Untold History : Harta Qarun Pembesar Firaun pernah dijumpai di Johor
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Reply 298# gitarputih
ye la...aku terpikir gak.agak2 mcm mana sorg tu boleh jadi kaya sampai mcm tu skali.kalau bolot semua sumber dlm negeri tu..apa pulak sumber negeri tu?
jadi tak mustahil plak mamat tu ada bisnes kat luar...tak kisah la dia pegi sendiri atau dia hantar wakil utk lawat kwsn dia...
- just my dua kupang - .. |
Reply 283# abas8888
bukan ke melaka ni baru terkenal pd thn 1400 masihi...
sdgkan qarun ni idup zaman nabi musa 3000 sblm masihi
cemana tuh? |
Reply 286# Jeedai
kalau x silap aku la... aku terbaca kat porem ni jugak lah rasanya...
Qarun jd kaya dgn slh satu cara nih
1) Allah anugerahkan Qarun ni satu ilmu utk membuat emas....
2) iblis mengajar Qarun membuat emas...
tu sbb dia sorang kaya raya....kalahkan firaun...
kalu aku slh minta maaf ler... |
Clue Firaun DAN Nusantara MEMANG BERKAIT ada disini :
Time Line
The clay tablets of the Assyrians are the oldest records of the many uses of herbs. As far back as 3000BCE Assyrian myths tell of their gods drinking sesame wine. Genetic studies show that the sesame plant origins are on the subcontinent of India.
The early people of the Middle East were familiar with herbs from around the world.
· belladonna native to Europe
· opium poppy native to Turkey and
· Cannabis native to the Mediterranean
· Cloves that grow only in the Spice Islands of Malaysia
2600 BC
The builders of the Great Pyramid of Cheops fed the laborers on herbs from Asia to keep up their strength.
Cloves grown only in the Malaysian islands known as the Moluccas or Spice Islands where already popular in Syria
The Code of Hammurabi(1796BC-1750BC (check correct name& BD) introduced severe penalties for poorly performed surgery. The physicians of the time already knew of the great healing powers of the herbs that originated in Asia. This demand for Asian herbs lead to the establishment of the trade routes that eventually reached from the Spice Islands to Europe
The Ebers Papyrus lists the herbs that were used in the embalming process of the pharaohs. This list included cassia, cinnamon and turmeric, all native to Southeast Asia and Malaysia.
Hatshepsut (1508 BC - 1458 BC) a famous female Pharaoh, sent expeditions into present day Somalia returning with herbs from not just the horn of Africa but via the Middle East from Asia as well.
Semua penerangan diatas tercatat di : http://hubpages.com/hub/Arab-Tra ... e-East-and-the-West
Reply abas8888
bukan ke melaka ni baru terkenal pd thn 1400 masihi...
sdgkan qarun ni idup z ...
afja Post at 11-1-2011 08:26
This one plak... "Malacca" is just a 'new' state emerged 500 years ago.. BEFORE THAT..
3000 BC (5000 years ago)... Egyptian and Solomon have sent their ships back and fro to Malay Peninsula = to extract golds and herbs... (rujukannya dalam Old Tastement and Ebers Papyrus)
So.. Malaya pada zaman :
3000 BC - 'unknown' history.. vanished in time.. x dapat dikesan ape yg ada di 'sini'..
sampai laa ke tahun ;....
800 AD - 'new age' with emergence of Srivijaya dan majapahit
1200 AD - aged of malacca
Missing link dia antara tahun 3000 BC to 800 AD |
Reply 305# unekspekted_II
tp kalau zaman Nabi Sulaiman aku percaya jek......
sbb Nabi Sulaiman mmg menguasai golongan jin dan makhluk2 lain termasuk manusia...
so ikut logik aku... Nabi Sulaiman la yg perintahkan jin amik emas/kayu kayan kat so called nusantara tuh....
kalau zaman musa..... ermm aku x boleh fikir logik la.
any ideas? |
ada ke god minum wine di assyria? bleh caya ke sumber kau tu unek |
ada ke god minum wine di assyria? bleh caya ke sumber kau tu unek |
ada ke god minum wine di assyria? bleh caya ke sumber kau tu unek
sekngucing Post at 11-1-2011 10:44
ade.. kat BAALBEK |
Reply 304# unekspekted_II
Cloves grown only in the Malaysian islands known as the Moluccas or Spice Islands where already popular in Syria
Moluccas = Melaka....tak lari jauh namanya ye.. |
Reply 303# afja
rasa mcm ni... rasanyer.... doa dr nabi musa... nabi musa mengajar qarun ilmu untuk membuat emas di mana.. zaman skrng pun x mampu..... so sbb ni kaya raya..... pasal ader harta kt sini.. x pasti pulak... tp zaman dulu2...dh ader perniagaan..dan trading.. klo idak.. xkan ader brang2 dr empayer lain ker empayer lain....... dan ader jalan sutera...... dan ader jalan ke asia.. lupa apa orang panggilll |
aku percaya pasal perdagangan nusantara jual rempah kat firaun, tu logik
-tp bab qarun jadi org bawahan firaun
-harta dia ada di johor
-tuhan minum arak di assyria
-semua tu tak logik laaa |
Reply 313# sekngucing
'logic' has no place to judge history = sebab.. 8000 tonnes batu seketul dibuat utk membina kuil.. or.. 4000 tonnes baru utk membina pyramid mayan, transported thru 400 km densed jungle..
ikut 'logic' ko.. boleh??? |
mari ikut 'logik' ko..
how to transport this monstrous single block???:
jawapan : tidak dapat diangkat.. sebab tu terbiar kat situ.. WRONG!!!
.. this is the 3rd block.. the 1st and 2nd block sudahpun diangkat 10 feet utk dijadikan dinding kuil :
AGAIN : "logic" has no place to judges history |
Reply 312# anonymous
thanks yer anony....
atas pencerahan tuh... |
bab angkat batu tu blehh laa, guna kayu penggolek, mcm buat piramid tu
-kalau la dlm sejarah, logik tak dimabil kira maka bnyak sejarah tak logik laaa
-kalu bnyak sejarah tak logik, jadinya bukan sejarah, dah jadi mitos, legenda |
Post Last Edit by sekngucing at 11-1-2011 11:33
bab angkat batu tu blehh laa, guna kayu penggolek, mcm buat piramid tu
-kalau la dlm sejarah, logik tak dimabil kira maka bnyak sejarah tak logik laaa
-kalu bnyak sejarah tak logik, jadinya bukan sejarah, dah jadi mitos, legenda |
Reply 316# afja
xper.. anon pun ingt2 lupa.. dh tua katakan.. heheh nk tngok bnda2 ni smua.. kiter smua kene cari relate tamadun lain... baru maybe leh jumpa "lost" mesti ader sdkit catatann.. lain.... dr luar... |
ni nak kasik pencerahan sikit...
silk road route |
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