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Author: manganini

JOO WON ❤ ¸¸.•*¨*• ♫

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Post time 6-2-2016 09:06 PM | Show all posts
@manganini .. aku wonder apa drama dan karekter yg joo won akan ambil untuk next project dia... bendasarkan fans dia komen joo won akan pilih drama klau dia tertarik dgn karekter,,atau karekter itu mencabar untuk dia..dan story line yg dia suka..

aku ada baca aktikel nie ,,,antara project drama dan filem yg joo won pilih dan agensi dia pilih.. aku rasa mcm nk tembak jer agensi dia pasal pilih filem fashion king..seriusly filem fashion king tue aku x leh terima walaupun filem tue ada mesej pasal bully..
Projects that Joo Won picked vs. what his agency picked

What he picked (and his agency was very much against)
-Good Doctor
-Ojakgyo Brothers

What his agency picked
-Steal My Heart
-Naeil's Cantabile
-Fashion King

Instiz:Projects that Joo Won picked vs. what his company picked

yong pal juga antara drama yg joo won pilih...filem fatal intution yg box office tue pun antara filem yg joo won pilih..pasal dia tertarik untuk berlakon karekter tue..

drama yg joo won pilih boleh katakan semua rating tinggi.. tapi drama/filem yg agensi dia sim pilih semua tak berjaya..kira joo won nie memang pickedlah piilh skrip..


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Post time 6-2-2016 09:11 PM | Show all posts

joo won mcm sukakan budak2 kan ... boleh jadi ayah yg penyayang nie...

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Post time 6-2-2016 09:15 PM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 6-2-2016 03:54 AM
sapa yg 2 org kat belakang tu? pelakon ke.. yg pakai spec tu jaecheon kan, manager dia..
aku deng ...

yg pakai speak tue memang manager joo won..yg 2 org lg tue aku x kenal...oh tak tahu plk mana yg manager dia pandai cakap bi.yg aku tahu manager joo won yg pakai speak tue baru install IG.. gi lah follow dia..

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 Author| Post time 7-2-2016 12:38 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 6-2-2016 04:00 PM
ko tahu tak pandangan pertama aku bila tgk dia kt drama good doctor.. aku ingat dia betul2 autism ...

pasal tu.. ko pun ada baca kan.. visi dia.. dia pernah cakap nak jadi 'people's actor' ..
He says instead of becoming a Star, his wish is to be People’s Actor who is filled inside and outside of the screen with warm-heart.
“I don’t think rise and fall of a work is a big importance to me as I am now only in my 20’s.  Also, I am still far short to discuss about the word ‘Actor.’  I don’t have the greed wanting to receive the hot spot light.

tapi..  tak berapa lama kemudian dia ada cakap.. walaupun popularity bukan target dia, tanpa popularity seseorang aktor tu susah nak dapat tawaran drama yg bagus dgn watak yg bagus.. so kiranya kalau nak berlakon drama yg berkualiti kena la works on popularity jugak.. mungkin pasal tu dia ikut trend lebarkan karier kat china kot..

pasal variety show.. aku sangat2 setuju memang dia tak sesuai utk variety show
dia baik dan senyap sangat ..nak join variety show mcm 2D1N atau running man kena personality yg witty2 .. dan rata2 komen agak negatif pasal dia dlm 2D1N..

On his experience on the variety show, he said, "I think I was the only one having fun. I had to make the audience members laugh, but I put myself in their position instead and watched the others have fun... That is why I felt really bad when we finished filming. I felt like I had not put in my share."
Joo Won also was asked if he wants to do a variety show again and he regret to do it again.

sian dia merajuk taknak join variety dah..
tapi aku rasa ok je kalau dia join tapi kenalah pilih show yg sesuai.. mcm wgm ke, tp dia taknak..
ataupun superman return, tapi kena la kawen dulu dan ada baby takpun macam oh my baby tu ke, coz dia mcm suka budak2..
kalau ada show yg tunjukkan hubungan kekeluargaan pun ok..
takpun cast je joo won utk noona over flowers, diakan manja dgn ahjumma ..  eh2 mcm aku pulak PD..

episode 2D1N yg diorang datang rumah joo won tu antara episod yg paling aku suka.. lawak betul dia siap study soalan2 kuiz utk 2D1N.. sampai taehyun cakap, patutnya ko hafal skrip tapi ko pegi hafal kuiz pulak.. sian dia mesti dia stres selalu tak dapat jawab kuiz
dan satu lagi yg aku terkagum sebab dia mcm tak kisah je bawak semua krew shooting kat rumah dia.. rilek je hidang buah semua..

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 Author| Post time 7-2-2016 12:41 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 6-2-2016 06:02 PM
tak apa2 sila sambung.. everthing about joo won aku suka....  ko nk cerita apa2 pasal  ...

hahah tq
tu la kan.. kalau pasal joo won.. ulang2 benda yg sama pun aku baca jugak

haah park ki woong la yg cameo dlm epidode last good doctor tu.. comel je


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 Author| Post time 7-2-2016 01:02 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 6-2-2016 06:19 PM
yg uee tue diorg memang x follow antara satu sama lain.. gado ke... hairan juga aku padahal kt b ...

pasal Uee.. entah la aku pun tak tau..

tapi aku rasa pelik baca yg ni
On who he would choose in ideal type world cup between Uee and Jin Se Yeon, Joo Won: “If I must pick one person of the two, I would pick Jin Se Yeon.  Even though Uee is extremely bright and pretty, Jin Se Yeon’s bright side is magnified.  I have never even once seen Jin Se Yeon with a frown on her face on the filming set.  She’s the kind of girl who is always laughing and spreads “happy virus” to others around her.  I always thought I like a bear better than a fox, and Jin Se Yeon is that kind of a person.  Jin Se Yeon is also not the type to play push-and-pull game.   If she likes someone, she will always do well for that person.  But, if I call Jin Se Yeon a bear will she feel bad? [laughs]”

"I definitely like a kind girl. I don't want her to play hard to get." He also added "If you like me, you like me. I don't like it when people are calculating about getting the other person to like them."

coz bila dia cakap mcm tu, mesti la dari pengalaman kan..
tak tau dia merujuk kepada Uee ke kepada sapa.. cuma dulu aku ada rasa kadang2 Uee mcm suka joo won, tapi kadang2 mcm tak berapa sangat.. mungkin jugak perasaan aku je.. hihi tak tau

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 Author| Post time 7-2-2016 01:23 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 6-2-2016 06:26 PM
yang paling aku tak sangka joo won nie pun rapat juga dgn idol yunho grud TVIQ agak2 dia rapat tak d ...

agaknya diorang rapat lepas perform sama2 untuk mini musical masa Gwangju Universiade opening ceremony..



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 Author| Post time 7-2-2016 01:28 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 6-2-2016 08:32 PM
aku baru baca altikel baca relatioship joo won yg lepas... dan tgk interview dia kt show win win.. j ...

tula..  jenis cinta mati dia ni.. untung la sapa yg dapat..
tapi satu je lah dia ni.. cepat sangat nangis


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 Author| Post time 7-2-2016 01:35 AM | Show all posts
masdiana-ana replied at 6-2-2016 09:06 PM
@manganini .. aku wonder apa drama dan karekter yg joo won akan ambil untuk next project dia...{:1_5 ...

lorrrhh mcm tu ke...
mcm mana diorang ni dapat tau projek mana yg joo won pilih dan yg mana sim pilih..?

pasal manager baru tu, aku terbaca kat mana tah..  teringin jugak aku nak tengok rupa dia..
ye aku dah follow pun manager jaecheon tu..

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 Author| Post time 7-2-2016 02:08 AM | Show all posts

berkaitan bromance joo won dgn artis lain.. aku tertarik nak tau pasal dia n song joongki.. sebab ada fans komen diorang ni mcm rapat je.. tapi aku tak tau pulak diorang rapat masa bila? ada shipper song joong ki-moon chae won cakap, joo won tak berani kacau MCW sebab dia kawan SJK muahahaaa aku bukan chaeki shipper tapi kadang2 aku terpengaruh jugak apa yg diorang cakap..
memandangkan ko pun dah mengesahkan pendapat aku yg joo won dgn MCW mcm kurang gentleman, so mungkinkah dia 'jaga jarak'? hehe apa pendapat kau..

alang2 terjumpa tadi aku tepek je la ye kat sini..
The interviewer then asked her how she felt about her co-star Joowon from 'Good Doctor,' and she laughed as she told him, "It can't happen because Joowon has the same last name as me."


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Post time 7-2-2016 02:08 PM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 7-2-2016 02:27 PM
manganini replied at 7-2-2016 12:38 AM
pasal tu.. ko pun ada baca kan.. visi dia.. dia pernah cakap nak jadi 'people's actor' ..

hahaha...yg WGM memang dia tak kan joinlah sebab joo won nie jenis x boleh nk fake feeling dia...klau dia betul2 sukakan seseorg memang nampak jelas dari cara dia..sebab tue aku boleh perasan cara dia layan co cast dia terutama heroin dia.. joo won pernah komen dia suka klau heroin tue boleh bg good feeling untuk dia..supaya dia boleh hayati watak tue..dan chemistry ...sebab tue kot dia boleh nampak dia cepat serasi dgn semua heroin yg berlakon dgn dia.. yup aku setuju.. popularity penting pasal persaingan dlm korean intertaiment sangat sengit... korean ada byk skripwriter ..sripwriter2 dan pd yg terbaik akan lebih memilih perlakon2 yg ada nama mcm lee min ho ,kim hyun soo so popularity penting untuk dia dpt lg byk pilihan watak2 yg bagus serta skrip yg bagus.
tapi aku suka dia dlm log life JOO won.. paparkan tentang kehidupan harian dia... siap dia mintak maaf awal2 kt pd dgn viewer klau dia tak kelakar... kt situ aku boleh nampak cara dia hangout dgn kwn2 laki dia..hobi dia suka walking..lupa plk masa dia 3 bulan kt china shotting drama love express kwn2 laki dia post nie kt IG..

diorg miss kt joo won... suka friendship dia dgn kwn2 dia..

aku ok jer klau dia join variety show semula.... sebab dari situ aku boleh tahu lg personality sebenar dia..

oh my baby tue... ok juga klau dia join pasal baby2 pun suka kt dia ..

ke tgk video nie kekekeke.. baby nie gelak kt dia,,,,comelnya...


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Post time 7-2-2016 02:35 PM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 7-2-2016 02:38 PM
manganini replied at 7-2-2016 12:41 AM
hahah tq
tu la kan.. kalau pasal joo won.. ulang2 benda yg sama pun aku baca jugak

park ki wong makin hensem dan macho plk lepas keluar dari military nie...


pic terbaru park ki woong.. dah keluar military dah... tapi sayang dia still dapat watak second leading... dlm drama mbc monsters

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Post time 7-2-2016 02:40 PM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 7-2-2016 01:23 AM
agaknya diorang rapat lepas perform sama2 untuk mini musical masa Gwangju Universiade opening cere ...

boleh tolong aku cari video muzikal nie tak...

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Post time 7-2-2016 03:35 PM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 7-2-2016 01:28 AM
tula..  jenis cinta mati dia ni.. untung la sapa yg dapat..
tapi satu je lah dia ni.. cepat sang ...

joo won nie sensitif guys ok... bukan suka2 hati dia nk nangis.. sekurangnya joo won tak ego...dia luahkan apa yg dia rasa.. kebanyakkan lelaki pyah tahu nk nangis pasal ego diorg nie tinggi..aku ada study skit2 pasal psikologi..the body langunge..dan aku rasa joo won nie dlm kateori sensitif guys..ciri2 sensitif guys nie

Let’s review some examples of sensitive guy behavior.
•  A sensitive man cares about the feelings of others and would feel bad if he hurt another person’s feelings.
•  He is a team player in all facets of his life, including work, his relationships, and his friendships.
•  He doesn’t have a big ego or need to be seen as the smartest, most attractive, or most interesting man in the room. He always fits easily into groups.
•  When it comes to making social plans, the sensitive guy strikes a balance between doing what he wants and doing what others want. While he may suggest one of his favorite activities one particular week, the next week he may defer to the other person and ask, “What would you like to do?”

When it comes to romance and family life, the sensitive personality trait benefits him and the overall family in countless ways. On a date with a woman, the sensitive guy asks her questions about herself. He wants to know more about her and what interests her, and he listens closely when she talks. The woman can tell he listens well because he later makes references to things she has told him in conversation.

As a husband, the sensitive guy shows his love and appreciation for his wife in ways both big (the occasional romantic vacation, a gift from her favorite store) or small (offering to cook her dinner when she is tired, encouraging her to get some social time with her girlfriends). When the couple argues, the sensitive man isn’t a yeller or name-caller. He expresses his feelings, listens to his wife as she expresses hers, and seeks a solution that reflects a compromise. Sure, he sometimes gets angry, but then he bounces back and gets over it.

aku ada baca yg joo won nie ideal type dating.. bg dia patners date dia tue adalah org yg dia akan kahwin.. i mean dia betul2 serius.. aku sebenarnya lg suka klau lelaki tue ada sikit relatiopship dari byk relatiopship dan setakat nie dia ada 2 relatioship jer... samaada dia memilih atau agak cerewet..tapi untuk kes joo won aku rasa dia tak ada masa nk ada relatioship pasal starts dari debut drama dia yg pertama dia sentiasa busy dgn kerja... aku rasa dia pyh nk rest.. memang jenis hardwoking..

sedikit petikan interview joo won :

No time for relationships?
Joo Won revealed during interview that his schedules are packed so it’s hard to be in relationship. “I am neither direct nor impulsive, even if I like a girl, I will take one step back to think if she really suits me? Once I straighten my thoughts, I have to be involved in another new production, so any feelings will disappear.”
bendasarkan ayat dia tue aku rasa maybe dia pun ada feeling kt co cast dia tapi pasal dia x mulakan langkah pertama dan selepas itu dia pun terlibat dgn drama lain..kesibukan dia dlm lakonan lama2 feel tue hilang dgn sendirinya..contohnya patners dia kim tae hee.. beza taw dia dgn heroin yg lain pasal lepas habis yong pal tue disetiap interview mesti dia puji kim tae hee.. aku wonder klau kim tae hee tue tak berpunya...adakah joo won akan mulakan langkah pertama..

High praises for Kim Tae Hee
Joo won previously claimed that he was very excited to work with Kim Tae Hee, more so than other actors. Is it because he also see her as a female goddess, thus looking forward to working with her?
Joo won smiled shyly and said “when actors receive script, they will secretly imagine a list of actors suitable for the roles. And I did think Kim Tae Hee is most ideal for the female lead. She fits whatever the script describes so I look forward to working with her. After acting, the results are good and we are very happy.”
Similar to past reports, his comments of Kim Tae Hee are near perfect. He keeps emphasising she is beautiful and her heart is even more beautiful.
Joo won thinks both are happy working with each other.  “Because both of us would provide suggestions and discuss how to act to deliver best performance. She listens attentively and accepts my suggestions. We work very well together.”
After working together, Joo won definitely finds this beauty’s personality even more charming.


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Post time 7-2-2016 04:27 PM | Show all posts
manganini replied at 7-2-2016 01:02 AM
pasal Uee.. entah la aku pun tak tau..

tapi aku rasa pelik baca yg ni

part uee tue ..aku pun confuse.. ko tahu masa sbs awrds 2015 tue aku teringin nk tgk uee nie datang pasal dia pun ada tercalon untuk drama high society..mcm kim tae hee jumpa yoh ah in..still bertegur sapa.. walaupun drama jang ok jung tue dah 2 thn ..dah tentu aku nk tgk reaksi uee bila joo won menang daesang..tapi sayang uee tak hadir pun untuk awards tue..awards lain yg tak tercalon mcm MAMA awards dia ada datang plk..
ok aku ada baca altikel pasal uee yg nie ..

8 months lived together like family, be effect by her role, so UEE, how do you really feel about actor Joo Won who has a very beautiful love story on drama ?
“In the real life, do you two have good relationship?” “Oh yes, we keep contacting each other even now, oppa (may I use this) has started in “Bridal Mask” already with Jin Se Yoen and Park Ki Woong, and I had to go to Japan because of my group’s activity (laugh)”. “At the beginning of shooting, we really felt awkward to each other. Then we stared to joking, played game and after that, we became closer and closer naturally”. “Joo Won oppa on “1 night 2 days” takes maknae’s role, and it almost doesn’t different from his real person”. “When “Ojakgyo Brothers” ended, we could travel together with all the casts but I was busy with my group’s activity so I couldn’t go”. UEE answered those question honestly so we can see that she is a smart and honest person. This personality is good but we also see that still have some stories behind the scenes that we don’t know.

Recently there is a rumor that you and Joo Won are real date and you two look so match each others, so what is the truth behind this? Do you two keep contact to each others even now?” When we asked her directly like that, she didn’t get nervous at all. Actually we are ones who got nervous after interviewed her.
“Yes, so far there are so many people around me keep asking if I and Joo Won are really dating. We had many kiss scenes, one member of our group (AFTER SCHOOL) even ask me in jealous: “Let’s be honest, how much kiss scenes you and Joo Won really have?” (laugh) Actually whenever we filmed kiss scene or romantic scenes we were so embarrassed (awkward), we just wanted to run away as fast as possible. In the end we decided to use that embarrassed feeling to act on those scenes, but somehow when audiences watched those scene, they found it cute and they loved it”
UEE answered: “If I’m in a real relationship? Actually I’m a shy girl, I can’t public my love or say what I feel out loud. I don’t know what will happen when I’m in relationship with someone. Pardon? My ideal type?”. UEE’s face blushed when she said about this stuff  
aku rasa maybe uee dan joo won  nie pernah kot ada feel antara satu sama lain..masa drama OB cara diorg take care antara satu sama lain..well sapa tak jatuh hati klau dpt guys yg gentlemen mcm joo won.. tapi aku agak uee tue main tarik tali kot dgn joo won..dia kata dia idol so tak boleh nk dating.. tapi ada gossip kata dia ada dating dgn kim hyun joong.. habis cam ner tue..



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Post time 7-2-2016 05:40 PM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 7-2-2016 06:56 PM
manganini replied at 7-2-2016 02:08 AM

berkaitan bromance joo won dgn artis lain.. aku tertarik nak tau pasal dia n song  ...

oh..aku baru tahu joo won dgn song joong ki rapat...joo won nie ingatkan aku pada amber liu grud fx lah...amber nie dapat gelaran social butterfly dalam kpop idol pasal dia nie very friendly ..boleh katakan semua idol kwn2 dia .... kira byk juga kwn2 rapat joo won dlm industri ..ko nk tanya pendapat aku ke pasal moon chae won.. aku ada tgk juga drama nice guy tue.. chemistry song joong ki dan moon chae won memang terbaik..dan aku rasa pyah the next leading man moon chae won untuk dpt chemistry mcm nice guy drama..aku tak rasa joo won yg mcm ko kata ''jaga jarak'' dgn moon chae won dlm good doctor..pasal aku rasa mcw tue tak ada apa2 pun dgn sjk tue.. klau ko nk tahu aku dapat rasa MCW nie mcm minat kt lee seungi gi..dan aku rasa MCW tue bukan taste joo won kot..ala kth tue terang2 dah ada pakwe ..tapi joo won tak jaga jarak pun...main belasah jer puji2 awek org.. lupa nk bgtahu ko..masa sbs award tue mc ada tanya soalan kt KTH masa shotting yong pal macam mana keaddan cuaca..(merujuk kepada rain) kth jawap cuaca sentiasa baik ..joo won senyum2 malu jer lepas tue..

mcm aku pernah komen sebelum nie..strory line dlm good doctor tue sendiri.. relatioship antara dr cha dan dr park shion like relatioship antara nonna-doesang..passion love tue tak nampak sangat.. love story diorg lebih kepada sweet2 relatioship...tapi aku suka scane nie..



dan scane ini..


scane ini juga....




and this scane....




so ko bayangkan kalau relatioship diorg dalam good doctor sehot dan sepassion love mcm nice guys..hehehe ..JW dan MCW bukan tak ada chemisrty tue cuma pasal drama good doctor nie lebih kepada kisah hidup dr park shion tue sendiri...dan dia x fokos sangat pada kisah cinta dr cha dan dr park shion..jadi tak hairan klau shipper moon couple nk tgk diorg berdua nie bergandingan lg dalam satu drma yg betul2 fokos pasal passion love relatioship..

satu lg pasal MCW nie serius skit takut kot JW nk try ....

'' Joo Won appeared at an event in Gangnam, Seoul and revealed during an interview that Moon Chae Won "looked very cold at first so I thought it was going to be very hard to get close." Joo Won continued, "But suddenly we became close very naturally. Maybe it was because Yoon Seo's role was to take care of Si On, it was very comfortable. Moon Chae Won actually has a lot of similar characteristics as her role in the drama."


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Post time 7-2-2016 06:58 PM | Show all posts
oh..aku baru habis tonton ..filem joo won '' steal my heart.. nanti esok aku review filem2 joo won..

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Post time 8-2-2016 03:56 PM | Show all posts

pic terbaru joo won kt IG... oh dia dah ada kt umah ...kt korea sambut happy lunar news dgn family..

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Post time 8-2-2016 04:00 PM | Show all posts
Edited by masdiana-ana at 8-2-2016 04:02 PM

Lunar New Year, Celebrities "I would like to introduce to parents"

1. #ParkBoGeum
2. #YooJaeSuk
3. #JooWon #주원
(Joo Won: when I'm tired and couldnt express my feelings well, I will just lie/sleep on my mother's belly)

1. #Hyeri
2. #Suzy
3. #IU

credit ig hana joo won

hyeri dan park bo geum femes tul lepas reply 1988.. joo won sememangnya selalu jadi pilihan gadis2 yg nk buat suami dan bakal menantu..


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Post time 9-2-2016 11:36 AM | Show all posts
aku tertunggu2 news terbaru kot2 ada casting joo won untuk drama baru..tiap2 kali aku buka dramabeans atau koala aku nantikan rumurs atau casting news joo won untuk kdrama baru.. seriusly tak ada sebarang news drama baru untuk joo won ke.. aku agak risau...dan aku rasa fans dia kt shoompi pun risau kot2 dia pergi military tanpa kdrama baru.... aku tak nak drama china love express jadi drama terakhir dia sebelum join military..mintak2 tak..

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