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Author: yays

ALL ABOUT: miscarriage, abortion, DnC

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Post time 27-6-2007 02:30 PM | Show all posts

Balas #279 AnitaSabrina\ catat

sabarah anita.. memang tu dugaan dari illahi... kita memang mengharapkan sesuatu keajaiban... tapi yerlah.... siapalah kita utk menghalang kehendak-Nya. sayya pun pernah beberapa kali keguguran. same kes... bay x growth... dalam hati saya just kuat kan semangat, walopun hanya sekadar utk sedapkan hati. saya ckp kat diri saya, baby tu bkn dari benih yg elok... sebab tu dia x growth... so, biarlah dia keluar... kalo dia sihat dan sempurna meamng dia akan stay kat rahim...

dan satu lagi saya selalu kuatkan hati, org lain khawin sampai berbelas tahun dan x pernah merasa pregnant, so bila tuhan kurniakan rahmat utk kita walopun seketika so saya kena syukur....

pasal UH tu, may be nasib x menyebelahi awak. masa awal pregnant ari tu saya terus pegi klinik kesihatan, walopun baru 5 weeks. then sebab ada sejarah keguguran mereka terus refer saya pada doc pakar. alhamdulillah walopun x der aper2 test yg dia buat kat saya, dia just monitor dan bg dupaston.. sekurang2nya sebagai langkah awal... dan alhamdulillah rezeki menyebelahi saya kali in coz baby dah membesar.

ramai org ckp, kalo ader sejarah bleeding, walopun skali elok dapatkan suntikan utk kuatkan rahim... saya rasa  kat goment x der... kat private rasanya ada. kita hanya berusaha dan bertawakallah kepadaNya. maaflah kalo bicara saya ni menggurs perasaan.

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Post time 1-7-2007 07:03 PM | Show all posts


I buat d&c semalam kat Klinik UMRA.  Alhamdullillah dah selamat and I was really taken good care there.  Dr Rafi and Dr Ummul are really superb people.  

The procedure itself pun its really not scary at all.  Dr masukkan pessary untuk dilate cervix pukul 9.30 am.  At 12.45 I was taken to the OT and less than half hour dah siap pun.  Lepas d&c sakit sikit.  Bleeding pun tak banyak macam natural miscarriage.  I had 3 natural miscarriages - adoi letih betul kena tukar pad all the time!  Clots pun berlambak-lambak keluar.  And the cramps and backache jangan cakap la - sakit sangat-sangat!

Another thing, d&c ni tak sesakit natural miscarriage.  So, in a way lucky for me kot that I got this experience.  

Right now I feel very very tired.  Otherwise well & good.  

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Post time 3-7-2007 10:55 AM | Show all posts
sabar anita.. ni semua dugaan.. i hari tu 5 hb mei buat d n c.. tapi yg risaunya sampai sekarag tak period lagi.. hari tu ada kuar darah sikit pastu sampai sekarang ni tak period lagi.. risau pulak...kang tak period2 terus naya..camna nak plan next pregnancy...

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Post time 3-7-2007 11:11 AM | Show all posts
ermm..dugaan Tuhan kan ada hikmah semua tu, kamus pun misscarriage juga pertengahan bulan lepas, tp kamus xkena D&C, sbb ketul dh keluar, Dr bagi tempoh seminggu biar darah kering sendiri.skrg dh 2 minggu lebih dah darah stop.setiap org..xsama kan.Hope kita dpt bersabarlah.. kena pose 2 or 3 month ni..

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Post time 3-7-2007 06:04 PM | Show all posts
hi anita
me did dnc with dr ummul, but masa tu dia kat salam speacialist
for my second pregnancy, i tol the gynae (not dr ummul as i went to pusrawi) and he said tgk dulu cemana
if duphaston not working, worse i might have to ikat the serviks because suspected servk tak kuat
(because i misc at 15-16w)
actually, no dr can guarantee any treatment for misc,
as the reason itself cannot be determined
semuanya 'prob this or prob that..
sometimes ppl tend to blame gh's dr because of the procedures n that.. whic in fact not really the reason
like my case ada org ckp gugur sebab selalu sgt kena 'korek' kat gh
bila pi private mmg hardly they insert the speculum tu
bila i raised the q, the gynae said actually it is part of the procedure tp normally private gynae tak wat sebab fr scan dah  buleh tgk
tp kat gh they must do because its a procedure! yet not easy to get the scan mechine at gh.. ken atunggu turn laaamaaaaa sgt

i understad how you feel
we all do here..
yes we can say sabar byk2 like most ppl wud tell you
but i would say sto blaming yourself, stop blaming others too
cos it's nobody's fault
just believe that God have better plan for you
pray hard, and asked what you want

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Post time 4-7-2007 07:14 AM | Show all posts
Since I've had 3 consecutive miscarriages, UH will run a whole range of tests to find out reasons for my miscarriages.  Its standard hospital practice to wait for 3 consecutive miscarriages before they do any investigations to find out the reasons for the miscarriages.  Its highly likely I have anti-phospolipid syndrome - where my antibodies attack the fetus.  I'll still be following-up at UH since the dr there wants to run a battery of tests which I think is important for me to find out the results.  I might be having something lying dormant now but might flare-up in the future.  So knowing what it is would help me prepare for whatever is coming.

I'm not sure about trying anymore sebabnya emotionally I don't have the strength anymore.  Dah phobia nak pregnant lagi.

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Post time 4-7-2007 08:22 AM | Show all posts
if you'r having prob like you said, i think sticking to UH is good option because of the facilities and treatment there, not to mention the cost. just bear with the expected delays and not so frenly treatment - i mean, just prepare yourself in case you get unlucky with the staff. not that im saying the GH is not good, but different people have dff experience there, just pray taht u'l be the lucky ones.

about trying again.. maybe you can relax for a while
find your strength again
maybe after you get the test result, you'l be more prepared to concieve
all the best to you.

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Post time 4-7-2007 09:12 AM | Show all posts
assalammualaikum semua...

genz baru pregnant 9 minggu..setakat nie pernah kuar stain coklat tuh 2 kali..mungkin sebab teraktif sikit..first2 tak g o&g..scan dan doktor kata ok..just tak boleh buat kerja berat...sampai habus 1st trimester nie...second kuar g check terus kat pakar annur kat bangi...dan doktor scan baby is fine..kalau nak kata kerja berat..dah tak buat dah..elik gak.. mak genz kata bunting pelanduk memang macam tuh...doktor bagi dupahston untuk supprt baby..from now on..kena close monitoring..neext check up 13 hb 7 nie...doktor nak tengok baby's development...sesapa ada experience macam nie tolong bagi advice ...

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Post time 4-7-2007 10:08 AM | Show all posts
sometimes, some ppl do get some stain during early stage of pregnancy
it cud be due to minor bleeding during implantation of placenta
as long as baby looks ok, it shud be fine
but whenever u get fresh blood coming out, then cepat2 gi jumpa gynae ok

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Post time 4-7-2007 10:16 AM | Show all posts

Reply #289 ananur's post

thanks ye ananur..nak tanya lah implantation of placenta tuh biasanya occur dalam minggu ke berapa...agak risau pada mulanya.tapi tak nak stress sangat sekarang nie rileks sikt... sebab takder experience ni first pregnancy..

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Post time 4-7-2007 10:47 AM | Show all posts
aku tak ingat la.. anyway, kalau u baca pregnancy by month tu normally ada explain when this, when that
one more thing, if you're prone to bleeding/staining get lots of rest
wat pekak je apa org kata.. kalau apa2 hal kita gak nk sakit
biarlah org kata malas ke hapa
memula byk rehat takpe, nnt dah sihat ko jalan le byk2
just listen to your body
kalau travel pun advisedly lapik bontot tu utk kurangkan shock impact, drive slowly esp at bumpers and jln tak rata
if possible avoid long distance travelling until u safely reach 2nd trimester
bukan apa.. precaution.

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Post time 7-7-2007 07:04 PM | Show all posts
kawan2..i have sumnthing to ask...saya dnc 5 may lepas,,pastu 4 july baru ni baru period..tadi masa pi toilet...kuar macam hati ayam tu besar ibu jari tapi nipis laa..mcm hati ayam yg dah dilapah mcm tu...ada ssesapa penah experience mcm ni tak?? normal blot clot ke hapa tuh?? risau pulak!

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Post time 8-7-2007 11:35 AM | Show all posts
From my experience clots sebesar tu normal after one cycle.  The body is expelling apa-apa yang tak bersih the first time.  In fact for me, masa spontanenous abortion (natural miscarriages) ada horrible smell masa first period.  Memang scary experience.  But the dr said as long as tak ada pain then no need to be worried.  Just take very good care of yourself.  Take supplements so that your body will be ready for pregnancy when it happens and also to boost your fertility and to avoid miscarriages in the future.  

Bayam, was that your first miscarriage?  You know you are most fertile in this new cycle kan.  My second son lekat after one cycle.  Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones.  Think positive and be happy.  Its easier to get pregnant when you are happy.  

Another tip, once ovulation over make sure you rest a lot.  In case your body is implanting the embryo.  Jangan buat kerja berat and jangan makan ubat sebarangan - takut effect pada janin.  

Good luck & I hope this is the month for you.  The fact that you were pregnant before means you can get pregnant again, cuma tak tahu bila kan.  Insyallah soon......

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Post time 8-7-2007 12:22 PM | Show all posts
thanks a lot anita.... hopefully i'll get pregnant in the near time.. it was so hard looking at my colleague and her growing belly sbb kalau bayam tak gugur hari tu mmg sama ngan's okay i guess ..dugaan Allah.. yg tak tahan people keep telling me i was so active la last time blablabla.. pekakkan telinga je la...yg tambah tension lagi...ada sorang cikgu kat sekolah ni kata adik dia lepas gugur terus tak lekat2 sampai sekarang dah 4 years... hishhh i dont need to hear that kind of things sekarang nie...geram jugak kadang2...

It's good to hear that it is actually  normal...pray for me ok! my son pun selalu jer sibuk cakap irfan ank baby mama...nak baby... dia pun dah 3 years old..

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Post time 8-7-2007 07:47 PM | Show all posts
Bayam, you know its perfectly normal to be emotional and sensitive after a miscarriage.  Especially bila kita nampak orang pregnant we suddenly feel this immense emptiness in our belly, sedih teramat sangat cos our baby has left our body.  Pastu bila nampak babies - Oh my! That can be so unbearable because that is what we have lost, kan.   But you know, its the loss (miscarriages) that makes us appreciate what we have so much more.  I thank God every day for giving me my 2 lovely sons.  Its enough for me.  If God gives me more alhamdullillah.  If tak pun its okay. Syukur dengan apa yang Allah dah beri.  

Irfan is 3?  Just to let you know, my sons are 6 years apart.  Abang is 11 and adik is 6.  I was worried that the big age gap means they will not be close to each other.  I was so wrong.  My boys adore each other.  They miss each other when they have to be at different places.  Of course they fight sometimes but most importantly they love each other very very much.  Just for the record, my sister has 2 kids also 6 years apart.  A boy and girl.  Same thing.  They look out for each other and the abang is very protective of his sister.  

I'm sure your Irfan will love and adore his adik whenever he/she comes no matter what the age difference is.  

Don't let the unkind remarks get to you.  Life is unfair but we take what we can get and make the most of it.  

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Post time 9-7-2007 09:17 AM | Show all posts

Reply #294 bayam's post

hi..awk.. i pun gugur.. bulan 10 yg lepas..dah 9 bulan  kosong..sampai skang tak lekat2 lg...

mmg susah nak lekat..ker..kalau gugur dulu?

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puteriteja This user has been deleted
Post time 9-7-2007 09:25 AM | Show all posts

Reply #296 mayyonnizz's post

sabar mayyoniz... teja pun penah gugur gak.. pastu buat dnc lagi... memang takut sebab ade org kata susah nak lekat kalau penah gugur... tapi alhamdulillah teja dah peknen few weeks ago.. hampir 7 bulan jugak menunggu...
macam2 teja cuba.. ubat subur sume teja telan...
usaha mayyoniz... semoga mayyoniz berjaya

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Post time 9-7-2007 12:20 PM | Show all posts

Reply #297 puteriteja's post

mayyo pun duk mkn folic acid + ferrous yg doktor bg.. susu anmum je tak minum lg...

resultnyer... peknen blom berat naik.. menjadi2 huhuhuhu..

nak diet pulak nt takut..susah lekat plak... kita bukan apa.. kalau dibiarkan beart nih naik.. tak amik tahu..nt lelama dia jd pejal..susah nak turun kang menderita plak....

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Post time 9-7-2007 01:01 PM | Show all posts
bayam.. lina punya 1st cycle lagi teruk.. after 2 week baru stop... n masa 1st week tu.. reali heavy bleeding...tapi doktor ckp mmg normal 4 1st cycle..skrg ni tgh tunggu 2nd cycle yg sepatutnya semlm tapi x sampai2 lagi..... hope 4 something..

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Post time 9-7-2007 02:20 PM | Show all posts

Reply #282 AnitaSabrina's post

anita...sabar ye....

besar ganjaran untuk orang yang sabar ni...

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