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Author: WonBin

Teknologi NAZI Yang Melangkaui Zaman :: UFO, Anti Graviti, Rocket, Silikon

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Post time 29-5-2011 11:21 PM | Show all posts
The Auxiliary Aircraft Carrier Projects (1942-1943)

From the end of the 1940 war year on, German naval leadership concerned itself-at least partially as a result of the successful British carrier-plane attack on the Italian fleet at Tarento with considerations as to how to remedy the lack of aircraft carriers most quickly. Subjects under discussion concerned not only the reconstruction of existing large warships, but also the adaptation of merchant ships, insofar as they seemed suitable in terms of size and speed. Included in these considerations were the battleships SCHARNHORST and GNEISENAU, as well as the heavy cruisers LUTZOW ( ex-pocket battleship " Deutschland " ) and ADMIRALSCHEER on the one hand, and the three passenger ships EUROPA, POTSDAM and GNEISENAU of the North German Lloyd line on the other.

The three passenger ships were the only ones that met the basic requirements: the EUROPA was the largest, since the loss of the BREMEN to fire, weighing nearly 50,000 tons, and had a suitable top speed of 27 knots, while the POTSDAM and GNEISENAU, of only about 18,000 tons and a speed of 21 knots, were somewhat less well-suited though still usable. In addition, the rebuilding of the heavy cruiser SEYDLITZ, about 90% finished, seemed feasible, as opposed to the battleships of the SCHARNHORST class and the heavy cruisers LUTZOW and ADMIRAL SCHEER, which were dropped from these considerations.

The creation of aircraft carriers was one of the main points in the Commander of the Navy's report to Hitler at the latter's headquarters on May 13, 1942. Thereupon Hitler decided that the ' EUROPA, GNEISENAU and POTSDAM should be rebuilt into auxiliary carriers. In a further report taking place on August 26, 1942 a further possibility was suggested: this involved the French cruiser DE GRASSE, lying on the slipway in Lorient, the rebuilding of which into an aircraft carrier seemed feasible.

The rebuilding plans for these ships were begun at once. In the process it was learned that the task had obviously been strongly underestimated and the difficulties that would necessarily arise in the construction of these ships, intended as they were for fully different purposes, had gone unrecognized. It was chiefly their form and weight stability and their inner division that were insufficient. It was believed that these problems could be mastered by applying a thick " armor plate " of heavy cement and building on side bulges, but this could not be achieved in a really satisfactory way and, in addition, brought about a limitation of their speed, which was not that great to begin with. The EUROPA-now designated " Auxiliary Aircraft Carrier I "- was to be rebuilt by Blohm &amp ; Voss in Hamburg-her builders-but this did not transpire : as early as November 25, 1942 the work of planning was halted and the rebuilding was cancelled even before the work had begun. The reason for this was the lack of stability even with the bulges built on, the problem of rigidity caused by the lowering of the hangar deck into the main formation deck, which could not be done any other way, and finally the expected very high fuel consumption when the ship was in use again.

The rebuilding of the other passenger ships was to be entrusted to the naval shipyards at Wilhelmshaven (GNEISENAU) and the Howaldt Works of Hamburg (POTSDAM; what with the cancellation of the rebuilding of the EUROPA, the contract for the POTSDAM was transferred to Blohm & Voss in November of 1942). With them too, problems of a very similar kind arose, especially in terms of stability, which were addressed with the same means-building on bulges and applying heavy concrete " armor plate. " But since these measures were, in the end, not able to make much change, the work on the GNEISENAU was halted on November 25, 1942, so that only the POTSDAM remained.

According to a decision made on the same day, this was to be set up as a training aircraft carrier. The work actually began that December: in Kiel they began to remove the passenger cabins. In the midst of this work, it all came to an abrupt end on the basis of the aforementioned " Fuehrer’s Command. "

The work of planning for the conversion of the uncompleted French heavy cruiser DE GRASSE, which began in April of 1942 under the designation " Auxiliary Aircraft Carrier II ", led to this project being given up, as it was shown to be too expensive in terms of work and materials, was under ever· increasing danger of air attack, and finally, second thoughts about what from the German standpoint was an unsatisfactorily divided power system could not be allayed. At the beginning of February 1943 the planning work was halted.

After the spring of 1943 the navy thus had no possibility of any realizable construction of aircraft carriers.

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Post time 29-5-2011 11:49 PM | Show all posts
Mintak maaf yer ada beberapa silap ejaan sebab saya pakai Blackberry ajerrr menaip semua ini. Saya memang jarang pakai laptop :-))

- jenis ikan pari seperti B52.
- Jenis berbentuk loceng seperti 'The Bell' yang dibuat oleh Nazi.

Yang pelik ialah pesawat bentuk loceng ini. Kerana siap ada tulisan 'mistik' macam azimat ditulis pada body 'pesawat' ini. Entah huruf apa aku pun tak kaji lagi.

Nazi memang sangat maju dalam bidang sains elektromagnet dan jugak logam. Dengan ilmu elektromagnet dan logam inilah lahirnya benda pelik-pelik. Elektromagnet ini sangat powerful sampai boleh lawan graviti bumi (bumi sendiri ada kutub dan bumi ada magnet - kita lupa) dan boleh belah masa (time travel).
cmf_WonBin Post at 29-5-2011 22:43

Mintak maaf yer ada beberapa silap ejaan sebab saya pakai Blackberry ajerrr menaip semua ini. Saya memang jarang pakai laptop :-))

- jenis ikan pari seperti B52.
- Jenis berbentuk loceng seperti 'The Bell' yang dibuat oleh Nazi.

Yang pelik ialah pesawat bentuk loceng ini. Kerana siap ada tulisan 'mistik' macam azimat ditulis pada body 'pesawat' ini. Entah huruf apa aku pun tak kaji lagi.

Haunebu I - IV

According to Nazi mythology, the SS E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle 4) which was a development unit of the SS occult '' Order of the Black Sun '' was tasked with researching alternative energies to make the Third Reich independent of scarce fuel oil for war production. Their work included developing alternative energies and fuels.

This group supposedly developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler free energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo (a spherical tank of mercury) to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass. It was designated the Thule Triebwerk (Thrustwork, a.ka. Tachyonator-7 drive) and was to be installed into a Thule designed disc.

Since 1935 the Thule Gesellschaft (Society) had been scouting for a remote, inconspicuous, underdeveloped testing ground for such a craft. Thule found a location in Northwest Germany that was known as (or possibly designated as) Hauneburg. At the establishment of this testing ground and facilities the SS E-IV unit simply referred to the new Thule disc as a war product- the -Ger  (Hauneburg Device).

The existence of such a device is disputed by both physicists and historians and is widely regarded as a myth.

Focke-Wulf Fw VTOL Projekt

Nazi memang sangat maju dalam bidang sains elektromagnet dan jugak logam. Dengan ilmu elektromagnet dan logam inilah lahirnya benda pelik-pelik. Elektromagnet ini sangat powerful sampai boleh lawan graviti bumi (bumi sendiri ada kutub dan bumi ada magnet - kita lupa) dan boleh belah masa (time travel).

Rainbow Project (Philadelphia Experiment) ... ield/uft_index.html

Projek Albert Einstein ini diteruskan oleh pihak US tapi dibatalkan....

p/s : pasal '' time travel '' hampir nak berjaya tapi  berbahaya kepada manusia secara fizikal ...

Teknologi Teleportasi

Di Zaman Nabi Sulaiman. seorang hamba Allah telah menawarkan untuk memindahkan Istana Ratu Balqis kepada Baginda sebelum mata baginda berkelip.Keupayaan manusia itu lebih hebat dari Jin Nabi Sulaiman.Perkara ini telah diterangkan oleh Allah dalam Alquran.
Persolannya teknologi apa yang di guna hamba Allah tersebut ?.Ini menunjukan umat di zaman Nabi Sulaiman mempunyai teknologi yang hebat untuk memindahkan objek dari satu tempat ke satu tempat.

Hamba Allah ialah Menteri Nabi Sulaiman (Asif Bin Barqiya)



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Post time 30-5-2011 09:12 AM | Show all posts
Kita skarang ni lebih kepada Internet dan dunia dalam talian (networking) ala-ala The Matrix gitew ..... Hik hik hik

Use magic Report

Post time 31-5-2011 11:26 PM | Show all posts
Kekaguman ku kepada third reich dan hitler semakin meningkat.... Hail hitler!{:2_65:}

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Post time 1-6-2011 11:39 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 1-6-2011 12:29 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 1-6-2011 01:30 PM | Show all posts
McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II



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Post time 4-6-2011 09:07 PM | Show all posts
Saingan Nazi German

tak sangka teknologi Soviet lebih awal dari Nazi German terutama teknologi Roket dan Enjin Ramjet

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Post time 23-6-2011 12:05 AM | Show all posts
Warhead Found in Peenemünde

May 2011

Kröslin / Peenemünde (2011) – It was announced yesterday that on March 30, 2011, a fisherman from Kröslin found the remains of a V-2 rocket nose in the vicinity of the Historical and Technical Museum Peenemünde. It was discovered in the reed-covered shoreline of Kröslin. Museum curator Christian Mühldorfer-Vogt said yesterday, “ This is a relatively well-preserved head of a missile, a V-2 test rocket. ”

Perhaps more light is now shed on a particular test of a V-2 missile. According to an Army Research Institute launch report from Test Stand VII on February 19, 1943, this nose probably belongs to the thirteenth test missile fired from tip of Usedom. Being test flight number thirteen was most likely a bad omen for on this particular V-2, as nothing worked properly. The missile was supposed to soar 200 miles down the test range along the Pomeranian coast.

Immediately at lift-off a fire broke out in the rear of the rocket. This caused a deflection in the beam and the rocket flew instead off course to the southwest. The rocket crashed after only 4.8 kilometers of flight. The discovery of the missile tip suggests that the ominous start of the experiment and its conclusion is confirmed.

The fisherman first informed the water police and reported an unusual object. The tip was vertical in the reeds. The test body was free of explosives. As with all other rocket launches at Peenemünde, the warhead was filled with sand. The sand simulated the weight of the explosive material during the tests. After the investigation the warhead was given to the Historical and Technical Museum in April. It will be kept in the museum’s restoration workshop where the condition of the object is carefully documented and consideration is given for various options for preservation.

Apart from the weathering damage caused by nearly 70 years of resting in the reed area, the nose of the missile appears more remarkably well preserved, ” said museum curator Mühldorfer-Vogt. With the recent discovery, the museum now has four original V-2 warheads, two at the entrance main museum and a third attached to the life-size A-4/V-2 replica. Additionally, the replica has many other original V-2 parts. The newly discovered missile warhead will be installed in the movie hall of the museum following its preservation.

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Post time 30-6-2011 02:18 AM | Show all posts
aku pun terpikir gk teknologi manusia ni dh sampai tahap mana

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Post time 5-12-2011 02:09 PM | Show all posts
ada sesetengah peralatan Perang dunia kedua masih sesuai  dipakai  pada zaman ini....

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Post time 5-12-2011 04:11 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 5-12-2011 08:55 PM | Show all posts
alphawolf Post at 5-12-2011 16:11

- Meriam Howitzer

kejap yer.. tengah check kejap... ada banyak lagi...

Use magic Report

Post time 5-12-2011 09:11 PM | Show all posts
لا إله إلاَّ الله.محمد رسو ل الله

ni ke mendenya?
mende ni selalu fire atas bumbung rumah aku

Use magic Report

Post time 5-12-2011 10:06 PM | Show all posts
aku rase antara sebab utama yang membuatkan rusia tak sekuat atau sefemes US adalah kerana spy US yang power.. aku rase la..
kalo tak takkan dalam movie dorang menang je..
ok ayat last tu aku buat buat..

Use magic Report

Post time 6-12-2011 07:49 AM | Show all posts
Spy Rusia OK hape..kalau tak takkan Rusia boleh buat bom atom 3 tahun lebih cepat dari dijangka

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Post time 6-12-2011 09:44 AM | Show all posts
MG-42 masih sesuai dan ada yang produce lagi...zaman skang...

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Post time 6-12-2011 09:46 AM | Show all posts
MG-42 masih sesuai dan ada yang produce lagi...zaman skang...
shamsadis Post at 6-12-2011 09:44

Yepp...MG-3, masih dengan kadar tembakan 1,200 rpm!

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Post time 6-12-2011 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Reply 318# alphawolf

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Post time 6-12-2011 09:51 AM | Show all posts
- Meriam Howitzer

kejap yer.. tengah check kejap... ada banyak lagi...
HangPC2 Post at 5-12-2011 20:55

Ooo..maksudnya dari segi teknologi la....hmmm senjata peperangan moden kebanyakannya berdasarkan rekaan WW2 (tapi dalam versi moden la)...antaranya (kiri senjata moden, kanan senjata serupa masa WW2)

cruise missile - V-1
ballistic missile - V-2
guided bombs (laser/optical/GPS) - Fritz-X, Hs293, Bat
assault rifle - StG44

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