8-2006 08:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by isabel at 15-8-2006 12:26 AM
ya..tgk aje gambar2 yg nyampuk post tu..

huh...mmg beruntung tul pompuan tu dpt laki yg sporting and understanding mcm tu...

tapi bel rasa hubby bel pun sporting gak biarpun sedikit sbb benar ... tul lah...dpt husband cam tuh....siap leh tlg ambik gambar...
tapi jerry memang...hormat abizzz kat fans dia.....memang layak di cintai byk wanita....

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Post time 15-8-2006 08:42 AM | Show all posts
[Download] Jerry Singing "Ni Shi Wo Wei Yi De Zhi Zhou"
at the Star Jerry Fans Gathering (Aug 12)

posted by Jing Ting of
uploaded by Jerrys Kingdom

Download Links
1. ... id=3143CF4B79385A7C



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Post time 15-8-2006 08:46 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 15-8-2006 08:52 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 15-8-2006 08:55 AM | Show all posts
White Tower will be broadcasted in Malaysia on 18 October on 8TV


thanks to only f4


***besttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt nyerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....jerryyyyyyyyyyyyy i love u....he3...bengong jap :lol



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Post time 15-8-2006 09:12 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nyampuk at 15-8-2006 08:55 AM
White Tower will be broadcasted in Malaysia on 18 October on 8TV


thanks to only f4



: bior betik...bagus2:bgrin:

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Post time 15-8-2006 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nyampuk at 15-8-2006 08:55 AM
White Tower will be broadcasted in Malaysia on 18 October on 8TV


thanks to only f4



bestnya :pompom:

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