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Author: Fujiwara

[KAJI SELIDIK FORUM] Anda SOKONG siapa dalam PRU ke 13?

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Post time 17-10-2011 02:20 AM | Show all posts

Fujiwara Post at 15-10-2011 23:25

    Maksud saya Pakatan Rakyat hanya mementingkan orang cina sahaja langsung tak kisah sangat pasal orang melayu. macam macam hak orang melayu nak dicabarnya itu yang malas nak sokong pakatan. PAS dalam pakatan tu ada ke tak ada sama sahaja. DAP yang tentukan segala galanya

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Post time 17-10-2011 02:27 PM | Show all posts
Toksah Citer Banyaklah....



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 Author| Post time 17-10-2011 08:53 PM | Show all posts

191 rekod yg mungkin menyebab Mesia bangkrap & malu

1. kes MITP 200juta
2. kes PKFZ 12500juta
3. kes Rumah Khir Toyo
4. kes Rumah Mewah Satay
5. kes Perwaja 2000juta
6. kes Bank Bumi 5000juta
7. kes Parlimen bumbong Bocoh
8. kes Pudu bumbong Bocoh
9. kes Stadium runtuh
10. kes kapal selam 500juta
11. kes biji tin Maminco 300juta
12. kes Bank Negara goreng forex 20000juta
13. kes MAS 8000juta
14. kes Altantuya
15. kes komissen SU30MKM 100juta
16. kes hospital shah alam 480juta
17. kes hospital pandan 500juta
18. kes Petro farm ke Brunei 300000juta
19. kes Taib tunai 3juta
20. kes polis pukul Anwar
21. kes MB Sabah hutang Casino 158juta
22. kes Bernas tak bayar cukai beras siam 60juta
23. kes 40juta utk rest house 10org exco S'gor
24. kes AP 60,000 kos 2400juta
25. kes Petronas tolong putra Mahathir MISC 1700juta
26. kes skandal Petronas tanah ampang 600juta
27. kes Polis ambik gambar nude Hamisa di jail Nov 2005
28. kes Nor Omah : org luar negeri tak suka, sila balik
29. kes MRR2 bocoh 70juta
30. kes Proton RM1 jual Agosta yg bernilai 300juta
31. kes KJ beli saham ECM Libra 9.2juta
32. kes jabatan Johor-S'pore  1100juta
33. kes kos membaiki Proton Perdana di Terengganu 1.17juta
34. kes bina Pusat Menteri Perdagangan selama 11tahun - 1000juta
35. kes membaiki sekolah RM30,000 jadi RM3,000- bukit kepong, muar
36. kes highway gomen bayar upah 38500juta, lebih drpd kos bina!!
37. kes Hindu Rights Action Force, tempat sembahyang diruntuhkan
38. kes KWSP pakai 15juta utk beli sykt bernilai 700,000
39. kes mrr2 kos mambaiki 40juta jadi 70juta
40. kes kos bina dewen university 100juta
41. kes mb sarawak taib ambik kommissen 32juta
42. kes mb sarawak taib ambik tanah org asli
43. kes bumbong makamah KL bocoh
44. kes vincent tan & lingam beli hakim
45. kes ex-melaka MB rogol
46. kes Monsoon Cup & tengku adnan sykt korea 300juta
47. kes ink SPR 2juta
48. kes buku rekod SPR ade 8666 org umur lebih drpd 100
49. kes toll cheras mahkota
50. kes pak lah melancong 80 negeri di tempoh 4 tahun
52. kes facebook cuti-cuti mesia 1.8juta
53. kes minta komissen pd sykt tourism mesia
54. kes ng yen yen pergi melancong di NZ dgn suaminya RM244,000
55. kes Gerakan 1000juta kontrak tukar pelaburan 350juta - Motorola
56. kes bas statin runtuh di Terengganu
57. kes sekolah runtuh di Terengganu
58. kes UMNO hina Sultan natang di Terengganu
59. kes Khir Toyo bazir wang gomen, sekeluarga melancong Disney land dgn maid
60. kes buang 1000 bas masih ok, supaya membeli bas baru kat kroni
61. kes polis Minta DNA Anwar. DNA code nombor shj, kes tahun 1998 dulu, polis dah ade DNA code nombor Anwar. Ape sebab minta sperma Anwar lagi? utk masuk belakang?
62. kes kapal PSCI 24000juta
63. kes wira Ahmad Ismail kata Orang cina hanya tumpang di sini, UMNO gantung membershipnya 2tahun!
64. kes ISA tangkap repoter
65. kes Perak Umno beli org Dap utk runtuh gomen PR Perak
66. kes G20 blacklist mesia sebab mahligai lari tax
67. kes USCRI kata Mesia teruk - World Refugee Survey 2009
68.  kes org mati di bangunan SPRM(MACC)
69.  kes org mati di balai polis
70.  kes-kes polis tembak rakyat
71. kes F1 bazir 1000juta tapi kalah teruk
72. kes hospital angkatan tentera 95
73. kes org filipino dpt IC Sabah
74. kes projek pakai mykad utk tambah petrol 70juta
75. kes 7500juta beli kereta perisai yg bernilai 3000juta shj (ikut harga pasaran)
76. kes NTV7 dpt amaran tak boleh jemput org PR utk program forum
77. kes Apco dpt projek 76juta
78. kes email 1 malaysia 50sen utk sebuah email
79. kes you help me, I help you
80. kes Utusan hina Islam
81. kes beli undi org asli di Sibu, Sarawak
82. kes utusan - Kristian Agama Rasmi?
83. kes Kuching jail 200juta
84. kes Sepang F1 Circuit rugi setiap tahun
85. kes Melaka Eye on Malaysia 23juta
86. kes Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak 300juta
87. kes Bank Islam banking scandal 700juta
88. kes Wang Ehsan from Trengganu Oil Royalty – 2004 -2007 7400juta
89. kes Petronas sponsor Philharmonic Orchestra 500juta
90. kes Menteri Pendidikan english utk Maths and Science 3200juta
92. kes skandal Bakun Sime Darby 2000juta
93. kes pasar dato keramat 38juta
94. kes Paya Indah Wetlands 88juta
95. kes bersih Sungai Segget, Bandaraya Johor Bahru 200juta
96. kes Kota Iskandar 1500juta
97. kes bina jalan sekenjang 0.5km 92juta
98. kes Sarawak International Medical Centre 400juta
99. kes Batu Burok Aquatic Complex 18juta
100. kes skandal Transmil 227juta

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 Author| Post time 17-10-2011 08:54 PM | Show all posts
101. kes peminpin minum arak
102. kes sex skandal ex-menteri drpd MCA
103. kes istana baru 300juta jadi 800juta
104. kes sultan johor marah bab alam sekitar johor kotor sangat
105. kes ex-mb melaka pamelkan sex video di hotel sri cacorsa
106. kes meteri rogol maid
107. kes tentera curi enjin jet
108. kes org kaya beli rumah dpt 15% discount
109. kes Rasuah SPRM(MACC) : 1 Helai Talileher Berharga RM1,000
110. kes Asia Petrol Hub 1400juta
111. kes gomen rugi atau bazir 28000juta setiap tahun
112. kes peminpin kata pukul org india dulu sebelum pukul ular
113. kes Allah menyebabkan tempat sembahyang kena bakar
114. kes rogol di Baram Sarawak, tidak dipeduli
115. kes sianida di Raub, Pahang
116. kes nadir bumi di bukit merah, Perak
117. kes nadir bumi di kuantan, Pahang
118. kes 66,000 org asli tak dpt IC & tak blh undi
119. kes projek keretapi kos overrun 1100juta
120. kes beli 2nd hand keretapi 30juta
121. kes jalan Sapulut-Kalabakan, Sabah 565juta
122. kes  Istana Melawati, Putrajaya 90juta
123. kes Tg Emas Marina, Muar 30juta
124. kes Kuala Kedah Marina, Kedah 23juta
125. felda pinjam wang kwsp utk pelaburan yg rugi 5000juta
126. Negeri Sembilam MB kirim 10juta tunai ke U.K.
127. Jalan Botanika Melaka 250meter 3.43juta
128. Projek Pulau-pulau Tasik Kenyir 300juta
129. Putra Jaya Astaka Morocco dan Monumen Alaf Baru 41juta
130. Bangunan Kompleks Konko, Perlis 2juta
131. LITAR GO KART DISITA, Air Keroh Melaka. 9juta
132. Bangunan kanser negara 340juta jadi 700juta
133. Pintu Botanika Pinang 7juta
134. Wisma Wanita 19juta
134. Ebara Corporation bakar projek 400juta
135. Projek e-kesihatan 103juta
136. Projek PULAU BUNTING,Kedah 70juta
137. Subsidi gas ke Kilang letrik 19000juta
138. Maltrade II tanah TTDI kpd NAZA 600juta
139. Skandal BMF 4000juta Carrian group. Pengurus BMF dibunuh.
140. Halal Hub 200juta
141. Boss Sykt Air gaji 6juta
142. Kolam berenang Terengganu 180juta
143. Kerusi di Komplek Bukit Jalil RM500 setiap unit
144. ICT overcharged 100juta
145. Labuan finance cetre 2000juta
146. Kes beli keretapi espanol 1800juta
147. Harga Proton Personal di Saudi cuma RM34,000, sini RM53,000
148. MB N.Sembilan bazir duit bina Pondok Bas yg terbengkalai di Linggi
149. MCA ex Boss(Ling) punya sykt Linksun Avenue hutang 2700juta
150. Hang Jebat Stadium 33juta
151. Projek Mykad RM1000juta
152. Projek LCCT 400juta
153. Wang penyimpan Tabung Haji dikhianati, rugi stanson bakery 90juta
154. KWSP rugi 300juta sebab Time cell
155. KWSP rugi 2000juta sebab RHB
156. Sime Bank rugi 1800juta
157. Felda tunai turun 2700juta
158. Perak 58b projek diserahkan kpd sykt dormant yg bernilai RM100
159. AP Abdul Gani Patail hapus bukti kes skandal 12000juta
160. Kantin Tentera Terendak Melaka kasi lauk pauk yg busuk kpd askar
161. Asrama tentera Lumut tidak dpt lulus QS
162. Asrama tentera Skulai jadi skandal
163. Airod ambik kommisen 5.70juta
164. Skandal kausar Corporation dpt tanah 600juta
165. RELA beli kain 16.5 juta
166. Skandal Tanah KTM 200juta
167. Skandal Amanah Saham Johor 300juta
168. Skandal curi Balak di Pahang 20juta
169. Skandal tanah Gerakan di Pinang 40juta
170. Skandal officer menteri pertahanan jual rasiah negara kpd luar negeri
171. Lugi hak milik Pulau Batu Putih di Johor kpd S'pore
172. Skandal sex di port dickson
173. ex MB N. Sembilan beli undi di undi rasmi UMNO
174. Harga kapal peronda 870% lebih mahal
175. Kroni Jual Air Mineral kpd MAS RM38 sekotak
176. Latihan Khidmat Negara  ramai org maut & kena rogol
177. Kontrak pakaian & makanan Latihan Khidmat Negara jatuh di tangan Kroni
178. Utusan tulis Kristian Agama Rasmi dimuka pertama
179. Idris Jala kata Mesia akan bangkrap pd 2019
180. Anak perempuan MB Sarawak beli rumah mewah 30juta di Kanada
181. Hee Yit Foong bersalah menyerang Adun Aulong, Yew Tian Hoe dengan penyembur lada sewaktu Dun bersidang pada 7 Mei, 2009.
182. Perhimpunan sejuta belia - kos sehari 2juta jadi 27juta
183. Kos MRT 36b jadi 55b
184. GST akan dilaksanakan supaya rakyat jadi mangsa
185. Isteri pemimpin beli beg tangan hermes yg bernilai ribu-ribu
186. Skandal komissen wang kertas - 100juta
187. PAAB beli hutang bond Syabas sebanyak 6500juta
188. RM65 juta untuk mengubahsuai Sri Perdana di Putrajaya
189. Rumah Najib TNB bil RM5,000 setiap hari !
190. Perkosa kata 513 yg ke-2 akan berlaku pd 9 July 2011 & nak blok jabatan Pulau Pinang pd hari tu.
190. Kes beli cincin 73juta
191. Kes polis serang rakyat di hospital pd 9 Julai 2011

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 Author| Post time 18-10-2011 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Fujiwara at 18-10-2011 12:04

sy mendapat maklumat drpd kwn2 yg berada di negeri perak mangatakan dlm negeri itu,ada orang sedang mengelirukan pemilih kali pertama layak mengundi atau kurang memahami cara mengundi bahawa "kalau tidak suka parti pemerintah,sila tanda X (pangkah)ditepi logo parti mereka.walaubagaimanapun,tak kira ia betul tdk,sy membongkarkan taktik kotoran yg nk selamatkan pucuk pimpinan mereka tlbh dahulu".


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Post time 19-10-2011 06:02 PM | Show all posts
Pru 13 pkr akan memerintah negara..

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Post time 19-10-2011 06:02 PM | Show all posts
sy mendapat maklumat drpd kwn2 yg berada di negeri perak mangatakan dlm negeri itu,ada orang sedang  ...
Fujiwara Post at 18-10-2011 11:23

tak kan penyokong PAS kat sana bodo macam lembu sampai nak pangkah kat mana pun tak tau? kesian la lagu tu.

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 Author| Post time 22-10-2011 12:06 AM | Show all posts

Wolf or Lions? Which one will the sheep choose?

Long time ago, God put two flocks of sheep on grassland: one group at north and one group at south. God also gave them two types of native predator: Lion and wolf.

God told the sheep: "If you choose wolf, I shall give you one, and it's allowed to bite you at its will. If you choose lion, I shall give you two, and you are allowed to choose anyone from the two of them to stay on the grassland, and you can replace it at any time.”

So, the question is: If you are one of the sheep, what will you choose? A wolf or two lions?

It's easy to make your choice, right? Remember your choice, and continue with our story.

The sheep at the south thought that lions are more fiercely than wolf, so they picked a wolf.

The sheep at the north thought that although lions are more fiercely than wolf, but they have the option to choose, so they took two lions.

The wolf started eating the sheep once it entered the herd at the south. The wolf was smaller and it had smaller appetite. One sheep is enough to appease its hunger for days. So the sheep only were hunted once a few days.

The sheep at the north chose a lion and leave another one with God. The lion started eating sheep once it entered the herd at the north. The lion was more fiercely than the wolf and it had much larger appetite. It needed to eat a sheep each day to keep its stomach full. So the sheep is hunted everyday, and they were very afraid.

They asked God to replace the lion. But the lion that stayed with the God has not been eaten anything and it was very hungry. It pounced on the sheep and bite like crazy. The sheep had to run for their life everyday until they didn't have time to eat.

The sheep at the south were grateful that they made the right choice, and they laughed at the sheep at the north for being stupid and chose the wrong predator.

The sheep at the north repented for their choice. They complained to God, and asked God to change their native predator to a wolf. But God said: “No. Once the native predator was chosen, it cannot be changed anymore. You must live with it forever. Your only option is to choose between the two lions.” The sheep at the north have to keep rotating the two lions.

But both lions were the same. Both of them showed no mercy. No matter how they rotate the lions, their situation was always much more miserable than the sheep at the south. At last, they stop rotating. They kept a lion full all the time while letting another one suffered in hunger. They only replaced the lions when the suffering lion was dying.

After a long time of hunger, the suffering lion realized that: Even they are much stronger than the sheep, but its fate is controlled by the sheep. The sheep can send him back to God anytime, and let him suffer and die in hunger.

So it treated the sheep very nice, it only ate the dead and the old sheep and it wouldn't eat the healthy sheep. The sheep felt very surprise and happy. Some of the younger sheep even suggested letting the suffering lion to stay forever. But one of the elder reminded them: “The lion treats us good because it is afraid that we’ll send it back to the God. If we let another lion die, we'll left with no choice and the suffering lion will return to its nature and starts hunting us again.” The sheep agreed with the elder. To prevent another lion starve to death, they replaced it after a few weeks.

And the lion also realized that its fate is controlled by the sheep. In order to stay longer on the grassland, the lion tried its best to please the sheep. Another lion felt so sad that it had to suffer hunger again.

After experiencing such a hard time, the sheep at the north finally can enjoy themselves.

At the mean time, the situation of the sheep at the south became worse and worse because the wolf had no competitor and the sheep couldn't replace it. It started to act wildly. It had to kill ten sheep everyday. It didn't eat sheep anymore. It only drank their blood. The sheep were not allowed to make a sound because they would be killed by the wolf if they do so.

In the end, the sheep at the south could only bemoan: “We should choose the lions in the first place......”

So, the story ends .....

What did you choose? A wolf or two lions? Most of the European would have chosen lions while most of the Asian will go for wolf. It seems that wolf was the relatively easier choice but guess what happen in the end. We, the Malaysian was lucky enough to live in democracy country do have the choice and power to choose (like the sheep at the north). Why haven’t we practiced that? Why do we have to keep feeding the same lion to the extent that the lion forgot we can actually decide its fate? The lion only think about themselves and it becomes greedier and its desire becomes uncontrollable! Why are we digging a hole for our next generation? Why do we think that lion is our boss instead of us?

We all know that the process is going to be long and tough. Even the sheep at the north had to sacrifice so much to learn the lesson. That’s why we need to think for long term and be persistent and make the decision wisely. Is five years enough to make the lions learn their lesson? If not, then do it for 10, 20 years. Sooner or later, the two lions will eventually realise their fate is on ours and we are the bosses not them. Then, we can proudly tell our friends that Malaysia is a good place to stay and we are proud to be Malaysian!!

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Post time 22-10-2011 12:12 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by rashiman at 22-10-2011 00:14
tak kan penyokong PAS kat sana bodo macam lembu sampai nak pangkah kat mana pun tak tau? kesian  ...
awangbok Post at 19-10-2011 18:02

dah 12 kali pilihanraya umum , tak termasuk pilihanraya kecil , takkan tak tahu lagi cara nak memangkah.

kalau tak tahu caranya.

macam nie,  contohnya :


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Post time 22-10-2011 01:11 AM | Show all posts
dah 12 kali pilihanraya umum , tak termasuk pilihanraya kecil , takkan tak tahu lagi cara nak me ...
rashiman Post at 22-10-2011 00:12

    Pilihanraya Umum ke - 13 .... TAK PAYAH TUKAR...


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Post time 22-10-2011 01:13 AM | Show all posts


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Post time 22-10-2011 01:20 AM | Show all posts

like this

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 Author| Post time 22-10-2011 01:50 AM | Show all posts
Sekarang banyak pengundi yang BERILMU RENDAH dari KAMPUNG CINTA GULA tersebut!

Tetapi kebanyakan pengundi yang BERILMU TINGGI dari BANDAR hanya NAK TUKAR KERAJAAN yang sudah ROSAK dan BUSUK!!!BERSIH 3.0!!!!!

Use magic Report

Post time 22-10-2011 02:16 AM | Show all posts
Sekarang banyak pengundi yang BERILMU RENDAH dari KAMPUNG CINTA GULA tersebut!

Tetapi keban ...
Fujiwara Post at 22-10-2011 01:50

Ignorant Pakatan Rakyat supporters like you who keep making stupid comments without checking on facts will be the reason of the fall of Pakatan.  Pakatan Rakyat nowadays have BN 2008 attitudes, keep rubishing everything and you will be surprise that those rubbishes if you have paid close attention are actually a gems.

    The tide has changed to the BN direction especially among the Malays and Indians....

Sarawak Government WILL fall - yet he still commands 2/3
PAS WILL Defeat UMNO - yes PAS lost 0-5 in last 5 by elections  (Bagan Pinang, Galas, Tenang, Merlimau n Kerdau)

When will your WILL become a reality aaa?

Use magic Report

Post time 22-10-2011 02:20 AM | Show all posts
Report: BN poised for big win

OSK Research predicts a March 2012 general election in which BN will take an even larger slice of the pie.

PETALING JAYA: OSK Research has predicted that Barisan Nasional stands a strong chance of a greater victory in the next general election following indications of support returning to the ruling coalition since early last year.

In a report released yesterday, the investment bank noted that Pakatan Rakyat dominates the urban areas, west of Peninsula Malaysia and conservative heartland of north Malaysia while BN’s strength is in the south of Peninsula Malaysia and East Malaysia.

“Pakatan’s areas of dominance is a reflection of its alliance of components comprising Islamic fundamentalists, secular urbanites and moderate reformers,” OSK said. “BN’s areas of dominance reflect its more development focused agenda.”

Based on the 2008 general election results and the current news flow, OSK anticipated the fiercest battles to take place in Kedah, Perak and Selangor.

“While we cannot predict the number of seats that BN may clinch, we believe that it will be an improvement over the 63% secured in 2008,” it stated.

OSK, however, expressed doubt over its earlier prediction that polls would be called in November seeing as Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has yet to call for the dissolution of Parliament. As such, investors are putting their money on a March 2012 election.

Wait for profit taking

The report also said that the stock market’s historical performance has determined that buying into the market just prior to an election and selling out a month after is still the most consistent strategy.

“Such a strategy will provide the second highest probability of positive returns, coupled with the second highest average performance in the KLCI,” OSK said.

“Of course, this was not the case in the 2004 and 2008 elections but this time around we believe that the BN will do better which may give the market a boost.”

It added that political uncertainty is expected to clear up if there is no unrest post election which would prompt a better performance from equity markets as seen in Indonesia, Thailand and Singapore.

“The election trading strategy will be to keep it short and tight,” OSK advised. “Investors should remember that elections are in general a short term localised driver.”

The report further recommended that investors wait for profit taking ahead of the general election before entering the market and focus on blue chips in the banking, oil and gas, and construction sectors.

“Outside of this localised trading strategy, we remain defensive on the longer term and maintain our 1466-pt KLCI fair value for 2012,” OSK concluded.

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 Author| Post time 22-10-2011 11:47 PM | Show all posts
Ignorant Pakatan Rakyat supporters like you who keep making stupid comments without checking on  ...
Magika Post at 22-10-2011 02:16

So thats why we need BERSIH!NOT KOTOR!!!




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 Author| Post time 23-10-2011 12:20 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Fujiwara at 23-10-2011 00:38


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Post time 23-10-2011 07:56 PM | Show all posts
bagaimanalah pemberian biasiswa nanti kalau pakatan memerintah

90% kena bagi dekat cina ke

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Post time 24-10-2011 07:45 AM | Show all posts
bagaimanalah pemberian biasiswa nanti kalau pakatan memerintah

90% kena bagi dekat cina ke {:3_99 ...
RP255 Post at 23-10-2011 19:56

bg kpd sesiapa yg layak r..xkan bg kpd melayu,cina,india yg otak lembab??xke rosak msia nti

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 Author| Post time 25-10-2011 12:59 AM | Show all posts

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